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DISOBEY in an openly visual manner and you will inspire non-compliance in those around you.

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posted on Sep, 11 2023 @ 06:57 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Im actually pretty suprised that nobody has come after me here. Threaten to ridicule from the begining might be the tactic to destroy peer pressure from the bullies, and the mask tyrant's that are sure to tow the line, and badger those that don't. I think you stumbled on something here man. I can tell cuz nobody has come at me. I think you might have nailed it, by saying stand up and other's will follow. It doesnt have to be as harsh as I said either, a simple ''you don't have to wear one either'' ''in fact, none of us do'' Say no, I say no, then he will say no, then they will say no, and all the way to ''we will will say no''. Same with all the other rule's to divide us. The sheep will learn when the people stand up, and learn to mock the civilian's running around thinking they are doing society any good, by trying to enforce the rule's on behalf of those who think they can control all of us. Stand together or hang alone. Simple. Good work man. Im in, im not very prone to follow stupid rule's and quite like a snippy, and crappy attitude to snap back with when I get one. Last time I barely had to do it at all. Im not an imposing figure at all, but I'm sure the look on my face is always stuck on, ''just try me''

posted on Sep, 12 2023 @ 12:16 AM
a reply to: AnrkEE

Thank you for applying for the job. We will contact you.

posted on Sep, 12 2023 @ 12:39 AM
a reply to: Untun

Not really an application, this is more of a hostile take over, for a thankless and unpaid position and it come's without a boss. It's on the house, so I will have my people contact your people, just await further instruction.

edit on 12-9-2023 by AnrkEE because: let me send you to your god if given the reason

posted on Sep, 12 2023 @ 04:27 PM
a reply to: daskakik

There is a very big difference between legitimate, righteous authority, and corrupt technocrats who want to murder you covertly. Your post displays your great ignorance & deep folly.

posted on Sep, 12 2023 @ 04:33 PM
a reply to: Untun

Powerful word, well received - thanks.

posted on Sep, 12 2023 @ 04:42 PM
a reply to: daskakik

There is no disconnect. Submission to the sovereign authority of the heavens & the Earth is a smart move, even more so because He exalts the humble & provides healing for the broken. He stands with the just & lays low the arrogant in heart. You blatantly have absolutely zero in the way of wisdom or deep philosophy, and I feel that even typing these few lines to offer that rebuke is a waste of time, because you are entrenched in your folly like a pig in muck - you enjoy your supreme ignorance because it acquits you of any need to live a righteous life, and it gives you an excuse to fail in your human duty to be humble & recognise the legitimate spiritual authority of your Creator.

It makes me sick to see how people are willing to desecrate sacred beliefs in the modern age. The entire work of the enlightenment was only possible because good Christian men & women facilitated those great works of advancement. The whole construct of the Western world is founded on the sacred belief of New Testament Christian morality, grace & freedom - & the development of a code of law based on the divine law provided in the Old Testament. Again, you are ignorant of the broad sweep of history, and seem - like many in this thread - to be a nihilistic, hedonistic materialist. Or perhaps a Satanist. What a joke this site has become. What a mess this world has become. Nobody sees with clear sight any more.

posted on Sep, 12 2023 @ 06:56 PM
a reply to: AnrkEE

I go for no less than a reality and such you do not offer.

posted on Sep, 12 2023 @ 07:16 PM

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment
There is no disconnect.

Of course you wouldn't recognize it, you are caught up in it.

ETA: Your post is the perfect example of the kind of pressure from religious folks that I was talking about, the only difference that I see between your approach and theirs is that you didn't tell me that not believing in your creator was going to kill grandma.

edit on 12-9-2023 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2023 @ 10:15 PM
a reply to: Untun

maybe scripture has something to teach me about reality? i know it speak's magical, fantastical stuff about people that aren't here, by people who are also not here. how is that somehow more real then me actually doing things in the present? i can provide video proof, get your god to send his and we can compare reality. that is my offer. If your real dividends are paid in the next life, Im a gonna go with immediate returns in this one. seem more real. You will still recieve rewards though, so I don't wanna bash theology completly you still can't go wrong.

I heard if you take all the shots in the next round, you will get better faster too. I Wanna see what heppens. magical healing ''reality''. That is alot of ''reality''. ya got me.

Try taking them all at once just as an experiment? video or it didnt happen. just a curiosity I would be willing to try with your life.

