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Socialist Democrats Allege They Are Saving The Nation By Repeatedly Violating The US Constitution

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posted on Jun, 4 2024 @ 12:51 AM
I could go on and on about the socialist Dems and the Commie leftists in the Country ruining it by design and intent.

However, most of you already know my disposition.

It mirrors the sentiments of almost all (99%) combat veterans.
So I'll will share what Combat Veterans for Congress are saying;

Socialist Democrats Allege They Are Saving The Nation By Preventing Trump From Running: They Aren't Saving The Nation By Repeatedly Violating The US Constitution

Lavrentiy Beria, the most ruthless and longest-serving Secret Police Chief in Joseph Stalin’s reign of terror in Russia and Eastern Europe, bragged that he could prove the criminal conduct of anyone, even those who were innocent. “Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime” was Beria’s infamous boast. Obama first corrupted the US Judicial System, then applied Beria’s Communist boast in four separate indictments against an innocent man, President Donald J Trump.

George Soros, Obama, and Obama’s Communist allies have been continually active in the last 20 years in their repeated attempts to shred the US Justice System.  President Trump needs and deserves the support of the American voters from the lawfare being perpetrated by Soros, Social Democrats, Socialists, Marxists, Communists, Obama, and Biden trying to prevent him from running for the election of President of the United States. 

Each American Citizen should get out into their own communities to educate their fellow Americans about the above listed violation of US Federal Laws, should support the organizations in their home states opposing Voter Fraud, and try to volunteer to work at the polls to prevent Voter Fraud in their own Congressional Districts. 

Defend the Constitutional Republic

May God bless America, We the People need Jesus.

posted on Jun, 4 2024 @ 01:12 AM
a reply to: ADVISOR

I like your way of thinking! Especially the last line.

posted on Jun, 4 2024 @ 04:38 AM
a reply to: ADVISOR

God has blessed America.

You should stop some time and take in the sights and smell the flowers. It's a lovely place.

Despite the war mongering and eternal division of a people at peace in a land of plenty.

edit on 2024-06-04T04:40:24-05:0004Tue, 04 Jun 2024 04:40:24 -050006am00000030 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2024 @ 06:39 AM
a reply to: chr0naut

Yours is an interesting viewpoint. Question for you...

I can imagine, and have even contemplated as much, a place where I could reside and just watch the splendors of the country every day from my front porch. A place where the birds sing, and the sky is blue. I know of this place, a place far away from all the country's troubles. By my estimation, I could live out my remaining days in just such a place, though it would be a photo finish before the outside world caught up to me. I would never pick up a newspaper, or turn on a television, or ever connect to the internet. I would be completely oblivious to the outside world beyond my stretch of ground. But could you live out the rest of your days in such a place knowing, while you are insulated from all those things going on in the world, that all those things are still going on? Would you feel no guilt or remorse? Guilt that you had entered a foot race to the reaper's doorstep which you will win (narrowly) in your insulated splendor knowing full well that the world around you which you are insulated from, and all future generations, will be not permitted the same fate?

posted on Jun, 4 2024 @ 07:29 AM
a reply to: chr0naut

God blessed America until we turned from Him in the 60s.

The mess we are in, is because we turned our back on Him.

Yes, this world is beautiful, I enjoy the beauty every chance I get...especially on the golf course.

But we as a people, have become ugly.

If we as a nation, humble ourselves and reach out to God in sincerity, we can become a shining light on the hill again.

Otherwise, our country is lost.

posted on Jun, 4 2024 @ 07:48 AM

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: ADVISOR

God has blessed America.

You should stop some time and take in the sights and smell the flowers. It's a lovely place.

Despite the war mongering and eternal division of a people at peace in a land of plenty.

