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Have you ever heard a voice in your head?

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posted on May, 24 2024 @ 06:30 PM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

Only once when i was very young... It wa not a nice voice either
a taunitng voice full of menace ..
Scared me a lot and Ive never forgotten the erxperience
edit on Fri, 24 May 2024 18:31:08 -0500316America/ChicagoFriday4 by rigel4 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2024 @ 06:36 PM
Never heard a voice, but I did go through an episode of exploding head syndrome.

Now that was crazy!!!!

Although its name is very vivid, exploding head syndrome isn't painful.

It's where you hear a loud noise in the head upon waking up at night or during the wake-sleep transition -- and other people don't hear it. It may sound like fireworks, a bomb exploding, or a loud crash. Some people have described it as a gunshot, cymbals crashing, or a lightning strike.

For me, it was like a gunshot going off about 6 inches from your ear. It went away on its own.
edit on R382024-05-24T18:38:17-05:00k385Vpm by RickinVa because: (no reason given)

edit on R392024-05-24T18:39:37-05:00k395Vpm by RickinVa because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2024 @ 06:38 PM
When I was younger (teenager) I would smoke a lot of skunk weed, and after a while I became unwell with a sort of schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. I began to hear aggressive, nasty voices which persecuted me viciously. It became unbearable after smoking weed so I stopped doing that eventually, even though I had enjoyed it for several years prior. After around two years of this I became a Christian after a dramatic conversion experience in which God answered very specific prayer in a very specific way the very next day after I had prayed for help. Around six months after becoming a Christian I realised that I was no longer being subjected to the persecuting voices - God's presence in my life had healed me completely of that illness.

Nowadays, when I pray & seek God's direction in my life, He will give me visions or words of knowledge regarding some specific situation, or He will provide me with a very specific & often prophetic dream, many of which come true in actual life experiences several days, weeks, months or even years later. I hear His voice in a manner which is different to how I heard the demonic voices as a youngster - He speaks in a still, small voice, calm & peace-inducing, directing me with a comfort in my spirit which enables me to hear Him & follow His instructions, often when I am praying for other people He will speak through these visions & words of knowledge which describe secret things these people have kept quiet about in their lives, being revealed in prayer so as to convince them that God is real & ready to help in their situation.

Sidebar - sometimes I have had very surreal one-off experiences in which I have heard a 'voice to skull' military type technologically induced 'voice' in my head, which is different to both the demonic voices of schizophrenia, and the still small voice of God - it is a clear, clarion call resounding like an echo audibly within the mind, even sometimes audible to the ears. I believe I have been messed with on occasion by the state security services here in the UK, though it has only happened a couple of times over the past ten years, so it hasn't been a big deal.

Hope all is well with you & you get some clarity about your experience. God can be with you on a daily basis if you want Him to meet with you in that particular way. It sounds like He has spoken clearly to you on at least one occasion in the past - know that He loves you & wants to form a friendship with you which lasts through the years until we meet our ultimate death & enter His kingdom. Godspeed sir.


posted on May, 24 2024 @ 08:19 PM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

I have several times through out my life.

As an example, when I was a teenager,I ran down this hill onto an ice rink and slipped and did a backwards swan dive onto my head. I instantly stood up and a voice in my ear said "Get to a snowbank" so I started to the edge of the rink,and went face first into a snowbank. Soft landing but I was out for about a minute. Came to with my friends kicking snow at me to wake me up.

Had that voice not said that, I would of gone face first into the ice rink and probably would of ended up with more than just a concussion.
The walk home sucked. I wasn't sure what happened to me,only that I wanted to go home.

That voice only happens when something bad just happened or is about to.
It is a command, and I dunno who it is,
but that voice has saved me a few times.

posted on May, 24 2024 @ 09:02 PM
a reply to: alwaysbeenhere2

Agree the being scared is situational. I was alluding to those of the mindset that dabble in paranormal then realize just cause they've been armchair experts it's not helping them out in the real world.

The biggest challenge is finding a way to locate your own personal "off button". Just cause you have the ability to hear definately doesn't mean you want too. Personally I never thought it was abnormal for random voices or other stuff to happen. Altho I also don't see much of a point in it happening to me. Surely whatever's responsible for the weirdness can easily go find at least 100 other people who're begging to have a experience?
You'd think.

I'm a complete waste of it's time.

posted on May, 24 2024 @ 10:51 PM
Some people can hear their subconscious speaking to them clearly. I can. I know it is my subconscious, and it seems to be way smarter than I am. Usually it is trying to keep me civil.

