a reply to:
network dude
I'll calm down because I do respect you, ND.
I take it you did in fact read the article and yet it doesn't seem to have made a difference.
But the simple facts that can't be changed exist. HAMAS attacked Israel on October 7th. Not the other way around. FACT.
So now everything that the Euro Jews, not semites, did to Palestinians since 1948 has become irrelevant?
I would love to see how Americans handle being pushed off their land with flame throwers, machine guns etc and then shoved into South Dakota for 76
years. I imagine after that time once you launch an attack on your oppressors you'll be labeled backwards barbarians too..
You don't like the response. FACT.
Correct. I don't enjoy seeing defenseless women and children be murdered in the 10s of thousands and the people doing the extermination posting
celebratory videos of the massacre as it happens on tiktok.
You have been asked what response you would prefer. You cannot give that answer. again FACT.
Let's take a crack at it.
Firstly, as the leader of Israel I would stop funding Hamas.
Secondly, I wouldn't knowingly allow this to happen, mistakenly thinking I have created favorable momentum for my side. There's evidence of this, let
me know if you need help finding it.
Thirdly, we know the overseas locations of the Hamas leaders.
Take them and their families to Israel. Lock them up.
Obtain proof of life (and death) and determine how many Israelis need to be returned.
Exchange the leader's families for the hostages.
Keep the leaders, they die regardless.
Four, invest in proper skills for your soldiers. Do we have a number on the amount of Israelis killed by friendly fire on Oct 7th? They will never
publish those stats.
Five, stop acting like you're above everyone else with impunity. It's coming back to bite you in the ass. Really hard.
Six, pack your bags and get tf out of Palestine. Your cousin Zelensky has made sure there's ample lebensraum in what used to be Khazaria for you.
Your other cousin Larry Fink over at Blackrock already has the next big business venture to rebuild Ukraine to the tune of over $1 trillion.
Seven, once you've settled in, play nice.
The Russians remember EVERYTHING about you and what did to them.
If you can offer a legitimate answer
Looking at the big picture, this was Israel's chance to SHOW the world they are better than Hamas and everyone else, not just pretending like they
They failed miserably and went completely overboard to the point where they are now facing an EXISTENTIAL crisis.
Not the paranoia induced one they've been carrying along for millennia either
This one is self fulfilling prophecy due to their heavy handed approach and the world's eyes have been opened as to who and what Israel really is. A
monster that once abused became the abuser.
Not even Netanyahu receiving the same treatment as Saddam Hussein will calm this one down.
They've gone too far.
And with the tribe assuring the massive influx of migrants into the West they have now truly put everyone into the scenario where they will employ the
Samson option if need be.
The Zionists simpling so hard on ATS is completely unnecessary and they do it for free.
Israel has the leaders of the West by the balls thanks to their most talented agent, Jeffrey Epstein.
This is why the US is such a cuckold right now.
The Jesus freaks have NO idea.
They have played us all.
Even myself who doesn't give a # what happens to Hamas has been forced to pick a side and I side with the defenseless against the maniacal bully that
is the worthless state of Israel.
They have gone too far this time and made a grave mistake overplaying their cards.
Time will prove me right.