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Mass Awakening in a Time of Mass Control

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posted on Mar, 31 2024 @ 01:30 AM
Just a decade ago, the internet was a very different place, some might say it was a wild west compared to the internet today. Back then I remember people saying the internet would one day be highly controlled and censored by just a handful of powerful corporations. We feared it would become like television, packed full of ads and a limited range of channels/websites to choose from.

For the most part, those concerns have become a reality, many independent websites have disappeared and been replaced by a few mega corporations who essentially own all social media platforms, and those platforms have decided it's their job to socially engineer the masses using censorship and many other sneaky tactics. Try doing a search on one of these platforms and the results will be highly curated.

This is especially true if you're searching for anything remotely controversial, you'll get barely any relevant results and probably get a bunch of MSM results telling you how to think. If you manage to find a relevant result, like a video on YouTube, you'll see a warning box with a link to an "authoritative" source telling you why you're an idiotic conspiracy theorist for believing anything the video says.

The ironic part is, most people are aware of this neurotic social engineering agenda, and it's actually having the opposite intended effect. People are starting to wake in massive numbers and I don't mean in a "woke" way, which is a childish mispelled variant of being awake, made for people who are completely brainwashed by the establishment but still want to believe they are somehow a free thinker.

It honestly feels like I'm living in a world full of toddlers who believe they are geneuises the likes of which have never existed before, truly ground breaking modern thinkers of a new generation who will change the world using their vast intellectual prowess. Yet everything they touch turns to crap and they cause mass suffering in every place they try enacting their absolutely brilliant plans for utopia.

They claim to be so selfless and humble, yet almost always radiate a sense of entitlement and pretentiousness, with an ego to match. And even with all the control and censorship we already have, they still demand more like the neurotic children that they are, because they can see many people are starting to see through the propeganda, people are becoming wise to their tactics and I think it terrifies them.

Of course there are many reasons so many people are waking up, such as their insane approach to handling Covid and how much they lied about it, not to mention all the people they have likely murdered with their neurotic rush to roll out a vaccine, which of course was done in the name of "public safety". In fact I think 99.99% of the people promoting it had no clue about the potential side effects.

They were simply doing what they though was right, or following the accepted narrative so they weren't treated as an outcast of society. The same thing applies to all this censorship, those behind it believe they are really saving the world from lies and misinformation, and nothing is more important than that, because people are clearly incapable of deciding for themselves what is true and what isn't.

The websites like ATS where some form of free speech is still allowed without extreme censorship are struggling to stick around because the big search engines are filtered and curated in the name of "community safety", the same mindset which led us to throw away two years of progress, and a mindset we often see used by authoritarian governments like China, enabling them to enforce ridiculously harsh lockdown measures.

Yet so many of the geniuses I mentioned earlier think that China is some sort of great role model for how we should do things in western nations, because their form of communist dictatorship is obviously great, despite the fact the average income per capita in China relative to the cost of living is extremely low compared to many developed nations. Not that mass suffering seems to bother the control freaks.

They don't give a damn how their climate policies effect the developing world despite the fact they claim to be such caring and empathetic people. They can claim to be champions of the less fortunate, but almost everything they do causes more suffering for those struggling to survive. These children don't understand the first thing about economics, they believe in a wishful thinking and virtue signalling.

The world is now more generic than it has ever been because everything is so controlled. Music and movies tend to be unoriginal and uninspired, same thing for comedy because people are scared to say anything that might upset the thought police. And that is yet another reason so many people are starting to rebel against this elitist technocracy led by neurotic leftists, and nothing they do can stop it.
edit on 31/3/2024 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2024 @ 02:27 AM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

this neurotic social engineering agenda

There is no social-engineering agenda. There is only the natural development of markets in a capitalist system.

First phase: somebody spots, or creates, a business opportunity that never existed before. A few pioneers rush to exploit it. At first, it’s easy to make bucks: not much competition, plenty of demand and a fairly open playing field because the downsides of whatever benefit you're offering customers have not yet become apparent and drawn the attention of government regulators and consumer-protection groups.

