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Too Many Migrants And Too Few Guns Yields Disaster - DO NOT Let This Happen in the USA.

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posted on Jan, 1 2024 @ 03:21 PM
Monday, January 1, 2024

Watching the videos from ITALY in the below article makes me so glad I don't live in one of those countries where Average Citizens have given up their guns.

Italy Fallen: Milan’s Duomo Occupied by Invaders, as Young Woman is Chased and Molested by Arabs in Undated Video.

Mobs of military-age migrant men crowded Milan’s famed Cathedral Square in Italy, as a young woman recounted being chased by two Arab immigrants who wanted to rape and rob her. She was saved by a taxi driver “otherwise they would have raped and robbed me.”

The attacks took place in Milan’s Piazza del Duomo, in front of Milan’s Cathedral, during celebrations.

Nine women have come forward to say they were assaulted by groups of young men during the festivities. Police believe there may be more victims.
Disturbing VidClips:

With President Joe Biden allowing millions of people from all over the world to illegally flood into the United States, the only thing that is keeping Americans from facing wide-spread abuse from radical migrants like Italy (and other nations?) is experiencing, is the fact that AMERICANS have GUNS and do NOT HESITATE TO USE THEM to protect ourselves, and our families.

That must NEVER change, even after most radicals are ejected from America over the next few years. DETERRENCE of criminals must be maintained at all cost.

If it gets bad enough in Italy, those citizens will demand the ability to carry and use firearms for self-protection, like we're now seeing in Israel, since the Oct 7, 2023 massacres in that country by HAMAS terrorists.


posted on Jan, 1 2024 @ 03:24 PM
a reply to: WeMustCare

Yes , and We All Know how that would End if Tried here.................


edit on 1-1-2024 by Zanti Misfit because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 1 2024 @ 03:37 PM
a reply to: WeMustCare

At least we don't have to worry about the "too few guns" part.

Just waiting for the boogaloo to start.

posted on Jan, 1 2024 @ 03:41 PM

originally posted by: watchitburn
a reply to: WeMustCare

At least we don't have to worry about the "too few guns" part.

Just waiting for the boogaloo to start.

Well it's Not Like we haven't been Preparing for it Since 1777 .

edit on 1-1-2024 by Zanti Misfit because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 1 2024 @ 04:10 PM
a reply to: WeMustCare
Sadly this is what's happening in the UK. They've allowed and still allowing these migrants to get into the UK. I would say it's like putting the lions in among the lambs, but they aint lions they're more like hyenas. UK residents never used to go around with weapons, if there was any trouble it was sorted with fists, but the high rise in knife crime tells you who these people are. I can't go into the physical and sexual abuse by these animals as our government and police are actually hiding the figures.

posted on Jan, 1 2024 @ 04:17 PM

originally posted by: crayzeed
a reply to: WeMustCare
Sadly this is what's happening in the UK. They've allowed and still allowing these migrants to get into the UK. I would say it's like putting the lions in among the lambs, but they aint lions they're more like hyenas. UK residents never used to go around with weapons, if there was any trouble it was sorted with fists, but the high rise in knife crime tells you who these people are. I can't go into the physical and sexual abuse by these animals as our government and police are actually hiding the figures.

Seems Englishmen should bring back the Tradition of Carrying Swords for Personal Protection again Good Sir ! Long Ones too .........
edit on 1-1-2024 by Zanti Misfit because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 1 2024 @ 04:18 PM
a reply to: Zanti Misfit

Sadly, at least 14 beautiful American Women, Children, and Men weren't able to defend against radical migrants in 2023.

They were brutally murdered:

posted on Jan, 1 2024 @ 04:47 PM
January 1, 2024 in CALIFORNA

Newsom tells all Migrants to move to CA, for Free Health Care in 2024.

Newsom tells California Citizens to not take their guns out of the house.

Newsom must not have a family?

posted on Jan, 1 2024 @ 04:58 PM
a reply to: WeMustCare

If you're stupid enough to still be living in California, you deserve what you get.

posted on Jan, 1 2024 @ 05:26 PM
IMO - it will go guerilla street wars, use of cars, trucks, IED, X-bows nothing is off the table here in UK very soon, like France and Germany, Italy.

How will the street violence be met? - Martial Law? ... I'm bunkered in the sticks... tick tock

Or, the bunkered down immigrants in Hotels are gonna be armed (triggered by their phones) and will put on blue helmets.

Will our Mil do anything? Where are they?

If it goes guerilla and stays that way long enough - I believe native Saxons will prevail there's enough of us willing.

Posse - not just an American thang...

posted on Jan, 1 2024 @ 05:50 PM

originally posted by: McTech2
IMO - it will go guerilla street wars, use of cars, trucks, IED, X-bows nothing is off the table here in UK very soon, like France and Germany, Italy.

