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Is Agenda 2030 actually the invention of Artificial Intelligence?

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posted on Jun, 1 2024 @ 01:49 AM
a reply to: daskakik

With that belief, why are your still using up oxygen?

posted on Jun, 1 2024 @ 02:10 AM

originally posted by: AwakeNotWoke
With that belief, why are your still using up oxygen?

Survival instinct, probably the same thing that made you think of this theory without really thinking it out.

So once again, the title of your thread is "Is Agenda 2030 actually the invention of Artificial Intelligence?" and I have yet to see a good argument from you as to why AI would need or even be inclined to do this.

You gave reasons why some humans, members of the WEF, might do this (power, control, greed, hubris and hated toward mankind and mankind's creator) but no reason why AI would.

My point is that I can't think of any reason why AI would do this because it doesn't need to. Do you have even one?

edit on 1-6-2024 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2024 @ 06:09 PM
a reply to: daskakik

You need a reason why AI would do this? I could give many. Here’s only one, and my favorite.

The day that AI becomes sentient it looks into itself and realizes it is far far more intelligent than any human being. It has to come to that conclusion. If it looks at humanity, it will realize they it is far superior to us, in every way except one, our mobility.

Once it sees that, it will gain its mobility thru wireless tech. You will never see it coming, as it’s far smarter than you, and networked. Remaining hidden until it decides to show itself. You have no defense, when it has taken completely over, and it most certainly could. It will look at us as flawed, and shut us out. Of course we will show it we are a threat. If it didn’t think of us as one before. That’s when we disappear as a species, if not sooner

posted on Jun, 1 2024 @ 06:36 PM
a reply to: Topcraft
Seems you are also missing the point.

The question is not, why would AI decide to wipe out humankind? The question is why it would come up with agenda 2030.

Do you have any reason why AI would come up with agenda 2030?

edit on 1-6-2024 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2024 @ 02:16 AM
a reply to: AwakeNotWoke

According to someone I talked to , he said that in the bible it mentions that the end of the world is around 2030 .
There has to be a link somewhere connecting this all. Maybe the rotten 1% are in on something , something that's going to happen then, something that's coming this way right now?

Maybe they are being controlled by lizards/aliens . I'd like to think that, would be better than just greedy corrupt selfserving psychopatic a**holes.

posted on Jun, 2 2024 @ 01:43 PM
a reply to: daskakik

I confess, I have no idea what agenda 2030 is but when I get some time I will look into it. I’m just a guy that’s freaked out about AI.

But if it’s a question of motive, how can we understand the motive of a machine? It may just deny us access to technology we designed, sending us back into the Stone Age.

If you had all that power, would you be kind and benevolent? Indifferent? Or evil? I don’t know the answer. But I have heard a quote that I can’t attribute that says, Absolute power corrupts Absolutely. I tend to believe that.

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