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Amazon Bait and Switch

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posted on Sep, 12 2023 @ 01:47 PM
I've cut down my Amazon buying about 90%. I gave up prime and have been buying local when I can.

I ordered a hard to get item yesterday because shipping was listed as today.
OF course today they send me a message that there is a delay and it won't be here on time. (something about weather, which right now all states around me are having fantastic weather, no storms etc) This is happening way too frequently!

I'm a pretty patient person, I can wait a day, or two or even a week. What I'm not going to do is be lied to by a company
over and over. I know i'm not the only one as I heard there is a class action lawsuit regarding this issue.

OF course Amazon prime two day shipping was bait and switch. Anyone old enough knew it was NOT sustainable. A shipment for a pen, or some paperclips in two days.
That worked for a while. Even Amazon realized they couldn't do it, so they contracted out the delivery. A family member worked for that contracted delivery service and I won't even tell you what a mess it was.

So here's the thing. I went into Amazon and was going to cancel the item. It said it wasn't able to be canceled. (I guess they are cutting down on cancellation and returns too!) so I message customer service to cancel..............Guess what, they are going to get me the item today. So that leaves me pondering. The item IS obviously available and can be delivered today, so what are they pulling?

posted on Sep, 12 2023 @ 01:58 PM
I have to get back to base, and I'll comment later.

posted on Sep, 12 2023 @ 02:13 PM
I'm not happy with the returns.

Used to be, you could click on Return an item, and you could print a label right there.

Now, it doesn't give you that option.
You have to call them, if you just want to print a label, and they will put it on your return item for you.
Otherwise, you have to take it to a UPS Store. Not one of those for 30 minutes from me.
But my neighbor is a UPS driver, so he just takes it with him.

They are trying to save money, I get that. But they are causing me more hassle and charging me more for my prime.

posted on Sep, 12 2023 @ 02:25 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Let us know if it actually comes today.

I had a similar issue with Lowes about a year ago.

I kept getting texts and promises that my item was out for delivery.

It turned out that the item was no longer even available, and the factory had it on backorder.

The more brick and mortar stores they close, the more these issues will arise. It will get worse until it is like the airlines. Where they think they have you by the shorthairs, and they are the only one game in town. Take it or leave it.

The only solution is a half ass one, because you will still be stuck with only getting what is available, but I can live with that. Build a strong community and keep those Mom and Pop businesses afloat.

posted on Sep, 12 2023 @ 02:35 PM

originally posted by: NightSkyeB4Dawn
a reply to: JAGStorm

Let us know if it actually comes today.

I had a similar issue with Lowes about a year ago.

I kept getting texts and promises that my item was out for delivery.

It turned out that the item was no longer even available, and the factory had it on backorder.

The more brick and mortar stores they close, the more these issues will arise. It will get worse until it is like the airlines. Where they think they have you by the shorthairs, and they are the only one game in town. Take it or leave it.

The only solution is a half ass one, because you will still be stuck with only getting what is available, but I can live with that. Build a strong community and keep those Mom and Pop businesses afloat.

I’m super curious if it come today or not too. We’ll see!

The last time I got really frustrated with Amazon is when they sent me an item in the complete opposite color I ordered.
They refused to refund me. The color was important for items I’m selling. I contacted customer service and they said it was a third party seller. I eventually had to contact my credit card company and dispute the charge, and I had all the proof in the world, and they DID side in my favor.

I think a lot of people don’t have the time or patience to fight it like that, but I’m stubborn 🤣

posted on Sep, 12 2023 @ 02:41 PM
I don't think I will be ordering from Amazon very much myself anymore either. My past two orders where a headache. One broken item I had to go get printed labels for it, usually I just get a QR code and they scan it at any UPS pickup, no hassle.
Second item they double charged me, had to get a hold of them by phone and they blamed my bank? It took a week but I got my money back.

But now I ordered a PC desktop and they again double dipped me and crashed my card. I am actually in the midst of trying to straighten this one out. Meantime I have no money on my debit card that I can use. They basically tied up my funds by double dipping me. I wonder if I have any legal recourse to this event.

I dread the day when all money is digital, it will suck bigtime!

posted on Sep, 12 2023 @ 02:44 PM
By and large, Amazon delivers and is on time a vast majority of the time.
Hands down better than USPS on delivery.
Considering the vast amount of goods delivered, no complaints from me.
Don't get me wrong there have been glitches and goofs, but 98% of the time

And at least they update that it will be late or whatever.
Care to hear about the two-day certified USPS mail that took two WEEKS to arrive...and no updates sent??????

posted on Sep, 12 2023 @ 02:49 PM
a reply to: DontTreadOnMe

Don't get me wrong there have been glitches and goofs, but 98% of the time

They must not have changed your area yet.
It used to be like that for me, now it’s the opposite.
It’s a good 75% of the time I’m being lied to about the shipping time.
Often it will say the next day, however that never happens. I don’t know what is going on.
It’s not a goof, something deliberate is happening. Either Amazon is getting info from the contracted delivery people, which really aren’t good, or something else. All I know is if I get something on time now, I’m truly surprised.

