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If WW3 breaks out

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posted on Jan, 29 2024 @ 05:25 PM
a reply to: twistedpuppy

Very true. I should spend some of it. I have planned to have some fun at a Casino soon. Not a load but enough... if i win i win, if i lose, i lose.

Heads or Tails.

posted on Jan, 29 2024 @ 05:28 PM
a reply to: xWorldxGonexMadx

The first thing you need to realize is that when you deposit money in a bank, it ceases to be yours. At that point, it belongs to the bank and they present you with an IOU saying you can have it back whenever??? If the banks go belly up, that IOU becomes not worth the paper used to print it. You can't suck blood out of a turnip.

If Russian troops invade Poland or one of the other Countries on the border

Don't believe the western propaganda and hype. They are feeding us a line of scaremonger crap.
Russia has no intention of invading Poland, or any other border nation for that matter. Their sole intent is to keep NATO pushed back away from their borders. That's all, in a nutshell...
edit on 29-1-2024 by charlest2 because: (no reason given)

But you can probably expect a Western-instigated false flag to draw us into direct confrontation with Russia. It's happened before and it can easily happen again. Remember the Gulf of Tonkin incident? That was a direct provocation by the US to get us involved in Vietnam.
edit on 29-1-2024 by charlest2 because: (no reason given)

In a nutshell, the conflict in Ukraine was instigated by western aggression toward Russia. We have been trying to slit Russia's throat since the end of WW2. What we fail to recognise is that Russia of today IS NOT the Soviet Union of the cold war era. NATO was created to confront and defend against, "THE SOVIET UNION", that no longer exists today. Nato should go the way of the Soviet Union and cease to exist as well.
edit on 29-1-2024 by charlest2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2024 @ 09:02 PM

originally posted by: xWorldxGonexMadx
a reply to: rickymouse

That doesnt sound great all but thanks for the reply.

Its incredible that debts would still count, even if your cash disappears and its not your fault.

That is what happened during the great depression, and all the same laws and rules are still pretty much the same yet

posted on Jan, 29 2024 @ 09:38 PM
a reply to: xWorldxGonexMadx

No. To lose all. Banks destroyed. Records destroyed. Those guys down the street now following you cause they heard you got a gold bar for security. Oh...and you got Bitcoin. Gone

So is your food. Home. Phone. Friends. Comm.

You get nothing back....

posted on Jan, 29 2024 @ 10:09 PM
Gold, silver, other precious metals, gems and jewelry, art objects, all these things as a store of personal wealth is OK way down the road after you survive WWIII, but until then you need to store your wealth in things that will be in demand. Someone mentioned 22 Cal. LR rounds as currency, of course, all ammo will have greater value than right now. Expand on that thought as ammunition will be getting used up fast in a world war, so invest in brass, lead, and nitrocellulose, the three main ingredients in the manufacture of firearm ammunition.

Of course, I would argue that knowledge and experience are the most valuable stores of personal wealth you can have when the SHTF. To apply this concept using my previous example, learn basic gunsmithing, and how to reload ammo. Medical knowledge will be important, so knowing how to treat injuries and diseases with available resources will be a great skill set to have as well. Engineering skills of all kinds will be valuable. I can go on but you get the idea.

posted on Jan, 29 2024 @ 10:29 PM
a reply to: TheMichiganSwampBuck

3 seconds after ww3 is officially announced I will be reversing a large van at high speed through the local supermarket and taking all the booze and tobacco then heading to the nearby chemist , roads will be dangerous to travel so having a boat and fuel and fishing gear unlike most brits I have boom boom sticks and it helps to be nutty as a fruit cake and have food supplies stashed and a bug out place.

I would hate to be in a built up area when the brown stuff hits , glad I am a country yokel
I have seen first hand how people fold like a deck of cards when the power goes out for 3 + days and get mean , old bucks like us will thrive in that situation

posted on Jan, 30 2024 @ 12:05 AM
let it pop off.....humans need a reset

posted on Jan, 30 2024 @ 12:32 AM

edit on 1/30/2024 by yeahright because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2024 @ 05:53 AM
a reply to: stonerwilliam

The thing is buddy you are not going to be the only one with that idea or something similar it would be panic chaos and bedlam across the island.

