posted on Oct, 21 2023 @ 04:17 PM
a reply to:
Margo, I was just recently forced to get a new phone, when my three-year-old phone sadly fell from a great height and died (sob!) What used to be
a simple experience -- getting a new phone -- became a complex nightmare involving all manner of subsets of information for which I was ill-equipped
to understand, let alone make the right choice.
The new phone 'lived' in the crack of the couch seat for a couple of days, while I fumed. I decided that what one person could do, I could also,
albeit with a lot of research and discussion.
My pedantic point is that you are NOT too old for ANYTHING. We can all do that which we choose. You might be generally unwilling to relearn
everything, or even so irritated that you go stomping off and do something else for a bit, but it has nothing to do with age or your perception of it.
If you are anywhere near my age, you learned to do a lot of things whose knowledge is mostly absent these days, and if mentioned anywhere, it's in
an irritating "article" on your browser page which is written to trigger Boomers, thus creating clicks for their advertising.
Sorry for the rant, but -- like you -- very glad to see someone I recognize.
Welcome to the next evolution of ATS; long may it incite our fire.