a reply to:
Very good post
I was going to write something similar this morning
You have opened a doorway, but now you need find and walk your path within
In my particular tradition, we refer to this as "the long walk". Though it has many names, such as "underworld journey"
Many traditions such as the Eleusinian mysteries, would make their applicants walk "the sacred way" before they could even apply to become initiates.
A physical journey of around 17KMs (11 miles), that was undertaken whilst considering a phrase given to them, to carry in their thoughts on the
journey to Eleusis
The purpose of which, was to see if they were one who had the mind to recognise the value within the pilgrimage journey. If they could relate the
experience, to the vague piece of wisdom offered
The experience of the journey, being the key to unlocking the meaning within the phase
The Australian Aboriginals take a journey into the wilderness by themselves as part of their coming of age
Most religions, cultures and traditions have something similar, designed to teach that "
True understanding can only be gained through
And within this journey, lays the key to all wisdom
It is where we get the saying "Walk a mile in my shoes"
The reason this is important, is because if you have opened a door to the particular type of things your have described, it is very likely that you
will soon be offered some type of similar existential journey
And you should be warned that if you choose the harder paths, you will come to experience what can best be described as the opposite of the feeling of
warmth, love and light you currently possess
Similar to allegory such as Jesus 40 days and nights in the desert, and rituals such as fasting
The hardest of the paths, is the path of love
If you choose this path, you will very literally lose everything and everyone you love. Including the grace of the light you feel
It will come and go over the years, but only just enough to keep you going. Like being offered the bare minimum bread and water you need to survive
The reason this will be done, is to teach you the true meaning of love in its purest form, which is sacrifice. Putting another before yourself, not
because you calculate it within your mind as the thing to do, but because within doing so, it stokes the embers of the light you once felt, within
Within loving the creation, you feel yourself aligned more and more, as an extension of the source of that creation, as if you are acting on behalf of
the creator, as their son or daughter
Within this path, the initial experience you are going through of feeling as though you are connected to light from the source of creation, is first
given so that you can understand the depth of what it is to lose it
A sacrifice so great, that it's impossible to put into words or explain to most people. Which is in itself part of what you give, the ability to
relate to regular "uninitiated" people
And your affinity to their ways
It is a long, painful, miserable and lonely path
But the reward to your soul, is impossible to put into words or explain. Like the beauty of healing a pain, which is impossible for most to see
The wisdom you will gain from the experience, is beyond compare
You essentially, take the flame you now carry and cast it out upon the world for others to feel
The idea is that though it may feel gone for many years, it will eventually, return to you. If you continue to tend to the embers no matter how dark
it gets
Just as Jesus emerged from the desert in his allegory
The light will never completely leave you, it will only feel lost
And you will never be alone in the journey, even if it feels like it
It teaches that it is easy to carry the light. It is much harder to bring it forth from within you, when you cannot feel that light yourself
Within choosing your path, when it is offered, you need decide if you are willing to give up the beautiful feeling of safety and peace of that light,
and bleed for world. And by doing so gain the deeper knowledge, understanding and wisdom
No path is any less or more noble than any other. Or less connected to our collective source. The only difference is the level of wisdom gained, and
your ability to align and apply your understanding to the world and others around you
I am not suggesting that you choose a life path where you need give up the beauty of the things your have discovered
I am only making you aware, that there is very likely a choice coming your way
And you need be aware of the gravity of choosing certain paths, if you are offered the choice
You may not even be offered a choice. Good or bad. As was my personal experience
If you are able to have lucid conscious conversations with your light friends, as them what it is they seek to offer you
This should help you identify your path
There are very particular things they offer, which you may or may not be aware you need
Seek what it is they wish to show and offer you
It should help you recognise the path and experiences you need seek, to help you apply what is being offered