posted on Oct, 18 2023 @ 08:17 AM
originally posted by: KingOrkish
a reply to: JinMI
Everquest! Dark Elf Warrior with 1 half of his epic, pre luclin character models to boot!
I should have finished reading, you beat me too it!
Kudos for you sir!
Edited for more content-
I used to play a barbarian shaman on rallos zek when you could still loot all money and one item off of other players in open world pvp.
My shamans name : Kauffin Upyerloot
I also played in a high end raid guild called "Hellfire Club" with my 2.0 warrior " Decimator-Dessimus Dessimates"
I miss that game, after a good 30 hour session I would literally have semi lucid dreams of me running in the woods and having to refresh my Spirit of
the Wolf (SOW)....
Edited for more content: I was a major clicky collector with my warrior, every thing from fabled j boots to the fabled Pegasus cloak, to the AoN
skelly clicky, ven the over haste plunders patch, and then the over haste from mata in Anguish..
unlimited self sow and levitate on a warrior was nice to have. But,
My favorite thing to do when joining new pickup groups as my warrior was going anonymous, transforming myself into a dark elf fom a troll,and donning
the rare All/All robe graphic glitch (that allowed me to actually have my armor on but people would see the robe) and a staff, then show up and tell
them to go ahead and pull waiting for the question...
"Who is Tanking?!?!?!"
edit on 18-10-2023 by Mike Stivic because: Yes I know I have acumen buff, I still want the group version to stack for Uber stamina
edit on 18-10-2023 by Mike Stivic because: Wtb c3,Virtue,and summoned mage pet weapons Pst
edit on
18-10-2023 by Mike Stivic because: (no reason given)