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Marijuana? Higher state of mind?

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posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 10:42 PM
I just finished reading the thread by "sleeper" "Are aliens real, as real as the nose on your face". He stated "You have to really be drunk or drugged up to meet them face to face", this is where I'll start. Being doped on some meds, being high, and being drunk all involve you being consciously a little more distant from your body, you aren't really sure what's going on sometimes.
Maybe it increases your vibrancy along with your heart rate but something makes you feel high, free, usually good (till you puke =P ).

Anyway, a little later in his thread, sleeper said the aliens told him to stop drinking/smoking heavily "like they were his mother". Along with this statement he said "they do not want to communicate yet, when they want to they easiyl will". (This just came into my mind, to go along with some of this, you would have had to believe what sleeper says). If aliens are working with the government and are not yet ready to communicate and told sleeper to stop smoking marijuana, like the government does to us, maybe the secret is aliens know others can communicate with them in a "high" state so they told the government to make it go away. Therefor it has become illegal, and for those that do get it and have some "strange experiences", "it's just marijuana, so it's all fun and hallucinations"

To sum it up if you didn't understand that. EBE's may be communicating with our leaders to get rid of drugs and other stimulants/depressants just because they don't want to be seen or realized yet.

I personally do not do any drugs, tried once but nothing, except for alcohol, so maybe I'm getting the totally wrong picture here, but think about it. Also sorry of it seems messy, I should have organized my thoughts a little better.
Think about countries where marajuana is legal, Jamaica, are they as advanced as say, the U.S.? Not out in the open, this can mean no alien ties or agreements.

What ya think?

posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 10:48 PM
So then, if this theory is correct, Jamaica should be literally CRAWLING with alien

Interesting idea, but having known a few druggies in my day, they saw weirder stuff than aliens,
So yes, I usually take accounts under the influence with a few grains of salt. Altered consciousness is just that, and even when our minds are alert and sober, they can trick us, so if high, well, the chance of misidentifying what's seen is tenfold....

posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 11:03 PM
I agree with Gazrok. While I think Marijuana can be used to achieve some sort of higher spiritual state, I don't think a stoner is going to have an alien encounter caused by the MJ high.

Personally, I've never experienced anything outside of a spiritual enlightenment while under the influence. I'm not shy about my use, and I have no problem speaking of my experiences, and I've never seen anything "otherworldly".

Just my two cents.

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 12:05 AM

EBE's may be communicating with our leaders to get rid of drugs and other stimulants/depressants just because they don't want to be seen or realized yet.

HUFW, "our leaders" are not getting rid of drugs. They use drugs and they profit from the black market that is the drug trade. The propaganda of the "Drug War" exists only to obfuscate this fact. The Wikipedia page on recently 'suicided' author Gary Webb is a good place to start. Check out "Dark Alliance" by him. Wikipedia: Gary Webb

As for drugs increasing the communication channels with aliens, I'd have to have some kind of proof of aliens first, because I really have no evidence to go on. I've used drugs and yes they've opened my mind, but I haven't been 'contacted'.

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 12:21 AM
I see where youre going Hukd, but ya need to leave the May Jane behind and go a little deeper. It's not so much the drug, but the altered state of consciousness. Perception.

"They look like whatever you want them to." I think Sleeper said something to that effect. That to me has always been a keystone to this thing. I dont think we can percieve them as they really are. I dont know if thats us, or whether it's them that initiate guess is it's us.

While I dont really believe if ya swallow peyote youre gonna see aliens (although ya might..then again ya might end up seeing padded walls for a long time too) but that the altered state of consciousness makes it possible to percieve them *maybe* in a truer sense. Could that be why, in pure guessing, that they dont like (according to Sleeper) mind altering drugs? Might "they" not want us to see what they really are? Or is their "screen" for our protection? Ponderous man....friggin ponderous.

I'll say this for what it's worth to any of you. Ya dont know me, and I know it's not gonna mean anything to ya...but just keep this in your hat: If I have learned nothing in all these years, aside from my part in it (video and photo analysis-which is a damned small part of reasearch) is that if YOU personally take a serious interest in this whole alien *will* experience something.

