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A Texas judge grants a pregnant woman permission to get an abortion despite the state’s ban

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posted on Dec, 8 2023 @ 10:44 AM

originally posted by: RazorV66
It’s hilarious to hear the Leftists scream “The war on women!!”, when they can’t even freaking define what a woman is.

What about the Liberal war on women with men trying to beat them in women’s sports?

Can biological men get pregnant?
Let me know

Move along. The adults are talking about real problems here.

posted on Dec, 8 2023 @ 11:07 AM

originally posted by: frogs453
a reply to: RazorV66

It's hilarious that white men scream it's a war against them because of a DEI class or an ad from a beer company with a transgender person.

Can you imagine if they started telling you with laws, what you can or cannot do with your sperm? Threatening your future ability to father children, or your very life?

Conflating winning a tournament to a woman's life or reproductive ability is typical, "I have no defense for this" so let's make it about something else.

There is no comparison to forcing women to carry a non viable or life threatening fetus.

Till Death did it part?

posted on Dec, 8 2023 @ 12:35 PM
a reply to: Rosby123

Yes. We must force women to further support the medical, funeral and grief industries and label them monsters if they do not.
BTW do you have children?

posted on Dec, 8 2023 @ 12:55 PM

originally posted by: Euronymous2625

originally posted by: RazorV66
It’s hilarious to hear the Leftists scream “The war on women!!”, when they can’t even freaking define what a woman is.

What about the Liberal war on women with men trying to beat them in women’s sports?

Can biological men get pregnant?
Let me know

Move along. The adults are talking about real problems here.

Cool story.
Since when do Liberals act like adults?

posted on Dec, 8 2023 @ 01:01 PM

originally posted by: frogs453
a reply to: RazorV66

Just travel out of state you say?

Kylie Beaton lives with her husband and their daughter in Fort Worth, Texas. Kylie was thrilled to learn she was pregnant with their second child, but at her 20-week scan, she discovered the baby had a condition, alobar holoprosencephaly, in which the brain does not develop normally and the head grows abnormally quickly. After learning the baby would barely survive past birth, Kylie considered traveling to New Mexico for abortion care. But the baby’s head was already measuring at close to 24 weeks—a size past the gestational cutoff for the New Mexico clinic—and Kylie had no choice but to continue the pregnancy. At Kylie’s 28-week ultrasound appointment, she begged to be induced before the baby’s head grew too large to deliver vaginally, but her doctors refused due to Texas’s abortion bans. After rushing to the hospital with abdominal pain at 35 weeks, Kylie was finally sent for an emergency Cesarean, and her baby died four days after he was born. Kylie said that having to go through the birth and death of her son made losing him much harder, and she fears for her health, safety, and ability to get pregnant again in the future.

• Samantha Casiano, who lives in East Texas with her partner and their children, learned at her 20-week scan that her baby had anencephaly and would not survive. She asked her doctor what her options were—but since she lacked the time, finances, and resources to travel out of state, she was told she had none but to continue with the pregnancy. As the months wore on, Samantha found it excruciating to have people constantly congratulating her, and she worried relentlessly about how she would afford a funeral for her daughter. Though the baby was born breech (positioned backwards), which usually necessitates a Cesarean section, Samantha was not given the option to have the procedure; she noted the hypocrisy of treating her daughter like a healthy baby only while she was in utero. Her daughter died four hours after birth, and, after a simple funeral, Samantha resolved to tell her story publicly in the hope that others would not have to go through the same experience. She wished she had been able to put her daughter to rest earlier, since she was going to have to rest either way.

22 Texas Women Sue After Being Denied Medically Necessay Abortions

Thanks for this!
It shows further how wrong the law is.

posted on Dec, 8 2023 @ 01:06 PM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
a reply to: RazorV66

The woman from the story in the OP should be able to have the necessary abortion she needs.

So why can't she? Even though the judge said she could, the Texas State AG is threatening her doctors with felony charges if they provide her abortion.

But this overall cock and bull story that women have been violated by Conservatives is just that….it’s bullsh!t.