Also worth consideration that if the conflict has come to a point where a nuclear exchange is likely to be on the cards the shops may already have been emptied down to the likes of panic buying/looting.

Then there is the fact that after a nuclear attack, survivors would have about 15 minutes before the radioactive particles/fallout starts to reach the ground.

Might not be the best of ideas to be outside straight after such an incident occurred because dying from radiation poisoning doesn't look like a fun way to go.
edit on 30-1-2024 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2024 @ 06:32 AM
I think in the lead up if it looks like its gonna happen, then I am off to one of the marinas or harbours to steal something with sails.
I can worry about everything else once I am in the middle of the atlantic.

posted on Jan, 30 2024 @ 07:40 AM

originally posted by: SprocketUK
I think in the lead up if it looks like its gonna happen, then I am off to one of the marinas or harbours to steal something with sails.
I can worry about everything else once I am in the middle of the atlantic.

Good idea, although it be cold in the Atlantic!

posted on Jan, 30 2024 @ 08:06 AM
My plan is to get a hot air balloon and just keep going up. Williams plan also doesn't seem bad.

posted on Jan, 30 2024 @ 08:50 AM
I suppose figure it out yourself. It's a crapshoot now. I keep a little under half in banks and stock at the moment, the rest is cash and hard assets. I figure why put money in a bank that will lose you money over time, rather than invest in, as I said, crapshoot, whatever you think will be valuable. Eh, we'll see, the future is uncertain. Invest in skills, honestly. That's always your best bet. If you can fix and build stuff, you are extremely valuable.

Editting out that last part.
edit on 30-1-2024 by sine.nomine because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2024 @ 09:01 AM
a reply to: SprocketUK

I think in the lead up if it looks like its gonna happen, then I am off to one of the marinas or harbours to steal something with sails.

This is gonna be the biggest problem in Britain, people turning into scumbag thieves as soon as it looks like society and authority breaks down.

I've started watching the COBRA television series re-run for my first time this year. It's set after an EMP solar event which wipes out power for a large area of Britain.

I've almost got bored with it because it simply isn't as violent as it will be in reality.
Within hours of all communication/electricity going down, this island will be like a zombie land. The only people with any chance will have firearms, so military and some cops, but they will of course be defending their own bases.

As for stealing a boat, well every non boat owner near every marina will be thinking the same...and every boat owner will be quickly defending their only escape option.

I'd say good luck fella, but if stealing off an innocent human is your gig before you are even starving...well (as a boatman myself) I hope you get an emergency flare shot in the face by your targeted victim.

...I'm assuming I'll be killed defending my stuff, but I'll be happy if I kill a handful of thieves before I'm finally overrun🤪

posted on Jan, 30 2024 @ 09:15 AM
a reply to: stonerwilliam

Until the locals come after your stuff cause they want it. Who'd you steal from to feed or save your kids?

Banks? Stores? Hell...even help, medical or otherwise...isn't coming.

I would be me who doesn't show up. Why not? You're not paying attention. Buildings and account, gone. You won't be thinking bout that after a few weeks of dirty clothes, no toilet paper so your messy (sorry but....I'm right)...and how do 1,000's of others, in dirty clothes that arent gonna get washed.? Ever. Again. Take prescriptions? Not anymore( I'm a heart patient ...that's my death right there).

Banks? $$? Get it back? No. This is war. Takes everything, gives nothing. You need to read about the 1 mile, 2 miles, 5 miles out from any major/nuke blast center.

The real question is this: When electronics go out, accts wipe out 110%, no food, walkin to....somewhere...with the normals..n bad will have no cell, your family n friends unreachable. No food, laundry, security, place for sleep, safety etc.

You're wondering about $$$$$.? That worries us all. To think n assume bang, bang-back-to-normal? must be very young....and you're waaaaaay behind in research of aftermaths of war.

