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Is DNA of vaccinated people contaminated?

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+8 more 
posted on Sep, 22 2023 @ 10:53 AM
What does Professor Phillip Buckhaults say here?
Far too much to briefly summarize:
- There's DNA in the vials
- This does not mean that the DNA of the vaccinated is contaminated
- The latter must be urgently investigated because it can have unimaginable consequences (later in life and for future generations)
What else does he say?
- Proving the presence of contaminated DNA in vaccinated persons is not that difficult and not that expensive, but for some reason it has not been done
- The causal relationship cannot be established for the side effects, but this can be determined for the presence of infected DNA in a vaccinated person (this is of course a very important statement)
- Doctors are not independent (we already knew that) More than that: their hands are tied (we already suspected that)
What does he say in between:
The MRI vaccines will cure cancer during the lifetime of the somewhat older members. That is immensely positive news.
For me, this testimony is absolutely shocking.
I hope that it will soon be possible to clarify whether or not contaminated DNA is present in the vaccinated people.

posted on Sep, 22 2023 @ 11:29 AM
a reply to: zandra

personally i feel there are bigger issues in the food chain that are making far more sick and killing them in larger number, its like we really have not learnt from mas cows/bse, or if we did learn it was how to inflict harm groups by using the food they eat to hurt them, its a modern spin on the age old salting the farmland the kill..

+5 more 
posted on Sep, 22 2023 @ 12:05 PM
Yep, and the interesting part about this is that Professor Buckhault was a true believer who believed in the mRNA platform and got all the vaxxes himself. He even defends the fatal flaw of the vaccine saying, paraphrasing that "the world was on fire and we had no time," which is an excuse for a potential extinction level event.

The free floating DNA segments get transported directly into the cell, billions of copies in the vaccine, and many of them end up modifying the cells nuclear DNA, which alters your DNA directly. Doing this randomly can cause huge risk factor for cancers, which, SUPRISE, are exploding, especially rare and soft tissue cancers.
edit on 22-9-2023 by v1rtu0s0 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2023 @ 01:06 PM
The Great Dr. Harvey Risch Discusses How The mRNA Vaccine Has Caused Mass Spikes In Cancer As Well As Turbo Cancers - LINK

“What clinicians have been seeing,” said Dr. Risch, “is very strange things: For example, 25-year-olds with colon cancer, who don't have family histories of the disease—that's basically impossible along the known paradigm for how colon cancer works—and other long-latency cancers that they're seeing in very young people."

posted on Sep, 22 2023 @ 01:23 PM
The anti-vaccine movement is on the rise. The White House is at a loss over what to do about it. - LINK

A Biden administration that vowed to restore Americans’ faith in public health has grown increasingly paralyzed over how to combat the resurgence in vaccine skepticism.

Researchers express SHOCK after learning that Pfizer’s mRNA COVID “vaccine” contains DNA contamination - LINK

This genetic modification (GMO) process could explain why many "fully vaccinated" individuals are developing what Buckhaults described as "rare but serious side effects like death from cardiac arrest."

edit on 22-9-2023 by TarantulaBite because: add link

posted on Sep, 22 2023 @ 05:43 PM

originally posted by: TarantulaBite
The anti-vaccine movement is on the rise. The White House is at a loss over what to do about it. - LINK

A Biden administration that vowed to restore Americans’ faith in public health has grown increasingly paralyzed over how to combat the resurgence in vaccine skepticism.

Researchers express SHOCK after learning that Pfizer’s mRNA COVID “vaccine” contains DNA contamination - LINK

This genetic modification (GMO) process could explain why many "fully vaccinated" individuals are developing what Buckhaults described as "rare but serious side effects like death from cardiac arrest."

That's what's chilling my bones because my gut and logic is telling me that the only REAL way to get people back on board to include the naysayers and opposers is to release, unleash or introduce a knockout pathogen of some sort. A real nasty one.

What else would motivate people at this point??🤷🏻

posted on Sep, 22 2023 @ 06:36 PM
a reply to: zandra

Yes , they Are the " Walking Dead " but just don't Know it Yet...........

posted on Sep, 22 2023 @ 07:26 PM
Yes they are contaminated.

And if you have sex, kiss, get a blood transfusion, or share a drink with a vaccinated person, you'll become contaminated too.

They didn't need to vaccinate all of us, just enough of us.

posted on Sep, 22 2023 @ 07:40 PM
The planet is now home to 8.1 billion people. It seems like just yesterday the total was 7 billion. The growth rate is exponential. Is there an effort under way to control the population? Young people in western countries aren't reproducing at the same rate as their ancestors which leaves Africa, India and China as the big growth areas of population. The powers that be don't control those countries meaning Europeans and their descendants in the Americas and Australia will cease to exist at some point in the future.

posted on Sep, 22 2023 @ 08:20 PM

originally posted by: LogicalGraphitti
The planet is now home to 8.1 billion people. It seems like just yesterday the total was 7 billion. The growth rate is exponential. Is there an effort under way to control the population? Young people in western countries aren't reproducing at the same rate as their ancestors which leaves Africa, India and China as the big growth areas of population. The powers that be don't control those countries meaning Europeans and their descendants in the Americas and Australia will cease to exist at some point in the future.

