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Is DNA of vaccinated people contaminated?

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posted on Sep, 25 2023 @ 10:26 PM

originally posted by: MrPillowpants
a reply to: TTU77

You come off as kind of a lunatic with all the misspellings and grammar mistakes in your post. You should calm down and take some deep breaths

Are you new here? Welcome, so few posts. I appreciate your advice and its a good one.

Was there something I said that offended you? If so apologies.

I know some people are annoyed about grammar. Might I also give you the same advice if that causes you to view someone as a lunatic.

posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 11:41 AM
a reply to: zandra


Mr. Epstein’s vision reflected his longstanding fascination with what has become known as transhumanism: the science of improving the human population through technologies like genetic engineering and artificial intelligence. Critics have likened transhumanism to a modern-day version of eugenics, the discredited field of improving the human race through controlled breeding.

posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 02:40 PM
a reply to: CloneFarm1000

According to Professor Phillip Buckhaults it is very simple. Check the blood of vaccinated persons and if foreign DNA is found then: case closed. Who are we to argue with this doctor. BTW I would also check the blood of unvaccinated people if the aforementioned research confirms the disaster scenario. This will solve the shedding problem. It's like the doctor says: It's up to politians now. His hands are tied.

posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 03:30 PM

originally posted by: zandra
a reply to: CloneFarm1000

According to Professor Phillip Buckhaults it is very simple. Check the blood of vaccinated persons and if foreign DNA is found then: case closed. Who are we to argue with this doctor. BTW I would also check the blood of unvaccinated people if the aforementioned research confirms the disaster scenario. This will solve the shedding problem. It's like the doctor says: It's up to politians now. His hands are tied.

Can you elabortate please? How will it solve the shedding problem and what do you mean by foreign dna?

edit on 26-9-2023 by TTU77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 07:18 PM
a reply to: TTU77

Apologies if my attitude seems a bit callous. I don't think I was understood. The main point was I think its beneficial to back up any claims with some evidence - there are lots of scientists who run experiments - not everyone is bought out from Big pharma.

No need to apologize mate your points are perfectly valid and I respect your efforts to stand behind them.

I don't trust these guys behind the scenes, not at all, I do trust God and Christ to sort all these things out when he returns. In the meantime, even lobbying and trying to make political changes won't work, it's a spiritual issue that won't get better until the heart is regenerated unto a love of righteousness, that belief in Christ provides.

On this we 100% agree .

posted on Sep, 27 2023 @ 05:33 AM
a reply to: TTU77

As far as I understand the doctor's explanation, the lipid nanoparticles contain pieces of DNA. The pieces of DNA can enter the cell (thanks to the lipid nanoparticles) and embed themselves in the DNA of the vaccinated person. The doctor has proven that DNA is present in the lipid nanoparticles (in the injections). Whether these DNA pieces actually end up in the DNA of the vaccinated person remains to be proven. By foreign DNA I mean the 'pieces' of 'foreign' DNA that could embed in the DNA if the vaccinated person.
Regarding the shedding problem, I don't really understand what is not clear to you. It seems logical to me that one should first investigate whether the pieces of DNA integrate into the DNA of the vaccinated person. If that is not the case, then there is no problem and you do not have to investigate the DNA of those who have not been vaccinated (logic). If the DNA is indeed contaminated, one must check whether there may be shedding. In my opinion, this can best be done by examining the DNA of those who have not been vaccinated.
If my reasoning is wrong, please correct me. And remember, I know I made some shortcuts, assuming you know I'm not a doctor nor an author. I hope you understand.

posted on Sep, 27 2023 @ 01:31 PM
a reply to: TTU77

Wow man, now I read this post: don't believe God will help us. Maybe you are a good person. I don't now. Anyway if you are 'good' then may God bless you. But I do think God only helps those who help themselves. Just read some history books and you will know that uncountable numbers of people good and somewhat less good, perished in the name of God.
And to be clear: the truth not always prevails in the end (far from that). The only thing we can do is voting for the politicians that promise an independant investigation. At least if there are some who dare to promise that. And if so, let's hope they keep their promises ...

posted on Sep, 28 2023 @ 04:22 AM
If someone posted this interview with dr Buckhaults already then just ignore this. The interview gives more insight ... interesting.

posted on Sep, 28 2023 @ 03:22 PM
a reply to: TrollMagnet

From the Red Cross:
The Red Cross is following FDA blood donation eligibility guidance for those who receive a COVID-19 vaccination, and deferral times may vary depending on the type of vaccine an individual receives. If you’ve received a COVID-19 vaccine, you’ll need to provide the manufacturer name when you come to donate. Upon vaccination, you should receive a card or printout indicating what COVID-19 vaccine was received, and we encourage you to bring that card with you to your next donation. In most cases, there is no deferral time for individuals who received a COVID-19 vaccine as long as they are symptom free and feeling well at the time of donation. The following eligibility guidelines apply to each COVID-19 vaccine received, including boosters:

There is no deferral time for eligible blood donors who are vaccinated with an inactivated or RNA based COVID-19 vaccine manufactured by AstraZeneca, Janssen/J&J, Moderna, Novavax, or Pfizer.
Eligible blood donors who received a live attenuated COVID-19 vaccine or do not know what type of COVID-19 vaccine they received must wait two weeks before giving blood.
If you have an appointment scheduled and need to change your donation date based on the above guidance, click here.
If you have further eligibility questions, please call 1-800-RED CROSS.