Next phase: everyone piles into the market. Competition is rife. Over time, the more successful competitors send the others out of business or gobble them up. This is called a ‘shakeout’ by marketing theorists. By the end of this phase, a few very big players dominate the market. Regulators and legislators have also begun looking at the business, and drafting rules for it − rules that smaller firms have trouble meeting, because conforming with them costs money and reduces profitability.

Phase Three: the big players continue to compete against one another, but the market is now saturated, so growth can only come from productivity gains and ‘improved’ (ie more appealing to consumers) product designs. The big players invest massively in market and product research, and their products, driven by this research, become more and more like one another’s, i.e. ‘generic’. A few small firms (or small subsidiaries of the big players) may still remain, serving the handful of people who are not satisfied with the ‘generic‘ product.

Phase Four: a monopoly or oligopoly. Players can now save on market-research and product-design expenditure because customers, now firmly hooked and lacking the choices they had at an earlier stage when the market was more diversified, now have to take whatever the big boys give them. Sometimes governments intervene at this point with antitrust laws or competitiveness regulations to ‘bust the trust’ and give consumers more choice, but this is not always successful.

There is no ‘control agenda’ in any of this. It’s just capitalism doing its thing, following the lure of the market.

posted on Mar, 31 2024 @ 02:29 AM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

Woop woop awesome break down.

The world is now more generic than it has ever been because everything is so controlled. Music and movies tend to be unoriginal and uninspired, same thing for comedy because people are scared to say anything that might upset the thought police. And that is yet another reason so many people are starting to rebel against this elitist technocracy led by neurotic leftists, and nothing they do can stop it.
edit on 31/3/2024 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

I find some of their blatent attempts at lying absolutely humorous.
And most attemts at censorship completely pitiful. For instance
the other night when Jen Psaki told far left clown world that RFK jr.
was a conspiracy theorist. And there is only one person who desrves
a vote. I would have felt bad for her if I could've stopped LMGDAO.
edit on 31-3-2024 by Astrocometus because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2024 @ 02:59 AM
a reply to: Astyanax

I didn't say the monopolization of businesses was a social engineering agenda, it is a result of capitalism, or at least the type of capitalism we have now where the government does everything possible to undermine the proper functioning of the free market.

I said those large corporations are carrying out a social engineering agenda on their platforms, in an intentional effort to change how their users think. And it clearly has a strong effect on many people, but it's also backfiring for the reasons I explained.

I would also point out, that any heavily communist system will have massive monopolies owned entirely by the government, and we all know how amazing the government is at spending money effectively to produce affordable well made products.

The only reason China isn't entirely a 3rd world nation is because they are heavily involved in the global capitalist system of business, in fact they supply the vast majority of electronics, clothes, furniture, and other products to the world.

Yes despite all that, their government still manages to achieve a very poor income per capita. And I don't know of any heavily socialist or communist system in history which has prospered anywhere close the level of prosperity generated by capitalist systems.
edit on 31/3/2024 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2024 @ 03:43 AM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

The simple fact you refuse to acknowledge that it is not just the leftist but equally the rights fault makes your rant not really worth much.
You would be wise to step out from the left/right mindset. You will cause yourself anguish.

posted on Mar, 31 2024 @ 04:14 AM
a reply to: budzprime69

Well I'm actually a libertarian centrist, in fact I'm used to be quite a hardcore leftist in my younger years. I'm not religious in the slightest and I don't particularly like most Republicans. But I absolutely despise the left and their anti-freedom agenda being carried out under the guise of social justice. From where I sit the neurotic left is responsible for 99% of the crappy world we now live in. If you disagree please explain to me exactly what the right has done to contribute to this situation. The simple fact is the world is entrenched in a left/right political duality, and ignoring that reality isn't any better than being trapped in a one-sided mentality.
edit on 31/3/2024 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2024 @ 04:20 AM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

I don't think it terrifies them so much as it infuriates them. The masses aren't supposed to have their own notions about what is going on.


posted on Mar, 31 2024 @ 04:32 AM
Ah yes, and who does wish destruction and suffering upon mankind? Be not one of them and wish love for everybody, even a mega corporation might find errors in its way. Where there's no love, there's no hope so feel free to share a helping hand. Every light counts. We can be meaningful in a positive way.

posted on Mar, 31 2024 @ 05:16 AM
a reply to: Astyanax

Oh neat.

