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The Secret Life Of Grays

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posted on Oct, 11 2023 @ 06:58 AM
a reply to: RAY1990

here is a video and a doctor that went to places that were hotspots for ufos/haunted house's/large rock fields by mountains etc and would record the magnetic waves(frequencies) and than used a old football helmet and a few magnetic solenoids and he was able to recreate NDE's, religious experiences, seeing creatures and even 'monsters'

his work went very quite and i et he was hired by some agency somewhere.

it worked by using the magnetic solenoids to create the magnetic signatures of the areas and some of his own that he found and with simple magnets and the right magnetic felid setup and frequencies.

it's 5 min. long and Definity worth the watch.

our eyes turn electromagnetic felids and mass of atoms as a table or a chair, i think if we could see everything around us it would be to distracting and was never selected in evolution as something useful.

if you could build things on the atomic level atom by atom you would be able to build devices into flesh and might allow someone with said biodevices, if you had that ability to build bio based anything from 'fabric' of titanium that was skin tight with no zippers or anything as it just assembles it's self with what ever materials are called for and the design desired or make whatever out using this technology.

if a species get so advanced you cant really tell where the machine meets the flesh, i don't think we have a word for a creature like that

they would likely not even see us ass life forms on the same level as them like how we look at our animal kingdom, maybe we are just like funny creatures to them like dolphins are to humans

i think its a little mix of what we would call magic and technology used in ways we cant imagine until we learn how to use said tech or decover atomic level construction of complex shapes quickly and not for millions and millions of dollars

edit on 11-10-2023 by OrangeOrbs because: .

posted on Oct, 11 2023 @ 12:31 PM
The dinosauroid grays are also experts in the field of laser holographic projection, used as one of the ways to communicate with otherworlders.

They have a remarkable ability to project laser holographic images of dinosaurs, birds, fish, humans and the English language.

posted on Oct, 11 2023 @ 01:56 PM
a reply to: OrangeOrbs

You know simple curiosity may be the reason for them to peep through windows.

Thanks for the offer of the pic, I'll PM you sn emsil address, and won't share it. It would ve an interesting study to see what can be picked up. I've seen a few from members here on ATS. One that looked feline.

There are small small humanish figures I've caught rummaging noisily through a junk box in my bedroom in the middle of the night. That one had a strong electric field.

It was really scary inside the house, but when I followed it outside they had retreated to the trees, not so much.

posted on Oct, 11 2023 @ 02:00 PM
a reply to: Erno86

I saw the 3D bust of an ape-ish figure appear on my kitchen bench one day. The detail was better than my glasses can see. I wasn't impressed with the privacy invasion.

Its eyes were closed and it was calibrating. If it opened its eyes it would see into my home.

posted on Oct, 11 2023 @ 08:13 PM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

sounds good, just let me know when you sent the email to my box as my PM light is broken it seems.

I was a medic in another life and a airman at the same time and than i stuck out for a combat controller(CCT) and seeing as i was already medic and now a CCT i would get to go on some rides that i could have made diamonds in my rear as it was clenched so hard coal would turn into a diamond.

I have seen things i WISH i could talk about and i know a member on here that knows what a Canadian goose is in the SOF world.

i was attached to ARMY and MARINES from time to time and they both rock and rolled like the pros they are, i was just there to call in GPS and grid squares and maybe lase a target and patch up those i could(enemy and ours, but always ours first unless it was a kid).

i remember one time a lady was holding a kid and was wearing about 50lbs of HE on a vest that was covered in what turned out to be tiny ball bearings 1000's and 1000's of them using the 2-3 year old as a shield so she could blow the check point.

long story short she didnt make it and the kid is here in the US and as i knew was doing very very well.

i even got to go to Africa under AFRICOM and worked with the French as well as our own forces(obviously) and i couldnt get out of there fast enough.

i did 2 tours and 12 years of total service.

the point of the story is we would use various means to look in windows or use devices to listen to people via the vibrations of the glass in the room they were in(laser tech, kind of like a reverse speaker).

i have seem some still classified aircraft that are not drones and never ever have i seen a word of it even hinted at here and honestly not sure why they are secret or even top secret

if we could learn all this intel from looking in windows i could see 'others' doing the same and maybe the flash of my camera is what made him kind of visible as i couldnt see the lower half of him from less than 5 feet.
like they say in Dune 'fear is the little death'.