Can't afford to. The weeds and grass overgrew my flower garden and I can't afford an electric mower and gas is too high. Plus, my grocery bills are high, can't afford to eat so my weight and health have declined so much, my body weight to 22lbs and my mother's friend's sister's daughter who is a medical student says I should conserve my energy and stay in bed. I decided to heed her advice because I can't afford health insurance or a doctor visit. Unfortunately, there's nothing to watch on tv because I can't afford cable or internet. I can barely afford my cell phone even at $32/mo but I feel I have no choice as it allows me a bit of internet access. The food shelf offers are nil and the thrift store is bare as well. There are no jobs as all the small business closed because they couldn't afford the higher wages needed to retain employees nor the purchasing of product and materials due to the rising cost of all goods.


But hey, yeah, the same clowns screaming that Trump will ruin our democracy.......have ruined our democracy in the name of preventing him from attaining ruin our democracy.

Got it.

posted on Jun, 4 2024 @ 08:50 AM
a reply to: StoutBroux

Fact of the matter is, we are not a democracy.

posted on Jun, 4 2024 @ 08:58 AM
a reply to: ADVISOR
It is astounding, the levels of intelligence and sophistication our leaders exude. I'm sure glad we have such exemplary specimens of human intelligence ruling over us. Don't you?

Look on the bright side of the situation in DC.

The stupidity and corruption in that town isn't going to last much longer.

Putin is going to put a stop to it any day now.

edit on 4-6-2024 by charlest2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2024 @ 09:38 AM

originally posted by: ADVISOR
a reply to: StoutBroux

Fact of the matter is, we are not a democracy.

I want to scream every time I hear "our democracy"…

Commie bastards.

posted on Jun, 4 2024 @ 10:36 AM
We are a Republic and the heads of our government work for the American people....all of us, and it does not matter what party that the politicians are in, once in office they are working for all American people...except of course criminals unless they have fulfilled their sentences for their crime AND have been reformed.

Maybe we should remind our politicians that they work for us...the people of the country as a whole.

posted on Jun, 4 2024 @ 10:38 AM

originally posted by: rickymouse
We are a Republic and the heads of our government work for the American people....all of us, and it does not matter what party that the politicians are in, once in office they are working for all American people...except of course criminals unless they have fulfilled their sentences for their crime AND have been reformed.

Maybe we should remind our politicians that they work for us...the people of the country as a whole.

I probably got my name on multiple lists from that comment. Mice do not have the rights of Humans I guess, neither do the sheep which the government thinks we are.

posted on Jun, 4 2024 @ 11:32 AM
a reply to: theatreboy

God blessed America until we turned from Him in the 60s..

Well then, the only cure is to force everyone back to the 50s, isn't it?


Is that still a joke to say, or is the Alito-backed Appeal To Heaven gameplan a real thing? I hoped it was mostly fear and overreacting.

If we as a nation, humble ourselves and reach out to God in sincerity, we can become a shining light on the hill again.

No... Not those two comments together.

Yes, the Godly pre-sixties! The glory of the 50s! When miscegenation was still a word people used to describe the ethnically mixed children. I guess the joke was, "Where does a mulatto sit in the segregated restaurant?"

Honestly, the thought of that social regression makes me uneasy.

Makes me want to drop the humor entirely and say quite firmly to all Christian Nationalists with goals to reshape our nation around a 1950s god NOT mentioned anywhere in the constitution.


* Sorry if I used your comment out of your intended context to build my reactive response to the Christian Nationalist Trend. Complete with hard to watch batsh*t rebuttals from the kitchen.

It's hard to vote Republican when it now piggybacks a forceful regression.
edit on 4-6-2024 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2024 @ 12:22 PM
a reply to: ADVISOR


posted on Jun, 4 2024 @ 02:19 PM
Update - June 4, 2024

During testimony this morning, Attorney General Merrick Garland tells Congress they can't have the audio of Joe Biden being interviewed by Special Counsel Robert Hur, because they don't have a "legitimate reason" to hear it.

Garland is saying Congress's "oversight" authority stops where he says it stops! Sensing they don't have the guts, Garland is daring them to slash his DOJ budget, or hold him in contempt of Congress over this.

The Ball is now in GOP House Speaker Johnson's court!

posted on Jun, 4 2024 @ 02:22 PM

originally posted by: Degradation33
a reply to: theatreboy

God blessed America until we turned from Him in the 60s..