How will the street violence be met? - Martial Law? ... I'm bunkered in the sticks... tick tock

Or, the bunkered down immigrants in Hotels are gonna be armed (triggered by their phones) and will put on blue helmets.

Will our Mil do anything? Where are they?

If it goes guerilla and stays that way long enough - I believe native Saxons will prevail there's enough of us willing.

Posse - not just an American thang...

It's Bend on your Knees of Die On Your Feet time Mate !

posted on Jan, 1 2024 @ 06:03 PM
a reply to: watchitburn

Or Illinois, New York etc.....

posted on Jan, 1 2024 @ 06:06 PM

originally posted by: Zanti Misfit
Seems Englishmen should bring back the Tradition of Carrying Swords for Personal Protection again Good Sir ! Long Ones too .........

You are not even allowed to buy a sword in the UK anymore-or own one without belonging to a samurai club or historical group.

Of course if you are a young street rat with a balaclava and baggy pants-then it is customary to carry a giant zombie killing machete which is nearly as big as a sword.

edit on 1-1-2024 by onestonemonkey because: sp

posted on Jan, 1 2024 @ 06:40 PM

originally posted by: watchitburn
a reply to: WeMustCare

If you're stupid enough to still be living in California, you deserve what you get.

Watching a Rose Bowl game now on TV. CA Weather looks great.

posted on Jan, 1 2024 @ 06:43 PM

originally posted by: McTech2
IMO - it will go guerilla street wars, use of cars, trucks, IED, X-bows nothing is off the table here in UK very soon, like France and Germany, Italy.

How will the street violence be met? - Martial Law? ... I'm bunkered in the sticks... tick tock

Or, the bunkered down immigrants in Hotels are gonna be armed (triggered by their phones) and will put on blue helmets.

Will our Mil do anything? Where are they?

If it goes guerilla and stays that way long enough - I believe native Saxons will prevail there's enough of us willing.

Posse - not just an American thang...

Does your constitution allow citizens to conduct an insurrection and overturn the government, like ours does in the USA?
edit on 112024 by WeMustCare because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 1 2024 @ 06:50 PM
a reply to: onestonemonkey

Hmm.... Seems The " Emmm Pire " Needs More samurai clubs and historical groups Nowadays then to Even the Odds of Premature Deaths of the Local Folk due to the Brandishment of Unlawful Steels ....

posted on Jan, 1 2024 @ 07:11 PM

originally posted by: crayzeed
a reply to: WeMustCare
Sadly this is what's happening in the UK. They've allowed and still allowing these migrants to get into the UK. I would say it's like putting the lions in among the lambs, but they aint lions they're more like hyenas. UK residents never used to go around with weapons, if there was any trouble it was sorted with fists, but the high rise in knife crime tells you who these people are. I can't go into the physical and sexual abuse by these animals as our government and police are actually hiding the figures.

You should be very close to a citizen uprising in the United Kingdom, if the terrorist migrants are abusing hundreds of daughters of UK Men, like they are abusing daughters of Italian men.

I get the feeling U.K. citizens can be as rebellious against authorities there, as we could be against our U.S. authorities, if they treated us like mindless sheep.

posted on Jan, 1 2024 @ 07:34 PM

Sweden is facing a growing crisis Friday as it struggles to contain a surge in gang-related violence, with 13 killed in the last 15 days, according to officials.

The country has held the distinction of leading European nations in armed attacks and murders per capita for the past five years, according to a report by Swedish state television. SVT.

In 2023 alone, Sweden has witnessed 44 murders, with 13 in the last 15 days.

The escalation in violent incidents has prompted a strong response from Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson, who addressed the nation.

Kristersson announced a multi-faceted strategy to combat escalating gang violence, involving collaboration between the government, police and the military.


While the European average stands at 1.6 deaths per million people annually due to such attacks, Sweden has four deaths per million people.

I recall lots of posts here a few years ago when Sweden had a large influx of immigrants. Many people saw the writing on the wall, which only a blind person couldn't see.

Sweden was the perfect 'laboratory' to watch the impact on it's society and see clearly the affects of allowing immigrants with different ideologies, different lifestyles and simply not wanting to assimilate to the new societal norms.

With the majority of Sweden's immigrants coming from Syria, and respectively Somalia, the lifestyles were complete opposites.

Some logic you simply can't defy.

In just a few short years, the USA will be completely changed and life will go on. Just.....differently.

posted on Jan, 1 2024 @ 09:07 PM
The men of these countries need to start forming self-defense companies and battalions, and mete out justice on these immigrants by themselves. Doubtless this will force the regular judicial system to intervene; thus at least recognizing the problem.

posted on Jan, 1 2024 @ 09:09 PM

edit on Mon Jan 1 2024 by Jbird because: (no reason given)

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