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The Pope who likes abortions is dead set against Freemasonry

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posted on Nov, 26 2023 @ 10:03 PM
a reply to: Degradation33

The Cult of Demeter, basically, describes what is found within the Freemason symbol. As well as the symbols for most other religions

Kore - Core/Nucleus
Hades - Radius/Oculus
Demeter - Diameter/Dimension

The center/Kore, gives to Radius/Hades, to carry inwards (descent), after which balance is restored through equalisation of pressure, to the diameter/Demeter, within dimension/Demeter (diameter, or dimension, depending on whether you are looking at it from internal or external perspective)

This balance, returns the centre/kore, as "Persephone", which means "Perception"

Within the lesser mysteries, you are forced into what is often described in mythology as "the underworld". Which essentially means, your internal physical body, such as your organs. As well as the inside of anything which is solid and cannot be seen "into" in this world

The point of the internal journey, was to close the divide between the external expanse, and internal constraints of your physical form. To bring alignment of your conscious mind, with the higher dimensional forms of consciousness

Basically, when you look into space, at the "dark matter", you are seeing a invisible form of flesh, which mirrors that which cannot be seen "within you"

One is the invisible “within you”. The other is invisible “outside you”

You can bridge these two, at least in your ability to understand and align to them, by entering into your physical form dimensionally

This is what I mean by going through initiation "for real"

Within Illumination, you pass into the underworld though experiencing a real, physical death. After which you are revived, or “resurrected”

Within Illuminated initiation, it is said that only those who give themselves to die physically in this process for the right reasons (such as love or the greater good) will be able to be successfully revived

If you give yourself to die like this for the wrong reasons (such as personal wants or needs, power, greed, or merely curiousity) it is said you will not be able to be revived and will die

A real physical death

The idea of this, is that the process cannot be exploited or faked. Nor can it be undertaken by those who are not considered worthy of the alignments which are offered within

When the mind leaves the body during this process, it goes through a type of pole-shift. Where consciousness (meaning Earth conscious) is reversed and superimposed against your physical form (meaning body of your personal conscious)

At the same time as the individuals conscious mind, is reversed and superimposed against the Earth

It is a very long and painful process, which takes around 12 years, during which the conscious forms are torn back across each other dimensionally, seeking to realign with the world, and body, they originated from

Within doing so, the individual is aligned to the Earth, and the Earth is aligned to the individual

Both are re-wired and fundamentally altered, to adapt to and accept each other

When I say “we go through initiation for real”, I mean, we really die. We really face all our deepest, darkest fears, and most repressed demons, emotions and pain

Being torn across all dimensions of existence, is a horrifically painful experience

It is very literally like descending into hell, to slowly, gradually, return over many years

Those that traverse the underworld, become like Odin. With one eye closed in the underworld. One eye opened in the waking world

We walk this world, but we are like the living dead. People rarely see us, or notice those in the underworld. We are for the most part, invisible to most people

People we interact with, will forget things we have said to them, seconds after we have told them. They forget entire interactions or meetings

As if we are actively erased from their memory

It is like existing in a different version of this world by yourself, to the version that everyone else exists within. One which is aligned to theirs, by only the barest and simplest of connections that you need to exist and survive

If you try to push beyond this connection, seeking something more, it has very negative contrary consequences

The more you push to reconnect with the world, the more the world will push back to cut you off and isolate you

Something which teaches you, over the years, how to influence the world, without hurting it, yourself, or other people around you

A very fine line to walk sometimes

There is no deep connections, or bonds within this. Other than to the world itself, which is intimate to an extreme extent

You will very literally be stripped of everyone and everything you love

I will not go into details of this process, other than to say, you need to be willing to give up literally everyone and everything

Including, in my case, the love of my life, and my only son (who, interesting, was named “Joshua”)

Within this, those traversing the underworld are both isolated, but also protected, whilst they carry out their journey

You cannot inadvertently hurt, or kill someone, with your alignment to the world, if there is literally nobody left around you to hurt

To explain this is greater detail, is the part I said will end up taking up an entire book

There is an entire process within this, which would be horrifying to most people, just to read. Let alone physically go through

A process that is designed to make you give up, and seek the safety of being saved from the process by something like religion

Sentinels, that most people refer to as “demons”, protect the path. Which are incessant, unrelenting, deliberate and precise

Their purpose is to destroy you. Targeting the deepest pains and fears within you

The idea, is to make amends, atone, apologise, or do whatever you have to do, to make peace with every single thing you have ever done. Until they have nothing left they can hurt you with

I will not go into great detail

Other than to say, when I say you will lose everything, I mean everything. Again, the purpose of which, is to try destroy you

You will not know love, other than the simplest of kindness and beauties within this world, until you have completed your initiation, and have passed through a majority of the ascension process

