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Where'd all the zionists go?

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posted on Apr, 7 2024 @ 08:23 AM
What happened with everyone's vapid support for Israel here?

For weeks it seemed like many of you here were card carrying members of AIPIC. Now we just gonna ignore just how many of you supported the indiscriminate bombing of innocent women and children?

You may try and live in denial about this like liberals live in denial about Russia-gate. But I will remain on this broken failing website if only to remind those of you spineless weak people here who proclaimed your allegiance to an apartheid state that you are no better than those you claim to oppose.

Many of you here embrace censorship and de-platforming just as much as the left.

This websites daily reminder that.
Israel did 9/11

posted on Apr, 7 2024 @ 09:32 AM

originally posted by: JAY1980
What happened with everyone's vapid support for Israel here?

For weeks it seemed like many of you here were card carrying members of AIPIC. Now we just gonna ignore just how many of you supported the indiscriminate bombing of innocent women and children?

You may try and live in denial about this like liberals live in denial about Russia-gate. But I will remain on this broken failing website if only to remind those of you spineless weak people here who proclaimed your allegiance to an apartheid state that you are no better than those you claim to oppose.

Many of you here embrace censorship and de-platforming just as much as the left.

This websites daily reminder that.
Israel did 9/11

The land was given to the Jews by God. Try dividing it and see what you get. All it took from Biden admin was an abstain from vote and did you see what we got for it? Twisted metal, dead Americans on the bottom, and a giant mess to clean up. Just wait to see what we will get when the US doesn't just abstain, but actually votes against Israel. The US will be destroyed. It is close to destruction now as it is anyway. It is at least as filthy as Sodom and Gomorra, drenched in sexual sin. Plus the millions of dead children torn from the womb. Abortion is the pillar of the DNC. The main pillar of the DNC is a repugnant sin, disgusting to God. People with the mindset that abortion is some right, are truly twisted. This is where the word wicked comes from. In candle making, the wick is twisted. These same people don't even see how sick they are. They are absolutely depraved. Do I approve of all Israel does? no. But I damn well know better than to get involved with dividing up something God gave to someone else. Butt out!

posted on Apr, 7 2024 @ 09:41 AM
a reply to: visitedbythem

The land was given to the Jews by God.

That's only applicable to those who believe in that God and not an excuse in the eyes of International law.

+1 more 
posted on Apr, 7 2024 @ 09:44 AM
a reply to: JAY1980


DOWN WITH beheading innocent Jewish babies and murdering concert goers.
DOWN WITH taking and gang-raping innocent hostages.
DOWN WITH setting up Ammo Dumps and HAMAS HQ's under hospitals and elementary schools.

We good now?
Time for lunch.

posted on Apr, 7 2024 @ 09:52 AM
a reply to: JAY1980

Right here!

*waves hand*

Question though, did you renounce your American citizenship when Biden killed those aid workers in Kabul?

posted on Apr, 7 2024 @ 10:01 AM
a reply to: CarlLaFong


posted on Apr, 7 2024 @ 10:07 AM
a reply to: JAY1980

I could not care less about Israel and Hamas.

I just want us to stop sending our tax dollars to them. Otherwise, they can do what they want.

posted on Apr, 7 2024 @ 10:27 AM
a reply to: JAY1980

No worries this has nothing to do with jews nir hamas per sé. This was sort of a dry run and it will quitely go away as the networks have been mapped and the resistances located.

When you're dealing with the bloody businesses you sometimes have to create bloody ripples to locate an invisible target in the sea of blood.

We are not operating on the usual playbook anymore, so confusion is normal.

posted on Apr, 7 2024 @ 10:55 AM
a reply to: watchitburn

It has been going for thousands of years, I don't see it stopping anytime soon. When one side is willing to kill themselves to attempt to kill the other side, there is no reasoning with ether side. This is because one is crazy in the attacking but the other is driven crazy in the defence.

Religion, the cause of the bloodiest conflicts in history.

edit on 7-4-2024 by BeyondKnowledge3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2024 @ 10:56 AM

edit on 7-4-2024 by charlest2 because: (no reason given)

This is Biblical! Israel has been fighting the Philistines since Joshua crossed over into the promised land.

