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Elon Musk blames school for brainwashing his communist transgender daughter into hating him

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posted on Sep, 2 2023 @ 11:05 AM
a reply to: NoCorruptionAllowed

Plenty of people teach their children all of that, and it doesnt take because peer pressure is stronger.

It is known.

posted on Sep, 2 2023 @ 11:09 AM

originally posted by: CoyoteAngels

Surprised you missed my point.

I missed it. My bad.

posted on Sep, 2 2023 @ 11:12 AM

originally posted by: CoyoteAngels
a reply to: NoCorruptionAllowed

Plenty of people teach their children all of that, and it doesn't take because peer pressure is stronger.

It is known.

I know. I have a wonderful 16 year old daughter, but it has taken hold on her. It doesn't take on everyone. I have told her about personal things I have seen, and she believes me.

posted on Sep, 2 2023 @ 11:23 AM
I bet he will send them to private school. This is why american students are behind the other countries we teach nonsense and nothing useful

posted on Sep, 2 2023 @ 11:34 AM
a reply to: solowolf

Did you miss that he was already in a very posh private school?

posted on Sep, 2 2023 @ 12:37 PM

originally posted by: UpThenDown
a reply to: AnrkEE

The only people to blame for the upbringing of your own child is yourself

If a parent says parenting is easy they are doing it wrong

He is just appealing to his fan base for sympathy while also putting distance between his son and himself , imagine being more concerned with your adorning fans than your own child

Narcissist behaviour is quite obvious

But his fans will sympathise, oh wait they already have, perhaps they could send him some money next
So I am off the hook and go back to blaming my father again?. Its no fun if its impossible to point at him. On a side note my daughter? Perfect. No thanks to Elon Or My father. it was all me baby. When I get to heaven maybe i will tell him, see what you did!!! it was all you! At the end when I forgave you and took responsability for myself. It was all a lie. Look what you did to me? and why are you even here? This is the last place I expected to meet up with you!!! Did I say heaven? No I will meet him in hell. Im a mess and its all his fault because you said so. Did you read anything in that you comprehend? Who is right and wrong cuz I was fine till you came along. Should I still blame him and then Elon is also to blame? I see. ok seems legit. reread that and get back to me. But if my dad has to be wrong for Elon to be wrong, ok he will sacrifice that. He always one to never argue with stupid, if they are stupid dont interrupt them.
edit on 2-9-2023 by AnrkEE because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2023 @ 01:05 PM
Maybe Elon is just a crappy father.
He’s quite an a-hole in general, so it’s not out of the question.

posted on Sep, 2 2023 @ 01:13 PM

originally posted by: spacedoubt
Maybe Elon is just a crappy father.
He’s quite an a-hole in general, so it’s not out of the question.

He could be as you said but the type of indoctrination and brainwash his received in school is definitely not Elon's fault.

posted on Sep, 2 2023 @ 01:26 PM

originally posted by: spacedoubt
Maybe Elon is just a crappy father.
He’s quite an a-hole in general, so it’s not out of the question.

Did you read the manifesto that the school runs on?
Far left woke ideology.
It's his fault in as much as he sent his kid there to begin with.
But the turning communist and trans indoctrination ... that's on the school.

posted on Sep, 2 2023 @ 02:41 PM
a reply to: AlienBorg

On the surface this seems strange and unlikely and I am sure there are people here who have said that already. However, its not as unlikely as you might think.

One of my best friends, a man I have known longer than anyone other than family, has a daughter. She was daddy's little girl her entire life. She was raised to be honest, fair, compassionate, intelligent, and a critical thinker. She was all that and more. I ran the bbq for a party for her when she was leaving for her first year in college. She was a great kid.

After one year in college, she returned home with pink hair, and told her father that he represents everything that is wrong with this country and that because of him she hates men and is now a lesbian.

This is literally one of the best friends and nicest people I have ever met, and it broke him in two. It broke me just to see the pain in his eyes. He hasn't been the same since. Of course, the daughter is happily living at home rent free but still refuses to engage with her evil father man person. Its not like he is a 1% billionaire or anything like that. In fact, he worked extra hours and side jobs to put his daughter thru the school that indoctrinated her and turned her against him.

I know how this sounds and if I didn't know this man and his family, I probably wouldn't believe it. Or at least suspect it was exaggerated to some degree. But this actually happened. I think the only thing she learned at that school is how to hate and blame. She seems ignorant of most things she tries to discuss and if you correct her with facts she cant dispute she starts crying, insults you, and runs away. She is not the same person as when she left. That bright intelligent girl is gone and there is no sign of her anywhere in what returned from that school.

posted on Sep, 2 2023 @ 03:00 PM
a reply to: AlienBorg

18 is a adult In U.S. 19 in canada, a boot in the ass and kicked to the curb, no tuition, written out of the will,any of the eight others children try to help with money received from musk cut them off as well. want to be a kommie, be a poor one working to support yourself.

edit on 2-9-2023 by BernnieJGato because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2023 @ 04:11 PM

originally posted by: Vroomfondel
a reply to: AlienBorg

On the surface this seems strange and unlikely and I am sure there are people here who have said that already. However, its not as unlikely as you might think.