Where does this knowledge come from. I think that people of a kind are linked through the subconscious somehow. Because if I want an answer and ask this part of my mind it gives me an answer, and I did a lot of studying on the answer it gave, it was a generalization of very advanced knowledge of a subject. On top of that, one time I asked who was giving me the answer after researched it and two names popped into my head, both were extremely prestigious physicists, one working at CERN and what I was asking was comparable to the knowledge they would have had in their field. One was a Johnson, I can't remember the last name of the other one that worked in nuclear energy. I was asking questions about getting power out of the trees....I have not yet tested how much power I could get out of the trees, but it would be enough to run some led lights and maybe charge a battery for reserve power in an emergency.

I asked the trees another time how to prune my fruit trees....I got an answer and the answer was right on. I would never have thought of it, the answer was to do with grafting used to graft the particular trees I had bought I found, I knew nothing about that, at the time I thought it was information given to me by the trees....but I am thinking actually I am somehow linked to someone who knows this stuff, the trees might just be antennas that increase the power of the signals between us.

So is my ability to know things because I can somehow communicate and translate this link? I have been doing this all my life, I just believed I had some kind of knack at pulling the right answer out of thin air. I have known a lot of people in my life, and treated people well, maybe by doing this, I gained a link to their knowledge in their mind...people of a kind include relatives, people you are associated with, friends, and people who you respect and they respect you. I guess that is why I cannot link to my wife, I have no possible way of knowing what she is thinking.

There has been a lot of research on this link over the years. Also knowledge can be stored in crystals, lots of things have crystal lattices including steel, glass, and even rocks. Being able to translate that information has been studied too, to store information you would need a conductive metal to get it into a diamond. The salt and water from sweat can also possibly transfer information from a windshield or metal to a person. But the ability to read this information would be hard to learn I would guess, maybe psychics could have learned to be able to read information from something.

There is way more that can be learned by mankind than we already know. People who think they know everything are mistaken, maybe they actually are just good at this link....and if a person believes they know everything, they are less apt to find the whole truth, belief steers you to believe in yourself instead of learning what is really going on.

Just some things I have discovered in my life, not really good at utilizing or translating this stuff, especially indoors, outside in the woods or around the fire away from electrical frequencies it is much easier to do this. Also in the basement I feel this link could be stronger.

But always remember this, never trust this information, you could be linked to someone psycho, or someone who believes they know something, but they are so hooked on prestige, they cannot see the whole picture.

posted on May, 25 2024 @ 01:06 AM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

I woke up one morning and had Corinthians 9/12 said to me over and over i new it wasn't my usual thinking voice bc i had both. i went about my usual morning routine and it would not stop repeating, at the time i had not heard of Corinthians before so i turn on comp. and looked it up. As soon as i looked it up the voice stopped. i think the voice wanted me to do that. It was a religious book so i did not know of it. so it was not a past memory. The definition i got from it was that i have a purpose on earth to just help people when i can.
Can anyone that knows these thing help me with that interpretation please.
this happened about 12 years ago.

posted on May, 25 2024 @ 02:01 AM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

I have heard a voice, not my own, in my head on a couple if occasions. To be honest, I never realy thought much of the incidents because what was said was no more than a word or two, and nothing of any significance, or context; just some random word or phrase.

I do maintain an almost constant internal dialog, so I am quite familiar with the "sound" (if you can call it that) of my own thoughts. What I have heard on those rare occasions was not "from me", nor anyone near me nor known to me. In fact, I cannot say that what I heard was even, in truth, meant for me to hear; more like I just happened to "overhear" someone else's out loud thought.

Although, my in my experience wherein I have actually picked up the unspoken thoughts of someone in my vicinity (which has happened more often than the phenomenon addressed in the OP), those thoughts were communicated much less...powerfully.

posted on May, 25 2024 @ 02:13 AM

originally posted by: Draculad
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan


Only around the sleeping stage (hypnagogic) so they can be discounted as musings of the brain. Usually random stuff but sometimes almost personal. Apparently that's 'normal' although I don't rule out being a bit nuts.

Seems to happen once a month or so. The voices are from within the head so ear muffs or anything like that won't stop them.

I've had similar experiences when meditating although that could be the same thing as meditation is naturally relaxing whilst offering near full control over the body if one becomes fully engaged with the process.

I can't claim to know what it's all about, when I hear others talk about this topic 2 things always stand out which is either heightened stress or a sense of pure relaxation. The far ends of a spectrum so to speak, I find that worthy of note especially if others want to replicate the experience.