i dont know if it is some bad karma i have or had to pay for or if they were interested in me because of other experiences that i acutely saw ufo's zipping around and little red and orange lights/orbs our what we now would call a tic-tac but the size of a few inches and l MAAYBE 1 or 2 inches in diameter floating around my house.

i have stumbled on them 2 times and they vanish right thru the wall like a shot out of a gun.

i worry that now that i have seen them i am on their 'radar; so to speak and the fact i am admittedly timidly trying to make some sort of contact on a equal label or as level as i can.

there are forces at work with some of these sighting that i dont think has anything to do with creatures from Zeta Reticuli or any other distant star.

i think you will enjoy the picture's and are free to keep them but please dont share as if anyone found out who i am and you can by my VERY distinct tattoos and what not.

posted on Oct, 11 2023 @ 09:07 PM
a reply to: OrangeOrbs

I'm as certain asI csn be that probably all this kind of phenomenon is home grown here on earth.

posted on Oct, 11 2023 @ 09:11 PM
a reply to: MisguidedAngel

Well that easy then. All we need is some giant bee eating Japanese yellow hornets to kill them all lol me thinks someone been sampling the mushrooms lol

posted on Oct, 12 2023 @ 04:50 AM
a reply to: OrangeOrbs

our eyes turn electromagnetic felids and mass of atoms as a table or a chair, i think if we could see everything around us it would be to distracting and was never selected in evolution as something useful.

Our ears do some amazing things too, everything is routed through parts of the brain that sort through things, your mentioning of using lasers to "listen in" has a somewhat equivalence in the brain, blind people can be a great testament to our spacial awareness capabilities and all of that is translated information technically.

i think its a little mix of what we would call magic and technology used in ways we cant imagine until we learn how to use said tech or decover atomic level construction of complex shapes quickly and not for millions and millions of dollars

The how could potentially be explained by evolution, when it comes to this stuff I've always been open for interpretation, I've had plenty of my own experiences which started with a blue and red orb... The lad with me at the time got awefully aggressive and dismissive when I said "whoa look up an orb" which has always been the complete opposite of what I feel whenever I've sensed myself in the cross hairs so to speak, that's something that's repeated in my own experiences. Others tend to have a negative one whilst mine is always positive when there's lights in the sky. I've always wondered on the why...

I'm left with guesses on what these creatures would want, I can't even definitively say we're dealing with a species or multiple either. I can say there's a theme of mesmerising going on though and if we look to nature mesmerising of some sort is quite common and is strongly inter-related between species whether it's flowers with the right fragrances and colours for that individual species of insect all the way to secreting the right chemicals so the host never discovers the parasite. I suspect something of a similar flavour is going on with "experiences" too, I can't articulate what I mean very well.

I dunno. To use a metaphor it would be like saying 1 out of 100 field mice are compelled to run to the lawnmower, the rest adapted to run.
edit on 12-10-2023 by RAY1990 because: Missed a letter

posted on Oct, 12 2023 @ 01:11 PM
a reply to: OrangeOrbs

PM sent. I'll see what I can pick up from the photos and let you know. I'll not share the photos.

Ya know, a lot of Beings have been seen and intetacted with historically under different names. I don't mean grays in particular, there's a huge variety of unseen Beings that people don't know about. An analogy is the birds who live in the air, and aquatics who live in the water. There are those who live in the electro-magnetic too. They're not all the equivalent of animals, they're quite intellegent in a different way to humans.

I doubt 'karma' plays much of a role. More likely since you notice them, they notice you noticing them. So they come to look.

If we bring the concept of "reincarnation" into consideration, then we also need to appreciate that we can be recognised from life to life. If a non-incarnating Being lives for a long time, it might keep an eye on it's favourite human, life after life.

Lets see what your feline is in the photo.

posted on Oct, 12 2023 @ 07:17 PM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268


As i get older and wiser and less afraid of what is lurking in the dark i have a feeling its something like you are saying be it an old friend or someone just keeping an eye on you to make sure nothing crazy happens to you.

we exist in a lattice of energies from radio to Gamma it would be fun to be able to take a peek at the world around us with eyes that could see higher energy creatures or events, heck our sun would look pretty wild.

posted on Oct, 13 2023 @ 04:35 AM
a reply to: dlbott

Better to do the long and hard work to learn to shift one's perception into that realm, than the easy way.

