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Marijuana? Higher state of mind?

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posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 07:24 AM

Originally posted by Hunting Veritas

Extract from websiteThen in 1988 Allyn Howlett, a researcher at the St. Louis University Medical School, discovered a specific receptor for THC in the human brain--a kind of nerve cell that THC binds to as if it were a molecular key fitting into a lock. When this binding takes place, the nerve cell is activated


This herb is made for us. It uses an otherwise dormant part of the brain which "normal" people don't use. Expanding the mind indeed, it at least gives it some excercise. Even if you are sitting on the couch, You think more and you are creative. Unless you are just playing playstation which is an ever so constructive pastime. . . . . . It's like our society is scared to embrace the what the earth gives us. We just use chemicals in everything, creating cancer and depression. Our society is turning away from anything natural.

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 08:22 AM

Originally posted by jritzmann
The more attention you pay to it, the more it will pay to you. Myself, I'll stay on this side of the looking glass.

jritzmann has hit on the crux of the matter. There is a duality about it, though. Are sightings some type of misfire in the brain's ability to perceive reality? Shared hallucinations? Temporary psychosis? Some figment of the imagination? Or is it a thinning of the barrier that is the three dimensions of reality we perceive regularly and the other locations and dimensions we postulate exist around us and elsewhere, as in string theory?

If it is, in fact, this 'thinning' phenomenon that is taking place, are there substances we can ingest or be exposed to that can enhance (or inhibit) the process? If there were ETs or EDs with some kind of stake in and influence on this time and place that could be and didn't want to be exposed by a focused, localized form of this 'thinning', how would they go about avoiding it?

Is that what we see all around us today? Or just a bunch of druggies?

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 09:47 AM

Originally posted by Gazrok

Perhaps "druggies" is not the best way to refer to cannabis users.

I wasn't just referring to cannabis users. I knew others who used way heavier stuff in my youth. Personally, I'm not fond of killing off brain cells (i.e. I'll need them to remember my family members' names when I'm older), so I never did the stuff.

Regardless, cannabis is an illegal narcotic, so the term is applicable...if not exclusive. From my observations, nicotine and alchohol seem to be far worse (and addictive) drugs than cannabis though....

With this in mind, "Drug user" or "Narcotic user" would be more appropriate than "Druggie". I find it offensive.

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 10:36 AM
I meant no offense in my use. I was being facetious. The term cracks me up, and is another case in point. Is debasing and ridiculing drug users in pursuit of enlightenment, not self-destruction, just another stitch in the cover-up, or legitimate criticism of a dangerous endeavor? Maybe both, depending on the individual final outcomes.

I believe there is much more to life than meets the eye, and we are just being fed the cover story, plus lots of distractions.

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 11:34 AM
"So then, if this theory is correct, Jamaica should be literally CRAWLING with alien"

I just got back from Jamaica and funnily enough they seem to know alot about aliens and implants over there, i was talking to some guy up in the Blue Mountains and he has a lump where he got his vaccination and hes convinced the government put an implant in it, and this isnt some junky i was talking to on the streets hes a pretty smart guy he runs a guesthouse in the mountains and hes big into meditation so he says. Even your average rasta on the streets has something to say about UFO's and aliens, they always seemed pretty happy when i brought up the subject. Everybody over theres convinced theres something big going on in the country and they consider themselves gods people but the amount of ganja i smoked over there i was starting to think i was one of gods people too, either way with or without the weed Jamaican people are pretty advanced, honestly Jamaica is the coolest country ive ever been to full of some of the coolest motherfu****rs ive met in my whole life.

[edit on 12-4-2005 by fishbrain]

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 11:38 AM
If I said anything offensive to any partakers of so called "forbidden fruit" I apologize.

Again, it's about perceptions, and the nature of reality.

I dont say that "aliens" are not a part of physical reality, I believe they can be. "Can be" is the point. I think there's literally an option or ability not to be.
This could account for physical proof being non-existent to almost non-existent, or ambiguous. The ambiguous nature is *the only* consistent thing about the UFO/alien study.

I have no doubt that there's alot more to life then we've been led to believe. I mean really...look at what we have as far as sensory input to determine reality...touch, smell, sight, taste, and hearing. And those are limited to the confines of our biological limits. Truth be told we dont have much...and perhaps altering those senses within the brain allow for different perceptions of the "alien" question.

I personally find it real enough for me thank you very much, without any alterations. Could it be that altering perception opens "doors'? Not only in the mind's perceptions, but also in our subjective reality?

Who the frick knows. Could something as simple as seeing a legitimate "alien craft" be effected by the viewers perception of what it looks like? I would encourage people to look at UFO photos from the 1940's to today and tell me what you see. I dont mean hoaxes, I mean ones even to this day that are unexplained. You'll see cultural hallmarks and design elements that seem to echo our own in a twisted way.

Look at all the different types of craft. Either there's literally thousands of different races or these guys cant decide on a solid ship diesgn...OR, we effect the perception and reality of what they look like without even knowing it.