Your Questions, Biblical Answers

It seems that, no matter where you turn in the Old Testament, Israel is fighting the Philistines. While that’s a slight exaggeration—there were fights with other nations, too—it is true that Israel and the Philistines had their share of run-ins. The Philistines were an ancient people, listed in the records of those who descended from Noah’s son Ham after the time of the flood (Genesis 10:14). Abraham and Isaac interacted with the Philistines in Canaan (Genesis 21:33–34). But it was during the time of the Exodus that the Lord promised that the land of Israel would include the territory of the Philistines (Exodus 23:31); this promise meant that some kind of conflict would have to take place for Israel to displace the Philistines.

When Joshua was old, he mentioned the land of the Philistines as one of the areas that still remained to be defeated by Israel (Joshua 13:1–3). Because the Philistines were not completely removed, Israel faced them as perennial enemies.

During the time of the judges in Israel, the Philistines were often a thorn in Israel’s side. Jephthah, Shamgar, and Samson all fought against Philistia. The battles between Israel and the Philistines continued in the days of Eli and later erupted in the conflict between David and Goliath, a battle fought within a larger Israel-Philistine conflict (1 Samuel 17). David defeated Goliath, initiating a great victory for Israel, yet the history of Israel and the Philistines was not done.

During Solomon’s reign in Israel, the Philistines were subdued, yet the later prophets note that the Philistines continued to war against Israel. The Philistines were devastated by the same Assyrian Kingdom that overtook Israel (2 Kings 18:33–35). Philistia was not completely destroyed until the time of the Babylonian and Persian Empires.

From the first Hebrew, Abraham, until the deportation of Judah to Babylon, the Philistines were a constant enemy of Israel. The conflict was over more than land; it involved divergent worldviews. Unlike the Israelites, the Philistines served human-made deities and were known as a violent, warlike people.

Seven major battles between Israel and the Philistines are recorded in the Old Testament. They include the Battle of Shephelah (2 Chronicles 28), the Battle of Aphek (1 Samuel 4), the Battle of Eben-Ezez (1 Samuel 7:13–14), the battles at Michmash (1 Samuel 14), the battle involving David and Goliath (1 Samuel 17), the battle at Mount Gilboa (1 Samuel 31), and Hezekiah’s defeat of the Philistines (2 Kings 18:5–8).

edit on 7-4-2024 by charlest2 because: (no reason given)

Ecclesiastes 3:15
15 Whatever is has already been, and what will be has been before; and God will call the past to account.
edit on 7-4-2024 by charlest2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2024 @ 11:06 AM
a reply to: JAY1980

As with any polarized issue, people miss the nuance when they take one side too hard.

You can be vehemently against Hamas while also recognizing there are people in Gaza who do not support them.

You can also recognize there are Jewish people who don’t agree with their government.

So we can be critical of Israel without implying all Jews. And we can root for the destruction of Hamas without implying all Palestinians should pay for the sins of someone 50% of the population wasn’t even alive for when they were elected.

posted on Apr, 7 2024 @ 11:22 AM

originally posted by: visitedbythem

originally posted by: JAY1980
What happened with everyone's vapid support for Israel here?

For weeks it seemed like many of you here were card carrying members of AIPIC. Now we just gonna ignore just how many of you supported the indiscriminate bombing of innocent women and children?

You may try and live in denial about this like liberals live in denial about Russia-gate. But I will remain on this broken failing website if only to remind those of you spineless weak people here who proclaimed your allegiance to an apartheid state that you are no better than those you claim to oppose.

Many of you here embrace censorship and de-platforming just as much as the left.

This websites daily reminder that.
Israel did 9/11

The land was given to the Jews by God. Try dividing it and see what you get. All it took from Biden admin was an abstain from vote and did you see what we got for it? Twisted metal, dead Americans on the bottom, and a giant mess to clean up. Just wait to see what we will get when the US doesn't just abstain, but actually votes against Israel. The US will be destroyed. It is close to destruction now as it is anyway. It is at least as filthy as Sodom and Gomorra, drenched in sexual sin. Plus the millions of dead children torn from the womb. Abortion is the pillar of the DNC. The main pillar of the DNC is a repugnant sin, disgusting to God. People with the mindset that abortion is some right, are truly twisted. This is where the word wicked comes from. In candle making, the wick is twisted. These same people don't even see how sick they are. They are absolutely depraved. Do I approve of all Israel does? no. But I damn well know better than to get involved with dividing up something God gave to someone else. Butt out!