So capitalism is why the FBI is showing up at people’s doorstep and Google is supplying the Feds with folks who viewed certain YT videos?


Lulz. Deny Ignorance and stuff.

Look I’ll concur up to a point that the “free market” drives most products. However. This is not that. When in the course of history you have folks like the Stasi, Cheka, and Gestapo affirming fascism, then here we are.

The Us isn’t absolved from things like the Red Scare etc throughout the 20th century either. Yet, I wouldn’t look up the definition of fascism online nowadays as the definition has been altered by uh, “capitalism”.

edit on 31-3-2024 by SteamyAmerican because: Wordz

edit on 31-3-2024 by SteamyAmerican because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2024 @ 07:03 AM
With how some of the residents in China where getting treated when talking about conditions as covid started set a troubling tone to events. The impression I got was many in China know you cannot trust the government with all of its media. It is one of those things you don't talk about, or very careful if you do. By the time the WHO decided to restrict international travel, already way too late if containment was the plan.

Now, the no virus campaign is going all flat earth. Maybe it just makes it easier for them to deal with it as there education is limited. Most I know are over it, regret getting jabbed and just want to get on with things best they can. Others are still happy with their diet of pharmaceuticals.

Awakening is something we all have to do in our own way. It is a complicated world, can take some time to find that rock of certainty in a sea of doubt. Sometimes have to do it that hard way when the easy way fails.

posted on Mar, 31 2024 @ 07:10 AM

originally posted by: budzprime69
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

The simple fact you refuse to acknowledge that it is not just the leftist but equally the rights fault makes your rant not really worth much.
You would be wise to step out from the left/right mindset. You will cause yourself anguish.

Sorry the OP is correct.

The ideology being pushed is liberal leftist ideology.

The ideology being suppressed is conservative ideology.

I too have noticed sites/articles I previously used to prove a point (conservative) from mainstream news have now disappeared from search engines. To find them I may have to wade through pages and pages of irrelevant liberal brainwashing to get to the original articles, if I find them at all.

Liberal leftists find Christianity to be dangerous. So Biden banned any religious themed items at the White House egg roll. A purely religious holiday, with zero other original meaning but Christian. There is no meaning left in Easter, why the heck celebrate bunnies and eggs? That is what the White House egg roll has become, a celebration of eggs and bunnies. That's downright weird.

Liberal leftists demand that Christ be left out of Christmas. I'll grant it was originally a pagan holiday at that date, but all had religious connotations. Now liberals celebrate consumerism, overindulgence in alcohol and parties. That is weird too to celebrate massive pointless consumerism and encourage massive overspending for no reason other that one is supposed to according to liberal leftist ideology - and all religious, meaningful reasons abandoned.

Liberal left culture seems out to destroy the US as a nation. Biden is well on the way to bankrupting the nation making it equally poor to all other nations.

liberal goal, the entire world equally poor, with a few mega wealthy telling everyone else what to do, eat, live , buy, not buy because they are the only people compassionate enough, wise enough, to create a totally new system of morality that they insist we all live by. Abandoning all morality that has anything to do with any of the worlds major religions or is espoused by any of the worlds major centuries old religions (Islam, Christianity, Judiasm)