It always cracks me up when scientists try and say the NDE is impulses in the brain, hallucinations, etc. Even if they are, the fact that they are all so very similar speaks volumes...and who says they are not "real" just because science sees it as one thing and the NDE experiencer sees it in another.

If you had a dream, and never awoke from it, it would be your reality. It's fairly established that abductions have a very altered sense of reality, so I dont think you need any drug to experience that...maybe the "aliens" provide that just by being themselves.

In the meantime, we have only our feeble senses and equipment to take stock of "reality".

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 11:43 AM
Ive never thought of weed as being connected with aliens but when im on mushrooms im sure that im close to them, mushrooms is pretty mild compared to other hallucinogens like '___' and Ayahuasca or deliriants like Datura. Ive read lots of stories about shamans contacting extraterrestrials while under the influence of ayahuasca/yage, then again ive heard stories of people talking to pixies and elves after drinking yage too so its hard to say wether its all hallucinations or wether theres something actually there.

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 12:13 PM

but I do believe that hallucinations hold a greater importance than most people realize. As we all know, the brain is very complicated, blah blah blah... I tend to feel that we do not completely understand why and how exactly we get and use hallucinations.

I couldnt have said it better myself, ive always been a man for the hallucinogens, id rather pop some mushrooms and wander the streets all night trying to solve the mysteries of the universe than sit at home smokin weed and watching tv or sitting in the pub drinkin and starting fights, my friends that dont do much drugs especially hallucinogens always tell me that some day ill be sick of them and theres nothing to be learnt from doing them only braincells to be lost, i say to them dont judge something you dont understand, eat a handfull of mushrooms with me now and we can talk about it, in my opinion people that dismiss hallucinogens and just another drug that fuc**s up your brain but dont even take hallucinogens themselves are people that dont understand hallucinogens. In my opinion hallucinogenic drugs and any organic drugs including weed werent put on this planet for no reason i think they were put here for us to learn from them and by god ive learnt so much from them already i think id be an ignorant prick if i hadnt been taking them since i was a kid. If you ask me Psilocybin, LSA, '___', '___', Mescaline and any other hallucinogen you can think of are gateways to other dimensions or whatever the hell you wanna call it, for people who dont do them I probably sound like a nutball right now but all you shamans, mushheads and acidheads know what im saying.

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 12:23 PM

Originally posted by jritzmann
Could it be that altering perception opens "doors'? Not only in the mind's perceptions, but also in our subjective reality?

I think it very well could be. What about the objective reality, though? The shared and agreed upon conclusion of the collective consciousness. I was just reading a thread over in Paranormal Studies by An Entity called Psychic attacks? that mentions a phenomenon detailed in a book by Ken Keyes, Jr. called The Hundredth Monkey. It basically says there is a breakthrough threshhold in the collective consciousness that recognizes and incorporates new developments once a 'critical mass' of individuals accept and practice the new development.

Could the human collective consciousness be on the verge of such a 'critical mass' breakthrough linking aliens and paranormal or other activities used to establish contact?

[edit on 12-4-2005 by Icarus Rising]

[edit on 12-4-2005 by Icarus Rising]

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 12:24 PM

Marijuana is a hallucinatory drug. When high you can convince yourself you've been talking with Elvis all night. If you really want to see if you can contact Aliens, try excercising your psychic abilities through deep meditation.

What the hell kinda weed are you smoking, jimson weed? Either your geting mixed up between cannabis and datura stramonium or your dealers lacing your buds with acid or something. The only time ive ever hallucinated from smoking weed was the first joint i ever smoked, when i looked in the mirror my face was changing shape and i didnt even recognize myself and when i breath in and out i saw a meter going up and down, but nowadays the weirdest thing that happens when i smoke weed is i see patterns and puzzles on the walls and shadows flying around the room and i hear random sentences in my head and theyre not in my voice, i figure its just sentenced i hear during the day because they change when im in different countries for example when im lying in bed in this country i hear shet like, "hey man hows it going" or "yea not a bad idea" but when i was in Jamaica the sentences were all "wha ah gwan" or "ya mon"

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by Icarus Rising

Originally posted by jritzmann
Could it be that altering perception opens "doors'? Not only in the mind's perceptions, but also in our subjective reality?

I think it very well could be. What about the objective reality, though? The shared and agreed upon conclusion of the collective consciousness. I was just reading a thread over in Paranormal Studies by An Entity called Psychic attacks? that mentions a phenomenon detailed in a book by Ken Keyes, Jr. called The Hundredth Monkey. It basically says there is a breakthrough threshhold in the collective consciousness that recognizes and incorporates new developments once a 'critical mass' of individuals accept and practice the new development.

Could the human collective consciousness be on the verge of such a 'critical mass' breakthrough linking aliens and paranormal or other activities used to establish contact?

[edit on 12-4-2005 by Icarus Rising]

[edit on 12-4-2005 by Icarus Rising]

Yeah!.....what you said.

As I said man, ponderous...f'in ponderous.

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 01:56 PM

Could the human collective consciousness be on the verge of such a 'critical mass' breakthrough linking aliens and paranormal or other activities used to establish contact?

