posted on May, 1 2024 @ 07:19 PM
October 7 wasn't the beginning, but it was the beginning of an end of sorts. For decades, the zionist state profited from its stature as a western
security asset. Its position—surrounded by hostile neighbors, mired in protracted native resistance, and occupying a semi-pariah status as a serial
violator of law—made it uniquely suited for the job. It served as a boondoggle for western arms dealers; a lab to test out weapons, methods of
repression and the legal arguments to use them; a flex of western power in the region; a hitman, fixer and intelligence-gatherer; and a conduit to
launder western backing for dictators and rogue actors. In exchange, the west gave Israel near-limitless material aid, diplomatic cover, propaganda,
legal immunity, a free hand in occupied territory, and military-security guarantees. This patronage, together with Israel's historic victories in 1967
and 1973, secured a deterrent effect which let Israel menace the region with impunity; and the end of the Soviet union and the closing of the
decolonial period made western hegemons the only real game in town.
October 7 changed that. The "al-Aqsa flood" operation revealed that Israeli intelligence is junk. Its response, on that day and afterward, confirmed
that Israeli arms are good for nothing more than butchering civilians, including their own. Fifty years of shooting children in occupied territory
(and a service made up largely of young people trying to move on and get a job) had left the military operationally too weak for actual war. Their
attempt to bait Iran into the dilemma of capitulation or escalation backfired supremely, revealing Israel's strategic weaknesses, exposing the limits
of its allies' sponsorship, and undoing a decades-long spell of status quo deterrence. Its "wild man" image—by which Israel used to cow its enemies
into submission through disproportionate force, using what the U.S. calls its "qualitative military edge"—has reached diminishing returns, as have
its western patrons' investments in it. Increasingly, the zionist state is less a security asset than a liability. Whatever the outcome of the present
war, it's clear that Israel isn't quite the running dog of empire, but more like a barking dog, and rather more a whining one.
edit on 1-5-2024
by BigRedChew because: (no reason given)