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some secret bases i found while playing with Googles new feature

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posted on Apr, 16 2005 @ 01:42 PM
i think i just located a candidate for S-4 area 19 area 20 and 21 and also 52.
ill post up when im done and sure wait until late tongiht ill have something. because i tihnk i found S-4 where it is supposed to be.

posted on Apr, 16 2005 @ 03:31 PM

EDIT: all you have to do is go a little south west of Groom Lake

That's Site 4, intresting you can't get that close to it, i wonder why?!


[edit on 033030p://p03o by Velvet1717]

posted on Apr, 16 2005 @ 03:49 PM
where did they test the atomic bomb? i want to go check out the holes it left in the earh.


posted on Apr, 16 2005 @ 11:30 PM
does anyone have the link to that site explaining how to find area 51 on the google satellite or at least the link to the news story about it? I need it for a friend of mine

[edit on 4/16/2005 by scorpionxx]

posted on Apr, 17 2005 @ 08:27 AM
all you have to do is type in Las Vegas, and it will take you there, then you just head north, and
ta-da, your at Groom Lake



posted on Apr, 17 2005 @ 02:00 PM
Those craters sure do look cool dont they! Terraservers pics give you a better view.
They arent from actually surface detonations (dropped bombs) but from underground. Treaties sent all nuclear testing underground in the 70s I think. And the Trinity bomb wasn't underground or dropped, but detonated from atop a tall tower.

The age is cool tho! A few years ago I checked out terraserver when it wasn't well known yet and most of the pics were 8yrs old or so. Now I can compare all the different sat image providers and see how my city expands a mile south every 5 years or so, cool stuff like that. Its like looking back in time at ourselves almost. Just like boards like these! Nothing like this has ever been in existance! Actual historical record of human conversation and communication. Weve always had history books sure, but never an actual global record of what people were talking about. Its really amazing!

posted on Apr, 17 2005 @ 06:23 PM

Originally posted by Velvet1717
woops, sorry my mistake, but it is funny how the tops of the buildings are airbrushed out, they probably got some heavy equipment up there, if anyone here lives in Washington D.C. go take a picture of the tops of those buildings, now that i think about it, you probablly can't. but if you go north of the white house a little bit there is another blurred building, what's that it's not on your map. also i was looking for "the farm" where is that again?


The two "figure 8" shaped buildings flanking the White House really do have fairly boring rooves, though they are peaked, and not flat as the photo would have you think. Being a stagehand / special events tech in the Baltimore/DC area, I often will work in hotels around the white house. Many have rooftop restaurants and party areas. Just last week, I was in a hotel that is to the right of the white house (just right of the figure 8 building - you can just make out a green canopy on the white house side of that building). I was setting up on the roof. On the top of that figure 8 building, there are no apparent armaments. However, there is a plywood "dugout" looking at the white house. I can only assume that it'd be a staging area for more snipers and white house security. The snipers on top of the white house also tend to make themselves apparent. I saw them many times working in both that hotel, as well as one that overlooks the front door of the white house. I've had sniper rifles trained on my head a few times, as it's common practice to use the high power scopes to better survey the area. Both of the hotels with rooftop access that I've worked had had to call over to the white house to let the snipers know that we would be up there so we wouldn't get shot.

As far as rooftop armaments, I haven't seen anything apparent besides the snipers. That's not to say that it doesn't exist, but does suggest that further armaments may be concealed.

posted on Apr, 18 2005 @ 04:38 PM
and some more intresting things in the Nevada desert. . .,-116.21318578720093&spn=0.00858306884765625,0.011029243469238281&t=k&hl=en

this next one is nort far east of the other one, they are a little north of Groom Lake,-116.19876623153687&spn=0.00858306884765625,0.011029243469238281&t=k&hl=en

just some more blown up stuff,-116.20086908340454&spn=0.00858306884765625,0.011029243469238281&t=k&hl=en

ok im really suprised noone noticed this before, it's in the restrected area so it's not something that some farmer wanted to do, im guessing it's some kind of compass,-116.02523803710938&spn=0.0171661376953125,0.022058486938476562&t=k&hl=en

mountian top camp,-116.09175682067871&spn=0.00858306884765625,0.011029243469238281&t=k&hl=en

and just west of that mountian, im not really sure what this is. it almost looks like an entrence to a bunker, infact i think it is.,-116.11759185791016&spn=0.00858306884765625,0.011029243469238281&t=k&hl=en

this is quite the little set up right here,-116.1553144454956&spn=0.034332275390625,0.044116973876953125&t=k&hl=en

some more holes from bombs, but if you go close up you can see some pretty intresing things,-116.04875564575195&spn=0.1373291015625,0.1764678955078125&t=k&hl=en

like this-a bus or something,-116.04835867881775&spn=0.00858306884765625,0.011029243469238281&t=k&hl=en

this is an old one, you can tell just from looking at it, im not sure what it is though,-116.42786979675293&spn=0.06866455078125,0.08823394775390625&t=k&hl=en

looks pretty old but im not sure what it is,-115.94215393066406&spn=0.06866455078125,0.08823394775390625&t=k&hl=en

well that's all for now, enjoy.



posted on Apr, 18 2005 @ 05:45 PM
Pretty nifty.
Cpl of those I think are just quarries/mines.
The "mountain top camp" Im pretty sure is an observatory, but it very well could be some other kind of outpost.