I'm not talking about typing on a message board or pondering for hours in a diary...I mean actively going out to you local secluded spot, and *looking*. Take a friend, and as you watch, talk about "them"....easy subject right?

Stay out there for 2-3 hours.

Do it again for the next 4-6 nights in a row.

You will have some sort of experience. I'm not talking about "well it could be but it's just a small light that moved oddly"...I'm talking you will most likely see something that to you will be undeniable, and undeniably wierd...and most likely a little too close. It'll start slow, maybe night 2 or 3 you'll see small lights acting oddly, but keep going back. Be prepared to become a little uneasy too. I'll leave it at that.

I personally have had 2 undeniable sightings and a couple of very odd occurances doing this. I'll be honest if I had'nt seen what I did, I probably would have left this crap-fest of UFoology long ago. One particular event one night made me leave the whole research field community for 4 years.

You may think "well yeah night after night you'll have it on the brain, and you'll see what you want to see." But what I, my friends, and my wife saw was not something any of us expected. One friend as we drove home told me "man I know you'd told me alot about this stuff, but I had no idea", to which he promptly smoked half a pack of cigarrettes.
No, you may be primed and looking, but as God is my witness "wishful thinking" aint what any of us saw, and none of us expected.

If You take up this little experiment you do so at your own risk. A rural area with little light pollution can be a dangerous place, and I aint talking about aliens. Be safe, and use your head, always. But also be prepared over those nights for some odd stuff and take notes. If you do see something, dont talk about it with friends that are with you....go with 2 others. If you see anything, nobody talk, just write it down and draw a picture of what you saw. Observe. After everyone is done writing, then compare.

One of you may have perceived something totally different...or slightly altered. If you wanna take a video cam, take it, but there's no guarantee you'll be able to have enough presence of mind to use it. Be careful.

This is an experiment in perception, and what I know (or think I know) about how this thing works. The more attention you pay to it, the more it will pay to you. It seems to demand immersion...hence the night after night thing.

I have a certain image that I'll run by all of you here, as I'd like to get your impressions on what I had happen one night. It's a long story that needs to be detailed to understand, so I'll save it till I have time to do it right.

I wouldnt encourage anyone to drop acid or smoke dope before this kinda experiment either. I've never done any drugs but I could imagine it might be a little dicey. Your perceptions need to be what they are, least by you.

Perceptions of reality and what is reality (reportedly) gets a little twisted around "them", and psycho-drugs may enahnce or alter it further. I had read something about Terrance McKenna (sp?) and alien experiences once but I cant recall anything about it. (no pun intended) I've heard some say he had some rather interesting thoughts on all this.

Look at the American Indian, their "Star People". Well known to many that some native American tribes used mind altering drugs in ceremonial practices, and they have decribed the same "aliens" for much longer than we ever knew about them. Coinsidence? Read Black Elk (his son's book) they speak rather matter of factly about it all.

Myself, I'll stay on this side of the looking's wierd enough.

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 12:26 AM
yeah i've smoked my fair share of weed, and done other drugs too... and the most i get is feeling great and sometimes my imagnation going wild... (a great time to write stories). I can honestly say i have never encountered an alien or UFO while stoned or high in any way... although i have had some strange, possibly alien related experiences while stoned... but thats a different story.

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 12:33 AM
"Altered" is not always "higher".

But experiencing a "lower", little used, consciousness can be good for the essssssssssssence sometimes too.

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 01:46 AM
I'm not sure on the whole political thing about ETE's & drugs; but I do believe that hallucinations hold a greater importance than most people realize. As we all know, the brain is very complicated, blah blah blah... I tend to feel that we do not completely understand why and how exactly we get and use hallucinations. Staying away from the complexity of our brains, I feel hallucinations are glimpses and cracks to something more grand than here on visable Earth happening now yet somewhere different and mysterious to us for now.....

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 02:15 AM

Originally posted by Its_True_I_Promise
Staying away from the complexity of our brains, I feel hallucinations are glimpses and cracks to something more grand than here on visable Earth happening now yet somewhere different and mysterious to us for now.....

