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Where'd all the zionists go?

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posted on Apr, 7 2024 @ 02:55 PM
ka reply to: visitedbythem


Also, I can pray for and root for Israel, while knowing that humans are subject to carnal temptations and ego, etc., and that does not equal God's take on Israel. Israel is the whole sum of the people and the land.

I, still support Israel while condemning what Netanyahu did (if that is true). Seems to be true.

And, DESTROY HAMAS! I will pray for their souls, but ELMINATE THEM!
edit on 7-4-2024 by BukkaWukka because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2024 @ 03:14 PM
a reply to: YouSir

None of that changes what Hamas did.

It was disgusting.

The information coming out of Gaza is all originating from Hamas affiliated sources.

Why are there no numbers of Hamas fatalities?

I find it hard to believe that with such a small population Israel would find enough participants that would keep this foreknowledge of the attack secret, putting their family and friends in danger.

Even so, as with everything else, this saying applies to tactical warfare.

“The fish that takes the bait ends up on the plate”

I normally agree with you Sir.
On this issue I beg to differ.

posted on Apr, 7 2024 @ 04:01 PM
a reply to: NorthOS

Here is the best (worst) compilation of what Hamas did in that day.

On October 7, 2023, thousands of Hamas terrorists breached Israel’s security fence and committed crimes against humanity.
Over 1,200 men, women, and children were murdered in the brutal attack. More than 240 were kidnapped to Gaza.

These graphic videos and images
document the horrors of that day


Far more information than I’ve seen previously.

edit on 7-4-2024 by NorthOS because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2024 @ 05:49 PM
a reply to: visitedbythem

To be more specific visitedbythem. God promised land to the "descendants" of Abraham. The descendants of Abraham INCLUDE the Ishmaelite tribes. Which are the Arabs of the Islamic faith.

It is highly questionable. If the majority of Jews in Israel today are even descendants of Abraham. Majority of them are more likely converts (Khazar Jews etc) well after Abraham's time. We do know that the real Jews that were living in Palestine before Zionism appeared. Wanted nothing to do with zionist Jews. The Jews were peacefully living with Muslums looking after each other children. Their historic records of complaint are kept by True Torah Jews.

By turning our back on everything they do. We promote their atrocities ... “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing.”.

btw I saw in another thread...congrats on your t-model ford.
edit on 7-4-2024 by glend because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2024 @ 05:51 PM
a reply to: YouSir

Thank You YourSir. Your clarity cleanses my mind.

posted on Apr, 7 2024 @ 06:56 PM

originally posted by: NorthOS
a reply to: YouSir

None of that changes what Hamas did.

It was disgusting.

The information coming out of Gaza is all originating from Hamas affiliated sources.

Why are there no numbers of Hamas fatalities?

I find it hard to believe that with such a small population Israel would find enough participants that would keep this foreknowledge of the attack secret, putting their family and friends in danger.

Even so, as with everything else, this saying applies to tactical warfare.

“The fish that takes the bait ends up on the plate”

I normally agree with you Sir.
On this issue I beg to differ.

Ummm...explain then please...The conspicuous absence of IDF forces along the border on October 7th...and the strange absence of IDF forces on their own military much so that Hamas was able to capture the base leadership...and the strange lack of reactionary forces for hours...and then the missile strikes and artillery strikes by the IDF on their own civilian populations...

This whole debacle stinks...and the stink is the purposeful and disgusting actions of the Israeli government...and the IDF...

Obviously I don't agree with Hamas...nor do I agree with their methods...nor do I excuse their actions...however...It's obvious that the Israeli government and the IDF allowed the events to happen...and bear culpability along with Hamas...

Also obvious...the systematic starvation of the population of Gaza...and those that swallow the narrative...also cheer that on...and glibly's war...

I have no space in my psyche...soul...mind...or heart for such callous and inhumane glee...


posted on Apr, 7 2024 @ 07:00 PM

posted by: visitedbythem
The land was given to the Jews by God.
. . They are absolutely depraved.

