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maybe god was an alien afterall?

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posted on Jul, 23 2003 @ 11:52 PM
Perhaps there is some evidence of the Alien God theories in our very own religions.

1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our
likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea,
and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all
the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the
1:27 So God created man in his [own] image, in the image of God
created he him; male and female created he them.
1:28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful,
and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have
dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the
air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

On the sixth day man was created, both male and female.. Oh here comes Adam!

2:7 And the LORD God formed man [of] the dust of the ground, and
breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a
living soul.

2:22 And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he
a woman, and brought her unto the man

The timing is all off. Man and woman were created before Adam and Eve unless you have to read it backwards. They are told to mate and fill the earth in Genesis 1:28. But Adam wasn't created until 2:7 and Even wasnt around and about until 2:22, she can't even have children until:

3:16 Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow
and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children;
and thy desire [shall be] to thy husband, and he shall rule
over thee.

So what's my point? Maybe God is/was an alien scientist creating life on earth or speeding up its evolution. Take a look at this passage:

6:2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they
[were] fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.

You see that it says the sons of god saw the daughters of men? You could say that they are called the sons of God because in Genesis 3:16 God says that the husband sall rule over the wife and would make men more superior than women but let's read some passages from Ezekiel.

In case you didn't realize it before, it sounds like Ezekiel was met by aliens as he describes seeing a cloud with wheels descend from above

1:4 And I looked, and, behold, a whirlwind came out of the
north, a great cloud, and a fire infolding itself, and a
brightness [was] about it, and out of the midst thereof as the
colour of amber, out of the midst of the fire.

1:5 Also out of the midst thereof [came] the likeness of four
living creatures. And this [was] their appearance; they had the
likeness of a man.

1:19 And when the living creatures went, the wheels went by
them: and when the living creatures were lifted up from the
earth, the wheels were lifted up.

Back to the sons of God scenario. The creature on board of this "spacecraft" calls Ezekiel the son of man.

2:1 And he said unto me, Son of man, stand upon thy feet, and I
will speak unto thee.

One more time..

2:3 And he said unto me, Son of man, I send thee to the children
of Israel, to a rebellious nation that hath rebelled against
me: they and their fathers have transgressed against me, [even]
unto this very day.

So, you have the Sons of God, the Sons of men, and the daughters of men. Adam was a son of god. He married Eve and they have Cain and Abel. Cain marries his wife. She , wait where the heck did she come from, let me read back... nope only other people are Adam, Eve, Cain, and Able. Maybe Cain's wife was one of the daughters of men?

I have probably contradicted myself in this thread or have some discrepancies but overall I think I'm making some sense


posted on Jul, 23 2003 @ 11:56 PM
I have read about that and Cain's wife could only have been his sister.

posted on Jul, 24 2003 @ 10:06 AM

I have read about that and Cain's wife could only have been his sister.

Yes, if you assume Adam and Eve were the only people on Earth. As I stated in the first two passages, God created man both male and female and told them to be fruitful and multiply just as he did the birds of the air and the beasts of the ground. He didnt tell adam and eve to be fruitful and multiply he gave Eve the ability to bear children as a punishment.

posted on Jul, 24 2003 @ 10:10 AM
Why does he say "replenish" the earth? Like something happened to it before.


posted on Jul, 24 2003 @ 10:53 AM
thought of that myself when i was typing the thread.

Here's a thought,

Maybe its the same comet or asteroid that wiped out life on Earth when the dinosaurs roamed.

So some alien race discovers Earth and realizes that it once held life. So they begin this massive scientific expirement to recreate or replenish life on Earth and create a new species, man.

It sounds like a science fiction movie ;P

posted on Jul, 24 2003 @ 02:52 PM

Finding contradictions in the Bible is no large feat. Likewise, the whole thing is horribly out of order. For one of the best examples of revelations. You'll see them constantly skip around....

posted on Jul, 26 2003 @ 01:27 AM
12th Planet theory,

Some think this one event could solve a great many mysteries? A people who came to our world hoping to save their own and in doing so speed up our own evolution process. Made in Gods image or CLONED is another one.


posted on Sep, 3 2003 @ 12:00 PM
the bible is full of inconsistencies and incest. also people believe the people writing the bible who doing so thru the voice of god but really they were just schitzophrenics

posted on Sep, 3 2003 @ 12:45 PM
in a great creator and his plan is greater than the average mans comprenhension, as you stated before there were some who acted like beast and others that were created in his image after. i would not like to enter this board to spill blastphemy but calling the creator an alien is such, he just is as the wind in the sky or the birds who take flight.

posted on Sep, 16 2007 @ 09:45 PM
1.They was talking in past tense in the first one
2. the second one is angles a sign of god
3.idk i think its something to do with giants?

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 04:13 AM
As a child, i always thought it was strange how the ancient people always talked about the gods this and that and how many gods were there. I was thinking, gosh how many gods can there be?

But now i know it means the aliens that came down from the heavens meaning space.

Think of eve and adams as groups of people! not a person they were groups. The god (alien) created the tree of life (DNA) hybrids (eves) and (adams). People think its just two people when they are reading about eve and adam.

