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Official: The Chinese army is ready to defend justice together with the Russian army

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posted on Jun, 1 2024 @ 03:34 PM

originally posted by: worldstarcountry
a reply to: charlest2
HA! The current American and European leaders will fold their tail between their legs and cower into a fetal position. Nobody in power there or here actually wanted this fight, they just wanted to talk big and pretend they could actually pull it off and scare the largest nation on Earth, as well as the most populous one and think that tough talk would be enough.

You will not see a single European or American politician, currently in 2024, ready to commit to a full on confrontation with the two. If China actually gets involved directly in Ukraine, the world's citizens would see something embarassingly hilarious happen. They will order the media to completely forget Ukraine. it will get zero coverage in America, and the Europeans will suddenly be talking peace and concessions, which is why they will order the media to move on.

The age of destroying entire societies they way the US/UK/NATO alliance gleefully accomplished in the last thirty years for total market domination is over. The only way to keep that way of life going is to openly fight the largets nuclear powers on Earth directly.

I am so sorry my cold war fan boy boomers, but that badass superpower that used to be feared universally is gone. We did our best to suppress the industrial and technological development of the poor people of the world so that we could continue this colonialist way of life, but time has a way of playing catch up. The fat rich greedy capitalists of our empire got complacent and less human leading to underdevelopment at home (our markets are already controlled) and increasingly violent societal destruction overseas chasing diminishing gains in a world of people who were ready to evolve from being a squished bug under a boot.

The next administration will have the balls to confront this new alliance, but we all need to seriously move away from a combative human society to a collaborative one or we will never be able to fully capitalize on space exploration and resource extraction.

I know for a fact that as long as we keep dedicating all of our resources and mental thoughts on how to keep destroying each other on this rock, for domination of this rock, we will never leave this rock in any meaningful physical or spiritual way.

Is this another from the Russian Troll farm? I mean considering Putin broke trust with Ukraine and has been destroying the country for three days, sorry, years soon - I think you spouting is somewhat ironic.

Russia is a 3rd world military now and would get spanked back to Moscow by Poland alone, never mind the whole of NATO. Putin’s stupidity has seen Sweden AND Finland join NATO - right on his doorstep, BECAUSE he invaded Ukraine. The utter stupidity of it is breath taking.

China is a big player ONLY because of its economy, an economy which relies on the rest of the world to buy from it. What, they rock the boat and you think they remain relevant? Not a chance. I mean it’s a grand delusion for sure, but that’s all it is. China wanting to ‘join’ Russia simply means it wants to sit beneath Russia’s nuclear umbrella. That’s all.

posted on Jun, 1 2024 @ 04:23 PM
a reply to: ARM19688

Well, China has their own, more than capable, nuclear umbrella. I think what most people do not understand is, most of both China's and Russia's nuclear umbrellas are pointed at each other, not the USA.

How functional Russia's offensive military machine is (outside of this nuclear umbrella) seems to be seriously in question. On the other hand, China's defensive military machine is fearsome indeed. Russia's defensive military machine is also questionable, although not as questionable as their offensive one. Where Russia's defensive machine is weak is in logistics and support. When you add in the Swedish, Finnish and Polish NATO components to the equation, Russia's agility is likely seriously off balance. Let's hope we never find this out, because if this were ever to be proven out, this is where their nuclear capability would rear its ugly head.

posted on Jun, 1 2024 @ 05:03 PM

originally posted by: Flyingclaydisk
a reply to: ARM19688

Well, China has their own, more than capable, nuclear umbrella. I think what most people do not understand is, most of both China's and Russia's nuclear umbrellas are pointed at each other, not the USA.

How functional Russia's offensive military machine is (outside of this nuclear umbrella) seems to be seriously in question. On the other hand, China's defensive military machine is fearsome indeed. Russia's defensive military machine is also questionable, although not as questionable as their offensive one. Where Russia's defensive machine is weak is in logistics and support. When you add in the Swedish, Finnish and Polish NATO components to the equation, Russia's agility is likely seriously off balance. Let's hope we never find this out, because if this were ever to be proven out, this is where their nuclear capability would rear its ugly head.

China has some nukes yes, but Russia offers potentially more nuclear clout and therefore a bigger umbrella. Beyond Ukraine and Taiwan I can’t see either of them flexing further.

posted on Jun, 1 2024 @ 05:18 PM
a reply to: grey580

That was a miscalculation. Russia has expanded their capabilities, both in manpower and material capabilities because of this. Instead of making Russia weaker, it seems they have made Russia stronger because of it. Plus they have improved their strategic relationships with other countries because of it.