I damn well know better than to get involved with dividing up
something God gave to someone else. Butt out!

Your gravely mistaken, mislead.
Abraham had sex with his slaves (the original Ancestors of the land)
in which Abraham immigrated to.
God promised the Ancestors land and large tribes. (Ishmael)
Israeli however, are in denial and claim that THEY alone,
not Jesus Christ is the chosen.
Do you ever ask your self why the rabbis left out/erased
14 books of the dead sea scrolls ? changed the laws ?

Lets get real, and into this century shall we ?
There is a holocaust being committed right before our eyes.
Unarmed children are being slaughtered by grown men with wmd's.
Breaking ethical, moral International Legal Human Right Standards,
and YOU say . . g_dS told you it is o.k. ? really ?
Depravity has no bounds when it comes to psychopaths.
Moses was the biggest hypocrite and plagiarist of all time.
Being a war monger, invader, he broke the laws by murdering,
and making idols, plagiarizing the laws from the
Code of Ur-Nammu (the oldest written text of a code of law by
the Sumerians.)
Bottom line,
netanahu and his supporters, ARE the biggest holocaust deniers currently.


posted on Apr, 7 2024 @ 07:12 PM

originally posted by: whyamIhere

originally posted by: YouSir

originally posted by: NorthOS
a reply to: JAY1980

It’s not going so well for Hamas.

Not sure what their tactical logic was when they pulled their vile hissy fit on October 7th but I’m sure they have a plan.

You must be proud of what they have achieved for their people so far.

Ummm...I think the premise was to illustrate that...October 7th...was an inside job...

Israel needed a pretext to remove the Gazan that they could move in and take all that oil and gas that just happens to be underneath the Gazan economic zone under the sea bed...

The tell was the picture...representing the twin tower inside job...

Many documented cases of the IDF using missile strikes and shelling the Israeli settlements where Hamas was purported to be kidnapping...on October 7th...

The whole debacle was a false flag inside job to achieve exactly what we see happening on the ground...

And the weak minded among us...swallowed the narrative...and vociferously defend the slaughter of the innocent...

Over 13,000 children dead...and they cheer...and lick their lips...and shout more...more...more...

Telling...very telling...


Are you saying the Hamas attack on Israel was a false flag.

Are you saying that for argument sake or do you believe it was a false flag.

We are so far away and I really have no clue.

I have always respected your opinion.

I have never heard this (false flag) report.

Have a great day….WAIH

Ummm...Yes...I do believe the October 7th incursion into Israel by Hamas...was allowed to happen...

Ummm...explain then please...The conspicuous absence of IDF forces along the border on October 7th...and the strange absence of IDF forces on their own military much so that Hamas was able to capture the base leadership...and the strange lack of reactionary forces for hours...and then the missile strikes and artillery strikes by the IDF on their own civilian populations... This whole debacle stinks...and the stink is the purposeful and disgusting actions of the Israeli government...and the IDF... Obviously I don't agree with Hamas...nor do I agree with their methods...nor do I excuse their actions...however...It's obvious that the Israeli government and the IDF allowed the events to happen...and bear culpability along with Hamas... Also obvious...the systematic starvation of the population of Gaza...and those that swallow the narrative...also cheer that on...and glibly's war... I have no space in my psyche...soul...mind...or heart for such callous and inhumane glee...

I apologize for quoting my previous North of South...however the above are some of the reasons why I've come to the conclusions I have...

I also respect your opinion...and have always respected your thoughts and you as well...

Hamas is an Israeli creation...Just as Isis was created by the US...they serve a specific purpose...and my cynical side needs much greater perspective than the talking points dished out by the MSM...and the Governments that use such as their mouthpieces...


posted on Apr, 7 2024 @ 07:55 PM

originally posted by: CriticalStinker
a reply to: JAY1980

As with any polarized issue, people miss the nuance when they take one side too hard.

You can be vehemently against Hamas while also recognizing there are people in Gaza who do not support them.

