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Mass Awakening in a Time of Mass Control

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posted on Mar, 31 2024 @ 09:51 AM
a reply to: Astyanax

Ren Money Game Part 1
Ren Money Game Part 2 This music video basically breaks down what you are saying.
Ren Money Game Part 3

The trilogy pretty much covers what is wrong with our society.

posted on Mar, 31 2024 @ 10:27 AM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

the type of capitalism we have now where the government does everything possible to undermine the proper functioning of the free market.

That isn't capitalism. That's socialism.

Those large corporations are carrying out a social engineering agenda on their platforms, in an intentional effort to change how their users think.

This, too, is Socialism. Or would be if it was happening.

But executing such an agenda would have a negative impact on profits, so I really don't think large corporations would be on board with it.

I would also point out, that any heavily communist system will have massive monopolies

Technically, this too is socialism. But you're right, it is true of communism also. Communism is socialism too, but with a particular model of government.

I don't understand where China comes into any of this, though, except as a key participant in the global capitalist system. What you're describing looks to me like socialism.

posted on Mar, 31 2024 @ 10:40 AM
I am not going to analyze the OP nor I am going to present a judgment on the validity of what was presented, however, I will suggest that the propaganda pendulum swings both left and right. I don't believe that things are so cut-and-dry or have a strict logical order or progression that we truly understand. That said, I find some propaganda more believable than others, the kind that makes the most sense to me, however, that would be the most dangerous and effective kind of propaganda to believe in.
edit on 3/31/2024 by TheMichiganSwampBuck because: for clarity

posted on Mar, 31 2024 @ 10:42 AM
a reply to: TheMichiganSwampBuck

Interesting take.

“Order out of Chaos” comes to mind.

posted on Mar, 31 2024 @ 10:46 AM

originally posted by: ChaoticOrder
Just a decade ago, the internet was a very different place, some might say it was a wild west compared to the internet today. Back then I remember people saying the internet would one day be highly controlled and censored by just a handful of powerful corporations. We feared it would become like television, packed full of ads and a limited range of channels/websites to choose from.

For the most part, those concerns have become a reality, many independent websites have disappeared and been replaced by a few mega corporations who essentially own all social media platforms, and those platforms have decided it's their job to socially engineer the masses using censorship and many other sneaky tactics. Try doing a search on one of these platforms and the results will be highly curated.

This is especially true if you're searching for anything remotely controversial, you'll get barely any relevant results and probably get a bunch of MSM results telling you how to think. If you manage to find a relevant result, like a video on YouTube, you'll see a warning box with a link to an "authoritative" source telling you why you're an idiotic conspiracy theorist for believing anything the video says.

The ironic part is, most people are aware of this neurotic social engineering agenda, and it's actually having the opposite intended effect. People are starting to wake in massive numbers and I don't mean in a "woke" way, which is a childish mispelled variant of being awake, made for people who are completely brainwashed by the establishment but still want to believe they are somehow a free thinker.

It honestly feels like I'm living in a world full of toddlers who believe they are geneuises the likes of which have never existed before, truly ground breaking modern thinkers of a new generation who will change the world using their vast intellectual prowess. Yet everything they touch turns to crap and they cause mass suffering in every place they try enacting their absolutely brilliant plans for utopia.

They claim to be so selfless and humble, yet almost always radiate a sense of entitlement and pretentiousness, with an ego to match. And even with all the control and censorship we already have, they still demand more like the neurotic children that they are, because they can see many people are starting to see through the propeganda, people are becoming wise to their tactics and I think it terrifies them.

Of course there are many reasons so many people are waking up, such as their insane approach to handling Covid and how much they lied about it, not to mention all the people they have likely murdered with their neurotic rush to roll out a vaccine, which of course was done in the name of "public safety". In fact I think 99.99% of the people promoting it had no clue about the potential side effects.

They were simply doing what they though was right, or following the accepted narrative so they weren't treated as an outcast of society. The same thing applies to all this censorship, those behind it believe they are really saving the world from lies and misinformation, and nothing is more important than that, because people are clearly incapable of deciding for themselves what is true and what isn't.