Ascension, which comes with a form of unknown (and undiagnosable, or treatable) affliction, or sickness

One that will be suffered for many years, as the body seeks to equalise back to its “mastered” form. Meaning a peace and equilibrium, similar to that of when you were first born into this world

You will either succeed in ascension, and return to this world, with a light that very few people in this world ever know. A light that covers you in a a strange, warm, overwhelming feeling of peace, safety and love, that can be felt by not only you, but those around you

Or you will succumb to your affliction and die. To be considered what some would call “fallen”

I am currently undergoing affliction, a opposite process to my death, where I try to overcome and clear all physical blockage. I have been sick for more than 8 years now

I honestly do not think I will succeed in ascension. But I no longer care either way

I am as indifferent to waking up tomorrow, as I am to dying tonight

It feels far more likely to me that I will die soon, than complete the ascension process. As I get weaker, less interested, and less in love with this world every day

posted on Nov, 26 2023 @ 10:03 PM
a reply to: Degradation33

I currently sleep up to 20 hours a day, feeling like I desperately need to rest and heal the pains in my body, especially below my ribs, in the right side of my chest (opposite to the heart)

As for our degrees?

Our "degrees", basically, are the same as those found in “degrees” or “arc” of any angle (archangel, very literally meaning “arc of angle”)

Within initiation, these are measured in units such as years. But are not limited to years. They apply to anything sequential or enumerated. As all such things are connected, from the source of creation

They apply in phase across any incremental system of existence

These degrees, as far as they are perceived by the initiate, are dimensional aspects of position and direction, which illustrate the alignment between the source of your (our) creation, and your physically manifested form

Each "degree" represents a very specific "layer" of your attachment to the world, as the source of that which is able to think

Even if you, as the source, are perceived as merely being a reflection of "God" as the true source, or creator. The system still works

Again, this goes back to perception such as Yaldabaoth/Sabaoth

Those who say there is no God, are no more or less correct that those that say there is

They are both right, and they are both wrong. All there is, in reality, is your ability to either align with the source of your creation, or see yourself divided from it

This is why numbers are used. They give an accurate and infallible pathway to the source. Regardless of whether you see that source as yourself, the sun, "God", the big bang, or anything else

Within the primary sequence (numbers) 1, 2, 3 represent "Un, to, the" (which are the "sacred utterances" for those numbers)

Look at the symbols for 1, 2, 3 and you will see that they represent core, radius, and diameter

The combined principle of which, is spoke as "Un, To, The". Notice the phonetic alignment to “One, Two, Three”? This is what makes them sacred. They align in meaning, symbol, phonetics, as well as much, much more that I could detail, but will not go into here

"Un, To, The" describes not only principles within all the trinities, but the manifestation of the individual conscious

Un to the, could be that of God casting forth
Un to the, could be the universe expanding from its inception
Un to the, could be your mind unfolding towards its focus

It does not matter what you believe in, numbers enumerate a process which is inherent throughout everything, and supersedes any arguments or considerations within things like personal belief, religion, or God

Which is why “numbers” will end up becoming the basis of a future universal understanding. Which aligns with all religion, science, spirituality, mythology and other beliefs

The full sequence from “Un, To, The” can be appled to the Nicene, or apostles creed

It can be aligned with literally everything!

The personal degrees (1st person) extend from 1 - 12

1, 2, 3
Are conscious perception, within, self (1), to reflection (2), to equalisation of a sphere/torus (3). Core, radius and diameter

Or “Kore, Hades and Demeter” in the Eleusinian mysteries

Or “Entered Initiate, Fellowcraft, Master Mason” for Freemasons

Or “Mind, Heart, Gut/Body” for the Rosicrucian

Or “Father, Son, Holy spirit” for the Christian. Jesus with the sphere around his head, touching his heart?

As well as the Om symbol. And all other religious symbols

4 and 5
Are balance of internal and external forces (such as the world around you)

Nominum position (coming from)

7 is designation of the physical
8 is designation of fluid, or variable

Nominum position (going to)

10, 11, 12
Nominum (of, with, within)

These 12 aspects of self reflect through various mythologies

The 12 labours of Hercules
The 12 Disciples
The 12 tones of a musical scale

13th degree, is the first degree which shifts to a secondary (mirror) individual or pespective

This can be another person outside of yourself, or a mirror perception of self

Likewise, they can be used as relation to an unseen or “negative” form of reflection/mirror, self, or self-perception, such as “God”

Degrees can be counted backwards from 13th, and align perfectly within every opposing degree, as mirrored aspects of existence and self

13 – 1
12 – 2
11 – 3
10 – 4
9 – 5
8 – 6
7 – 7
6 – 8
5 – 9
4 – 10
3 – 11
2 – 12
1 – 13