You can also recognize there are Jewish people who don’t agree with their government.

So we can be critical of Israel without implying all Jews. And we can root for the destruction of Hamas without implying all Palestinians should pay for the sins of someone 50% of the population wasn’t even alive for when they were elected.

that's really a fantastic point. While I am all for Israel decimating HAMAS for their atrocities that were meant to provoke the exact response given, I feel like I should be able to be critical of events caused by Israel, and not have it be handwaved as antiemetic. I'm not smart enough to hate people whom I've never met. But I do have opinions.

posted on Apr, 7 2024 @ 10:32 PM
a reply to: YouSir

Not sure how absent they were.

373 IDF were killed on the 7th.
I’d suspect there were even more wounded.

The curious thing is I can’t find the total for Hamas killed, captured and wounded on that day.

Still looking.

Most of the information available about the numbers killed and injured in Gaza is through Hamas and their affiliates.

We know they lie.

It makes sense for them to lie about the numbers. I would if I was in their shoes.

posted on Apr, 7 2024 @ 10:56 PM
Idc about either one they're both crap holes in the dessert

posted on Apr, 8 2024 @ 10:33 AM
a reply to: JAY1980

Israel was right to retaliate, but wrong to continue.

posted on Apr, 8 2024 @ 11:15 AM

originally posted by: mysterioustranger
a reply to: JAY1980

Israel was right to retaliate, but wrong to continue.

Maybe the people of Gaza shouldn't have chosen fanatical genocidal terrorists as their leaders.

Kinda like the people of Germany did during that ww2 thingy.
Didn't work out too well for them either.

...and, other than NAZI sympathizers, I don't remember reading about anyone trying to stop allied forces from totally wiping the NAZIs out.
edit on 8-4-2024 by CarlLaFong because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2024 @ 01:23 PM
a reply to: CarlLaFong

I can say from Dearborn here, I know more than a few Palestinians-East Dearborn. The only ones I know are fanatic-hot head-car-Palestine Flag-flying teens that are problems. Palestinians and Jews are wonderful people, and always treated me well.

These teens and younger ones....were radicalized before they got here. their culture? You do not discipline boys. Ever. Girls and women get beat for the same things.

As well...Palestinian teens are usually part of gigantic families, boys in one house, all the women n kids n babies next door.

These young men are in huge family groups everywhere. 1 family of 10 boys...alongside another 15 other more groups at fairs day will be a huge problem.

And they all...all...wear only black. Everyday.

edit on 04242530America/ChicagoMon, 08 Apr 2024 13:28:25 -050028202400000025 by mysterioustranger because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2024 @ 01:31 PM

originally posted by: BeyondKnowledge3
a reply to: watchitburn

Religion, the cause of the bloodiest conflicts in history.

Like in Communist, Atheist China, Russia and Cambodia?

posted on Apr, 8 2024 @ 01:36 PM

originally posted by: ToneD

posted by: visitedbythem
The land was given to the Jews by God.
. . They are absolutely depraved.

I damn well know better than to get involved with dividing up
something God gave to someone else. Butt out!

Your gravely mistaken, mislead.
Abraham had sex with his slaves (the original Ancestors of the land)
in which Abraham immigrated to.
God promised the Ancestors land and large tribes. (Ishmael)
Israeli however, are in denial and claim that THEY alone,
not Jesus Christ is the chosen.
Do you ever ask your self why the rabbis left out/erased
14 books of the dead sea scrolls ? changed the laws ?

Lets get real, and into this century shall we ?
There is a holocaust being committed right before our eyes.
Unarmed children are being slaughtered by grown men with wmd's.
Breaking ethical, moral International Legal Human Right Standards,
and YOU say . . g_dS told you it is o.k. ? really ?
Depravity has no bounds when it comes to psychopaths.
Moses was the biggest hypocrite and plagiarist of all time.
Being a war monger, invader, he broke the laws by murdering,
and making idols, plagiarizing the laws from the
Code of Ur-Nammu (the oldest written text of a code of law by
the Sumerians.)
Bottom line,
netanahu and his supporters, ARE the biggest holocaust deniers currently.