The websites like ATS where some form of free speech is still allowed without extreme censorship are struggling to stick around because the big search engines are filtered and curated in the name of "community safety", the same mindset which led us to throw away two years of progress, and a mindset we often see used by authoritarian governments like China, enabling them to enforce ridiculously harsh lockdown measures.

Yet so many of the geniuses I mentioned earlier think that China is some sort of great role model for how we should do things in western nations, because their form of communist dictatorship is obviously great, despite the fact the average income per capita in China relative to the cost of living is extremely low compared to many developed nations. Not that mass suffering seems to bother the control freaks.

They don't give a damn how their climate policies effect the developing world despite the fact they claim to be such caring and empathetic people. They can claim to be champions of the less fortunate, but almost everything they do causes more suffering for those struggling to survive. These children don't understand the first thing about economics, they believe in a wishful thinking and virtue signalling.

The world is now more generic than it has ever been because everything is so controlled. Music and movies tend to be unoriginal and uninspired, same thing for comedy because people are scared to say anything that might upset the thought police. And that is yet another reason so many people are starting to rebel against this elitist technocracy led by neurotic leftists, and nothing they do can stop it.
Who cares , are you hiding anything ?
Do you traffic for nefarious reasons ?
I could care less who spied on me , because we are all spied on & Im glad big brother keeps an eye on the lunatic of society.
Do you know any lunatics that you converse with online ? Do you visit lunatic sites ?

posted on Mar, 31 2024 @ 10:50 AM
a reply to: SteamyAmerican

So capitalism is why the FBI is showing up at people’s doorstep and Google is supplying the Feds with folks who viewed certain YT videos?

You don't specify any particular incident, but such cases would seem to be concerned with legal rather than business issues. So, no: this has nothing to do with capitalism, nor does it explain what the OP describes.

Yet, I wouldn’t look up the definition of fascism online nowadays as the definition has been altered by uh, “capitalism”.

No educated person should need to look up the definition of fascism. But if it has been altered by capitalism, that means the market has altered it. People have bought it, because it appeals to them better than the old one.

'The marketplace of ideas.' Never heard the phrase?

So; consumers in the marketplace of ideas have chosen a new definition over the old one. Free markets, eh? Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em.

Nice, by the way, to see someone using proper quotation marks instead of typewriter quotes for a change.

posted on Mar, 31 2024 @ 11:00 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Mar, 31 2024 @ 11:01 AM
a reply to: Astyanax

Not buying it.

Words have meaning.

Edit: and I beg to differ, “marketplace of ideas” and capitalism are not the same. Just as wiki’s definition of fascism isn’t what fascism is.

Capitalism can buy out, move, endorse, or shut down products and goods, Commerce and services.

Ideas cannot die. Nor be bought out by capitalism.

Only the people extolling them can.

edit on 31-3-2024 by SteamyAmerican because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2024 @ 11:11 AM
a reply to: AllisVibration

Perhaps you haven’t considered propaganda as a form of social engineering?

Why, what else is it supposed to be for?

Maybe you haven’t read Huxley’s Brave New World?

Read it when I was thirteen or so. Never cared for it much: too preachy and idea-driven to be a very good novel. But full marks for foresight, you have to give Huxley that. Even if, in literal terms, he was so shortsighted he could barely see.

Have you read it? 😁

Maybe you didn’t hear about the Budweiser fiasco?

Heard about it, read about it, posted about it here on ATS. See, that's what happens when corporations misjudge their consumers: they lose money. That's why the idea that businesses spread political propaganda is eyewash. The propaganda they're into is called advertising and marketing. It's bottom-line focused. Even the Bud Light thing was basically profit-driven, but they got it all wrong and lost money instead.

edit on 31/3/24 by Astyanax because:

posted on Mar, 31 2024 @ 11:21 AM
a reply to: xuenchen

Who decides ?? 🤓

You do, either way. But you have to keep your wits about you. Did you forget that it's a jungle out there?