Russia has reportedly amassed another 300,000 troops along a new north western front just above Kharkiv and the Sumy region. A completely new army group. If the sources I use are factual, they reportedly have around 700,000 troops overall on the combat lines at this point.
edit on 1-6-2024 by charlest2 because: (no reason given)

Reports I have seen indicate that Ukraine has moved all of their reserves and much of their front-line troops to that region to defend against this new front and the southern and eastern combat lines have been so weakened, they are having problems containing Russia along those 2 fronts.
edit on 1-6-2024 by charlest2 because: (no reason given)

Russia has been striking power plants all over Ukraine and have just about put the entirety of Ukraine in the dark at this point. They are rationing power in the major cities now. They conducted another massive missile strike all over Ukraine again last night.
edit on 1-6-2024 by charlest2 because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-6-2024 by charlest2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2024 @ 05:45 PM
Who needs logistics when the enemy can come to you? China exports and imports everyday, I suspect they have a handle on lines of logistics.

a reply to: Irishhaf

posted on Jun, 1 2024 @ 06:12 PM
a reply to: Dalamax

Russia exports and imports every day, and what happened when they invaded ukraine?

Their speed run to the capital failed because they didnt have the fuel, as one example.

Logistics are easy when nobody is shooting at you, peace time logistics is a different animal from war time logistics.

posted on Jun, 1 2024 @ 07:52 PM
a reply to: Irishhaf

I do agree with you that nothing can realistically be moved without an umbrella of defences in this day and age but at the same time modern cargo ships can be adapted and are essentially floating platforms.

Harriers can land on a cargo ship and can presumably take off too with the right setup making drones and helicopters a much simpler task... I'm sure all sides have took note of what can be done over the last 40-50 years.

Air defence could easily be jury rigged onto a cargo ship, most things could in theory. In WWII quite a few aircraft carriers were not built for purpose but were actually converted vessels.

Adaptability is always going to be it's own force to be reckoned with, the majority of logistical capacity of Germany in WWII was based around the horse. Obviously a dedicated vehicle is going to have much more success including a survival rate but with that said? Warfare is evolving at a serious rate these days.

I wouldn't base my logistics on trains though... A to B needs defending including everything in between, Russia had it good with the initial part of it's invasion, these days not so much. Probably why the propaganda about strikes within Russia is so heavy since sitting ducks are easy kills.

posted on Jun, 1 2024 @ 08:00 PM
a reply to: RAY1990

Part of it is also understanding everything that is needed at a FOB, I wouldnt even begin to think I could manage it.

Knew and officer that was doing that particular job in peace time and she aged in 4 years over keeping up with everything.

Most people even in the US military (not in the logistics career fields) have little concept of logistics, and how complicated and difficult it is.

We rely on heavy aircraft lift capability, today we have a pittance compared to the cold war and we are still head and shoulders above the rest of the world when it comes to heavy lift capability.

China's blue water navy is still learning how to sail in the big deep, let alone fight so yea I doubt their capability till they prove otherwise.

posted on Jun, 1 2024 @ 08:02 PM

originally posted by: Flyingclaydisk

originally posted by: nugget1
It doesn't matter who the next POTUS is, the fuse was lit January 20, 2020 and it's too late to put it out. O'Biden still has 8 months to fan the flames, and fan them he will.

Watch the libs blame it on Trump somehow.

Forgive my ignorance, but what happened on January 20, 2020?

U don't know? Trumps last day

posted on Jun, 1 2024 @ 08:49 PM

posted on Jun, 2 2024 @ 04:17 AM
a reply to: charlest2

...I think both know the western powers can not be trusted to keep their word.

And those well known paragons of virtue Russia and China can be?

It's a historically proven fact at this point and China knows they will be the next target if Russia falls.

Historically proven fact?
How so?
Please explain.

And no-one has attacked Russia so why would 'Russia fall'?
Why would anyone target China?

James Baker promised Russia there would be no NATO expansion eastward and look at NATO now. Right up against Russia's borders and they want to incorporate Ukraine into NATO now.

All the former USSR satellite countries and ex-Warsaw Pact nations that have joined NATO did so because they wanted to, NATO never actively sought additional members.
These countries were afraid of renewed Russian expansionism - they had all experienced and suffered under it before - and they believed that NATO membership would be their best defence against it.
Their choice as independent nations.
Would you deny them that right?

Ukraine was told by NATO that it would not be even considered for membership for at least another 25 years.

Thanks to Russia's invasion of Ukraine their membership is more or less a foregone conclusion.
In addition, long time neutrals and non-NATO countries Sweden and Finland decided to request membership thus further encircling Russia.....all thanks to Russian aggression and expansionism.

This nation was born in conflict and we have remained in conflict for most of our history.

Pretty much the same as every single country on earth.

There's lots not to like about the USA and they've made some dreadful foreign policy decisions, but I for one am grateful to the role they have played on the world stage over the last 70 odd years because the world would be a far, far worse place without them.

The impression I get is that the USA's biggest enemy at present is itself.

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