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ATS has been training for the propaganda mill

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posted on Mar, 20 2024 @ 07:54 AM
Since it looks like ATS may be shut down soon, and no one knows who the owner is. I'll break my silence and tell you who/what I think it is. Many of you know I taught in Univ. what you didn't know is I taught in many Univ. Why? Because I'm from a military family and we moved every 18 months to 4 years to new military bases.

I learned lots of secrets being the kid/spouse of a military person quietly in the background. My spouse and my father never told me a secret, they didn't have to. The people talking to them with me close by, but "invisible", spilled a lot of secrets. Actually some people downright told me stuff when drunk at parties. I even had some secret conversations come through my baby monitor when I lived on base, this was shocking and I tried to tell them I could hear them, but they could not hear me.

I've been on ATS a VERY long time under 4 different names. In the early days I had to learn my lesson about being polite by being banned twice and then the debacle of erasure of members. I really value this forum because it is the only one that truly allows conservative voices to speak. I don't care that it is being used by some part of the government. I am positive ATS is now owned by some branch of the government.

I know that one branch of the government trains young people in how to get people to submit or subvert using psychological methods. I know because I had long conversations with one of their trainers. They would actually send trainees out to a town and their job was to get a person to do something against the government or at least say they would do something against the government. They also trained young people psych techniques on social media sites. So it wasn't surprising when I saw some things I wrote on ATS either parroted or refuted exactly what I wrote on other social media sites by various writers. Especially the term Christophobia. As far as I know I was the first to use that word on another social media site and began using it over and over because it truly is rampant in liberal circles and is growing in government policy in the UK and growing socially in liberal circles. I had people who traced the term back to me and said "you made this word up" "you were the first to use it". I denied it but they were correct all along.

Know that the end of ATS may be near, I am old, very old, and my father dead, and my spouse is very old and getting muddled and forgetful I can tell my story. There is much more to it, but I won't spill all the beans because of other people who may be harmed. I actually have spilled nearly no beans at all on social media. This is my first because I love ATS and feel that there will be no place else for conservative thinkers to go anymore. We have reached 1984. Biden isn't really the President, he is a controllable senile old man and an unelected cabal wants to retain power, in my personal opinion, no, I don't know for sure, and they want to bring down the USA in a controlled way to where it is "equal" to all other nations.

Anyway, I think ATS has been a training ground for government agencies. Teaching students how to psychologically combat conservatism, American values/morals, and patriotism. If you notice it seems young angry liberals come and go quite regularly, lasting anywhere from around 6 months to one year. They rarely stick around much longer. This is a training cycle for psyops for many governmental organizations, including foreign. I have even noticed a dramatic change in writing style by the "same" author, who "forgot" they said something that was nearly the opposite of what they said in a previous thread; clear signs of psy ops training.

My opinion, and it is only a guess and opinion. ATS is owned by some government agency (foreign or more likely domestic) and used to train in psy ops.
Despite the original owners intention of selling it to a good guy. He may have sold it to what he thought was a good guy like FBI/CIA/military,, or a foreign entity who had a good person as a front to psyops him. Some has said it is used to train AI, maybe.

I have thought this for a very long time and have come to terms with it. I have no doubt all long time members have been surveilled on all their media and through Alexa/Echo's and even made some new "friends" who check to see if we are dangerous to the government . Since I'm an old lady without firearms who never, ever, talks politics with friends or anyone except my spouse they have probably deemed me harmless by now, which I am. Most of the influential people I knew are long gone and the dirt I know on them irrelevant now. So I've come to peace with saying what I want on ATS in a polite manner.

I have gotten pretty good at defeating AI liberalism, it takes a lot of work and determination, but I've done it. AI is pretty indoctrinated in psy ops to destroy the values, morals, and ideals of conservative thinkers. ATS trained me not to take anything personally, because none of the writers know me and so I can work on AI pretty well.

Don't ask me about dirt on politicians, the only real dirt I have is irrelevant now and so outdated as to be useless knowledge. I will write as long as I can because TPTB need to know that their psy ops doesn't work on everyone and some can see right through it. Especially when something is good/great one day and the same thing is cause for social media or personal destruction the next day.

