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We are due some sort of official announcement

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posted on Oct, 24 2023 @ 04:19 AM
I posted this in social issues because it pertains to the ATS community, a society in its own right.

We have seen a MrsDarko make a few random posts and if indeed this is someone in a position of knowledge and authority, then I am repeating something I posted that was buried in another thread because I think it deserves more visibility and some sort of official response.



Since everything and everyone is suspect here these days and Darko has already been impersonated by another user and you have enough posts to create threads and send PMs...

Then how about posting an official thread explaining the situation, why even the mods haven't heard from Darko since June, what you are hoping to do about all this mess and importantly, some verification you are who you are claiming to be?

Maybe even explain why you are posting instead of Mr. Darko?

I don't mean to be mistrustful and apologize if indeed you are genuine but very little here is what it seems to be.

Inspiring a little confidence and trust or breaking the bad news the site is kaput would give us the members a better chance of knowing where we stand.

Thank you.

posted on Oct, 24 2023 @ 04:47 AM
a reply to: AnAlternateOpinion

Day 4 and not a peep.

The owners are obviously aware by now of what's going on.

Just like yourself, and everyone else, i wish someone with authority would chime up and let us know where we stand.

Because not doing so simply makes it look like they were somehow complicit in the act.

posted on Oct, 24 2023 @ 05:25 AM
a reply to: AnAlternateOpinion

Looks like they both abandoned the site in June. Their last login date was within a day of each other. Why would they BOTH be MIA for 4 months?

posted on Oct, 24 2023 @ 05:30 AM
I am sure the owner will come out with something eventually, especially if this site is to last and continue into the future.

For now we just have to ride out the storm, however long that takes.

posted on Oct, 24 2023 @ 05:31 AM
a reply to: SweetGrapes

Peeps were making claims Darko was online just before this happened.

Not sure whether or not that can be substantiated through.

I've not seen head nor tale of an active mod or admin online here at ATS in the past four days.

There are however odd sporadic posting bans that have been put in place, so somebody or something must retain a modicum of control.

posted on Oct, 24 2023 @ 05:31 AM
a reply to: SweetGrapes

Why would they BOTH be MIA for 4 months?

Just being a member on this site is enough to do my head in at times. As for the one owing it, tough job.

posted on Oct, 24 2023 @ 05:36 AM
a reply to: kwaka

The point is though if they are paying the site dues they are hardly likely to abandon the place.

And if they have not been here in 4 months you would think some server issues would have arisen or the place would have been shut down by now.

Just like last time down to unpaid credit card debt.

Its a strange one kwaka same as the fact that there has been no formal communication as to what the feck is going on.

posted on Oct, 24 2023 @ 05:47 AM
a reply to: andy06shake23

And if they have not been here in 4 months

We don't know. Maybe gone AWOL, maybe just sitting back watching and trying to make some sense of it, maybe got caught unexpected and still working the problems, maybe had it all planned from the start?

In the mean time, looks like things are holding up pretty well.

posted on Oct, 24 2023 @ 05:54 AM
Frankly I think ATS is lost at this point.

posted on Oct, 24 2023 @ 05:55 AM
a reply to: kwaka

That's a hell of a lot of maybes kwaka.

Maybe they should let us know if they don't know their arse from their elbow?

After all, they have had 72+ hours or thereabouts.

As to the place holding up pretty well.

Have you seen some of the threads being created and left to stand regarding the likes of DCowboy?

Or the racism, hatred, and downright outrageous things, people arse saying and posting towards one another?

How that amounts to "things holding up pretty well" is beyond me I'm afraid.
edit on 24-10-2023 by andy06shake23 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2023 @ 06:28 AM
a reply to: andy06shake23

That's a hell of a lot of maybes kwaka.

Yeah, good to keep your guard up in a time like this. As for which theory is leading, getting caught unexpected.

Mod Activity Observered

Have you seen some of the threads being created and left to stand regarding the likes of DCowboy?

Yeah, reads like evil has come to destroy the wicked. The kind of language one expects when engaging with the kingdom of darkness. As for how this plays out?

posted on Oct, 24 2023 @ 06:37 AM
Yes! I didn't know if I was hacked because it wouldn't let me on as crayzeed. I've had to reregister just to ask the question on ATS but no answer yet. very confused.

posted on Oct, 24 2023 @ 06:50 AM
a reply to: yogi1949

very confused.