Well, Kate Cox's rights sure have been violated by conservative in Texas. Even you agree she should be able to access her rights, but conservatives in Texas won't let her.

It's a terrible situation where white old men think they have a say for what women can or cannot do.

posted on Dec, 8 2023 @ 01:16 PM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

You’ve chosen to reply to me yet not respond to any of the points I offered up.
Instead you try and make some ridiculous correlation between abortion and the 2nd amendment.
Was your reply a mistake and not meant for me?
Do you have a response to any of the points in my post?

posted on Dec, 8 2023 @ 01:22 PM

originally posted by: Vermilion
a reply to: Sookiechacha

You’ve chosen to reply to me yet not respond to any of the points I offered up.
Instead you try and make some ridiculous correlation between abortion and the 2nd amendment.
Was your reply a mistake and not meant for me?
Do you have a response to any of the points in my post?

You didn't make any points other than focusing on the c-section missing out the fact that the baby will die either before birth or shortly after and the physical and mental health consequences for this woman.
edit on 8-12-2023 by Jane1B because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2023 @ 01:29 PM

originally posted by: Jane1B

originally posted by: Vermilion
a reply to: Sookiechacha

You’ve chosen to reply to me yet not respond to any of the points I offered up.
Instead you try and make some ridiculous correlation between abortion and the 2nd amendment.
Was your reply a mistake and not meant for me?
Do you have a response to any of the points in my post?

You didn't make any points other than focusing on the c-section missing out the fact that the baby will die either before birth or shortly after and the physical and mental health consequences for this woman.

There’s plenty in here….

The only reason I asked this question is because there are few things from that article that raise red flags to me.

“I do not want to continue the pain and suffering that has plagued this pregnancy or continue to put my body or my mental health through the risks of continuing this pregnancy,” Cox wrote in an editorial published in The Dallas Morning News.”

Pro-abortion women and their pro-abortion doctors have used the ‘mental health’ escape clause as a guise to keep using abortion as a contraceptive.

“Doctors have told Cox that if the baby’s heartbeat were to stop, inducing labor would carry a risk of a uterine rupture because of her prior cesareans sections, and that another C-section at full term would would endanger her ability to carry another child.”

Considering she’s had two c sections prior it seems to me that this baby would be a c section regardless. If having a c section puts her life in danger, and the only way she can even give birth is by a c section than why is she getting pregnant in the first place? I’d have to look but I don’t believe doctors would advise a women to deliver vaginally after one, and especially not after two prior c sections, which is the case with this young lady.

“The idea that Ms. Cox wants so desperately to be a parent and this law may have her lose that ability is shocking and would be a genuine miscarriage of justice,” Gamble said.

Says the pro-abortion judge. Appeal to emotion? She’s already a parent of two children. Seems to me she’s desperate to have an abortion.

“More than 40 woman have received abortions in Texas since the ban took effect, according to state health figures, none of which have resulted in criminal charges. There were more than 16,000 abortions in Texas in the five months prior to the ban taking effect last year.”

Despite the agonizing by the pro-abortion crowd there are indeed abortions still being done in Texas. The law has made abortion very rare, which is awesome for everybody in the state. So many little lives saved.

This is a bad deal all around, especially for the baby whose odds of living are pretty slim.
It seems she’s got the green light for her abortion so the baby’s odds are pretty much zero now unfortunately.

posted on Dec, 8 2023 @ 01:33 PM
a reply to: Vermilion

My post addressed your objection to a woman's mental health as being an issue.

I showed you how, in Texas, the mental state of "belief" of "bodily harm" is all that's needed to justify the use of deadly force to protect one's body and/or property.

Why should the right to terminate a pregnancy that doctors "believe" threatens bodily harm, not to mention the mental harm to a woman being forced to carry a doomed fetus to term, be held to a higher standard than someone who walks in their home to find someone stealing their TV?

edit on 3320232023k56America/Chicago2023-12-08T13:56:33-06:0001pm2023-12-08T13:56:33-06:00 by Sookiechacha because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2023 @ 01:41 PM

originally posted by: bruce88

originally posted by: JAGStorm
a reply to: Rosby123

This is absolutely insane and they are putting her life on the line.