Which jews though? Are we sure the jews there currently or currently portraying themselves as such are the real chosen people? How do we know?

posted on Apr, 7 2024 @ 11:30 AM
a reply to: Shoshanna

The Jews from 2000 years ago are probably mostly all dead by now.

posted on Apr, 7 2024 @ 11:33 AM
a reply to: visitedbythem

Such a cop out answer , it’s gods will , bla bla.

posted on Apr, 7 2024 @ 01:04 PM
Hamas should be finished.

Along with all their proxy groups.

Let’s go ahead an punish Iran.

Kick their a$$ and take their gas.

Is that enough support?

posted on Apr, 7 2024 @ 01:25 PM
a reply to: JAY1980

It’s not going so well for Hamas.

Not sure what their tactical logic was when they pulled their vile hissy fit on October 7th but I’m sure they have a plan.

You must be proud of what they have achieved for their people so far.

posted on Apr, 7 2024 @ 01:50 PM

originally posted by: NorthOS
a reply to: JAY1980

It’s not going so well for Hamas.

Not sure what their tactical logic was when they pulled their vile hissy fit on October 7th but I’m sure they have a plan.

You must be proud of what they have achieved for their people so far.

Ummm...I think the premise was to illustrate that...October 7th...was an inside job...

Israel needed a pretext to remove the Gazan that they could move in and take all that oil and gas that just happens to be underneath the Gazan economic zone under the sea bed...

The tell was the picture...representing the twin tower inside job...

Many documented cases of the IDF using missile strikes and shelling the Israeli settlements where Hamas was purported to be kidnapping...on October 7th...

The whole debacle was a false flag inside job to achieve exactly what we see happening on the ground...

And the weak minded among us...swallowed the narrative...and vociferously defend the slaughter of the innocent...

Over 13,000 children dead...and they cheer...and lick their lips...and shout more...more...more...

Telling...very telling...


posted on Apr, 7 2024 @ 01:50 PM

originally posted by: CarlLaFong
a reply to: JAY1980


DOWN WITH beheading innocent Jewish babies and murdering concert goers.
DOWN WITH taking and gang-raping innocent hostages.
DOWN WITH setting up Ammo Dumps and HAMAS HQ's under hospitals and elementary schools.

We good now?
Time for lunch.

Sounds about par for the course.


posted on Apr, 7 2024 @ 01:59 PM

originally posted by: YouSir

originally posted by: NorthOS
a reply to: JAY1980

It’s not going so well for Hamas.

Not sure what their tactical logic was when they pulled their vile hissy fit on October 7th but I’m sure they have a plan.

You must be proud of what they have achieved for their people so far.

Ummm...I think the premise was to illustrate that...October 7th...was an inside job...

Israel needed a pretext to remove the Gazan that they could move in and take all that oil and gas that just happens to be underneath the Gazan economic zone under the sea bed...

The tell was the picture...representing the twin tower inside job...

Many documented cases of the IDF using missile strikes and shelling the Israeli settlements where Hamas was purported to be kidnapping...on October 7th...

The whole debacle was a false flag inside job to achieve exactly what we see happening on the ground...

And the weak minded among us...swallowed the narrative...and vociferously defend the slaughter of the innocent...

Over 13,000 children dead...and they cheer...and lick their lips...and shout more...more...more...

Telling...very telling...


Are you saying the Hamas attack on Israel was a false flag.

Are you saying that for argument sake or do you believe it was a false flag.

We are so far away and I really have no clue.

I have always respected your opinion.

I have never heard this (false flag) report.

Have a great day….WAIH

posted on Apr, 7 2024 @ 02:11 PM

originally posted by: YouSir

originally posted by: NorthOS
a reply to: JAY1980

It’s not going so well for Hamas.

Not sure what their tactical logic was when they pulled their vile hissy fit on October 7th but I’m sure they have a plan.

You must be proud of what they have achieved for their people so far.

Ummm...I think the premise was to illustrate that...October 7th...was an inside job...

It is always an inside job.

Man made god in his image. Man made books telling what this god expects of man. Man follows gods instructions about who to kill simply because they are not us. This is because it is written in a book. Isn't it funny that god is always on our side no matter which side we are on.

Without man, god seems to have no power.

To paraphrase Captain Kirk, "What does god need with all those rockets?"

Notice I never capitalized god in this case.

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