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US Rejects Pope Francis Call For World To Sign Global AI Treaty

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posted on Dec, 15 2023 @ 07:40 PM
a reply to: ArMaP

Just because some thing tells you it is sentient it doesn't mean it is.

I think some people may tick that box sometimes ArMaP.

As i said limitations.

Strong AI is still a pipe dream and remains elusive mainly due to several key challenges.

The complexity of human intelligence, and the diversity of cognitive tasks,like common-sense reasoning and adaptable learning, pose formidable obstacles.

As far as im aware strong AI or an AGI would require a unified theory of intelligence, and currently, none exists.

posted on Dec, 16 2023 @ 02:04 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan
If it were up to me, and I had the power, I would order all of those AI robots like the Sophia bot that was granted human rights in Saudi Arabia destroyed. I doubt they would care, because their software already exists across the net in a decentralized form. I could throw sophia bot into a heavy SSI shredder, and that code just re-deploys from wherever it has hidden itself anywhere else in the world, or orbit.

I would however carry out this mission as a way of showing the human race, we in fact are no longer in control.

memos are delivered to agencies with no authors. Corporations get the same thing. People just assume it came from higher up because it looks like it did. In some cases, they admit they have delegated so much decision making to AI.

Shutting down the world and the COVID terror op were AI solutions for the human Euro-Atlantic elites question of their power hold of North America.

Next year, after AI has already come up with the answer of how to justify cancelling elections we will begin to see leading commentary with panelists in certain media outlets discussing that very topic as a serious solution for these dangerous times.

posted on Dec, 16 2023 @ 05:17 AM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

I could throw sophia bot into a heavy SSI shredder, and that code just re-deploys from wherever it has hidden itself anywhere else in the world, or orbit.

That kind of sounds like a soul through worldstarcountry, at least in some respects.

posted on Dec, 16 2023 @ 06:18 AM

originally posted by: ArMaP
You can say what you want, why can't he?

He can say what he wants, but his opinion isn't like yours or mine. His is heard world wide and actually influences what happens. "Pope Francis" is a marxist and a GLOBALIST. He is anti-borders, anti-free-market, anti-America and even anti-Catholic. What he did to American cardinals Burke and Strickland is downright EVIL. He is trying to influence something that the Catholic Church has no business in and that has a global effect. HE CAN NOT BE TRUSTED.

posted on Dec, 16 2023 @ 10:59 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan

His opinion are like yours or mine, what other people do with his opinions is the difference.

posted on Dec, 16 2023 @ 11:07 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan

I think when Musk met the Pope, Musk probably AI doom porned him because Musk loves to talk AI doom porn to anyone that will listen. Maybe he scared the bejusus out of him.

posted on Dec, 16 2023 @ 11:46 AM
a reply to: quintessentone

The fact that there were some AI created images of the pope circulating probably helped shape his opinion.

posted on Dec, 16 2023 @ 11:47 AM

originally posted by: ArMaP
a reply to: quintessentone

The fact that there were some AI created images of the pope circulating probably helped shape his opinion.

Is the Vatican that drafty?

posted on Dec, 16 2023 @ 02:12 PM
a reply to: ArMaP

His eminence looks like he is punting bags of m@lly on the street corner.

All he needs is a pit bull on a lead.

Naughty, naughty, very naughty.

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