One of my best friends, a man I have known longer than anyone other than family, has a daughter. She was daddy's little girl her entire life. She was raised to be honest, fair, compassionate, intelligent, and a critical thinker. She was all that and more. I ran the bbq for a party for her when she was leaving for her first year in college. She was a great kid.

After one year in college, she returned home with pink hair, and told her father that he represents everything that is wrong with this country and that because of him she hates men and is now a lesbian.

This is literally one of the best friends and nicest people I have ever met, and it broke him in two. It broke me just to see the pain in his eyes. He hasn't been the same since. Of course, the daughter is happily living at home rent free but still refuses to engage with her evil father man person. Its not like he is a 1% billionaire or anything like that. In fact, he worked extra hours and side jobs to put his daughter thru the school that indoctrinated her and turned her against him.

I know how this sounds and if I didn't know this man and his family, I probably wouldn't believe it. Or at least suspect it was exaggerated to some degree. But this actually happened. I think the only thing she learned at that school is how to hate and blame. She seems ignorant of most things she tries to discuss and if you correct her with facts she cant dispute she starts crying, insults you, and runs away. She is not the same person as when she left. That bright intelligent girl is gone and there is no sign of her anywhere in what returned from that school.

Very good post and I agree with pretty much everything you said.

It doesn't seem strange kids are indoctrinated and brainwashed when these kind of schools and teachers exist. We all know the education system has been infected by some strange ideologies and the only solution is to drive them out as well as control the social media to some degree so there are balanced arguments and viewpoints.

posted on Sep, 2 2023 @ 04:12 PM

originally posted by: spacedoubt
Maybe Elon is just a crappy father.
He’s quite an a-hole in general, so it’s not out of the question.
''maybe''? shouldn't yer brain tell your mouth to not finish that sentence? or is this ''maybe'' science now? he does a different kind of science though. Hey run with it. Run with it, bad father established. Someday they will invent a crime to silence this ''A-hole'' more rock solid maths stuff. I would rather him be an a hole, just because he is so cool when he does it. Shmarmy. Oh but we all can, He also gave you the platform to do the same. Tell him. Is this your complete list of accomplishments for the world? Elon created that one child, but there are sooo many more. But Those other kids are variables and unknowns and definately MAYBES. Not the woke school system? ok. Im convinced you won the arguement. So now maybe I went to one of those school's too. This is what they taught me when someone wins an arguement, not really its more I dont like someone, based on speculation or opinion then this is what they taught me to say.....why dont you like africans succeeding???You think african fathers produce messed up children that are directly from their own imperfect faults??. Elon. Not the school. who literally just found hitler up in here?. Yeah that is how you use the word literally. learned that in school too. Case closed. I win the arguement you hate elon. So you follow. what you are saying is crappy African A-hole's(which some think are nice and they cant be criticized) Father's produce messed up kids?. You hate them succceeding as billionaires too. Are now saying he isnt a very smart man now? huh?See just like that I get my woke college degree in defeating nazis like you. Still wanna blame elon or do i just berate you with nonsense that I learned from the woke school until you just admit its the school's fault? or forever I will tell the world what you said only african fathers produce?
edit on 2-9-2023 by AnrkEE because: off to dye my hair green now. that is now a diploma you know save paper for the planet or something

edit on 2-9-2023 by AnrkEE because: THAT IS HOW TO SILENCE A NAZI!

edit on 2-9-2023 by AnrkEE because: he also messed up that other kids name. i will give ya that. not really smart

posted on Sep, 2 2023 @ 04:13 PM

originally posted by: CoyoteAngels
a reply to: solowolf

Did you miss that he was already in a very posh private school?

Tuition fees around $50k per year according to the link.

posted on Sep, 2 2023 @ 04:30 PM
a reply to: AlienBorg

For the record Elon Musk doesn't have a daughter but a son named Xavier Alexander Musk who has now changed his name to Vivian Jenna Wilson and doesn't want to associate himself anymore with Elon, as being rich is evil, capitalism is evil, parents are evil, and money is evil, despite the fact that if your kid is going to attend this school as a parent you need around $50,000 in tuition fees per year.

Alternatively, his Child may just be rebeling as children/young adults usually do. Going in the exact opposite direction of her father.

It's easy to just lay blame on the school when Elon probably missed a lot of time with his daughter. Not to mention, he makes public statements about his daughter/son on social media. I'd be rebeling too at her age if my father was Elon.

Perhaps Elon should be trying to take time off and connect with his daughter. Rather than talking about his family life on social media.

"Wokism" has its issues, but parenting your kid has far more of an effect on a child's life than whatever school institution he or she goes to.
edit on 2-9-2023 by Turquosie because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2023 @ 04:43 PM

originally posted by: FlyersFan

originally posted by: spacedoubt
Maybe Elon is just a crappy father.
He’s quite an a-hole in general, so it’s not out of the question.