If the pressure gets too much, you could always emigrate to some social-democratic nanny state where the government will protect you from all the big bad Mr Moneybagses. And tax you at 80% to pay for all that protection.

Hmm... something tells me you guys are a bit stuck.

edit on 31/3/24 by Astyanax because:

posted on Mar, 31 2024 @ 11:38 AM
a reply to: glen200376

Big bad capitalism eh?

Do you think what I described is all bad?

Are you a communist or Marxist by any chance?

Comrade? Is it really you? I thought you were murdered in Mexico, with an ice pick...

posted on Mar, 31 2024 @ 11:40 AM
Love it when the "Woke" say they're awake. Lmao

posted on Mar, 31 2024 @ 12:12 PM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

We feared it would become like television, packed full of ads and a limited range of channels/websites to choose from.

Yes... We wouldn't want our media choices streamlined..

Could you imagine a country where only one side of this graph is believed and the other half is accused of trying to takeover?

I really cant... at all... even a little.

The ironic part is... most people...
....still want to believe they are somehow a free thinker.

Sorry to take that out of context for a rhetorical point, but I have likewise noted it is as a misquote, and not an authentic representation of what was written.

The websites like ATS where some form of free speech is still allowed without extreme censorship are struggling to stick around because the big search engines are filtered and curated in the name of "community safety"

I've had tons of my posts trashed in the name of community guidelines and safety.

But I get your point, I just asked Google, "How do Satanic globablist pedophile elites get away with drinking the blood of christian babies?"

And the first page of results was all on Q-Anon conspiracy. I pulled back the wording, and the same results. It took a specific refinement of wording from deliberately comical to as specific of keywords as possible to get Google to give me a pro-discussion. It tries to route you through fact-checked sources.

I have found this ANNOYING as hell actually.

"No, that's not what asked, I asked for the study results that led Sweden to ban covid vaccines for young people. Oh FFS, Google! You know, people are right!"

It doesn't "wake me up" as much as "get me to react" to the OBVIOUSLY DELIBERATE search filter to weed out conspiracy or things deemed harmful by the emergent herd. Now I'm like, yeah this Ministry of Truth crap is going too far.

I'll become incensed against "the powers that be," which despite always existing, are now redefining themselves per the prophetic nightmare of George Orwell. In the time since that was written in 1949 the authoritative buzzwords like miscegenation and Marxism have been replaced by cisgender and Marxism.

He was inspired by Hitler and Stalin to write it, and it became an instant hit among McCarthyists. There's always been some Irony among it's reception.

Initially, it was seen as a condemnation of Stalin and people loved it, while simultaneously blacklisting anyone inclined to Trotsky or in any type of interracial relationship.

Honestly the early 1950s were only a glorious and prosperous time on paper. Otherwise, it was "4th Reich culture, Americana...

and the emergence of the thin line between entertainment and war.

Now Rambo has to have an LGBT friend per the revised 2021 dictates of the Military Industrial Entertainment Complex.

Same authority, different mask.

edit on 31-3-2024 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2024 @ 12:25 PM
a reply to: SteamyAmerican

Not buying it.

Not selling it.

Words have meaning.

Indeed they do, and arguments over what they mean have split apart spouses, families, churches, political systems, nations and societies. 'Letting the market decide' sounds like a relatively peaceful way of resolving these often deadly disputes – if only it worked.

[The] “marketplace of ideas” and capitalism are not the same.

Quite right. Capitalism is not a market of any kind but an economic system based on markets.

Just as wiki’s definition of fascism isn’t what fascism is.

What has that got to do with anything? Do you think people use Wikipedia to learn the definition of fascism?

Anyway, you made me curious, so I went and had a look:

Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation or race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy.

That's a description, not a definition.

What parts of it do you think are inaccurate?

Further down the page, it says this:

Historians, political scientists, and other scholars have long debated the exact nature of fascism. Historian Ian Kershaw once wrote that "trying to define 'fascism' is like trying to nail jelly to the wall." Each different group described as fascist has at least some unique elements, and many definitions of fascism have been criticized as either too broad or too narrow.

