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Democrat Congressman Pulls U.S. House Fire Alarm to Derail Budget Negotiations.

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posted on Oct, 1 2023 @ 07:23 AM

originally posted by: stevieray
a reply to: stevieray
Woops spoke too soon.

The incomprehensible nonsense grade school posts have arrived.

If there was ever an incident where even the least competent among us could say “I have no excuse to offer on this one”, this would be it.

But noooo, can’t have that. Must have babies being babyish all over the floor. Our own little group of Bowmans.

The least competent among us think they are the smartest in the room.

There are examples everywhere here to support this.

posted on Oct, 1 2023 @ 07:31 AM

originally posted by: RazorV66

originally posted by: stevieray
a reply to: stevieray
Woops spoke too soon.

The incomprehensible nonsense grade school posts have arrived.

If there was ever an incident where even the least competent among us could say “I have no excuse to offer on this one”, this would be it.

But noooo, can’t have that. Must have babies being babyish all over the floor. Our own little group of Bowmans.

The least competent among us think they are the smartest in the room.

There are examples everywhere here to support this.

Lol, it’s even biblical.
The Bible laments that things will get so bad that morons and criminals will be celebrated as our heroes, and competent people with knowledge, telling the truth, will be reviled and run off or killed.

It’s easy to see this already in academia, medicine, politics, tiktok, pre-Elon twitter, all media and entertainment.

And ATS, lmao.

posted on Oct, 1 2023 @ 07:43 AM

originally posted by: stevieray
a reply to: sine.nomine
Wouldn’t taking down exit signs be understood as a way to further endanger the people running for the exits ? Get everybody turned around, stacked up, stampeding over top of each other ?
This is “shouting ‘fire’ in a crowded theater” X 1000.

As was said already, what a clear but pitiful example of the jagoff retarded a-holes that own the democrat party today.

Not even our local smurfs know what to say about it. Layin low, clamming up.

I agree. He should be expelled from Congress. Seat removed, arrested, and charged. Idiot used to be a principal. He knows damn well what he did and should be punished severely.

posted on Oct, 1 2023 @ 07:52 AM

He should be expelled from Congress. Seat removed, arrested, and charged. Idiot used to be a principal.
a reply to: sine.nomine

posted on Oct, 1 2023 @ 07:55 AM

originally posted by: Stopstealingmycountry

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: imitator

Bowman took down the Emergency Exit signs before pulling the fire alarm handle. What was the reason for removing the signs?

If nothing appropriate happens to Bowman, Some high-profile civilian needs to go pull that fire-alarm handle, and demand the same "forgiveness".

Has that been proven yet?
I've not seen a shred of evidence to support that.
Now I don't think he made a mistake but I do know he wanted this to pass so...maybe he was on some herb and forgot? Probably not but the removal of signs then to pull that would become a far more serious crime.

It's ALL on video. Will they release it?

Edit: Exclusive — Capitol Sources: Jamaal Bowman Threw Signs Warning Door Was Emergency Only on Floor Before Pulling Fire Alarm I know you will hate the source here, but it's and "exclusive", so that's the rub. That said, they definitely have this on video.

From what I was able to track down, (again, it's all on video if they want to clear this up). were still shots of the doors leading outside with emergency placards facing in and stickers on the outside. The witness(es) say:

“He ripped both of them off the door and threw them both on the floor,” the source familiar with the investigation told Breitbart News. “Then, he leaned into the door and tried to open it,” the source added. “Then, he pulled the fire alarm. When the alarm begins going off, he turned around and ran—going down to the first floor of Cannon and exited out of a different door then made his way across the street to votes. At no point did he say to anyone ‘sorry this is a mistake’ or ‘sorry I pulled the fire alarm by mistake’ or anything like that. He didn’t say anything to anyone until he was confronted by Capitol Police later.

The pics with him at the door show something in his hand that looks the same shape as the placards. They are not standard paper size and are more squarish than not. Once again though, they can easily clear all of this up by releasing publicly owned video evidence.

I am certain 100 news orgs have already FOIA'd it.

That said, once it is released, he will probably Smollet this to the grave based on his actions already.

edit on 1-10-2023 by Halfswede because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-10-2023 by Halfswede because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2023 @ 07:59 AM

originally posted by: stevieray

originally posted by: Stopstealingmycountry
a reply to: Tarzan the apeman.

Pulling a fire alarm should open all doors.

I do believe that is protocol set by the marshals.

Well, you managed to be about 100 % ass backwards lol.
Fire alarm system releases magnetic locks on hold-opens, thereby closing almost all.the doors, especially on corridors.

It controls the spread of the fire, especially through long narrow spaces that would act like a chimney.

Elevators also shut down for the same reason.

ATS is a special place where people who know so little, talk so much.

No, never been in a building or installation where the fire alarms are tied to the doors to lock them in someway.

The doors have a fire rating that meets code. Lots simpler and cheaper.

