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Part II Every time I see my friend I got sick

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posted on Nov, 3 2023 @ 11:59 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm
Food can be a big part of it. As an aside, if I eat Sugar Puffs ( a breakfast cereal) after a couple of days my wee smells of them. There are many stories of trackers tracking people by their excrement as human excrement smells completely different from any other creature.

posted on Nov, 3 2023 @ 07:22 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

I quit smoking one time Jag it was the worst 6 weeks of my then 21 year old life ,everything stunk like hell back then as everybody smoked , I gave in and started smoking again as I could not handle it .

You are a super smeller and I got the super hearing that put most humans to shame , I have noticed this ability in some dogs to smell out disease and to notice when someone is ill before they have a fit , my mother has a jack Russel that sits on her lap hours before she has a turn and my last collie dog would act weird around people with cancer even before they knew about it ? .

When I was getting wheeled out to the ambulance with heart attack number 3 my sense of smell returned with a vengeance , the smell from the kitchen I could smell 20 feet away and the smell from my bedroom of sweat waiting for a ambulance was horrific to me as I was getting carried out .

Glad I do not have to live with that Jag it must be hard

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