posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 08:31 PM
Actually, using pure logic (assuming the existence of "God" as a given) He has to be an alien.
e.g. The entity God displays intent by deliberately creating the world and heavens.
1. Intent implies organization of thought.
2. Organization of thought requires a framework within which to think - i.e. a physics that underlies the organization and filtration of information.
3. This God, because he exhibits intent, must therefore operate within a specific organizational physics (perhaps different than ours, perhaps the
4. If intent isn't evidence enough of organized intelligence, God then Acts. He creates. This definitely requires some kind of organization (which
by it's very nature requires that there be a mathematics or some similar axiomatic system to create reproducable algorithms).
5. Finally, this being (operating within some framework of natural laws), resides not on earth, but in Heaven.
Therefore, God is an extra-terrestrial entity - an alien.
I reasoned through this when I was, like, 8 yrs. old.
Suffice it to say, I concluded that god probably doesn't exist, and if He does, than screw him, I'm not going to be a puppet for some
megalomaniacal, bug-eyed, amoral creep.