Doesn't sound very dogmatic or propagandist to me.

What's your definition of fascism, then? I'm curious.

posted on Mar, 31 2024 @ 12:34 PM
a reply to: Astyanax

Well since you asked. Fascism is the (sometimes bloody) wedding of government and business to propagate ideas or a philosophical disposition amongst a citizenry. Usually militaristic in its delivery.

I thought it was a leftist ideal, but turns out I was wrong?

And unfortunately, yes, many people think Wiki has the answers, and they aren’t demanding for definitions to be changed. Sometimes things are manipulated without assigning a dollar value to them.

And yeah words can change their meanings over time.

I pointed out Wiki, because I’m damn sure if I picked up an encyclopedia, it would be far different.


Defintions ARE descriptions to a degree no?
Maybe not to a “T”, but stereotypes exist for reasons.

Thanks for humoring me.

What do you think fascism means?

Edit: has a decent definition.

edit on 31-3-2024 by SteamyAmerican because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2024 @ 12:47 PM
a reply to: Degradation33

Could you imagine a world where only one side of this graph is believed and the other half is accused of trying to takeover?

I really cant... at all... even a little.

Certainly not in America or any other pluralistic, democratic country. But in authoritarian states there isn't the same breadth of editorial opinion. The government controls what can be said and keeps the media in line.

Of course, people will still believe whatever they believe.

Now Rambo has to have an LGBT friend per the dictates of the Military Industrial Entertainment Complex.

But they'll be gone from the next movie if this one tanks. See, that's how capitalism works. And that's why any attempt at a 'social control agenda' is bound to fail in a capitalist society.

'Military Industrial Entertainment Complex' is good. Frank Sinatra and Judy Garland belting it out for the tropps with the good old USO. It's been around a long time, you know.

And not just under capitalism.

posted on Mar, 31 2024 @ 12:52 PM

originally posted by: GENERAL EYES

originally posted by: TheSingleBillie

So Biden banned any religious themed items at the White House egg roll. A purely religious holiday, with zero other original meaning but Christian. There is no meaning left in Easter, why the heck celebrate bunnies and eggs? That is what the White House egg roll has become, a celebration of eggs and bunnies. That's downright weird.

The feast day of Easter was first a pagan holiday of renewal and rebirth. Honored in the early spring, it praised the pagan goddess of fertility and spring known as 'Ostara', 'Eastre' or 'Eostre'.

Bunnies and eggs are symbols of fertility.

Wheel of the Year

Once again, another Pagan Celebration blended with Christianity by the Church.

And I write this as a Catholic.

Ok, I see what you are saying.

Still the Biden administration said NOTHING religious allowed, even goddess based fertility religions, all religions.
All that is allowed to be celebrate is eggs and bunnies - so weird and pointless.

posted on Mar, 31 2024 @ 01:04 PM
a reply to: nugget1

I agree the liberals that are running the nation right now have a tendency to have the people they disagree with "commit suicide" A person who could have caused problems for TPTB (like Trump can) was found by officials to have committed suicide. He shot himself (they never found the gun, so after fatally shooting himself he hid the gun quite well), then after fatally shooting himself and hiding the gun he tied himself upright to a tree. This is pretty typical of what happens to people who cross the Democratic Party PTB.

Trump is someone they desperately want out of the way. My prediction is that weeks before the election, too late to change ballots, Trump will commit "suicide" or die suddenly of "natural causes". I do not think Trump will be elected because the liberals just won't allow it to happen. Since they control the mainstream media, and the DOJ (nothing to see here, no problem if Dems do it, like Biden having classified boxes spilling over in this garage; while wanting to prosecute Trumps documents locked alone in a storage room with security guards patrolling the property).

Liberals would rather have the current unelected cabal telling Biden what to do/say/etc (with minders, notes, teleprompters helping him) than have a duly elected President. Why? Their cabal is far far left totalitarian, Chinese style and they love it. As Obama once said, he wished the US government were like China, because he could get more done.