In conclusion: ATS may or may not die. If it is in between training cycles (notice there are times when very few to no liberals visit the site, then it picks up again.) then it will live. If we have gotten too good at combating the psy ops through long practice, then this site is no longer useful and will be left to die a natural death.

edit on 3/20/2024 by TheSingleBillie because: format

posted on Mar, 20 2024 @ 08:03 AM

originally posted by: TheSingleBillie
If you notice it seems young angry liberals come and go quite regularly, lasting anywhere from around 6 months to one year. They rarely stick around much longer.

Yeah .. I've noticed that new people show up, spend a few months vehemently spewing their rhetoric and propaganda, then disappear. I figured they either get bored, or they learn that people see through their garbage and that most people here aren't going to buy in so they leave to go find another place to spew on and feel important.

I don't think it's a 'training ground'. It's just idiots spewing propaganda they have been indoctrinated with and trying to feel important. If this were an official psy-ops training ground, then the bills would be paid and the owners would be paying more attention to upkeep of the site. IMHO

posted on Mar, 20 2024 @ 08:03 AM
a reply to: TheSingleBillie
If this is so, then everything is very sad.(((

+5 more 
posted on Mar, 20 2024 @ 08:05 AM

originally posted by: TheSingleBillie

Anyway, I think ATS has been a training ground for government agencies. Teaching students how to psychologically combat conservatism, American values/morals, and patriotism. If you notice it seems young angry liberals come and go quite regularly, lasting anywhere from around 6 months to one year. They rarely stick around much longer. This is a training cycle for psyops for many governmental organizations, including foreign.

If this is true...and I am not doubting you...the angry leftist "students" who come here to learn how to fight conservatism....are consistently idiots and all deserve failing grades.

I haven't been impressed by a leftist here in over a decade.

posted on Mar, 20 2024 @ 08:09 AM
a reply to: TheSingleBillie

I've been on ATS a VERY long time under 4 different names. In the early days I had to learn my lesson about being polite by being banned twice and then the debacle of erasure of members. I really value this forum because it is the only one that truly allows conservative voices to speak. I don't care that it is being used by some part of the government. I am positive ATS is now owned by some branch of the government.

I know that one branch of the government trains young people in how to get people to submit or subvert using psychological methods. I know because I had long conversations with one of their trainers. They would actually send trainees out to a town and their job was to get a person to do something against the government or at least say they would do something against the government. They also trained young people psych techniques on social media sites. So it wasn't surprising when I saw some things I wrote on ATS either parroted or refuted exactly what I wrote on other social media sites by various writers. Especially the term Christophobia. As far as I know I was the first to use that word on another social media site and

Holy crap!!!

Words fail me...

But can you tell us what "Christophobia" is? Sounds like a fear of Christ, or Christopher Columbus or...something.

Thanks for the most excellent post!!

And my best to you & your husband. Be well. Stay safe.

And keep in touch on Deny Ignorance.

A lot of us have already registered there.

edit on 3/20/2024 by SchrodingersRat because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 20 2024 @ 08:13 AM
a reply to: TheSingleBillie

Without exception, the flaming leftists still posting here are generally considered to be jokes and simple fodder for fun.

posted on Mar, 20 2024 @ 08:28 AM
a reply to: TheSingleBillie

Well then they LOST, we have beat them. Shutting down ATS is just a thing. The sleepers and now awakened WORLD WIDE, thank GOD ALMIGHTY!

The people that want to live outnumber greatly the ones that don't seem to realize their very future lives are at stake if they allow criminals to run things much longer. White hats are activating who we likely don't even suspect are such because of deep cover is my belief. People will only tolerate a boot on their throat so long before they make it stop.

posted on Mar, 20 2024 @ 08:29 AM
Well that makes sense. Good reply!

Stars galore if I could give them.

originally posted by: FlyersFan

originally posted by: TheSingleBillie
If you notice it seems young angry liberals come and go quite regularly, lasting anywhere from around 6 months to one year. They rarely stick around much longer.

