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Radionics (One last time)

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posted on Sep, 23 2006 @ 10:10 AM


The instructions he has here is how to make a holy handgrenade, which is basicalle a round pyramid formed orgone generator.

And here's info on making a ring generator:

ORgonite is basically mixed out of organic and metallic material mixed together. Coarse mixes can function as passive orgone generators, and very fine mixes powered by an electronic device (speaker, signal pulser) are called active orgone generators. There's also a third form called a quasi active generator which usually has an antenna and transforms emf radiation into orgone. I have two of those and they do exactly what I've just described.

Thanks Bandit.

...Saved me much time searching, reading and scanning.

[edit on 23-9-2006 by soficrow]

posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 10:56 AM
I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to this thread. I have just been 'turned-on' to radionics and there is a wealth of information here. I haven't read it all, just wanted to say thanks in advance!

posted on Oct, 24 2006 @ 11:31 AM
I know someone with a pain disorder who says radionics helped him. None of us new what to make pof the subject. I sutdied the design of one of the devices and I was at an immediate loss to explain how it would help.

I think that is part of the barrier.

If these devices do work, then basic science demonstrating mechanisms of healing needs to be conducted and reproduced. Not cancer curing stuff, the basic mechanisms.

I am going to put studying 'orgone energy' on my lists of things to do. I will let you know personally ifI feel that the research being conducted is 'up to snuff' from the perspective of a professional scientist. I will review the papers as if they were submissions to a journal I review.

This may take a bit, but I will get back to you eventually with a point of view once I am informed.

[edit on 24-10-2006 by Ectoterrestrial]

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 11:00 PM
I just stumbled upon this discussion about radionics. I have been practicing radionics as my only form of health care for many years. I assure anyone reading this that it is not the placebo effect. These assurances however will not go far. It is effective in influencing animals, plants, soil and humans. Many practioners will avoid using it with humans because it is unusual to find a client who has an inherent expectancy of results. Expectancy is in no way required for results but without it, a client will often not keep the radionics practioner in the loop and will overlap therapies which forces many radionic protocal adjustments behind the scenes. As to why or if it works, this is slowly being revealed as man is slowly revealed to himself. I used to say that radionics is cheating. It gives you your soul's abilities without having earned them. It is an instrument used to connect the nervous system to the soul which has no time or space constraints. Many need to know why it works, others only care if it works. Perhaps the best physical evidence available in book form is a compilation of photographs by Ruth Drown who created a camera to photograph over any distance, in real time, the contact between a blood spot and who the blood came from. For example, if she had "rectal fissure" on her dials of the instrument, and the client was in surgery at the same time for this condition hundreds of miles away, the forcepts and scissors would clearly be seen in the developed photograph.
Thank you for the foum ! j barbieri website

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 11:18 PM
reply to post by IronDragon

What is the name of the publication you are referring to? Also the scientist? I am new to this sight, where can I find this book? Please help.
[email protected]
Thank you for your help

posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 08:48 AM
I realise this is an old thread, but I have been involved with radionics for a few years and people appear to get better from whatever they have wrong with them.

I am not saying that it works as intended on everything, but I have yet to find a condition that it could not help. There is a lot of technology that we do not understand and homeopathy and other energy medicine modalities are one area that science and the medical profession are dead against having anything to do with. This is probably because they do not have the measuring equipment to measure the results in a meaningful (to them) way.

If you are a scientist and believe that this is quackery and fraud, good luck to you. No-one says that you have to use it or that anyone else has to use it. Our nanny state feels it needs to protect poor innocent people from machines that have proved over and over again to offer some measure of relief from various health conditions and all because they they do not understand how they work. Well I dont know how they work either, but I do know that some of these machines probably havc as much or more success than doctors do with their alopathic medicines.

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 08:44 PM
Also, the thing to realise is that radionics is not the same as orgone generators which is a different subject (although may be related - who knows?)

Radionics "boxes" do not need any electronics inside them. Far fetched? yes, I agree, but it seems that everything has a vibration since everything is energy. Radionics somehow ties into that vibration and corrects it. The guy Albert Abrams is the person you should be looking up on wikipedia here. Of course, as in so many other technologies, the medical establishment have 'proved' he was a fake and dismissed him and radionics out of hand. Believe what you want. They are sh1t scared that you will not have to buy any more drugs to heal yourself. Imagine that.

I know probably more than most people do wrt radionics, as I have used it often in the past to do all kinds of things. Ask me any questions and I will try to answer them. (you may have to send me a message as I forgot about this thread for ages, and I may forget again.)

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 09:56 PM
What books can i read? I think i know alittle about radionics,but to confirn radionics is what im dealing with. I would need to read a book to confirm this.

If what im getting into right now,is infact radionics. I would say that it forces you to become a stronger person.

But again,give me a list of some authors and some books about this.

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