I get exactly this and it's when I am super stressy! All I hear is the sound of either a man in pain or scared scream. It only lasts a second. Then it is gone. I am always perplexed at how I could hear this in my head but it sounds like it's out but it's not! I am so glad there is an explanation to this. I thought I might be going nuts

posted on May, 25 2024 @ 02:54 PM

originally posted by: Degradation33
a reply to: UltimateLoser

Okay, Avatar/Profile explained then...

Dystopia = California, The USA, Western World etc etc.
Senseless Practitioner = what a scentless apprentice turns into... it's an ironic inside joke that no one needs to fully understand.

Maybe Nirvana fans catch it.

As a painting =

The avatar/background is entirely through a Salvador Dali Filter. It was hardest to keep the AI from putting mustaches on all the images. All are Dali AI painting of other artwork. And the avatar, and all the ones in the lavender turtleneck, are images from a repeating seed image.

And I can't get rid of them, the voices. Drugs are nothing. Not even antipsychotics.

I think it was either lysergic acid, rave drugs, or occult things that turned me into what I am. And it's about 19 years in being fully integrated in my psyche, going back 25, that's worth adding.

And if you were to base all witches everywhere off American Horror Story Coven, I can totally do a few of the seven wonders.

Can't do any of the kinesthetic ones, though I'm sure the secret to it all is so obvious it gets missed altogether. The spoon bending goat staring things.

Like, what i want, and also need, to do now. Is to apologize. I did not mean to fail to express myself the way i wanted to be interpreted as understood.

It is just that i know, for a fact, that just like you also, and the OP knows... We can receive totally uncalled for hatred and i do not want you to do that. That is all. I have been cast away from all groups. I have been ridiculed. I have been rendered as irrelevant. I have been spit at. I have been kicked to my teeth. I have been gaslighted. Wanna know what the insane thing is? I don't even care. At this point in time, i have grown perfectly immune. But please do not choose the path i chose. It is a rocky, lonely, and cold one.

I was insane before spring of 2020. Then the whole world around me became insane. So what can i lean on, when i am shaking? When my knees betray me due to pure fear and smash me outright down to the ground? Yeah... Thought so.

Blood clots? Boo-hoo! Sudden unexpected deaths? See if i care? What i have a problem with, is the emotional coldness, distance via intent, and outright hatred, that is caused towards the human psyche. Via MRNA bio weapon warfare.

Summa summarum: Untested. Unmasked. Un"vaccinated" and unafraid.

Really sorry, Above Trump Secret: (formerly known as above top secret) If you think politics matter... Then you have a long way to go, to even be where i am. And i am not far at all. My first crawling baby steps towards the rabbit hole.

Here is your turn now, mods. I know your finger is itching. Wanting to ban me. Because i am persona non grata. Ban me. In 3...2...1...0... at least one of us gets some kicks out of this. I guarantee it will not be me. So i allow it to be you. Then at least someone has one fulfilling feeling, as the whole humankind walks towards the slaughterhouse. Taking even the few rare wolves down with them. Bring it. Be original af. Witness me know something i do not already know. Good luck

edit on 25-5-2024 by UltimateLoser because: Grammatical goof

posted on May, 25 2024 @ 04:03 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on May, 25 2024 @ 06:42 PM
The only voice I hear in my head is my own.

posted on May, 25 2024 @ 07:55 PM
a reply to: ntech620

That's the goal.

But doesn't make an interesting story.

For some, it's not a choice.

posted on May, 25 2024 @ 08:52 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on May, 25 2024 @ 11:39 PM
Usually the voice I believe I am hearing is my subconscious. There have been strange dreams I’ve had where I was communicating with other entities not from Earth. I’m thinking maybe they were dreams but will never know for sure unless aliens land in my backyard and communicate that they were real. I’m not really that great with translating alien handwriting or alien etchings. If I dream of jumping my consciousness into someone else’s body, I have dreamed what I’m hearing is the subconscious voice of the body my consciousness jumped into.

I really do not want to dream about my consciousness jumping into the body or mind of any more evil people. The thoughts or voices I heard were just sick.

Now the thoughts or voices I heard when my consciousness seemed to be shared with a god like entity throughout time and space were mind blowing.