The "pro life" cultists do not care about her, at all.

Or her other TWO children. What are they going to do if her life is cut short?

posted on Dec, 8 2023 @ 01:43 PM

originally posted by: network dude
a reply to: Rosby123

this appears to be a case where abortion is the best answer. I still think it's murder, but it's not up to me.
I can only hope this doesn't pave the way for abortion to be back to being a contraceptive.

Isn’t it murder if they don’t do it and the mother dies?

When I had my daughter they gave me the choice of C-section or regular (I had, had a previous C-section)
The nurse whispered to me, have the C-section, she looked very serious). I choose C-section. I was told after the C-section
I would not have survived if I chose regular birth due to some complications.

Now if you have a C-section, they encourage and sometimes insurance requires you to have it for all other pregnancies.
edit on 8-12-2023 by JAGStorm because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2023 @ 01:47 PM
a reply to: Vermilion

Considering she’s had two c sections prior it seems to me that this baby would be a c section regardless. If having a c section puts her life in danger, and the only way she can even give birth is by a c section than why is she getting pregnant in the first place?

Because she want's another baby.

I’d have to look but I don’t believe doctors would advise a women to deliver vaginally after one, and especially not after two prior c sections, which is the case with this young lady.

Right. Her ability to carry another pregnancy after a 3rd C-Section will be too dangerous. So, being forced to wait and C-Section this doomed fetus, instead of getting a timely abortion, means she won't be able to have another baby.

edit on 1020232023k24America/Chicago2023-12-08T14:24:10-06:0002pm2023-12-08T14:24:10-06:00 by Sookiechacha because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2023 @ 01:55 PM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

So you’re saying her body’s only got 1 more C-section in it and she’d rather use it on a more healthy baby instead of this sick one who probably wouldn’t last long?

posted on Dec, 8 2023 @ 01:56 PM
a reply to: Vermilion


That is what any sane doctor would say as well

posted on Dec, 8 2023 @ 01:59 PM
a reply to: Vermilion

Yes. Do you have a problem with that?
And, the fetus is more than sick. It has a fatal anomaly.

posted on Dec, 8 2023 @ 02:10 PM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

Ok I think get it now.
I appreciate the response, thank you 👍.
I was originally under the impression that her body had zero c sections left in it. That’s why I questioned why she would get pregnant in the first place.
I am against all abortion, and I would never and have never judged any lady for making that decision. I’m related to plenty of them. It’s between themselves and God.
I will vote my conscience on these matters and I live in the same area as this young lady so it does affect me, even though I’m just an old white guy.

posted on Dec, 8 2023 @ 02:11 PM
They have no issue with letting women carry a dead fetus or one that will live hours. These men have no idea what that is like mentally to a woman. Do you realize how many people question and make comments to visibly pregnant women? Do you know what her grief is like, and then to have listen to questions and comments? Even benign ones, like "oh! When are you due?", "Have you picked names? You must be so excited!". It's like a dagger each time, plus the unknown of whether you may develop sepsis,gestational diabetes,pre-eclampsia, etc, all because the government is forcing you to carry a non viable fetus. Determined so by doctors, who even after a court ruling are being threatened with up to 99 years in jail if they help you.

It's horrific.

posted on Dec, 8 2023 @ 02:33 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm

originally posted by: bruce88

originally posted by: JAGStorm
a reply to: Rosby123

This is absolutely insane and they are putting her life on the line.

The "pro life" cultists do not care about her, at all.

Or her other TWO children. What are they going to do if her life is cut short?

The right wing christians haven't thought it that much.

posted on Dec, 8 2023 @ 02:36 PM

originally posted by: Jane1B
originally posted by: JAGStorm
originally posted by: bruce88
originally posted by: JAGStorm
a reply to: Rosby123

This is absolutely insane and they are putting her life on the line.

The "pro life" cultists do not care about her, at all.

Or her other TWO children. What are they going to do if her life is cut short?

The right wing christians haven't thought it that much.

Pffft. Female care givers are disposable and easily replaced.

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