posted on May, 24 2024 @ 10:34 AM
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Facinating experience. I am so shocked you didn't throw the water on the curtain. Cause "why not?"
Am also beyond shocked people are still tweedling over hearing the occasional random voice in their head. It's 2024 people!! Have you been living
under a rock? (ranting in general)
Have had it happen from time to time. One of the better times I was traveling in extreme icing-snow conditions an as I was driving got told by
something rather authoritarian "Keep driving, You'll get there safe". On 3 inches of ice I was doubtful. However the voice was insistent, I did reach
my destination just fine.
My original thought was, had I pulled off the road I "may have" gotten creamed by a out of control vehicle?
Also have had the random voice yell my name in the middle of the night, or a NHI apparently occasionally deciding to have a conversation while
camping. My typical response is "Oh FFS!!! Knock that OFF!!!" Which is why I'd of hosed that curtain with water. Remainig ultra practical keeps things
from getting out of hand.
As many people who squeal "the voices scare them!!" when you ask, "Did you tell it to stop? Tell it to piss off?" the answer is NO. (bangs head on
keyboard) If you don't say No, you just effectively by omission said YES!!
Now ask yourself.
If a random human decided to talk to you or tell you to do random things would you be scared or just comply?
I think not. Disembodied voices aren't any different than telemarketers.
Remain practical people!!