posted on Feb, 1 2024 @ 09:55 AM
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I am lucky enough to have been brought up by the people who lived through such times and to have been born with a old head on young shoulders ! And
talked to those people about their experiences and in my mid 20s I lived I a remote location where power cuts were common for 3 or 5 days , I keep a
stock of my heart medicine at hand MS but I know everyday can be my last on this planet quite easily and have weaned myself of most doctors medicine ,
I take Asprine and a blood thinner but only the blood thinner daily ?
I always stay very near running water , a good big supermarket less than a minutes walk away or 20 seconds driving like a mad man
I still keep a NCB suit along with BA in the shed /out building and the boom boom sticks are not far away
Washing clothes /producing electricity if you were to take the drum out of a washing machine and reverse the flow in a river or stream it will
produce electricity and wash your clothes at the same time or you can go old school and just wash it In a bucket like my grandmothers generation did .
US old farts who were brought up a hard knock life will just revert to being kids again , milking cows by hand and gutting and cleaning animals seem
to be a lost art on the youth of today as are most simple things in life ,even opening a metal Tin can with a tin opener stumps many of them .
The kids will be the zombies in that situation and most people under 45 in my book are kids ,
Suprising how many people never were taught how to make a radio when they were kids
I was schooled by the old school back in the day MS , Those people survived and flourished in hard times and somehow lived to be ripe old ages
,smoking like chimneys , drinking like fish and eating all the crap of the day, cold showers or gardening never seemed to give them heart attacks
like the MSM would like us to believe now
US old farts who survive , will rise to the top