The new morality of liberal leftists Democrats being forced on everyone through new laws and social media and brainwashing:
The result, criminals are given preference to victims in Dem run states/cities:
non-citizens are given larger monthly checks by NYC than poor citizens:
women with a penis are given more rights than women with vaginas and held up as superior women to vagina women:
little children are taught how to masturbate in Kindergarten in CA:
Jr Hi children are taught every single form of sex that exists, including the how to's of fisting and blood play in liberal states/districts:
squatters have the right to steal homes from homeowners who go on long vacations:
inflation is the government's solution to trying to pay off the impossible debt:
the government is increasing the number of items that will be forbidden to produce like gas cars, stoves, furnaces, lawn tools - telling people what they can and can not buy.
Dem states (9) have made it legal for a healthy uterus owner (word mother forbidden in this context) to abort (kill) a healthy and thriving full term fetus before it is expelled from the uterus and want to make that form of infanticide the law of the land.
I could go on and on as women with vagina's are degraded and liberal judges rule they have no right to bodily privacy or protection from a penis, while ruling that women with penis' do have the right to bodily privacy and protection from other penis bearing people.

I have to go to church and celebrate the REAL meaning of Easter that liberals and Democrats think is so disgusting as to not be allowed in public, so you can throw up now at the thought, as is YOUR right now in the US. But not my right in any public government run liberal leftist place anymore to even mention the real reason for Easter.


edit on 3/31/2024 by TheSingleBillie because: grammar

posted on Mar, 31 2024 @ 08:50 AM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

I watched a documentary about a jean factory in China. It was terrible because these poor women are having to live in housing provided by the factory, eat food provided by the factory, but all that comes out of their pay so at the end they make very very little actual money. They're working so many hours they had to use clothespins to hold their eyes open!

I think there are a lot of puppets for the controllers agenda. This has been achieved through decades of public schooling brainwash so that now we are starting to see before college/after college memes where the kid looks like a normal kid before college, comes back with multicolor hair, piercings and screaming about *insert divisive political/social issue here* like the patriarchy, capitalism, so called civil rights. This affects every level of schooling because the government ultimately controls public schools and the government is controlled by the elite globalist.

There is brainwashing coming from all angles and the internet is the worst because things CAN just disappear and if you don't archive it, useful info can just be whitewashed over.

I gave up on movies! Too much superheroes. And it is getting to where unless you have watched every single superhero movie or know all the lore of the comic books, you have no idea what is going on in these movies. At least me, but I'm kinda slow. I just watch documentaries and terrible disaster movies now, like so bad they're funny and it has improved my mindset a lot! I'm watching this series right now called 10.5 apocalypse with Dean Cain and so far it is hilariously bad. Even the camera work is terrible, they keep randomly zooming into people's faces. It is great.

posted on Mar, 31 2024 @ 09:06 AM
a reply to: Astyanax

There is no social-engineering agenda.

Perhaps you haven’t considered propaganda as a form of social engineering? Maybe you haven’t read Huxley’s Brave New World? Maybe you didn’t hear about the Budweiser fiasco?

Regardless such a statement is absurd.

posted on Mar, 31 2024 @ 09:13 AM
a reply to: Astyanax

So is it all a matter of "buying what you want", or "wanting what you buy" ?? Who decides ?? 🤓

posted on Mar, 31 2024 @ 09:21 AM
a reply to: AllisVibration

In addition the person that runs (ran?) Netflix is a descendant of someone with special knowledge of exactly this subject.

Speaking of market-driven social-engineering capitalism.


So yeah. Netflix and Chill isn’t programming at all.

posted on Mar, 31 2024 @ 09:22 AM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

as usual, you are spot on. But I feel like the paradigm shift is happening. More and more people are realizing the control they are under, and realizing it doesn't have to be that way. The simple one's will take much longer to understand, as they are fighting against their own belief system.

But as we have all evolved, I have enjoyed your perspective over the years.

posted on Mar, 31 2024 @ 09:27 AM

originally posted by: Astyanax
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

this neurotic social engineering agenda

There is no social-engineering agenda. There is only the natural development of markets in a capitalist system.

First phase: somebody spots, or creates, a business opportunity that never existed before. A few pioneers rush to exploit it. At first, it’s easy to make bucks: not much competition, plenty of demand and a fairly open playing field because the downsides of whatever benefit you're offering customers have not yet become apparent and drawn the attention of government regulators and consumer-protection groups.