The closest I have come is a type of overhead door with a link of a chain that holds it open. It melts releasing the door if it gets hot enough. Add. That way you don’t have to worry about an electrical system malfunctioning or not working because it was destroyed by fire.
edit on 1-10-2023 by WhatItIs because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2023 @ 08:00 AM

originally posted by: sine.nomine

originally posted by: stevieray
a reply to: sine.nomine
Wouldn’t taking down exit signs be understood as a way to further endanger the people running for the exits ? Get everybody turned around, stacked up, stampeding over top of each other ?
This is “shouting ‘fire’ in a crowded theater” X 1000.

As was said already, what a clear but pitiful example of the jagoff retarded a-holes that own the democrat party today.

Not even our local smurfs know what to say about it. Layin low, clamming up.

I agree. He should be expelled from Congress. Seat removed, arrested, and charged. Idiot used to be a principal. He knows damn well what he did and should be punished severely.

All discussion or actions taken, will be reduced to
“Waaayciiiiiiism !!”
This is the first step in every response to a crime by a bum, in politics or elsewhere.
Can even be a crime by a Lilly-white democrat. Any and all responses will labeled as some form of supremacy, nationalism, colonialism, hegemony, patriarchy. Throw in a stochastic terrorism.
Our little academic friends keep inventing new theoretical bunkers to hide in, and throw their feces from.

posted on Oct, 1 2023 @ 08:07 AM

originally posted by: WhatItIs

originally posted by: stevieray

originally posted by: Stopstealingmycountry
a reply to: Tarzan the apeman.

Pulling a fire alarm should open all doors.

I do believe that is protocol set by the marshals.

Well, you managed to be about 100 % ass backwards lol.
Fire alarm system releases magnetic locks on hold-opens, thereby closing almost all.the doors, especially on corridors.

It controls the spread of the fire, especially through long narrow spaces that would act like a chimney.

Elevators also shut down for the same reason.

ATS is a special place where people who know so little, talk so much.

No, never been in a building or installation where the fire alarms are tied to the doors to lock them in someway.

The doors have a fire rating that meets code. Lots simpler and cheaper.

The closest I have come is a type of overhead door with a link of a chain that holds it open. It melts releasing the door if it gets hot enough.

Wuuuut ? Melting chains while a fire rages ?

I think you’ve been misled, or misled yourself.

Maybe in the 1800’s before electrical technologies ? Maybe in a rare, unique setting ?

But mag locks, to which the power is cut off by the alarm system, is the vast majority of systems used to close fire doors. Especially in high rise, double loaded corridors. (Dorms, apartments, condos, offices, hospitals). It’s supposed to happen instantly when the rest of the systems deploy.
edit on 1-10-2023 by stevieray because: (no reason given)

The system also doesn’t lock anything. It’s just releasing mag locks that hold the doors open for normal circulation. The doors are all arranged with panic hardware facing inward toward the inhabitants, so they alway have a path of egress outward, by pushing on the handles. Just keeping the fire and smoke “locked out” of important escape routes.
edit on 1-10-2023 by stevieray because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2023 @ 08:08 AM
a reply to: stevieray

Now that you say it I also think the emergency doors have to be self closing. So you push them open but a spring loaded mechanism makes sure they close again. For just that reason we wrote about.

It might look counter productive to most but it has the intention of not introducing drafts or oxygen. AFAIK most people that die during a fire die because they suffocate, not burn alive. Smoke is the real killer.

posted on Oct, 1 2023 @ 08:08 AM

originally posted by: stevieray

originally posted by: sine.nomine

originally posted by: stevieray
a reply to: sine.nomine
Wouldn’t taking down exit signs be understood as a way to further endanger the people running for the exits ? Get everybody turned around, stacked up, stampeding over top of each other ?
This is “shouting ‘fire’ in a crowded theater” X 1000.

As was said already, what a clear but pitiful example of the jagoff retarded a-holes that own the democrat party today.

Not even our local smurfs know what to say about it. Layin low, clamming up.

I agree. He should be expelled from Congress. Seat removed, arrested, and charged. Idiot used to be a principal. He knows damn well what he did and should be punished severely.

All discussion or actions taken, will be reduced to
“Waaayciiiiiiism !!”
This is the first step in every response to a crime by a bum, in politics or elsewhere.
Can even be a crime by a Lilly-white democrat. Any and all responses will labeled as some form of supremacy, nationalism, colonialism, hegemony, patriarchy. Throw in a stochastic terrorism.
Our little academic friends keep inventing new theoretical bunkers to hide in, and throw their feces from.

This clown would have to be really simple to claim some sort of racism over this.

Caught red handed on video, he should resign and face charges.

posted on Oct, 1 2023 @ 08:11 AM

originally posted by: stevieray

But mag locks, l

The melting link. As in how fire sprinklers work?

And the door simple falls down shut. One could still open it if trapped.

Doors with fire ratings can simple be shut. If it’s locked, how do trapped people get out.

Ok. What code requires magnetic locks where. And who makes such a system for what application.
edit on 1-10-2023 by WhatItIs because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2023 @ 08:16 AM
a reply to: WhatItIs

I have a sprinkler system in my shop to protect the stored cars. The sprinklers are spring loaded and have a vial that explodes when too hot.