However,I think you are more a faith based kinda guy, and again, that is not reality. It's ok, but you do settle for less.

edit on 12-9-2023 by AnrkEE because: just keepin it real

posted on Sep, 13 2023 @ 09:45 AM
a reply to: daskakik

Spiritual faith isn't a theory. Sorry you have not experienced a spiritual awakening in your life. It's a wonderous experience that makes life so much more rich.

Hardly a CT.

Who are YOU to judge other's experiences of life?

posted on Sep, 13 2023 @ 11:38 AM

originally posted by: CoyoteAngels
Sorry you have not experienced a spiritual awakening in your life. It's a wonderous experience that makes life so much more rich.

Actually, I have experienced a spiritual awakening in life. It is what made me stop believing in the biblical god but that is beside the point.

Hardly a CT.

Well, I did say religions, not just one religion and if someone doesn't believe all of them to be the truth, they're pretty much stuck with the others being CTs to some degree.

Who are YOU to judge other's experiences of life?

I'm not judging anyones experience in life. I'm pointing out the contradictory nature of the call to DISOBEY, in the OP, while believing in a higher power that demands obedience. Of course you don't see the contradiction if you think that higher power is good, which is why I used the term "benevolent dictator".
edit on 13-9-2023 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 13 2023 @ 12:40 PM
a reply to: AnrkEE

Disobeyments come in many forms, good ones and bad ones. The bad ones usually are for the better.

posted on Sep, 13 2023 @ 04:22 PM
a reply to: daskakik

I guess we need to understand you somewhere but I, myself never say God doesn't exist. Sure, Babylon is a whore and reality is #ed, no, God still exists imo, the beginning and the end.

posted on Sep, 13 2023 @ 09:37 PM

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment

You may have heard of the rather famous 'Milgram Experiment'. In 1961 he recruited 40 participants & explained their role as follows:

The 40 participants were all invited to a laboratory at Yale University and upon arrival they met with the experimenter and another participant, Mr Wallace, who were both confederates.

The experimenter explained that one person would be randomly assigned the role of teacher and the other, a learner. However, the real participant was always assigned the role of teacher. The experimenter explained that the teacher, the real participant, would read the learner a series of word pairs and then test their recall. The learner, who was positioned in an adjacent room, would indicate his choice using a system of lights. The teacher was instructed to administer an electric shock ever time the learner made a mistake and to increase the voltage after each mistake.

The teacher watched the learner being strapped to the electric chair and was given a sample electric shock to convince them that the procedure was real. The learner wasn’t actually strapped to the chair and gave predetermined answers to the test. As the electric shocks increased the learner’s screams, which were recorded, became louder and more dramatic. At 180 volts the learner complained of a weak heart. At 300 volts he banged on the wall and demanded to leave and at 315 volts he became silent, to give the illusions that was unconscious, or even dead.

The experiment continued until the teacher refused to continue, or 450 volts was reached. If the teacher tried to stop the experiment, the experimenter would respond with a series of prods, for example: ‘The experiment requires that you continue.’ Following the experiment the participants were debriefed.

Milgram found that all of the real participants went to at least 300 volts and 65% continued until the full 450 volts. He concluded that under the right circumstances ordinary people will obey unjust orders.


Milgram’s study has been heavily criticised for breaking numerous ethical guidelines, including: deception, right to withdraw and protection from harm.

Milgram deceived his participants as he said the experiment was on ‘punishment and learning’, when in fact he was measuring obedience, and he pretended the learner was receiving electric shocks. In addition, it was very difficult for participants with withdraw from the experiment, as the experimenter prompted the participants to continue. Finally, many of the participants reported feeling exceptionally stressed and anxious while taking part in the experiment and therefore they were not protect from psychological harm. This is an issue, as Milgram didn’t respect his participants, some of whom felt very guilt following the experiment, knowing that they could have harmed another person. However, it must be noted that it was essential for Milgram to deceive his participants and remove their right to withdraw to test obedience and produce valid results. Furthermore, he did debrief his participants following the experiment and 83.7% of participants said that they were happy to have taken part in the experiment and contribute to scientific research.

Explanations for Obedience - Milgram (1963)

As you can see, some noise was made concerning the ethical legitimacy of the experiment - but I contest that in fact, he couldn't have studied the way the participants complied with authority if he had told them he was doing an experiment based around testing their compliance. In truth, he had to get them to suspend their disbelief & buy into the alleged purpose of the experiment, so that their guard was down sufficiently for him to get an honest reading on how people in fact comply with authority when they believe they are justified in toto by the very fact that there is an authority figure to whom they can outsource their blame & guilt association, simply enough so they can participate fully with what they believe is required of them.