Welcome to ATS. Lots of that going on these days. As a starting point for recent events:

Previously Kwakakev on the ATS situation

posted on Oct, 24 2023 @ 08:02 AM
a reply to: andy06shake23

Or the racism, hatred, and downright outrageous things, people arse saying and posting towards one another?

Some member comments showed a side of them I never would have believed existed going by their previous posting history while others have impressed me by being as civil and decent in their posting as they always were.

Like any large family, we seem to have our share of nuts, radicals and loose cannons.....along with the drunk uncle and closet drinking Grandma.

'When someone shows you who they truly are, believe them'.

posted on Oct, 24 2023 @ 08:43 AM
a reply to: AnAlternateOpinion

"Official Announcement? From WHO? Owners? Start there...Again, we are due no explanation. That's based on someone having to explain it, and really? With internet, we have zero expectations that anyone "running" the show would be in our favor. NOT!

Wake up....and we will not get any reason for this...we are owned. We are observed.

We are members to an online community with rules we do not own...and as such, dont have even free-speech 100%...and that's fine.

If I owned an aggregate news-topics site, I'd have would you.


posted on Oct, 24 2023 @ 08:55 AM
a reply to: AnAlternateOpinion

you can't possibly believe that was her. any hacker, impersonator worth their salt and coding knowledge, site history knowledge could post vague information about what is going on. why not post a thread like they use to do when ATS went down if she got in or relay through one or both the mods that everybody is pretty sure they are who they say they are and the real ones., hell even go on discord and pass it on.

with a little information , if the darko's are on the case why is it that on the members page right before, during or, right after the purge and killing of the mudpit they took the step of forbidding access of their posting history.

now on the the member search, has two listed with the same join date for mrs darko/mrsdarko, his is the same date it always has, her two have yesterday's.

now here's something interesting. her's when you click posting history for mrsdarko,it's comes up with all the posts she's made after the the hack/ take down and two from before in the pit was closed which has the deleted page that comes up when mods bins a thread when you try to open it, and mrs darko when you click threads link comes up like in the avatar pane and you can click posts from that the same page that comes up for deleted threads comes up now.

now darko's is visible, click threads they are there, click posts they are there, click a post it is there, although he edited some. if your gonna look better do it now cause once somebody that has control comes along and reads this it might be changed. but i took a screen shot and got another member to take one to, just in case. also saved it as a web page but not sure if the site is fixed if it will open them or they could just always delete all of it i suppose.

here's darko's posting history, better hurry

Darko's Posting History

so if they went to the great lengths to cover both their butts before during and after the purge by hiding their posts, if it was her/ him why not do it again this time before even posting to anyone.

edit on 24-10-2023 by JoesAPuppet2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2023 @ 09:05 AM
a reply to: Nugget2

Well said.

True colours and all that jazz.

Surprising what comes out of the woodwork when it all goes breasts up i suppose.

posted on Oct, 24 2023 @ 10:52 AM
a reply to: Nugget2

Hey now..
I’m just as big of a jerk now as I was before…😂

posted on Oct, 24 2023 @ 10:55 AM
a reply to: AnAlternateOpinion

At the very least we may have until May 2024 until it is kaput.

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Updated On:

posted on Oct, 24 2023 @ 12:22 PM

originally posted by: andy06shake23
a reply to: AnAlternateOpinion

Day 4 and not a peep.

The owners are obviously aware by now of what's going on.

Just like yourself, and everyone else, i wish someone with authority would chime up and let us know where we stand.

Because not doing so simply makes it look like they were somehow complicit in the act.

Wow! Thank you, Andy!

Your post just made me realize, or recognize, something. Now if I can just put into words....

Regardless of how well we consider ourselves "prepared", Regardless of how we may claim to chafe under the yoke of authority and "TPTB", or the "Elites"....

When things actually DO go "pear-shaped", the first thing we seem to do is start acting stupid (hoarding toilet paper, for instance), and then we begin lamenting for the very same "Controls" and "Controllers" who lead us into our predicament!

We cry and curse the status quo as "rigged", "unfair", and all but inevitable.

Yet, when the opportunity, be it a "pandemic" or a site crash, presents itself, allowing us a chance to "practice what we have preached" without hope of realization, we fuss like children.....then beg for our shackles to be re-locked.

This is a lesson I must remember!

Thank you.
edit on 24-10-2023 by Bhadhidar2023 because: (no reason given)

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