A combination of studying the "Mystery Babylon" in the book of Revelation in the Bible and all of the current mysticism talk here on ATS led me to
purchase the book, RETURN OF THE GODS, by Jonathan Cahn. I think we are going to see a return of all these pagan practices and worship as part of the
end times, just like it was in early civilizations.
hanged around a guy named hmcg part of a bunch of nerds i'd like to play games with
anyways hmcg eventually goes on working for tech companies and video game developers
working with those same Joe Biden nerds trapped in their alternate reality.
particle science alongside poetry is an opening
don't listen to these harry potter creeps they were set up.
Well of course witches are real. They're all over. There are web forums and meetups all over for self described witches.
I am involved in a few different practices so I'd be called one myself, and I know at least 4 within an hour of me.
I just recv'd my copy this week too! Haven't started it as I wanted to have "me" time to read it in peace. Let me know what you think when you're
a reply to: Nofear51
Hey bud, are you the same guy (nofear49) who had cancer and had beat it with some alternative methods and posted the results on ATS years ago?
originally posted by: jaellma2
a reply to: Nofear51
Hey bud, are you the same guy (nofear49) who had cancer and had beat it with some alternative methods and posted the results on ATS years ago?