Next phase: everyone piles into the market. Competition is rife. Over time, the more successful competitors send the others out of business or gobble them up. This is called a ‘shakeout’ by marketing theorists. By the end of this phase, a few very big players dominate the market. Regulators and legislators have also begun looking at the business, and drafting rules for it − rules that smaller firms have trouble meeting, because conforming with them costs money and reduces profitability.

Phase Three: the big players continue to compete against one another, but the market is now saturated, so growth can only come from productivity gains and ‘improved’ (ie more appealing to consumers) product designs. The big players invest massively in market and product research, and their products, driven by this research, become more and more like one another’s, i.e. ‘generic’. A few small firms (or small subsidiaries of the big players) may still remain, serving the handful of people who are not satisfied with the ‘generic‘ product.

Phase Four: a monopoly or oligopoly. Players can now save on market-research and product-design expenditure because customers, now firmly hooked and lacking the choices they had at an earlier stage when the market was more diversified, now have to take whatever the big boys give them. Sometimes governments intervene at this point with antitrust laws or competitiveness regulations to ‘bust the trust’ and give consumers more choice, but this is not always successful.

There is no ‘control agenda’ in any of this. It’s just capitalism doing its thing, following the lure of the market.
Big bad capitalism eh?Are you a communist or Marxist by any chance?

posted on Mar, 31 2024 @ 09:29 AM
That’s what people said at the start of the scamdemic. Very little has changed imo. I don’t social media at all so my only reference is waking life in the flesh and the people seem just as stupid as 2 years ago, 10 years ago and 20 years ago.

I still see people even very young people in public service jobs voluntarily wearing masks. They arnt sick it’s to prevent them from getting sick. I usually ask if I am being served by a person with a mask if they are sick and the vast overwhelming majority of the responses are no I wear it to prevent me from getting. Absolutely retarded, the government and media has lobotomized them. I don’t protest I just nod, no sense in trying to illuminate the void.

Nope people are not waking up many are so asleep they are brain dead.

People only think China is amazing if they are closeted communists with zero real world experience in the realm of human suffering.
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

posted on Mar, 31 2024 @ 09:38 AM

originally posted by: TheSingleBillie

So Biden banned any religious themed items at the White House egg roll. A purely religious holiday, with zero other original meaning but Christian. There is no meaning left in Easter, why the heck celebrate bunnies and eggs? That is what the White House egg roll has become, a celebration of eggs and bunnies. That's downright weird.

The feast day of Easter was first a pagan holiday of renewal and rebirth. Honored in the early spring, it praised the pagan goddess of fertility and spring known as 'Ostara', 'Eastre' or 'Eostre'.

Bunnies and eggs are symbols of fertility.

Wheel of the Year

Once again, another Pagan Celebration blended with Christianity by the Church.

And I write this as a Catholic.
edit on 3/31/24 by GENERAL EYES because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2024 @ 09:48 AM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

Loved your OP, ChaoticOrder! I do disagree with the following, though:

The simple fact is the world is entrenched in a left/right political duality, and ignoring that reality isn't any better than being trapped in a one-sided mentality.

It's become apparent to me that we have had a Uniparty for some years now, leaning heavily to liberal ideology. If that were not so, Biden's last spending bill would never have been passed.
Lawsuits would have been filed immediately with every executive order, and he would not have been allowed to get away with ignoring SCOTUS rulings against him.

Republicans (in name only) run off at the mouth for months-even years in some instances-before calling for lame, stone-walling investigations.

I'll tell you why the potential dangers of AI are being paraded in front of us 24/7; the investigation into the Biden crime family will come to noting, because every phone call, every video showing their corruption will be classified as possible/probable AI.

Another prediction: Trump will not be allowed to be POTUS. He will have a massive stroke (most likely) or 'heart attack' at the final hour, leaving the RNC without a viable candidate. Any guesses who they'll shoe in? (RFK Jr. would be their best

I'm still not convinced there will even be an election, or if the numbers aren't favorable to the Dems. there will be a major event that stops the counting mid stream.

* Just the ramblings of a very tired, old lady who's seen too many political shenanigans.

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