Doors with fire ratings can simple be shut. If it’s locked, how do trapped people get out.

Panic locks! Push down handle once or twice and they unlock. But from outside it does not unlock pushing the handle down.

Ok. What code requires magnetic locks where. And who makes such a system for what application.

Mostly insurance here. I had the choice between BOSCH, SIEMENS, Honeywell and Hekatron. You can make these doors stay open, there is a point where it clicks in and stays like that. If power goes out or the alarm goes off they close on their own. This is how I often notice power outage when I go back to the shop because the door is shut. This is for doors that are inside, not leading to the outside.

posted on Oct, 1 2023 @ 08:28 AM

originally posted by: WhatItIs

originally posted by: stevieray

But mag locks, l

The melting link. As in how fire sprinklers work?

And the door simple falls down shut. One could still open it if trapped.

Doors with fire ratings can simple be shut. If it’s locked, how do trapped people get out.

Ok. What code requires magnetic locks were. And who makes such a system for what application.

You’re correct about the way the sprinklers work. We don’t want to deluge a building with water or foam unless things get to an internal temp that indicates a real fire.
But mag lock hardware typically holds all corridor doors open, with the magnetic property achieved with electrical current. Fire system shuts that electrical service off immediately, and corridor doors fall closed to avoid fire and smoke travel through corridors, elevator shafts, stairwells. All doors have panic hardware (horizontal handles the width of the door) on the inside to let people out as they escape. Aptly named so that even the most panicked of people can just crash into the handle and get out.

Doors aren’t even “locked open”, you can pull the mag lock apart and close the door by pulling on the handle. But most daily operations of hi-rises want the doors open for ease of circulation for their people.
edit on 1-10-2023 by stevieray because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2023 @ 08:40 AM

originally posted by: RazorV66

originally posted by: stevieray

originally posted by: sine.nomine

originally posted by: stevieray
a reply to: sine.nomine
Wouldn’t taking down exit signs be understood as a way to further endanger the people running for the exits ? Get everybody turned around, stacked up, stampeding over top of each other ?
This is “shouting ‘fire’ in a crowded theater” X 1000.

As was said already, what a clear but pitiful example of the jagoff retarded a-holes that own the democrat party today.

Not even our local smurfs know what to say about it. Layin low, clamming up.

I agree. He should be expelled from Congress. Seat removed, arrested, and charged. Idiot used to be a principal. He knows damn well what he did and should be punished severely.

All discussion or actions taken, will be reduced to
“Waaayciiiiiiism !!”
This is the first step in every response to a crime by a bum, in politics or elsewhere.
Can even be a crime by a Lilly-white democrat. Any and all responses will labeled as some form of supremacy, nationalism, colonialism, hegemony, patriarchy. Throw in a stochastic terrorism.
Our little academic friends keep inventing new theoretical bunkers to hide in, and throw their feces from.

This clown would have to be really simple to claim some sort of racism over this.

Caught red handed on video, he should resign and face charges.

Oh, I agree. But faced with absolutely no way to avoid public condemnation and legal scrutiny….. the race card will be played in some creative way.
It’s typically the first response from dems, but it definitely gets used when nothing else is gonna work.

posted on Oct, 1 2023 @ 08:50 AM

originally posted by: stevieray

But mag lock hardware typically holds all corridor doors open,

All? Or just exit doors?

The chemical and power plants I worked at in the last 30 years had no such locks. But they were all built before 2000. Including the admin buildings.


posted on Oct, 1 2023 @ 09:05 AM

originally posted by: Mahogany
He apologized, said it was an accident.

Pffft. Not buying that for a minute.
The idiot needs to be prosecuted.
He's on tape taking down emergency exit signs.
He's unbalanced.

posted on Oct, 1 2023 @ 09:16 AM
Is it true Kevin McCarthy can order the sergeant at arms to arrest Bowman for obstruction of Congress?

posted on Oct, 1 2023 @ 09:26 AM
a reply to: Mahogany

He needs to be charged with disrupting an official proceeding. There are people held in jail for months and months for that charge.

posted on Oct, 1 2023 @ 09:27 AM
a reply to: carewemust

See why I'm starting to really really like MTG?

She brings it.

posted on Oct, 1 2023 @ 09:31 AM

originally posted by: WhatItIs

originally posted by: stevieray

But mag lock hardware typically holds all corridor doors open,

All? Or just exit doors?

The chemical and power plants I worked at in the last 30 years had no such locks. But they were all built before 2000. Including the admin buildings.


For the most part long corridor entry-exit doors in hi-rises, the most densely occupied types of buildings. But just like structural and other building systems, overall systems designs may vary a little in their mixture of tech and components.
Stairwell doors aren’t generally held open because they don’t have a lot of traffic.
In plants and factories with more dangerous environments, you may very well have had different designs and products. The design solutions can be varied for different functional needs. Probably one floor as well.
But multi story buildings mostly go with the things we’ve been describing. Cost matters too. The mag lock thing is cost efficient at a huge scale, very repetitive for construction and future maintenance.

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