The craters in the "a-bus"? shot are interesting.. they look more like impact craters rather than nukes, especially the largest one. If they are nukes tho... wow... them some biiiig nukes.

> Im guessing the "compass" one was for measuring blast effects at varying distances (with circular roads to each of the sensors)... I dont see much crater action tho so maybe if this was the purpose maybe it was for conventional detonations?

I'd really love to drive out there sometime and drive in the craters... blast around it in a 90mph constant left turn

[edit on 18-4-2005 by apc]

posted on Apr, 18 2005 @ 06:09 PM
well i would love to drive out there too, but i can't, not only because i am rather far away but it's in the restricted area.

also im not sure what you meen by "a-bus"i was saying a bus.

im gunna look around later for some more cool shots.

EDIT: i think i found a bunker, it is in the west side of the large crater in the photo.,-116.00742816925049&spn=0.00858306884765625,0.011029243469238281&t=k&hl=en

EDIT 2: we have another candidate for a bunker,-116.0918641090393&spn=0.00858306884765625,0.011029243469238281&t=k&hl=en

check this out. im ont quite sure what it is,-116.47808074951172&spn=0.06866455078125,0.08823394775390625&t=k&hl=en


[edit on 063030p://p06o by Velvet1717]

[edit on 063030p://p06o by Velvet1717]

[edit on 063030p://p06o by Velvet1717]

posted on Apr, 18 2005 @ 06:21 PM

Originally posted by Velvet1717
i have noticed that too. some pic's are very old. a school in my town was renovated a long time ago and in the pic's it's not even under construction. but, some pic's are very recent. i noticed that an exit on a highway had construction done on it and it has the changes in the pic's


Same here I put the date the pictures of my area were taken 8 years ago if not longer,


posted on Apr, 18 2005 @ 06:45 PM
Ah whoops I recalled the hyphen in the wrong place without checking. Muh bad.

check this out. im ont quite sure what it is

I found those on terraserver and if I was looking at the same thing then they are belowground nukes. The blast waves left perfect circular rings in the ground well outside the main crater.
Those do look more like structurs of somekind inside the rings, but it looks like whacky reflections/lighting making everything standout so maybe thats causing it. Dunno.
>erm well I guess not "lighting" but color mapping, you know what I mean.

check out you can zoom in a lot farther with better images but there's more restricted areas. Groom Lake itself you cannot view but theres a lot of things to look at nearby.


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[edit on 18-4-2005 by apc]

posted on Apr, 21 2005 @ 03:44 PM
if you go just south of A-51 there are roads that just suddenly stop in the side of mountains and there are small little places etc that could be s-4 if you look around. i dont think the one that one guy posted was s-4 though looks like a dry lake to me.

posted on Apr, 21 2005 @ 03:57 PM
that one compass looking thing is just a bombing target. also i found another base and airstrip about the size of area 51 by zooming in on one of the photos you posted. and none of these are observatories etc because they are all in the NTS and nellis bombing range.

posted on Apr, 22 2005 @ 09:59 AM

Originally posted by apc
They arent from actually surface detonations (dropped bombs) but from underground. Treaties sent all nuclear testing underground in the 70s I think. And the Trinity bomb wasn't underground or dropped, but detonated from atop a tall tower.

Trinity (the first atom bomb ever detonated) was tested at the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico. The Tonopah Test Range near Area 51 was only opened in 1957, thirteen years after the development of Trinity. The treaty banning atmospheric testing was enacted in 1963, so there were 7 years of above-ground detonations in Tonopah.


posted on Apr, 22 2005 @ 10:15 AM
Post 9/11, most sat pics of national monuments, etc. are blurred as a security measure.... There were press announcements, even some posts here on ATS as I recall... The White House is one such protected site.

posted on Apr, 22 2005 @ 10:20 AM
Yeah from looking at images of my town it seems as if the pictures are atleast 2 or 3 years old.

posted on Apr, 22 2005 @ 08:37 PM
i was checking out dreamland resort and they have closeups of those craters provided bye the DoE and that one base i found is part of a base called TTR i think. and S-4 is actually to the north according to a military map of the area.

posted on Apr, 22 2005 @ 08:39 PM
There is more than one secret base? I only knew of the one I am located at....hahaha

posted on Apr, 22 2005 @ 08:47 PM
its like over 1,600 sq. miles of restricted land which pertains to Nellis AFB, Bombing and gunnery, DoE, sandia labs, and more. it all makes up the NTS.

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