a reply to:
Hello. I have lurked here for a long time, and your questions finally gave me the push to sign up.
Now I don't have the awnsers of exactly what will happen with each specific question you ask.
However, I have an awnser and reminder to many here. And this is very serious.
You only own it, if you hold it.
Meaning if you allow the banks to hold all of your wealth. You have already lost in these hypothetical situations you are questioning.
You shouldn't pull all your money out of the bank though, you should simply not keep all your eggs in one basket so to speak though. Precious metals,
property, supplies, fire arms, live stock, these are real ways to "hold" your wealth. Stuffing money under the floor boards here and there isn't such
a bad idea either but you can't rely on one currency.
Now, if you are like me fincially, then you probably can't do alot of these things. But you maybe able to do some to a limited degree.
I don't really know any other way of protecting your wealth besides holding it in clever ways where you won't get robbed either. But the truth is,
wealth is being politically leveraged against those who go against the establishment. And the senerios you suggest, are a real possibility. Again, I
wouldn't take all your money from the bank out of fear. But if it makes you feel more comfortable, you should pull some of it out, and invest it in #
that will still exist if the dollar collapses or you are involved in the losing side of whatever conflict you are worried about.
The Fourth Turning is a book that has alot of info on what you are touching on, but they articulate it way better than I could. Not all of the book is
economic, it's historic and explains how. The first turning is a high, the second is awakening, third is unraveling and the 4th turning is crisis.
We are definitely in or entering the 4th turning as Americans at least, definitely a wider part of the globe as well. Now part of the book does speak
economically of the effects of this, and that may intrest you a lot.
Again. Remember, everyone, if you don't hold it, you don't own it.
And I'll add on.
If you hold something precious, you best be ready to defend it. It is seeming more and more like the horde of theives are out breeding the honest men
in this era.
Another thing to note OP, is if your questions become real life; we need to remember we are all in it this together, and the only real solution in
that situation would involve many of us banding together. But they got us so dang suspicious of each other these days.
If you read my whole wall of text, God bless you. I hope it is good food for thought at least.