The media will cover up any shady involvement in Trumps demise, and they will cover up any election problems, as they did in 2020. They will continue to call for non-citizens and 16 year olds to be allowed to vote. They will continue to oppose voter ID so that illegal aliens, Russian operatives, Chinese operatives can fly over and vote. Their reasoning is black people are too stupid to be able to get a photo ID and so voter ID is racist, because we all know black people don't get back accounts, loans, credit cards or welfare because they can't figure out how to get a photo ID and so voter ID must be eliminated entirely.

posted on Mar, 31 2024 @ 01:09 PM
a reply to: SteamyAmerican

What do you think fascism means?

In general? Different things to different people.

To me? I think Fascism is the conviction that the society one lives in (usually defined as the 'people' or 'nation' one identifies with) was once great and glorious but is now corrupt and degraded, and that the reason for this decline is that malefic external actors have infiltrated it and are preying upon it as looters and parasites; they will soon take over altogether if they are not stopped. The fascist believes that the decline of society can only be halted by tracking down and eradicating these alien elements, completely cleansing society of them, and – equally important – cleansing the minds of the people of the evil, divisive, demoralizing ideas that the aliens have, by devious means, implanted in them. The fascist is comfortable with the thought that violent, even deadly means may have to be used in order to accomplish these goals, and that the people, too, will have to accept discipline and make many sacrifices in order to recover their former greatness and glory.

That is what I think fascism is.

posted on Mar, 31 2024 @ 01:14 PM

originally posted by: TheSingleBillie

Ok, I see what you are saying.

Still the Biden administration said NOTHING religious allowed, even goddess based fertility religions, all religions.
All that is allowed to be celebrate is eggs and bunnies - so weird and pointless.

It's just a Secular Holiday for most people these days.

Fun easter egg hunts, candy baskets and ham dinners.

If one chooses a religious perspective, they are not forbidden to do so, it's just the current adminstration is moving away from any association.

Remember the outrage during the Trump Administration about the bizzare way Melina decorated the White House for Christmas?

People were up in arms then too!

Well, I kinda get around on the internet and you would not believe the amount of horror stories of people in various communities have about the abuses they've endured from Relgiously Oriented people.

A lot of them grew up or were abused by folks who bear little resemblance to folks who claim to follow the teachings of Christ, but favor more the strong arm and unforgiving Law of the Old Testament and where the practioners are more indoctrinated with hate and intolerance than with the mercy and forgiveness of Christ.

Many of my younger friends have similiar horror stories, and while they tolerate me because I don't preach to them and instead offer a sympathetic ear and try to offer comfort and perspective. We live in the Deep South and not a day goes by that they don't have some sort of run in with someone attacking them for the way they dress, dye their hair, their tattoos or the person they love for no other reason than they fit a certain "profile".

Maybe that's the reason Biden moved away from the Christian imagery.

A lot of these younger kids have had too much abuse in their lives, and a lot of people these days are tired of Religious Hypocrisy.

And that's not even getting into the Christian Cults out there, these kids are just trying to do their jobs and get threats of hellfire and damnation all the time, I've seen it myself and tried to diffuse the situation, but these people are hard headed, angry and WANT a fight. They don't want the Peace of Christ, they certainly don't practice it, they are obsessed with Judgement and Damnation, Hellfire and the End of Days.

The worst I've had to endure personally was a gentlemen with dementia who kept offering me Chick Tracts everytime we cross paths, I would smile and accept them graciously, (even though I know Jack Chick's opinion on the Catholic Church) share a few plesantries about the day and move on.

I have my concerns about the state of things, but my battle is not with flesh and blood, but rather with the spiritual powers of wickedness in high places.

Man should know better than to let the Devil's Hate make his home in their hearts and mind, but Satan really is a tricky bastard.

He's got the whole world fooled.

edit on 3/31/24 by GENERAL EYES because: (no reason given)

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