You don't get your stuff back. But, you may get to live....

edit on 01244931America/ChicagoTue, 30 Jan 2024 09:17:49 -060017202400000049 by mysterioustranger because: (no reason given)

edit on 01240931America/ChicagoTue, 30 Jan 2024 09:19:09 -060019202400000009 by mysterioustranger because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2024 @ 10:42 AM

originally posted by: xWorldxGonexMadx

originally posted by: SprocketUK
I think in the lead up if it looks like its gonna happen, then I am off to one of the marinas or harbours to steal something with sails.
I can worry about everything else once I am in the middle of the atlantic.

Good idea, although it be cold in the Atlantic!

not all of it,

a reply to: AdultMaleHumanUK

I am counting on getting one of the ones with no one in, so hoping not to have to resort to killing folks.

posted on Jan, 30 2024 @ 11:50 AM
Hey AMHU, look up cockroaches (post apocalyptic British comedy) if you likea da violence.

You would really die protecting stuff? Doesn’t seem like a very smart way to go down…..

a reply to: AdultMaleHumanUK

posted on Jan, 30 2024 @ 12:22 PM
a reply to: Dalamax
Oh gosh I'm not a fanatic of violent movies lol, but this COBRA series I've watched depicting EMP/grid failure in Britain, is spoiled by the lack of real violence.

I've seen power cuts in council estates (social housing) in Britain, with more mindless vandalism/fires/thefts/looting in only a few hours, compared to the 'mildly agitated' crowds in the COBRA show!

If this island goes down in an EMP event, so nothing electrical working, then it will be zombie world very quick...and millions of people will be actually starving in a couple of weeks.

My gut instinct is to protect my stuff, and from multiple occasions of violence in my life, I know I'll do the same in societal collapse...only I won't be tempering my behaviour the way I do with functioning law enforcement, so yep, I'll expect to die in my home, and hope I'm violently biting the face of one of my attackers as I die

Britain is #ed without imported food, there's no food to hunt, and millions will die quickly...I've has a good life, and I KNOW I'd rather a violent battle death, than starvation.

posted on Jan, 30 2024 @ 11:55 PM
a reply to: xWorldxGonexMadx

Hello. I have lurked here for a long time, and your questions finally gave me the push to sign up.
Now I don't have the awnsers of exactly what will happen with each specific question you ask.
However, I have an awnser and reminder to many here. And this is very serious.
You only own it, if you hold it.
Meaning if you allow the banks to hold all of your wealth. You have already lost in these hypothetical situations you are questioning.

You shouldn't pull all your money out of the bank though, you should simply not keep all your eggs in one basket so to speak though. Precious metals, property, supplies, fire arms, live stock, these are real ways to "hold" your wealth. Stuffing money under the floor boards here and there isn't such a bad idea either but you can't rely on one currency.
Now, if you are like me fincially, then you probably can't do alot of these things. But you maybe able to do some to a limited degree.

I don't really know any other way of protecting your wealth besides holding it in clever ways where you won't get robbed either. But the truth is, wealth is being politically leveraged against those who go against the establishment. And the senerios you suggest, are a real possibility. Again, I wouldn't take all your money from the bank out of fear. But if it makes you feel more comfortable, you should pull some of it out, and invest it in # that will still exist if the dollar collapses or you are involved in the losing side of whatever conflict you are worried about.

The Fourth Turning is a book that has alot of info on what you are touching on, but they articulate it way better than I could. Not all of the book is economic, it's historic and explains how. The first turning is a high, the second is awakening, third is unraveling and the 4th turning is crisis.

We are definitely in or entering the 4th turning as Americans at least, definitely a wider part of the globe as well. Now part of the book does speak economically of the effects of this, and that may intrest you a lot.

Again. Remember, everyone, if you don't hold it, you don't own it.
And I'll add on.
If you hold something precious, you best be ready to defend it. It is seeming more and more like the horde of theives are out breeding the honest men in this era.

Another thing to note OP, is if your questions become real life; we need to remember we are all in it this together, and the only real solution in that situation would involve many of us banding together. But they got us so dang suspicious of each other these days.

If you read my whole wall of text, God bless you. I hope it is good food for thought at least.

posted on Jan, 31 2024 @ 04:46 AM
if you have surplus money, spend it and enjoy it, you cant take it with you when you die and your a long time dead.

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