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 05:08 AM
starneon then your just completely making up & replacing what it actually says to fit your alien fantasy. Whatever makes you happy tho

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 07:02 AM
god is an alien according to the definitions of the word anyway, since he created this earth he was not from this earth, so he's an alien / extraterrestial.

what's in a word ey?

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 07:18 AM
reply to post by David2012

Exactly right, why do the most people think "God" only restrics his powers to Earth?

It would be a very.. very selfish thought.

"God" created Earth, but that doesn't mean he's/she's/whatever's gonna stay around all the time babysitting us. ""'s got better things to do, managing a highly advanced civilization 65 lightyears from here or sumthing

"God" is no product of Earth thus "God" is Alien. If he is a material form that is.

[edit on 17-9-2007 by PureET]

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 07:38 AM

Originally posted by yeti101
starneon then your just completely making up & replacing what it actually says to fit your alien fantasy. Whatever makes you happy tho

What? made up? no sorry buddy i learned this from Michael Tsarion who has researched these subjects for most of his life. You tell me what you think it actually says then.

And no, it took a few years to get my belief to these conclusions and its only recently, it makes the most sense to me. I was raised as a buddhist, at one time i wanted to convert to the christian faith because i read that only the christians would get to heaven
, i realized that was brainwashing. Im a very open minded person and always wanting to learn the truth.

The so called "hell" is earth, its a prison if you havnt noticed. People will keep be reincarnated back to earth and wont go up to heaven (space) because they will have to learn and learn again untill they evolve and then they'll be reincarnated to other planets in the solar system. This is what i believe from reading all sorts from different researchers.

If you cant be willing to open your mind and listen to the other side of the story, then keep believing what you want to believe. I look at all sides. Thats all.

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 08:03 AM
The "God is a alien" theory is one of my favorite ones and I guess one that I am closest to. Why is it so hard to belive that God could be alien ? Lets think about a hypothetical (spelling?) scenario. You beeing as You are get transported into the ancient past with just lets say a small machine gun and a helicopter (2 things quiet common in our times) , so now you land in the middle of a city and with just one move of your hand (making a horizontal move with your arm and firing the gun at the same time) you kill all the guards that rush to apprehend You.

How do You think they rest would react ? You just came from the heavens and killed 10-15 (whatever) people with some kind of unknown device that made alot of noise and was generaly scary ..

Hey for me that would look as if God came down very angry at us for some reason . And mind You for us that live in the era of science and internet etc that is easy explained , but for a guy that dosent really know what the big bright ball of light in the sky is (sun) but knows its there every day , it would be unexplaiable ..

Oh no wait it would be ... its God... get my point of view?

And that was just you beeing a normal human with only a bit of technology , now imagine a much much more advanced alien race and their toys ..

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 09:19 AM
I believe he was, yes. And Jesus as well.

The interesting message from Jesus was that we all could perform the miracles he did (walking on water, healing etc). And just now, after 2000 years, we are at least starting to realize the connection between our mind, the body and the material world.

I also believe there have been aliens on earth forever. They have influenced our history, technology, belief system and so on.

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 05:21 PM
People do not understand that 'alien' doesn't necesarily mean a coporal being hoppin out of a speeding 'UFO'.
God is a being unlike anything we could try and understand. God created everything from the smallest dust particle, to the largest universe, to the very soul in each one of us. Even these 'aliens' we are so fascinated with. God is the first and constant. he is 360 degrees, LIMITLESS. We cannot fathom the being that he is. He created us and everything we have known and everything we might never know about.

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 06:02 PM

Originally posted by iResearch
God is a being unlike anything we could try and understand. God created everything from the smallest dust particle, to the largest universe, to the very soul in each one of us. Even these 'aliens' we are so fascinated with. God is the first and constant. he is 360 degrees, LIMITLESS. We cannot fathom the being that he is. He created us and everything we have known and everything we might never know about.

or so You belive ....

Or did I miss some grand conference where HE showed up and stated that as a fact ?

No offence its just that God is a quiet wide theory .. what I mean is well it all comes down to where and how You were raised .. For example if you were raised in a small japanese village you would belive in buddah , if you were raised in Egypt you would belive in the teachings of Islam and if you were raised in ancient Greece You would belive in Zeus , Athena and the rest of Greek Gods..

Get my point ?

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 06:14 PM

Originally posted by Thill
or so You belive ....

Or did I miss some grand conference where HE showed up and stated that as a fact ?

No offence its just that God is a quiet wide theory .. what I mean is well it all comes down to where and how You were raised .. For example if you were raised in a small japanese village you would belive in buddah , if you were raised in Egypt you would belive in the teachings of Islam and if you were raised in ancient Greece You would belive in Zeus , Athena and the rest of Greek Gods..

Get my point ?

I actually believe all of Earth's religions are based upon that of the same origin. That origin being THE CREATOR. Humans make and mold the creator into what they want to. Whatever makes them comfortable.
But ultimately, I believe its all a matter of faith and awareness.

You don't have to believe there is a God, but # just doesn't 'happen'. As science and skeptics would so easily have you believe, sir.

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