Yeah .. I've noticed that new people show up, spend a few months vehemently spewing their rhetoric and propaganda, then disappear. I figured they either get bored, or they learn that people see through their garbage and that most people here aren't going to buy in so they leave to go find another place to spew on and feel important.

I don't think it's a 'training ground'. It's just idiots spewing propaganda they have been indoctrinated with and trying to feel important. If this were an official psy-ops training ground, then the bills would be paid and the owners would be paying more attention to upkeep of the site. IMHO

posted on Mar, 20 2024 @ 08:30 AM

originally posted by: CarlLaFong

originally posted by: TheSingleBillie

Anyway, I think ATS has been a training ground for government agencies. Teaching students how to psychologically combat conservatism, American values/morals, and patriotism. If you notice it seems young angry liberals come and go quite regularly, lasting anywhere from around 6 months to one year. They rarely stick around much longer. This is a training cycle for psyops for many governmental organizations, including foreign.

If this is true...and I am not doubting you...the angry leftist "students" who come here to learn how to fight conservatism....are consistently idiots and all deserve failing grades.

I haven't been impressed by a leftist here in over a decade.

Ph__e was sometimes so... IMO... he sure was a shill against true Science despite the love for his supposed skill set.

posted on Mar, 20 2024 @ 08:33 AM

Anyway, I think ATS has been a training ground for government agencies.

Sorry, but I don't buy it.
If after the 3 amigos sold ATS and it was bought by an 'agency' then they'd want to keep it going, ATS generally has a broad spectrum of members and would be a perfect dip of the toe for someone learning about social media (and it's ebs and flows) before taking the 'full' plundge, but otherwise ATS is really tiny.
Why shut it down after just a year of ownwership?

posted on Mar, 20 2024 @ 08:39 AM
a reply to: TheSingleBillie

Cool story/theory. Not remotely true, but go with that if you'd like. I don't know who the owners are, but I know who they aren't. And it ain't any government entity from anywhere.

posted on Mar, 20 2024 @ 08:49 AM
a reply to: yeahright

Have you ever located ATS on the map of the internet?

Our next door neighbor might surprise you.
edit on 20-3-2024 by 19Bones79 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 20 2024 @ 08:51 AM
There are several members who NEVER EVER tout anything different than the official government issued narrative. These people often stay and converse MUCH longer then other posters and ALWAYS insist on getting the last word or comment. They even comment on threads years old just so they can have the final wording on the argument.

These posters GLOW. An old boomer, a sheepish fellow, the lord of lies, and a super pro trans granny for starters

a reply to: TheSingleBillie

edit on 20-3-2024 by Athetos because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 20 2024 @ 08:55 AM
a reply to: 19Bones79

I've seen dozens of Internet maps. They're sometimes interesting, but any conclusions you draw from juxtaposition of sites are your own.

posted on Mar, 20 2024 @ 09:03 AM
a reply to: TheSingleBillie

Anyway, I think ATS has been a training ground for government agencies. Teaching students how to psychologically combat conservatism, American values/morals, and patriotism. If you notice it seems young angry liberals come and go quite regularly, lasting anywhere from around 6 months to one year. They rarely stick around much longer. This is a training cycle for psyops for many governmental organizations, including foreign.

And what if people just happen to have different views from you and simply want to share them? Yeah, it's totally crazy, I know. There are some folks here who seem to post provocative stuff on purpose but it looks more like something done for personal entertainment rather than political aganda. In that case, responding in a calm manner and focusing on arguments solves the issue.

I haven't noticed anything peculiar here, nothin more peculiar than on other networks. And it looks much more normal than Twitter, where the silly stuff makes one wonder if people lost their minds or something.

posted on Mar, 20 2024 @ 09:05 AM

originally posted by: CarlLaFong
a reply to: TheSingleBillie

Without exception, the flaming leftists still posting here are generally considered to be jokes and simple fodder for fun.

Ummm...what about the flaming...rightists...?