The worst carrier for me is FedEx. I watched as the driver chucked a package into the middle of my yard in deep snow.
There were tons of places to put the package that were shoveled and dry.
edit on 12-9-2023 by JAGStorm because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2023 @ 02:54 PM
I order from amazon all the time. I have Prime, which is worth it to me just for the extras like Prime Video. A few weeks ago I ordered an item in the late morning, It was there that very same day! How's that for service. And I live on an island with no warehouses or anything close by. Once in awhile I don't get something within the 48 hour window, but that is extremely rare.

posted on Sep, 12 2023 @ 03:05 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

I have found the difference in service to be between the drivers.

I live in a very remote area, yet I see UPS and FedEx, traveling our dirt roads several times a day, Monday thru Sunday. Our mail lady even delivers some Amazon items, though I don't know how that works.

Some drivers will leave items at my gate, some make the trip up my long driveway to my garage, some will bring it to my front door and leave it on the porch.

If I am expecting a package, I never know where I am going to find it.

posted on Sep, 12 2023 @ 03:16 PM

originally posted by: schuyler
I order from amazon all the time. I have Prime, which is worth it to me just for the extras like Prime Video. A few weeks ago I ordered an item in the late morning, It was there that very same day! How's that for service. And I live on an island with no warehouses or anything close by. Once in awhile I don't get something within the 48 hour window, but that is extremely rare.

I got rid of prime, and they kept flooding me with stuff to get it back and I held out.
They then gave me a month FREE. They probably figure with prime people order more.
It doesn’t matter for me because it doesn’t make things faster, so not worth it.

posted on Sep, 12 2023 @ 03:44 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

I guess now even Amazon is using weather problems to cover up their shortcomings, you know, blame all on "global warming".

Either that or you may be close to the coast where the once L 5 killer hurricane is supposed to bring winds and waves.

posted on Sep, 12 2023 @ 03:50 PM
a reply to: chiefsmom

It worked for me. I bought a weather strip for the bottom of the garage door and it doesn't fit like I want, so I sent it back. Just clicked on the "return" button and they gave a label to print.

Maybe it depends on the product/company.

posted on Sep, 12 2023 @ 05:09 PM
I don't know what I'd do without Amazon-and all online shopping. Besides the 60 mile round trip to the nearest shopping center, I just don't have the stamina to do once a month shopping anymore.

Since Amazon partnered with USPS it's definitely been a problem. Amazon Sure Post seems to have created more of a work load for the P.O, so instead of accepting Amazon packages they've been sending them back as 'recipient declined delivery'.
That's been a real mess for a couple of months, but seems to be clearing up the last week or so. Maybe all the letters to the Post Master General and the Attorney General actually had an impact? lol

Stores will be obsolete in the coming years. The writing has been on the wall for a few decades now, and you'd have to be pretty short-sighted not to see the planned demolition happening. I'm not saying it's right or even good, but it's not like society has a choice-no matter how much we like to think we do.

As with the internet or cell phones, do we really think people would have chosen a different course if they had been forward thinking enough to see where it will eventually lead? I don't.

posted on Sep, 12 2023 @ 05:28 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
The item IS obviously available and can be delivered today, so what are they pulling?

I've also gotten the "Your shipment is delayed" message with things which arrived that day. My guess is their logistics chain is a basket case.

Actually just got through with a scuffle with them. Placed a couple orders which never shipped as "Undeliverable" AND which I never got credited back for. There was no option to request a refund, and ended up doing the online chat support. Got things straightened out after an hour online....

They never should have let the merchants in, or tried to grow beyond what they could actually do.

posted on Sep, 12 2023 @ 05:32 PM
Shein and Temu are putting a dent in Amazons business no doubt.

posted on Sep, 12 2023 @ 07:03 PM
Never had prime, never will...
But if you buy the same junk for the same price on ebay, most of the time it comes in Amazon packaging with prime level shipping... because it's the same sellers and too much work to deal with other shipping options

posted on Sep, 12 2023 @ 07:44 PM
Sooo, uhhhhh, did you get your package today???????? I've been dying of anxiety!

I never fell for the prime thing. As a rule, I don't join many things I have to pay for if I can get mostly similar for free.

posted on Sep, 12 2023 @ 07:59 PM

I've cut down my Amazon buying about 90%. I gave up prime and have been buying local when I can.

I'm glad you've acknowledged you have an issue now the next step is going to ' AA Meetings ' ' Amazon Anonymous ' .

you're in my prayers

posted on Sep, 12 2023 @ 08:49 PM

originally posted by: StoutBroux
Sooo, uhhhhh, did you get your package today???????? I've been dying of anxiety!

I never fell for the prime thing. As a rule, I don't join many things I have to pay for if I can get mostly similar for free.

A big NOPE!

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