That way one will be able to switch it off.

posted on Oct, 14 2023 @ 06:30 PM
a reply to: RAY1990

[quote I've had plenty of my own experiences which started with a blue and red orb... The lad with me at the time got awefully aggressive and dismissive when I said "whoa look up an orb" which has always been the complete opposite of what I feel whenever I've sensed myself in the cross hairs so to speak, that's something that's repeated in my own experiences. Others tend to have a negative one whilst mine is always positive when there's lights in the sky. I've always wondered on the why...

(bolding mine)

Here is an idea on why they may visit repeatedly some people repeatedly for no apparent reason. I'll draw on a few relative experiences.

Whn 'Alice' (girl in my ATS avatar died, I was with her (RV'ing) at the time, and I was the first face she woke up to on the other side. It scared the crap out of her. Alice did not know what was going on and her 'American christian' upbringing probably had a lot do with her preconceptions.

It can take about two weeks (our time) to get one's memories of life back. They return according to the strength of the emotions involved in events. A pretty girl being captive and eventually murdered made for very strong emotional memory and we can understand that Alice's afterlife began where it left off in life; she thought; captivity and more of the same. It put me in a very difficult position that took months to overcome and gain trust.

Now normally, when death is near one can tell how close it is by watching who turns up to sit with the person on their deathbed. 'Seeing' this can be surprising and informative if one knew the person in life. However that is when the time of death is known. Accidents and unforseen deaths can mean people die alone (a particularly difficult thing when kids die alone).

Now what if someone dies and familiar family are not present? What if they see instead an orb, or a Nature Being who is sitting with them while they die? That may scare the crap out of the person concerned. Remember the memories of the life just lived return in the order of importance to the person. Older memories of other lives return afterwards.

So the first few weeks (our time) are really important in how afterlife events and circumstance play out. The Monroe Institute did some work on RV'ing the afterlife and came to some eroneous conclusions because (I doubt anyway) because they did not take how memories return in the afterlife into account.

So . . .

The lad with me at the time got awefully aggressive and dismissive when I said "whoa look up an orb" which has always been the complete opposite of what I feel whenever I've sensed myself in the cross hairs so to speak, that's something that's repeated in my own experiences.

. . . why do people react to the Orbs and other phenomenon so instinctively?

I would simply say we have to look deeper to understand that there is probably a long history of misunderstandings based on cultureal influences in life and who is sitting with the person on their deathbed at life's end. Misunderstandings can reverberate life after life.

Which brings us to OrangeOrbs' feline in the window . . .

edit on 10/14/2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: neatness

posted on Oct, 15 2023 @ 09:54 PM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

its hard to see clearly, free of bias.

i bet every one has watchers, some nice and some very cold connection or worse

like i said a few posts ago

fear is the mind killer....

i feel like those of us that are a bit more of what is around them as well as not always being burried in your phone wont distract you from very subtle vibes'

edit on 15-10-2023 by OrangeOrbs because: .

posted on Oct, 15 2023 @ 11:25 PM
a reply to: OrangeOrbs

Just got back from New Zealand to Austraia. I saw the pics, and the feline wasn't difficult to 'see'. My daughter took one look and saw her too.

When I got home from NZ a rematkably gentle and soft presence was waiting. I understand that was her.

i bet every one has watchers, some nice and some very cold connection or worse

I think you're right with the watchers. A lot of that comes from other times when having non-human friends was common enough. This one of your's knows you from another time and I get the feeling she tries to keep a watch and help out as best she can.

Why she chooses the windows to watch you is simple enough. She can use windows to scry through. Like ol' Nostradamus, I've heard that he scryed his predictions by 'looking' into a bowl of water / black ink.

That 'girl' of your's is doing the equivalent of ol' Nosty. Just using the surface of the window glass instead of a bowl of water. Wood-nymphs do something similar with the surface of ponds. They don't see the bottom of the pond. Instead they look into layers of the other worlds.

The tragedy for them is their favourite human isn't born with prior memories, we forget them, but they have not forgotten us.


Edit to add: The Through The Looking Glass principal is another way to look at what is happening. Sometimes it is our ordinary garden on the otherside of the window glass, and other times we get a glimpse into Wonderland, and what lives there.

edit on 10/16/2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: added

Just looked over your photos again and saw the "other one" starring back at me from the photo.


edit on 10/16/2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: added

posted on Oct, 16 2023 @ 03:54 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

the other one, the more in the dark one.

THAT is the closest i can think of having intrusive ESP if you will, I could feel it getting closer and closer and when it was right at my window(that was closed and the curtin covering it, and sound proof) that the only way I can describe it is my own internal monologue was hijacked but at the time(1 min). this all took place didnt seem odd.