Did you read the manifesto that the school runs on?
Far left woke ideology.
It's his fault in as much as he sent his kid there to begin with.
But the turning communist and trans indoctrination ... that's on the school.

Yea.. I don't think if you go to a left-wing school that suddenly youll want to change genders... Pretty sure it's deeper than that.

Also, this is the daughter/son of a famous billionaire. One that is pretty outspoken on topics. And teenagers often get passionate about things like communism, socialism, activism ect.. before they grow up. Perhaps its because Elon rather talk about his daughter on social media than talk to her directly.

Blaming one's relationship on outside factors when one's personal social and family life has far more prevelancy.

posted on Sep, 2 2023 @ 04:48 PM

originally posted by: BernnieJGato
a reply to: AlienBorg

18 is a adult In U.S. 19 in canada, a boot in the ass and kicked to the curb, no tuition, written out of the will,any of the eight others children try to help with money received from musk cut them off as well. want to be a kommie, be a poor one working to support yourself.

Probably the best thing he could do for her is to give her 10k and let her live on her own. Typically, sons of billionaires, royalty, powerful leaders, ect.. have the tendancy to go in the wrong direction.

I think being a great parent is ever more important if you grow up in that setting. Id be a differn;t person if i grew up with all that money and power.

posted on Sep, 2 2023 @ 05:31 PM
a reply to: Turquosie

Since when have schoolyard fads been deep?

So much of this is simple peer pressure, all the kool kids are shocking their parents with help from conspiratoral adults in the form of hip teachers. Disgusting narcissism in those adults. They should all be canned.

posted on Sep, 2 2023 @ 05:34 PM

originally posted by: Turquosie
a reply to: AlienBorg

For the record Elon Musk doesn't have a daughter but a son named Xavier Alexander Musk who has now changed his name to Vivian Jenna Wilson and doesn't want to associate himself anymore with Elon, as being rich is evil, capitalism is evil, parents are evil, and money is evil, despite the fact that if your kid is going to attend this school as a parent you need around $50,000 in tuition fees per year.

Alternatively, his Child may just be rebeling as children/young adults usually do. Going in the exact opposite direction of her father.

It's easy to just lay blame on the school when Elon probably missed a lot of time with his daughter. Not to mention, he makes public statements about his daughter/son on social media. I'd be rebeling too at her age if my father was Elon.

Perhaps Elon should be trying to take time off and connect with his daughter. Rather than talking about his family life on social media.

"Wokism" has its issues, but parenting your kid has far more of an effect on a child's life than whatever school institution he or she goes to.

His son.

Not his daughter....

I think we need to establish and verify facts before any conversations in these kind of matters.

So repeat after me please, Elon Musk has a son called Xavier Alexander Musk and not Bimbo Limbo Barbie

posted on Sep, 2 2023 @ 05:37 PM
a reply to: AlienBorg

With the money he has he should have kept her identity as secret as possible, need's perhaps to get her deprogrammed if the school have put these ideas into her head and also should have not spoiled her but taught her the value of money as too often the children of the ultra elite end up so detached from the reality of the world that they do not understand the true value of money and how hard it is for some folk just to live hence they are then not grateful for the things that they have in life and end up often being so detached from the ordinary folk they even sneer down there noses at them which is actually a mistake.

Her father though extremely intelligent and diligent to get were he is, his daughter has no idea what her father went through as he suffered bullying as a child and had to live through the break up of his parent's marriage.

I can only hope that he can save his daughter and that someone can get through to her.

Too often the children of the elite are targets for those that want to control them, if they can't control there parent's they will often sabotage the upbringing and life of there children and attempt to gain control of them psychologically hence my suggestion that deprogramming and potentially rehab from any narcotic's this kid may have been exposed to as well as an entirely new environment may be the best solution, BUT sadly as she is now legally independent this may not be a possible solution at all.

As for communist well often the children of the elite will rebel against there parent's and as for transgender we all know that school's and the identity politics and other wokism has indeed destroyed countless lives both in society and especially when people not there parent's have targeted the youngsters of our nations.

I feel sympathy for him and sad for his daughter to have become so lost though her political ideology while too left for my taste is not my worry point there though it does smack of the likelihood of having been manipulated by someone hell bent on controlling his power through his kid's from the neo and ultra liberal movements that have rotted society today (nothing wrong with moderate socialism which is fully compatible with Christian ideology and belief as that is my own ideology but ATHEIST communism and Corporate Neo Liberalism (Deregulation, Denationalisation and corporate control of the world aka complete and deregulated capitalism with everything for sale including God's children so these are NOT compatible with Christian ideology) are a disease on today's world that have wrecked our western society's and destroyed our culture's and traditions.

That said perhaps Musk should have raised his kid's in a more religious environment as that may also have helped, his daughter though sadly will end up committing suicide by drink and drugs unless she is saved and sadly being an adult any attempt to deprogram her would be regarded as kidnapping unless he can prove she is mentally ill which this actually sound' like to me.

I may be wrong but can't help but commiserate with the guy and worry for this young lady that she may end up her entire life ruined because some vile people have manipulated and brainwashed her into there views.

edit on 2-9-2023 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

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