GOD blessed the sons of Ishmael far more than the sons of Isaac. Look at the vast land, oil wealth and numbers of his offspring.
But just like Esau, they despised their birthright, ignore the huge possessions they already have, and demand a piece of land the size of New Jersey instead.
edit on 8-4-2024 by LuciusDriftwood because: typo

edit on 8-4-2024 by LuciusDriftwood because: typo

posted on Apr, 8 2024 @ 03:59 PM
a reply to: LuciusDriftwood

Re: Ishmael

Genesis 16:12

And he [Ishmael] will be as a [a]wild ass among men; his hand will be against every man and every man’s hand against him, and he will live to the east and on the borders of all his kinsmen.

posted on Apr, 8 2024 @ 04:16 PM
a reply to: CarlLaFong

Do you want to break that down for our fellow listeners?

What is an Ass/Donkey. What is its role, it's value, its characteristics?
How do you understand his hand being against every man, and every man's hand against him? Does that include his inability to live in peace with his Arab brother, or is it specific to the gentiles and Jews?
More importantly, what do the borders and his 'kinsmen' mean?

posted on Apr, 8 2024 @ 04:59 PM

originally posted by: LuciusDriftwood
a reply to: CarlLaFong

Do you want to break that down for our fellow listeners?

What is an Ass/Donkey. What is its role, it's value, its characteristics?

Point of clarification:
Ishmael was a "WILD ass among men."
Not a tame ass...a "wild" ass.

Predominant Biblical adjective where Ishmael is concerned.

posted on Apr, 9 2024 @ 03:13 PM

originally posted by: glend
The Jews were peacefully living with Muslums looking after each other children.


I have often heard the propagandistic lie that “before Israel, Jews and Arabs were best friends – we had no problem with them!” That’s certainly a romantic idea. Unfortunately, it is simply not true.

So why had der Grossmufti von Jerusalem – Hajj “Amin” Al-Husseini – and his terrorist gangs been massacring Jews for three decades prior to that? It certainly wasn’t because of land theft. It sure wasn’t about “freedom fighting.” It was about hatred of the Jewish People.

Then what prompted the violence of the Nabi Musa pogrom in 1920? Oppression by Jews? Over what? The stated reason for the pogrom was because elderly Jews had the audacity to sit in folding chairs for religious services at the Kotel – the “Wailing Wall” – all that is remaining of OUR Temple, which antisemites try to pretend never existed, just as Jordan sought to hide the Dead Sea Scrolls from the world for this same reason.

What of the pogroms in Chevron and Tz’vat in 1929? Or the Chevron pogroms of 1834 or 1517 for that matter?

What of the so-called “Arab Revolts” where der Grossmufti von Jerusalem – a close personal buddy and pen-pal of Hitler, requested (and received) Nazi funding to attack Jewish refugees and thousands-of-years-old-villages? There was not one centimeter of Palestinian land stolen at that time and still, the man who Yasser Arafat claims is his “uncle” decided to align himself with Hitler and help the Reich recruit Bosnia Muslims for the Hanschar SS Division.

Palestinian pogroms before 1948

British Palestine 1917-1948 - Both Muslim and Jew Beat the Snot Out of Each Other