Please note: The Red Cross, as an organization, is not a healthcare provider and is not administering COVID-19 vaccinations in the U.S. However, Red Cross volunteers who are medical professionals may work with local authorities to help give vaccinations if their state licenses permit them to do so. In addition, Red Cross teams are currently helping to vaccinate U.S. service members on bases around the world.

posted on Sep, 29 2023 @ 12:16 AM

originally posted by: zandra
a reply to: TTU77

Wow man, now I read this post: don't believe God will help us. Maybe you are a good person. I don't now. Anyway if you are 'good' then may God bless you. But I do think God only helps those who help themselves. Just read some history books and you will know that uncountable numbers of people good and somewhat less good, perished in the name of God.
And to be clear: the truth not always prevails in the end (far from that). The only thing we can do is voting for the politicians that promise an independant investigation. At least if there are some who dare to promise that. And if so, let's hope they keep their promises ...

Hey man, I'm honored to share a bit of knowledge from the Word of God. I'm not a good person. Nope. I believe the bible. It says the heart of man is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. No one is good. No, not one!

That is why Christ came and died for our sins, because no one is good, all deserve the wraith and judgement of God. It goes back to Satan, his sin, the fall of man, to the world we see today.

God helping people who help themselves - nonsense. That is not biblical. I invite you to take heed and caution, not to imagine God is this way or that way - no matter how it makes your feel, for He is beyond imagining. The bible is truly out of this world. Peculiar and Holy, verified with the testimony of God himself through prophecy, so we don't have to make up our own Gods, or imagine what His will is. Find out yourself, in His Word. You can't know Him without His Word. You can't have eternal life without His son. Eternal Life is knowing God. Start here with the Word, to know God. If you don't want to know God, through His word, how can you have love of the Father in you? Eternal life is literally knowing more and more about God. It'll be like a bible that constantly grows, shining more light and wisdom into our hearts.

The history books are filled with good testimonies and bad, but much good, like school systems, democracies, rights for woman, etc, some wars, but based no false religion - period. Corrupted forms of Christianity the devil uses for his own ends. Don't fall for it.

Instead, why can't you see or single out the vastly more evil, unprecented scale of evil unleashed during the world wars, from atheist or down right evil like Nazi, etc, and communionism in russian and china. Are you kidding me? That unleashed so much deprativty from men's heart - from those who turned from God

Yet, you claim our only hope is in man? In politicians? That must truly be so sad and depressing, the lack of eternal hope in your heart - all the peace, hope, joy, and light and wisdom and eternal glory. Hope in man? Ha

For God says he will make foolish the wisdom of the world.

You didn't even grasp the core meaning of what I was saying. It's a spiritual issue. You didn't mention this, just trust man a politician? Why should I? I just said unless a person is spiritually regenerate, it's impossible to trust him to sacrifice himself for his friends.

That is the ideal Christian politican - One, holds others above himself, serves, sacrfiices his career for us, and two, calls us and truly is our friends! Until you have this, you have no hope, just the wraith of God abiding on you for not being in His son Christ for salvation - put your faith in Him, not man! Never man! Absurd. Is man your God? Do you hear how ridiculous that is? Repent and turn to God, I beg you.
edit on 29-9-2023 by TTU77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2023 @ 11:50 AM
a reply to: TTU77

No one is all good or all bad, I agree. Sorry for that misunderstanding ...

posted on Sep, 29 2023 @ 12:45 PM

originally posted by: zandra
a reply to: TTU77

No one is all good or all bad, I agree. Sorry for that misunderstanding ...

There is no partly good or partly bad, not according to the Bible all are all bad. You can't be kind of good but have some bad, that's what most people think, they are mostly good, so they don't need God, that's completely 100% wrong. We are not an agreement at all. If you don't see your bad, you won't see your need for jesus.

The only acceptable thing is 100% good 100% righteous, and that comes from only one being, the one true God, and that is imputed on us through Christ. Nothing below that is acceptable to God, but it as a clay pot destined and meant for destruction.

edit on 29-9-2023 by TTU77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2023 @ 03:02 PM
a reply to: TTU77

who told you that?

did you come up with it in your on belife system

if you were to live as pias as the good book suggests you wouldnt be on ATS.

I assume you have never meet God face to face to ask him so i want to know how you know so assuredly that you are right?

and righteous of what 100% of the time?

you sound like the crazy Muslims that blow themselves up for rivers of milk and honey and 72 virgins, surly they have more faith the 99.9999% of Christens.

they are misinterpreting(some would say) the Koran and bastardizing an already barbaric religion to the extream, ALL for God.

You could say they are 100% faithful and 100% righteous, more so than your average US citizen in America. When's the last time a missile from a drone so far away you cant see hit your wedding party or birthday because someone there know someone who knows someone who MIGHT be a bad guy?

im going to guess never

so whos' right? only one can be right, or both wrong i guess.

posted on Oct, 14 2023 @ 10:20 PM
If they keep all of this vaccine nonsense going, the whole planet will be's only a matter of time.

posted on Oct, 19 2023 @ 07:52 AM
a reply to: zandra

I used to enjoy this place, but seriously ATS should change it's slogan from "deny ignorance" to "encourage ignorance"... So many idiotic threads filled with social media propaganda.

I had a friend die of colon cancer when she was 26 with no family history... in 1999. SO, "impossible" is carrying a little too much weight in your propaganda link there.

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