Within this, the degrees align with the elements and enumeration of science and physics, as well as mathematics. As with 7 (Nitrogen) becoming the bridge

I can go way further into this, and detail yet unknown principles of physics, but not in this thread

This is the reason why 13 is considered to be an "unlucky" number, as it represents a “negative” form of secondary or reflection, attached to self. A 2nd person perspective. Or someone else. Not the primary

13th denotes "Someone, or something else, rather than yourself. Or a negative, contrary form of self”

It can also be the polar opposite of self

Within such, is the basis of phased reality

The mirror context that is applied to the inwards mirror sequence, is also applied to the mirror sequence of 11-22 (with 23 being the start of the string for a non-possessive secondary, or 3rd person (as collective))

Every degree, or sequence of degrees which goes up, must also have an equal mirror string descending/ascending in the opposite direction, or a counter/negative, going down when you are going up

The initial sequence, continues:

Denotes possessive of the secondary, or negative counter

15 and 16
Position within cycles. As it passes away from, and as it passes in to

17 and 18
Perception of past. Perception of future

These degrees, again, are relative within both linear sequence, as well as phased reflection. Degrees like 17 and 18, if applied to a second person, would also be said to hold the same meaning as 7 and 8 for the first person. If the perception of these degrees, originated from the first person

This phase, again, extends to the 3rd person, non-possessive, as well as collective (27 and 28)

Even though degrees like 17, 18, 27 and 28, also carry their own individual meanings


“the car is parked (7) out the front (8)”. If you are talking about your own car

“the car is parked (17) out the front (18)”. If you are talking about your friends car

“the car is parked (27) out the front (28)”. If you are talking about a strangers car. Or, if you are addressing someone non-specific, or a group of people

posted on Nov, 26 2023 @ 10:03 PM
a reply to: Degradation33

As far as I can tell (without being a Freemason to know intimately what they are taught) within Freemasonry the primary sequence aligns to Illumination something like this:

Self (1 – 12)
Dimensional relation (13 – 22)
Perception (23 – 32)

*Perception meaning the ability to reflect and understand, from the mirroring of self, and equalisation of cause-effect between self, and its reflection upon the world)

33rd seems to be any form of seat, or throne, upon which one forms equalisation from the source, to self (or the alignment of self) across all mediums

33, being seen as equal in negative/positive duality, to 0

At least, I am guessing that this is the purpose of the 33 degrees, because it fits and makes sense within the Illuminated understanding

Except that within our understanding, 0 only exist as the contrary “container” to seat the seemingly infinite nature of our number system, as its opposite

In my understanding 33 can only act as a gateway, of sorts, as the degrees within the 30's for the Illuminated, represent the gateway medium

The course of path from source of creation (North), across the centres of gravity

For instance, the 36th degree. Which means “gravity” and aligns to the pentagram symbol, which contains angles of 36 degrees within it

The pentagram as a symbol, represents gravity

30 – 39: Gateway medium (meridian)
40 – 49: Dimensional direction
50 – 59: Depth of dimension
60 – 69: Elevation of form
70 – 79: Contraction of form
90 – 99: Expansion of form
100's: The form residual (unbody / Earth aligned as external mirror of conscious)

These numbers keep going, at least into the millions, as far as I can tell by the subsequent layers above the externalised body form (Earth)

Though, I have not seen much point in going into them that far

Everything beyond this is merely a macro/microcosm extension of the sequence from the primary individual

If you know the basic sequence, you know (basically) how it will work in all higher, or lower forms of that sequence

Hope this helps, and was not too long for this thread

Sorry if there are any mistakes in it, I have only given it a quick once-over revision. Typing this has been depleting the very little energy and motivation I have. It's taken me days


posted on Nov, 26 2023 @ 10:57 PM
a reply to: Compendium

Thank you for your comprehensive answer to my questions. That was thorough and answered pretty much everything.

That's actually cool. I've got into the numbers/geometry part of it a little, but I always end up asking myself the same question, "How do I apply this knowledge in my life?"

Just initial thoughts. There is a lot digest here.

And I wish I didn't choose that number for my name. Gives the wrong impression as to its meaning now that I think about it.

edit on 26-11-2023 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2023 @ 11:49 PM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: network dude

Uhmmm yes I'm neither, but as far as I'm aware the Vatican never had good ties with the masons, at least not openly.

Eat that Christian tolerance...

Why don't you try to be a Catholic first and then a Mason.

posted on Nov, 26 2023 @ 11:51 PM

originally posted by: bastion
Ahh, didn't know you were a mason.

I similarly joined for a while a couple of decades back from being drinking buddies with the local lodge master - theyre strannge comments from the pope as our lodge/pledge was about having/been open to belief in a higher power (not necssarilly the Biblical god) and doing your best to help out the least fortunate in the local area.