Usually though, if I spend a lot of time playing a computer game or did not finish a long task during the day, at night my subconscious tells me how I could have done better or different strategies. I have done work in my sleep writing an entire procedure in my head and I heard and saw it. I really do not like to dream about doing work. It did make it easier to write what I already did in my head.

posted on May, 26 2024 @ 07:23 AM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

Several years ago i Stayed the night at a girlfriends house as we had a night out.
It was a studio so we shared the bed. I woke up with my eyes closed as I heard a melody but tried to ignore it as I thought it was my friends phone ringing.
It was a few long seconds in when I realised she hadn’t woken up from it.. so I got up to look at her, then her phone. I realised her phone wasn’t ringing at all, the screen was blank.
I sat up on the bed trying to gauge where the sound was coming from.. it was a women’s voice saying “just love” .. in a melodic way..
After much searching of the room and outside, I couldn’t pin point the source, all I could do was listen as it slowly faded away.
I looked into it and the only rational thing I could really find was an auditory dream.

posted on May, 28 2024 @ 07:09 AM
I was about to go to my college class but was hesitant, I wanted to skip it because I wanted to run. I was having running sessions in those days by myself, 17 years ago. And the place I was in is a very eerie town called Nanaimo which is on Vancouver Island. The whole island was eerie. I could feel the pressure and the energies left possibly from the invasion which caused deaths of many of Indian Americans. Nanaimo is a Native American name.

I heard a voice on my right ear while i was looking at the college built on the mountain side and trying to decide what to do, something called my name, only once. It was so clear and just in my brain. I looked right and I saw a 7 feet tall grey human figure mist, half transparent, with no facial details. I turned left and looked through the window again to re-adjust and confirm I was not dreaming things. After two seconds, I turned right again to check if it was still there and it was still there. In a microsecond I jumped and screamed unwillingly and ran out of the house after grabbing my shoes. Still have the chills.
edit on 28-5-2024 by belkide because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2024 @ 10:28 PM

originally posted by: Degradation33
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

Yes. All the time. Never goes away.

Never truly audible. Never actually something heard, but like a really loud internal dialog I don't fully control, but can queue up with the conscious. Like I have a peanut gallery of vain and evil KKΓ girls and their sworn unpopular heart of gold adversaries fighting it out. If it was a painting, it would be that Frida Khalo one, only with a debutante and a nerd-girl.

It's a lot like channeling your unconscious self. What comes out, sometime was willingly supressed within. An unconscious projection of all with a type of triggered sentience.

here is a quick way to tell if you are schizoaffective or schizophrenic.

Hallucionations can't spell words, and they can't do math, even simple math. they also cannot speak in any language that you do not know.

test the voices with this.

i know this cause i am schizoaffective, and when things get bad, i challenge the voices to do math, and spell words. it helps gournd me and remember that they are not real, but hallcionations

In other circles it goes full on Angel's and Demons. I went more Jungian with it, but others end up thinking they're communing with an Archangel. It runs the gammet of the metaphysical, and all can be projected.

"The Voices" can also be compared to or called a Tulpa, demon, daemon, jinn, genie, and every other thing "out between two worlds".

My demons are all me, though

here is a way to test if you are schizoaffective or schizophrenic, hallucionatoins can't do math, not even simple 1+5, just make sure if you ask it to do math, that its not math that would be difectly in your memory, ask it something simple like "give me the awnser for 5+5+1-+2"

also hallucionations can't spell words unless you have the spelling of the word firmly in your memory, and they can't speak languages that you don't know

hallcionations come from the part of the brain that deals with emotion, memory and language.

i know this cause i am schizoaffective
edit on 5/30/2024 by wrayth because: post was acting up, and was missing what i typed

edit on 5/30/2024 by wrayth because: fixed somthing

posted on May, 30 2024 @ 10:46 PM
a reply to: wrayth

I'm actually neither. Or don't acknowledge it as much.

For me, It's more like channeling. Like having a Google search in your head that filters "the most likely answer" to your conscious thought per your subjective opinion. Other people's answers, what they might say in different situations. Most importantly, what respectful behavior says you should do. It's petulant and character driven sometimes.

I swear there is a fine line between that and psychic ability. It more or less gleaning things from an unconscious internet. Shattering the barrier of the shadow. Some psychic mediums will ever interpret that as voices of the dead taking to them. Hearing the other side, channeling a God consciousness, or even archetype.

I go really Jungian with it all. Projected archetypes with your own inflection. Representative but not always accurate.

Sometimes it's right, sometimes it's wrong, never externally produced, and closer to thoughts that think on their own, but are ultimately influenced by you.

For that reason, it's best to never trust it unless it really lines up with phenomenal observation.
edit on 30-5-2024 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 31 2024 @ 03:26 PM
I have had many conversations with Sr. Mescalito. the old green trickster. His message is open to everyone... You know who you are....

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