From my observations...there are a fair amount of fully indoctrinated...flaming rightists on this site...and in government...and in the general population...real true believers...

I consider those suffering under their be quite comical as well...

But the flaming leftists actually authored those two phrases in my signature...I've been sporting those since 2016...
When I actually cared enough to author some threads on the matter...


posted on Mar, 20 2024 @ 09:13 AM
There could be much more simple explanation.

Like :

The new owner was in journey on tripping with mind altering drugs....only to find out the trip did not end....or the trip ended him/her meaning the owner taked OD and is dead, Darko was recruited before then owner went to the trip, and since Darko could not anymore connect/find the owner he/she also decided to leave .

posted on Mar, 20 2024 @ 09:19 AM

originally posted by: SchrodingersRat
a reply to: TheSingleBillie

I've been on ATS a VERY long time under 4 different names. In the early days I had to learn my lesson about being polite by being banned twice and then the debacle of erasure of members. I really value this forum because it is the only one that truly allows conservative voices to speak. I don't care that it is being used by some part of the government. I am positive ATS is now owned by some branch of the government.

I know that one branch of the government trains young people in how to get people to submit or subvert using psychological methods. I know because I had long conversations with one of their trainers. They would actually send trainees out to a town and their job was to get a person to do something against the government or at least say they would do something against the government. They also trained young people psych techniques on social media sites. So it wasn't surprising when I saw some things I wrote on ATS either parroted or refuted exactly what I wrote on other social media sites by various writers. Especially the term Christophobia. As far as I know I was the first to use that word on another social media site and

Holy crap!!!

Words fail me...

But can you tell us what "Christophobia" is? Sounds like a fear of Christ, or Christopher Columbus or...something.

Thanks for the most excellent post!!

I made up Christophobia when everyone was screaming Islamophobia. It means the same thing basically, a deep fear of Christians to the point of becoming an obsessive phobia.

Thanks for the kudos.

posted on Mar, 20 2024 @ 09:23 AM

originally posted by: yeahright
a reply to: TheSingleBillie

Cool story/theory. Not remotely true, but go with that if you'd like. I don't know who the owners are, but I know who they aren't. And it ain't any government entity from anywhere.

Sounds like something a government entity would say.

posted on Mar, 20 2024 @ 09:29 AM

originally posted by: YouSir

originally posted by: CarlLaFong
a reply to: TheSingleBillie

Without exception, the flaming leftists still posting here are generally considered to be jokes and simple fodder for fun.

Ummm...what about the flaming...rightists...?

From my observations...there are a fair amount of fully indoctrinated...flaming rightists on this site...and in government...and in the general population...real true believers...


Actually conservatives are quickly shut down in today's military branches, they are fully invested in the Democratic Party for some reason.

Anyone who works for the government and says anything remotely conservative, if they can't find a reason to fire them are put in jobs where they are told "they can do nothing at all and it doesn't matter." To control them. This I KNOW for a fact from recent encounters.

The evidence is clear that the FBI protects Democrats and is beholden to the Democratic Party. The documents debacle, saying Biden is cleared from doing worse than what they refuse to clear Trump on is evidence. And no I'm not a Trumpist.

TPTB are terrified of Trump because they can't control him is what I see and when he was President he began the process of making the US self sufficient and a respected world power again.

Actually I still want Tim Scott as President. But that may happen after I am dead at this point.

Sorry but the evidence I have seen is that the Democratic Party controls much if not all the alaphabets and the military, and desperately want the Supreme Court.

I can say with sincerity, that Biden will win no matter what the liberals have to do to make it happen, or if he drops out a Democrat will win. I clearly remember black panthers standing in front of polling stations intimidating people when Obama ran the first time, liberals can be ruthless: did anything happen to the black panthers? Heck no. That WILL happen, Biden WILL win or the person they put in at the last minute, TPTB will make sure of it and do whatever they have to in order to keep someone they can control in the Presidency.

But that is my opinion, once again, based on conversations with current people in the government who were once newbies when I was a dependent.

edit on 3/20/2024 by TheSingleBillie because: grammar

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