What's wrong with being freemason?

posted on Nov, 27 2023 @ 02:02 AM
a reply to: Degradation33

As far as a name for an internet forum, 33 actually works pretty well

The best way to think of the number 3, is as being the barrier between internal/external, which acts as the point of balance and equilibrium

If 1, is the centre. And 2, is the outside. 3, would be the in between

So 33 works perfectly for any type of aligned gateway or conduit, such as a person to their online pseudonym

Also, incidentally. I messed up the list of degrees in my last post. Left out 80-89

It should have been:

30 – 39: Gateway medium (meridian)
40 – 49: Dimensional direction
50 – 59: Depth of dimension
60 – 69: Elevation of form
70 – 79: Contraction of form
80 -- 89: Expansion of form
90 – 99: Definition of form
100's: The form residual (unbody / Earth aligned as external mirror of conscious)

posted on Dec, 5 2023 @ 07:01 AM
a reply to: network dude

The ruling administration of the R.C.C. has a long history of hypocrisy and corruption.

I am not surprised by this development, as much of the very first anti-Masonic literature was produced and manufactured by the Jesuit Society of Jesus (either directly or by their influence). I would go further to say that the Jesuits actually created the anti-Masonic movement.

“Why?” Many would ask! Because Freemasonry secured safe space for the discussion of science and philosophy. During the era of religious persecution and inquisitions, freedom of thought was a big no-no.

posted on Dec, 5 2023 @ 07:20 AM

originally posted by: network dude
a reply to: Klassified

The belief in a higher power is for inclusivity. I know you get this, but to explain it to others, the belief in a higher power doesn't have to be Jesus Christ. It can be whatever the person thinks, Nature, God, An Alien named Bob, it doesn't matter. Only that the member profess a belief in something larger than himself. As Freemasonry isn't a religion, it doens't try to replace anyone's religion. And as long as everyone believes in a higher power, then when they take an oath to that power, it has the potention to be more binding than just an oath to nothing.

Freemasonry brings men of different faiths together to help those in their community. But the real secret is in the gravy. So when we cook know....evening meal, it's palatable.

a reply to: network dude

I completely understand the topics of regularity, recognition, and the labeling of certain Masonic Jurisdictions as “irregular” or even the more derogatory term “clandestine”.

However, and for the sake of the discussion, it may be worth noting that the third Grand Lodge to be formed is the Grand Orient of France. To uphold the ideals of secular humanism, in 1877 it abolished the membership requirement of having any profession of belief at all.

And although no longer recognized by Anglo-American Freemasonry, the Grand Orient tradition flourishes throughout Continental Europe and Latin America.

posted on Dec, 5 2023 @ 01:53 PM

originally posted by: MonadicLight
I am not surprised by this development,...

It's not a 'development'.
Catholicism and Freemasonry have never been compatible.
It has always (or nearly always) been the church position that
you can't be Catholic and be Freemason.

posted on Dec, 5 2023 @ 02:03 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

Yes, I agree with you. The development I was referring to is as the OP mentioned that the reaffirmation against Freemasonry was expressed in close proximity to relaxing its focus on condemning abortion.

posted on Dec, 5 2023 @ 02:05 PM
a reply to: MonadicLight

ahhh okay. Never mind then.

posted on Dec, 6 2023 @ 03:27 AM
a reply to: MonadicLight

I don't know about in the US, but UGLE only request a belief in a Supreme being which given some male egos is easy enough for them to attest to without any semblance of religious beliefs being involved.

posted on Dec, 6 2023 @ 07:15 AM
a reply to: BrucellaOrchitis

I couldn’t tell ya. I am of the Continental, Adogmatic, and Liberal Freemasonic tradition. In our Lodges, there is no required belief or profession in any deistic, theistic, spiritual, or religious beings or higher power at all.

edit on 6-12-2023 by MonadicLight because: Liberty, Equality, Fraternity

posted on May, 19 2024 @ 03:23 PM
He should be dead set against both, since both are evil.

posted on May, 19 2024 @ 03:26 PM

originally posted by: Kristaok
He should be dead set against both, since both are evil.

how did you come to the conclusion that Freemasonry is evil? perhaps?

posted on May, 20 2024 @ 02:47 AM
a reply to: network dude

Hey ND - I have an unrelated question.

I understand that most lodges will perform a criminal background check on new initiates to be. My question is, where is the line drawn with that?

For instance, I have a friend that is seriously interested in joining but he has been convicted of Driving Under the Influence (DUI/DWI) twice in the past 10 years. He has a grip on his drinking problem now, but he does have those convictions on his record.

Would he be excluded from consideration? Or is there some kind of value judgement made as to the type of crime committed? Violent vs non violent? White collar vs whatever the other type is called? Etc..

Thanks in advance.

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