Crisis Phase (November 2, 1917-April 19, 1936): Jewish nationalists began a struggle for a Jewish state in Palestine following the issuance by the British government of the Balfour Declaration on November 2, 1917. In the document, the British government declared its support for the establishment of a “national home for the Jewish people” in Palestine. Palestinian Arabs rioted in Jerusalem in March 1920 (“Bloody Passover”), resulting in the deaths of five Palestinian Jews and four Palestinian Arabs. Representatives of seven Allied countries (Belgium, Britain, France, Greece, Italy, Japan), which were meeting in San Remo, Italy beginning on April 19, 1920, decided to provisionally grant Great Britain the mandate over Palestine. Palestinian Arabs, who were opposed to the principles contained in the Balfour Declaration, opposed the efforts of the British government beginning in April 1920. Six Palestinian Jews were killed in political violence in Jerusalem in April 1920. The Jewish Self-Defense Organization (Haganah) was established by Vladimir Jabotinsky on June 15, 1920. Some 47 Palestinian Jews and 48 Palestinian Arabs were killed in political violence in Jaffa, Jerusalem, and other cities between May 1 and November 2, 1921. The League of Nations (LON) formally adopted a British mandate for Palestine in July 1922, which incorporated the principles of the Balfour Declaration in the mandate. Arab nationalists opposed the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine. Some 75,000 Jews emigrated to Palestine between 1922 and 1926. Muslims and Jews clashed in Jerusalem and other cities from August 16 to September 2, 1929, resulting in the deaths of some 250 individuals. The British government established a commission of inquiry, which investigated the situation in Palestine from October 24 to December 29, 1929. Jewish militants led by Avraham Tehomi established the National Military Organization (Irgun Zvai Le’umi – “Irgun”) in April 1931. Some 60,000 Jews emigrated to Palestine in 1935. Palestinian Arabs demanded that the British government halt Jewish emigration to Palestine, but the British government ignored the demand. Some 500 individuals were killed during the crisis.

And there is more ... so much more ... but I"m only allowed to quote just so much when posting.

Israel Palestine Before 1948

August 15, 1929 - Palestine Riots (also called the 1929 Massacres, Western Wall Riots, or the Buraq Uprising) start when a group of Jews march to the Western Wall, shouting “the Wall is ours” and singing Hatikvah. Rumors start swirling that they are attacking local Arabs.

August 16 — 20 1929- A young Sephardic Jew is stabbed to death (possibly unrelated to the tensions); his funeral becomes a huge anti-Arab demonstration.

August 23 1929 - Arabs converge on Jerusalem, spurred by rumors the Jews were going to try and claim the Western Wall. They start to attack Jews in the Old City, and violence begins to spread.

August 24 1929 - Hebron Massacre: as a result of hearing reports of Jews massacring Arabs, Arabs attack Hebron’s Jewish quarter, killing between 65 and 68 Jews. Over the course of the week of riots, 116 Arabs (possibly higher) and 133 Jews are killed.

1936 - Arab Revolt Stage 1: Palestinian Arabs revolt against British rule, demanding Arab independence and a cessation of Jewish immigration. Amin al-Husseini calls for a general strike, which lasts from April to October. As a result of the strike, Britain declares martial law and sends 20,000 troops into Palestine.

1937 - Peel Commission report published, recommending partition for the first time, separating Palestine into a Jewish state and an Arab state, with a British Mandate remaining over Nazareth, Bethlehem, and Jerusalem. The Arab Higher Committee denounces it immediately, fully opposes the idea of a Jewish state, and calls for a state of Palestine with protected rights for Jews and other minorities, a cessation of Jewish immigration, and land purchase.

1937 - Arab Revolt Stage 2: turned more violent, lasting for two years (until 1939). It becomes more a campaign of murder and sabotage against the British and the Jewish population in Palestine. In response, the Irgun starts attacking Palestinian civilians.

The Jewish population in Mandate Era Palestine was larger than all the Palestinian Druze, Sikhs, Bahais, Metawalis, and Samaritans – all combined. The land was historically Jewish and it was largely populated with Jews. Many Jews migrated there prior to the establishment of Israel, and after the establishment of Israel, because Muslims treated them so poorly in majority Muslim countries that they had to leave and had no where else to go other than British Palestine.

Islam is a violent, expansionary ideology that seeks the subjugation and destruction of other faiths, cultures, and systems of government. The Quran contains 109 verses that call Muslims to war with nonbelievers for the sake of Islamic rule. It's violent. It's bloody. It's intolerant. It's NOT 'the religion of peace'.
edit on 4/9/2024 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)

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