In this way Milgram carried out dozens of experiments with many permutations of the parameters, testing various aspects of his theories surrounding how we obey authority in our everyday lives. One of the little known variations of his experiment involved permitting the so-called 'teacher' to witness another 'teacher' (really a stooge or confederate) refusing to obey the authority figure in a brazen & bold manner, refusing to deliver the potentiallly dangerous shocks to the 'learner' who was of course always a confederate. Milgram found that when the next teacher in line was able to view one of the other participants refusing to give the potentially lethal shocks to the 'learner' next door, the compliance percentage went down from around 65% to somewhere nearer to 10% - a stunning revelation.

The reason this is important is that when we consider the PLANDEMIC we all suffered through since 2020, a great deal of the harms done were engineered by deliberately inculcating peer pressure effects, to attempt to condition people into rejecting 'anti-vaxxers' in a social manner, trying to force people to get vaccinated just because everyone else is complying, and so on. If we follow the path of Milgram's experiment variation described above - when a participant is able to view aother participant rejecting the authority figure, the compliance with the diktats of that authority figure reduces massively, as people get up the confidence & faith to refuse to follow along with the punishing agenda of the authority figure.

So in summary - REJECT the authority figures visibly & vocally, whenever unwarranted pressure to do unpleasant things is being applied - if you do so, you could reduce the compliance of those who observe your actions by up to 50%. That would be a huge win for freedom fighters everywhere, and if they start trying to roll out new lockdowns & vaccine mandates, the rule of thumb is to resist vocally & visually - at scale - every time they try to pressure you into following along with their unwarranted mandates/ diktats, and you could very well contribute to the health & even the survival of many of your neighbours, colleagues & friends.




posted on Sep, 13 2023 @ 09:59 PM
a reply to: daskakik

I never said a word about 'biblical god'.

Many paths. I dont believe anyone's spiritual belief is a 'conspiracy theory'. It's a very PERSONAL experience, even if it's along with religious guidance.

You are judging others life experiences and the faith they've come to, when you say they believe in a higher power that demands obedience. How about higher powers that guide and inspire? Is that OK with you? Could be the same higher power if you believe in forgiveness of sin. I heard about something called 'free will', sinful nature of all men and forgiveness of imperfection. I don't see a demand to obedience in there, do you?

How about the word 'Islam' which means 'surrender'. Is that a demand? Or is that more like the idea of 'letting go and letting God', or 'turning it over to God's will'?

I just automatically get my hackles up whenever anyone criticizes anothers religious faith. Judgement of each other about religious belief is a major turnoff. I dont even care if a person hasn't a spiritual cell in their body, as long as they don't make fun of my beliefs or act superior. Like most do.
edit on 9/13/2023 by CoyoteAngels because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2023 @ 12:06 AM
a reply to: CoyoteAngels
"Obey or else" sounds like a not so thinly veiled demand to me.

I honestly feel people are free to believe whatever it is they want to believe, but my take on the big 3 religions, all variants of the same biblical god, which I brought up because that is what I was talking about, is that they all portray a god that demands obedience or else...

I've come across christians that don't buy into the punishment/hell part of christianity. If that is the case then what I said doesn't apply to them personally, but it is what the scriptures say.

posted on Sep, 14 2023 @ 08:35 AM
a reply to: daskakik

Who says 'obey or else'?

You need better theology education.

posted on Sep, 14 2023 @ 10:22 AM
a reply to: CoyoteAngels

Daskakik makes it sound like believing is a heavy burden to carry being continuously told to do what you don't want to.

posted on Sep, 14 2023 @ 11:34 AM
A scenario I found myself in while trying to leave the shopping center during an ice storm...

The parking lot was iced over with deep potholes made of ice.

Everyone sat there just spinning wheels going nowhere until I made an attempt to push a stranded car out of my cars path.
Sudden like every available body was helping traffic move along.

It's not always that we have clarity as to why we should offer being human to each other until the benefit of being human is felt.

Offer the use of known anecdote to bio covid attack and lose the jab and masks that betray common sense and offer death as respite from fauci gain of function election interference.

edit on (9/14/2323 by loveguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2023 @ 11:50 AM
a reply to: CoyoteAngels

Acts 17:30
New International Version
30 In the past God overlooked such ignorance, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent.

Just one example. You can interpret how you like but you can't change what is actually written.

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