Only on refection after a few hours did it dawn on me that i should have had zero idea something was going on outside let alone some one standings there.

Not a very nice way to make friends.

the feline appeared 3D when it was in the glass door, 2 other members of my family saw it and made a believer out of a very had skeptic a believer

having a larger than life 3D 'projection' wink and smile at you is a pretty breathtaking scene for anyone.

the 3 of us just stood there looking at this 'projection' and it looking right back at us was almost to much for my sister to take in, she is a MD and a professor at a very stuffy school and huge 3D projections didnt fit in her world view.

Funny after that she had her own BT sightings when she was down in texas at a work thing.

the feline felt much gentler and not pushy as far as inserting some sort of influence over any one.

To be honest with you if others hadnt seen it and i didnt have some sort of photo evidence I would think I was crazy.

edit on 16-10-2023 by OrangeOrbs because: .

posted on Oct, 16 2023 @ 04:51 AM
a reply to: OrangeOrbs

Welcome to my world : )

And niether of us are crazy.
edit on 10/16/2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: neatness

posted on Oct, 17 2023 @ 10:02 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

The alien mind is so giant that it takes into consideration all walks of life to study upon, but there is so much to what I think you are saying. Which is that if you decide to dable into the dark arts, the UFOs will swarm around you like flies. From my interpretation, the ancients, way way back thousands of years would kill a mammal and upon summoning the darkness, UFOs would swarm above the sacrifice like flies, it was said. At that time, the aliens were much more numerous in the skies and they had dwellings on earth in small caverns, they would still keep far and separate from man, but the gods did walk with man at one time. Then they would still take the eyes and udders of cows, but it was much more. In the Americas and Australia more than 80% of all mammals went extinct about 20,000 years ago, this is because they were all harvested by the alien. When the cavemen first saw the alien, the alien would place a beam trance on the cow, and then the alien would float above the cow, and lift his arms up. The men and women then started worshipping the alien, but that was not only a result of those sightings but when aliens like Thoth taught mankind, they would tell mankind that they were in control of the cosmos. The Greys have a bad habit of saying they are true gods, the creators of all life, but that is a result of how low they are, low literally, as in low below the surface of the earth. In reality the favorite animal of the snake people is the snake. Now the ancients lived with the insectoid praying mantis aliens who wear the black robes with hoods and also the greys. My information is that at the top of the hierarchy, the king, just as the kingship descended from heaven, it was the alien society who taught mankind of what a king is, so thousands of years later today, they still dress in purple robes in the alien society as a king, is that in fact the tall Greys are the alien, the Very High, the top, above the Manits, above the small grey, the true head hancho will be a tall Grey.

posted on Oct, 17 2023 @ 06:51 PM
a reply to: AncientStone

Aye, I they have probably been here a long time.

The Greys have a bad habit of saying they are true gods, the creators of all life,

It is not my place to interpret other people's encounters, and what transpired in conversation. I can say though, that cultural influences play a large part in how we interpret our encounters. There is also the fact that many people report a shift in their perception during emcounters. My own perception changes to a degree at those times. So a psychic aspect to what we see and experience.

Chance encounters where people simply see a UFO going about it's own business aside. I know very well from my own long term encounters with a gray I got to know well, there are two important practical aspects of the encounter one needs to keep in mind.

* In the encounter they want to achieve something. The encounter will always have a reason behind it, and something they need to achieve; an outcome.

* A big part of the encounter is a behaviour we would call psychological posturing. They want to be in control obviously.

I have found that, just as humans will do, they will let people think in ways that benefits the situation and outcome.

I have noticed an behaviour of leading statements in some circumstances designed to let one draw my own conclusion, eroneous or not as long as it gets the job done. Implications too.

So I know very well that were a gray make the leading statement; "we are creators . . . ", I would enquire and clarify.

In my own case of a long term aquaintance with a gray I nicknamed 'Wednesday Addams' (from The Addams Family TV show), I know from her say introducing herself as a bio-engineer, and from examining her anatomy, her physiology is related to the honey bee. The honey bee laps nectar from the flower and within the stomach the nectar is changed into the most wonderful of foods called honey. Which, of course we can harvest.

In the insect we call honey bees, The stomach makes honey and that is it.

In the gray bio-engineer, We see something more, a very intellegent developement upon the honey bee. The gray bio-engineer can disassemble the building blocks of life in it's stomach and reassemble them into something new. We worked with the protiens in particular with an application in bio-dynamic agriculture; my small orchard.