I Doubt it is at 8.1 billion people Right Now . TPTB Control Population Statistics , and they Exaggerate to Fit their Paradigm at Any given Moment . The Statistics of Deaths due to Starvation around the World Alone Right Now are IMO Manipulated to Conceal the True Numbers . I would Hazard to Guesstimate the World Population as of Sept. 2023 is about 7.2 Billion People .

edit on 22-9-2023 by Zanti Misfit because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2023 @ 09:20 PM

edit on 22-9-2023 by elevatedone because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2023 @ 10:33 PM
a reply to: zandra

i dna is just a protein but the cells hijacked so the cellular machary so it will make more virus rather than the needs of the cell sometimes destroying the cell by burst it or maybe just transferring virus between cell so it can spread can be damaged all sorts of ways intently or other wise.

here is what are cells really do on the inside, sure looks like a factory to me and now way nature could get this much right randomly

source: Havard, Mass USA

posted on Sep, 23 2023 @ 01:14 AM
a reply to: nickyw

I have to agree! Go look up sugar. It’s in everything and is super addictive. Sugar is in Covid vaccines!


posted on Sep, 23 2023 @ 01:25 AM

originally posted by: TarantulaBite
The anti-vaccine movement is on the rise. The White House is at a loss over what to do about it. - LINK

A Biden administration that vowed to restore Americans’ faith in public health has grown increasingly paralyzed over how to combat the resurgence in vaccine skepticism.

Researchers express SHOCK after learning that Pfizer’s mRNA COVID “vaccine” contains DNA contamination - LINK

This genetic modification (GMO) process could explain why many "fully vaccinated" individuals are developing what Buckhaults described as "rare but serious side effects like death from cardiac arrest."

The trust is gone indeed, and will never return. I was just at a pediatrician with my son a few days ago and the pediatrician 'recomended' two 'vaccines' , one for meningitis and another for (can't remember). It doesn't matter, my son doesn't trust it anymore either and does not want any again ever

The universal antidote would be a better route (universal antidote ) , exercise , healthy eating etc. Taking care of oneself as big pharma and medics are all just self-serving , and don't have your best interest at heart.
edit on 23-9-2023 by ancientlight because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2023 @ 01:27 AM
More relevant information:

This shows exactly how the DNA gets transported into the nucleus.

posted on Sep, 23 2023 @ 01:28 AM

originally posted by: EternalShadow

originally posted by: TarantulaBite
The anti-vaccine movement is on the rise. The White House is at a loss over what to do about it. - LINK

A Biden administration that vowed to restore Americans’ faith in public health has grown increasingly paralyzed over how to combat the resurgence in vaccine skepticism.

Researchers express SHOCK after learning that Pfizer’s mRNA COVID “vaccine” contains DNA contamination - LINK

This genetic modification (GMO) process could explain why many "fully vaccinated" individuals are developing what Buckhaults described as "rare but serious side effects like death from cardiac arrest."

That's what's chilling my bones because my gut and logic is telling me that the only REAL way to get people back on board to include the naysayers and opposers is to release, unleash or introduce a knockout pathogen of some sort. A real nasty one.

What else would motivate people at this point??🤷🏻
Having to chose between two evils, I will still trust my natural immunity above some experimental concoction , that's not what they tell us it is, nor does it even work . It's a big fat joke

posted on Sep, 23 2023 @ 01:31 AM

originally posted by: LogicalGraphitti
The planet is now home to 8.1 billion people. It seems like just yesterday the total was 7 billion. The growth rate is exponential. Is there an effort under way to control the population? Young people in western countries aren't reproducing at the same rate as their ancestors which leaves Africa, India and China as the big growth areas of population. The powers that be don't control those countries meaning Europeans and their descendants in the Americas and Australia will cease to exist at some point in the future.
It will be the end of civiliazation. With a slower innovation rate, total decline in morality and a demoralized planet, humans will die out
Let's face it , not many engineers, doctors etc out of Africa , or even China / India .

posted on Sep, 23 2023 @ 01:59 AM
Put this together with all other side effects of the mrna vaccines (already discussed on this platform) and the picture becomes very ugly.
I do hope they won't have to stop the mrna investigation program, just because of the promissing future for a cancer cure, but I think they' ve pushed it too far ... Maybe LordAhriman can bring some hope. Strange that he doesn't react. To be clear: I have nothing against him.

posted on Sep, 23 2023 @ 02:02 PM
The thought often strikes me that Non-Vaccinated peoples Blood will be extremely valuable in the Future.

I don't Know Why it will be Valuable and I don't know when , But I just get the feeling .

This is vague I know

posted on Sep, 23 2023 @ 02:58 PM

originally posted by: CloneFarm1000
Yes they are contaminated.

And if you have sex, kiss, get a blood transfusion, or share a drink with a vaccinated person, you'll become contaminated too.

They didn't need to vaccinate all of us, just enough of us.

Are they equally damaged, the vaxxed vs the sheded upon. The amount of serum in the injection is vastly more than what one would get from a kiss or sharing a straw to the order of one in 10,000 if not more, so is the RNA vaccine replicating itself? And how long does it take to dissipate from the body or does it stay there forever?

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