Well then, the only cure is to force everyone back to the 50s, isn't it?


Is that still a joke to say, or is the Alito-backed Appeal To Heaven gameplan a real thing? I hoped it was mostly fear and overreacting.

If we as a nation, humble ourselves and reach out to God in sincerity, we can become a shining light on the hill again.

No... Not those two comments together.

Yes, the Godly pre-sixties! The glory of the 50s! When miscegenation was still a word people used to describe the ethnically mixed children. I guess the joke was, "Where does a mulatto sit in the segregated restaurant?"

Honestly, the thought of that social regression makes me uneasy.

Makes me want to drop the humor entirely and say quite firmly to all Christian Nationalists with goals to reshape our nation around a 1950s god NOT mentioned anywhere in the constitution.


* Sorry if I used your comment out of your intended context to build my reactive response to the Christian Nationalist Trend. Complete with hard to watch batsh*t rebuttals from the kitchen.

It's hard to vote Republican when it now piggybacks a forceful regression.

Where in the world did you get me wanting to go back to the 50's?

I will remind you that is was Republicans who passed the civil rights act. It was the Republicans who died to free the slaves.

It was the democrats who fought to keep slavery. It was the democrats who formed the KKK. It was the democrats who wrote Jim Crow laws. It was democrats who fought the Civil rights act.

Most Christians I know who don't just say they believe, are Republicans.

I do not know one Christian who is a racist, homophobe.

I do know a lot of scientists who don't believe in God who are racists. Who also sayhomosexuals are the Earth's way of saying your genes need to go away.

I know a lot of Democrat racists. Those who believe Black's don't know how to use a computer. Those who believe minorities are dumber than whites and need special treatment to get a job.

posted on Jun, 4 2024 @ 02:32 PM
a reply to: ADVISOR

It's why Biden ignores the Supreme Court, wants to change the numbers.

He wants to fundamentally transform America.

Sound familiar?

posted on Jun, 4 2024 @ 03:17 PM
a reply to: theatreboy

That's what this was for:

Sorry if I used your comment out of your intended context to build my reactive response to the Christian Nationalist Trend.

I deliberately took the words out of context for what I feel it says when those two sentiments are used closely together. America Turned on God in the 60s + we need to restore God's importance. In so many words. It paints a picture for me.

It's definitely my bias, but it's like people look back on the Leave it to Beaver era as the Apex of American culture. The picket fences and The Cold War. June Clever as the apex female. Remembering fondly the Norman Rockwell Malt Shoppe. Outdated heteronormality. Duck and cover drills.

But what was that culture really? It was Fourth Reich Americana. Nazi Germany Lite. Propaganda and all.

The 50s were an Irony. We defeated the Nazis to copy and instill a bigoted patriarchal culture of white-male supremacy, that was literally taught to be God's chosen method to fight the godless communists.

I don't think any of that former shining glory (that ended in the 60s) is worth recapturing, even to piss off and fight the woke, even in it's lite lite version.

I once again apologize for my out of context use.
edit on 4-6-2024 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2024 @ 03:34 PM
I blame Republicans for no doing anything to stop the democrats takeover of the US with their Marxism, they allowed democrats to corrupt the judicial system, the backers of democrats are the ones that owns the judicial system now.

I am still trying to figure out why Republicans has allowed everything that is going on, they are soft on everything run by democrats and their appointees, I guess because they are all blackmailed too.

In 2024 democrats will be again in power.

I will just go to Florida and retired.

posted on Jun, 4 2024 @ 03:38 PM
a reply to: Degradation33

I may not agree with all the things you say here, but you definitely do write some interesting and thought provoking posts.

In any case, I think I'd compare society today to be far more in line with the Fourth Reich than that of the 50's.

posted on Jun, 4 2024 @ 03:40 PM
a reply to: marg6043

As much as I hate to say it, you are correct.

And the explanation of the republicans actions you refer to is what Trump correctly referred to as "The Swamp".

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