We also did a lot of work with disease. Mostly I would take her consciously RV'ing (Remote Viewing), she would watch over my shoulder so to speak and ask me to "see' various places. Coincidentally, she turned up a few months before the covid outbreak in China. and we spent a great deal of time examining that. I do not know for certain, but I have suspicions that someone has the idea that biological germ warfare is the way to "defend the earth from aliens" or even wage biological war.

Personally, I am reasonable sure that the grays and insectoids are home grown and have their origin in the realm of the Nature Spirits as they are called.

In the classical literature the Nature Spirits are behind the physical world and work with the creation and designs of plants and animals. And why not humans for that matter, our bodies are afterall, of the animal kingdom.

The oldest known flying insects appeared during the mid-Carboniferous, around 328–324 million years ago, and the group subsequently underwent a rapid explosive diversification.

The remarkably successful Hymenoptera (wasps, bees, and ants) appeared as long as 200 million years ago in the Triassic period, but achieved their wide diversity more recently in the Cenozoic era, which began 66 million years ago. Some highly successful insect groups evolved in conjunction with flowering plants, a powerful illustration of coevolution.

Source: Wikipedia
Bolding is mine.

Wasps, bees, and ants. There are a number of different varieties of bees. The honey bees, tiny austraian stingless bees, big solitary bumble bees, and the "killer bees" of the Americas. That may reflect in the different varieties of grays reported. We must also not ignore the wasps and ants, there would be the corresponding Nature Spirits there. The mantids I have not met, though I know the dragonflys (wood-nymphs of classical lore).

I would not discount the idea that along side physical humans, there are other similar physical Beings below ground Perhaps based on the ants. The Australian native folk talk about little men who live below ground.

My information is that at the top of the hierarchy, the king, just as the kingship descended from heaven, it was the alien society who taught mankind of what a king is, so thousands of years later today, they still dress in purple robes in the alien society as a king, is that in fact the tall Greys are the alien, the Very High, the top, above the Manits, above the small grey, the true head hancho will be a tall Grey.

I 'see' the tall ones occasionally (really scarey) and met some gentle tall long necked ones who are the physics counterpart of the bio-engineer. I have found them friendly and will teach. But atomic physics is really not my forte.

The hierachy is something I have not worked out yet. but yeah, there are some bad tempered tall grays there in the background.

posted on Oct, 17 2023 @ 07:25 PM
Quote me from my post immediately above:

We also did a lot of work with disease. Mostly I would take her consciously RV'ing (Remote Viewing), she would watch over my shoulder so to speak and ask me to "see' various places. Coincidentally, she turned up a few months before the covid outbreak in China. and we spent a great deal of time examining that. I do not know for certain, but I have suspicions that someone has the idea that biological germ warfare is the way to "defend the earth from aliens" or even wage biological war.

I have only ever read one article on the concept of "biological planetary defense", that was some time ago. It is a subject that has not been disgused here in the ATS UFO forum to my knowledge. As distatsteful as the idea is it should not be dismissed.

If there really is a UFO crash retrieval program as is stated in the recent news, and there has been the retrieval of organic bodies too, then one can be quite positive that tissue samples were given to a biological laboratory. The study of DNA is obvious, as is the mapping of the alien genome.

If the military is involved, the contingency for bio-warfare cannot be ruled out. The parallel here is the ending of the movie War Of The Worlds where the common cold killed the Martians and left the technology intact and for the taking.

posted on Oct, 18 2023 @ 08:52 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

The dismissal was "there's no such thing as aliens and UFOs" which was a bit of a jump and a lot of thought when reacting to what I said. Too quick... Made me think he had past experiences or something. Probably my first proper sighting and I had little to no opinions on all that.

I mean my own thoughts and feelings on the paranormal often boil down to "if this isn't positive you should manifest and fight or politely f off" so I can understand others being naturally dismissive .

Btw I saw one of those "oversized furbies" a few months back around the time you raised the Braida medallion in another thread. It laugh because for a few weeks I was expecting to see something where I saw it, it was only a brief glimpse out of the corner of the eye but the image was unmistakable, it had the likeness of a furby (about 1ft tall) and it's fur was like pink loft insulation.

Was half expecting to catch a glimpse of something ghoulish whereas that gave the "aww cute!" feels lol. The Braida seems to work btw

Figured it's worth a mention.

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