Yep, good call.

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 02:24 AM
Are you equating EBEs and Drugs?


posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 02:24 AM
I think I saw an alien last night when I was outside smoking, but I can't remember now.

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 05:20 AM

* me wanders off to make another mix and get whackeder........

Now where are they, me and them got muchly to discuss..........

It does alter consciousness..but honestly no way would they be telling me what to do, bent or not bent........oh and i been smoking on and off for like 20 something years now and I've seen some strange things and paranormal things......but I guess my deodorant turns them aliens off cos i've never seen one

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 05:29 AM
Drugs just shake your IDEA of reality in my opinion, so yes, in a way, they CAN bring you closer to the aliens, but no closer than you can get without them.

I have seen strange stuff back when i was a sporty mommas boy and ive seen even stranger stuff when i was doing shrooms, so go figure. One thing i know is that i ALWAYS KNEW there was life out there, i think its becouse of that that i had these experiences.

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 05:43 AM

Extract from websiteThen in 1988 Allyn Howlett, a researcher at the St. Louis University Medical School, discovered a specific receptor for THC in the human brain--a kind of nerve cell that THC binds to as if it were a molecular key fitting into a lock. When this binding takes place, the nerve cell is activated

A most interesting article, it seems we have a lot more control over ourselves than we think.

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 05:46 AM
It was just a slight, small theory, that can be proved wrong, guess so. Believe what you want, and Gazrok thanks for that in put and experiment. Please share your story though.

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 06:08 AM
Marijuana is a hallucinatory drug. When high you can convince yourself you've been talking with Elvis all night. If you really want to see if you can contact Aliens, try excercising your psychic abilities through deep meditation.

[edit on 12-4-2005 by Reptilian_Queen]

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 06:11 AM

Originally posted by Reptilian_Queen
Marijuana is a hallucinatory drug. When high you can convince yourself you've been talking with Elvis all night. If you really want to see if you can contact Aliens, try excercising your psychic abilities through deep meditation.

[edit on 12-4-2005 by Reptilian_Queen]

I beg to differ, i never had any hind of hallucinations from pot . What do you smoke over there

I do agree on the meditation part though

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 06:28 AM

Originally posted by Reptilian_Queen
Marijuana is a hallucinatory drug. When high you can convince yourself you've been talking with Elvis all night. If you really want to see if you can contact Aliens, try excercising your psychic abilities through deep meditation.

Are you sure this is correct? Iv been a heavy chronic smoker since I was 16, (11 years) and ive never had an hallucination from it.....

Originally posted by Gazrok
....but having known a few druggies in my day......

Perhaps "druggies" is not the best way to refer to cannabis users.

I believe that it expands the mind, encourages creativity, helps clear the mind and focus on a task or a thought with more clarity. (some may call this "on a mission") but im not sure if it will bring the user closer to aliens.
Interestingly though, in a total contradiction to my previous sentence, I cannot meditate while under the influence.

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 06:29 AM

Originally posted by MaskedAvatar
"Altered" is not always "higher".

But experiencing a "lower", little used, consciousness can be good for the essssssssssssence sometimes too.

You sound a little like Carl Sagan.
Paraphrasing from his book "Dragons of Eden"

"Marijuana turns out the lights in the Left Brain,
so in the right Brain, the Stars can come out"

I searched for the exact quote, but all I got were websites with titles like:
"Carl Sagan was a Pothead" etc. etc..

[edit on 12-4-2005 by spacedoubt]

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 07:16 AM

Perhaps "druggies" is not the best way to refer to cannabis users.

I wasn't just referring to cannabis users. I knew others who used way heavier stuff in my youth. Personally, I'm not fond of killing off brain cells (i.e. I'll need them to remember my family members' names when I'm older), so I never did the stuff.

Regardless, cannabis is an illegal narcotic, so the term is applicable...if not exclusive. From my observations, nicotine and alchohol seem to be far worse (and addictive) drugs than cannabis though....

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