posted on Jul, 19 2005 @ 05:11 PM
The "Gravity Board" title is not what im going to use. It was just the only thing i could think of quickly, off the top of my head. At the time i
didnt remember that gravity was a brand name. I will struggle in getting the rights for the logo "HOVERBOARD" (its i suppose, true name) as a
scooter company has named their scooters "hoverboards", annoyingly.
The durability; i need it to be light AND durable. So maybe wood.....but possibly thick perspex? (thick, strong, light plastic).
Most likely a talented skater could manipulate the board into doing some very unique tricks! i hadnt thought about this kind of thing....i would like
to see that!
wyatt43, not at all! its fine actually since im not continuing work until i come back from holiday (12 day holiday from friday if you wish to
know....) so its no trouble uve found this thread later in the game, so to speak, as the more interesting part of this thread will come after i come
back and begin the long haul of completing a fully operational prototype!
...................i will definately be trying to sell as many as i can, as quickly as i can, before it is, wel i guess reverse engineered, jazzed up
and sold for 10 times the price.........silly global congloberates!!!!!
O yea! considering that the noise polluting death trap of a not-hoverboard, that is sold on future horizons for $9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mine will be
exactly what it will say on the tin, and i assure you, i am a man of honour (if that is the right word). If the manufacturing cost is around $150 then
im not going to sell it for $9000. That is dispicable to say the least.
[edit on 19-7-2005 by Shadow88]