IR, you are onto something here. To use a Trek analogy, it's like how the federation will not get involved with a planet until the people figure out how to achieve warp speed. Similarly, if a core group of humans figured out warp-speed-for-your-brain either via drugs or meditation, I could see an alien civilization making "contact". We would evolve as a species when that happened.


my friends that dont do much drugs especially hallucinogens always tell me that some day ill be sick of them and theres nothing to be learnt from doing them only braincells to be lost, i say to them dont judge something you dont understand, eat a handfull of mushrooms with me now and we can talk about it

Damn that made me laugh out loud.

[edit on 12-4-2005 by smallpeeps]

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 02:08 PM
If so, then what an awesome era of awareness to sheperd in. The complete unveiling of other dimensions to the collective consciousness. Do you think the average person is ready to take such a quantum leap in perception? Can we all together handle the ramifications and responsibilities of freedom of restriction from three dimensions?

Trips on the astral plane can be freaky, to say the least. See Morphine-induced OOBE during spinal tap. Some people with alot of fear and/or anger surely will go to pieces, some spectactularly, don't you think? The human mind can be a very resilient thing, though. Indecision is the key to flexibility, or something like that.

Or maybe its more like monkey see, monkey do.

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 02:18 PM
Fishbrain I know what your saying!!!

Lots of people out there are just afraid of things that they don't know about!

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 02:22 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
From my observations, nicotine and alchohol seem to be far worse (and addictive) drugs than cannabis though....

Correct. Where did I read that though?

If my memory is still working about ok, I remember that alcohol and heroin are on the same level. Estimated on a 0 (lowest) to 100 (highest) dependance, they were about at 90. I don't remember about nicotine though.

Funny things to see are that actually, cannabis is rated at 7/100 and coffee and chocolate are much higher (30 to 50? memory fails here)...

I am surely not here inviting people to use cannabis on the grounds that it is not addictive. I am myself convinced that it is very bad (for a lot of reasons that I wouldn't go and explain here and now), plus the fact that it is illegal in many regions of the world.

I will try to find that article again. It was really interesting and actually somewhat surprising: a lot of prejudices fall when reading it.

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 02:22 PM
Working off the assumptions we're making, yeah it's gonna be devastating to some (me included), as humans we like to think we have a toehold on reality...fact is, we dont.

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 02:26 PM

Correct. Where did I read that though?

Mine's just based on observation.

I knew many pot heads who could quit pot cold turkey for months/years with no problem, but they couldn't kick alchohol or smokes....

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 02:36 PM
Right, I don't seem to find that one right now, but I have here two links to really interesting articles related to dependency to drugs.

Enjoy the reading! (it is quite technical sometimes)

First one: mostly definitions and references. Interesting though to know.

Second one: more cannabis related. A lot of comparisons between effects and dependency induced by some drugs and others. They even do talk about the coffee!

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 03:17 PM
I've got quite a story to share on this topic

Well I've been smoking marijuana for about 4 years, the third year daily, and now just on occasion. I've always been a fairly spiritual person, never really thinking in my conscious mind, rather my subconcious because frankly- i'm smarter that way lol. On a few occasions when I've smoked up I have been able to pull myself out of my body, ie. astral project.

One night though after smoking I had a wierd dream where I was going to go back in time and see the aliens that had landed in my backyard. (I dream about aliens sometimes, but not regularly). I thought wow...that was neat. But the next week when i smoked up at school, I literaly felt like i was really looking at human beings for the first time (not to the extent to where they were foreign looking, but rather lifeforms interacting with one another as if a litter of puppies play fighting to establish dominance).

Shortly after that, I cant really remember when because this all happened several months ago, and I really don't have much of a perception of time anymore, a discussion about sleepwalking came up at the dinner table. My parents told me that one night my dad found me in my backyard sleepwalking. I had never heard about this before. Thats what makes it odd- if they would have told me the next day I would have remebered the rest of my life because I find it very interesting. Maybe I was sayign somethign while sleepwalking? I don't know, i didn't really continue on the subject because i was kind of caught off gaurd with that.

Anyways I just thought I would share that with you. I am a firm believer that smoking marijuana makes you more spiritual. It also may depend on the person wether or not they have any alien/spiritual encounters. The selection proccess is underway, will you be chosen? ;

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 03:40 PM

Originally posted by Reptilian_Queen
Marijuana is a hallucinatory drug. When high you can convince yourself you've been talking with Elvis all night.
[edit on 12-4-2005 by Reptilian_Queen]

.. How did you come to this conclusion?

I have NEVER hallucinated while on weed ..

To the author,

The government grows, distributes, and then convicts users of marijuana ONLY as a means of control. They know full well that people who do not possess lemming like qualities will 'break' the law to use.

This then allows them to get these undesirables off the streets, a place they could(if they choose) attempt to convince others that they r being controlled via their minds.

I would not doubt that aliens play a role in any activity that would promote a NWO. Their 'pet' project.
out of many, one...

Never forget the U.S. motto,

He has smiled upon our endeavor...


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