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Elon Musk blames school for brainwashing his communist transgender daughter into hating him

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posted on Sep, 2 2023 @ 04:10 AM
The truth isn't black and white.

But I do know this.

If children get attention and love from their parents then they often also become loving creatures.

Children also have to learn that the world doesn't revolve around them - they need to respect other creatures as well. The love will teach them that because if children get enough love early in life then they will grow up in a healthy way where they live their life in a way where they have nothing to prove. So competition etc., will only be for fun ( not to prove anything)

They will often help other people instead.

posted on Sep, 2 2023 @ 04:19 AM
SOMETHING messed that poor kid up.
Wouldn't surprise me if it is the school.
A lot of them think they know how to parent better than the parents.

posted on Sep, 2 2023 @ 04:35 AM
The Spread of the Woke VIrus In Schools

The foundation of every school’s woke indoctrination program is its commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion — words that have completely different meanings to what schools claim.

Diversity is not a celebration of our differences but how schools segregate society into victims and oppressors by race, gender and identity. Today, the identity group receiving the most attention is transgender children. Here we see the roots of the social contagion of transgenderism that indoctrinated Musk’s oldest child.

For a school to be “inclusive” everyone must feel a sense of belonging. Children must see their own identity in every book, every project, every homework assignment. Even more important, school must be a “safe space,” totally free from harm. These are code words for shutting down free speech, as Musk correctly intimated.

Finally, there is equity. The left’s Orwellian co-option of words has made equity, equality, justice, democracy and human rights all mean the same thing — a world of equal outcomes. Or in other words, a world hostile to capitalism and freedom and embracing of Marxism, as Musk intuits.

posted on Sep, 2 2023 @ 06:39 AM

originally posted by: UpThenDown
a reply to: AlienBorg

Good parents always look to blame others for the problems there children have

Attempt at sarcasm?
Or another wonderful comment?

posted on Sep, 2 2023 @ 06:44 AM

originally posted by: SkyAngel
The truth isn't black and white.

But I do know this.

If children get attention and love from their parents then they often also become loving creatures.

Children also have to learn that the world doesn't revolve around them - they need to respect other creatures as well. The love will teach them that because if children get enough love early in life then they will grow up in a healthy way where they live their life in a way where they have nothing to prove. So competition etc., will only be for fun ( not to prove anything)

They will often help other people instead.

But if they are constantly indoctrinated and brainwashed to the point they will hate their parents and to think they're the opposite gender then the parents can't douch about it.

Remember what we're dealing with!
A schizophrenic ideology that has actually convinced children they're in the wrong body and thru can be happy again if they 'change' to the opposite gender.

20 years ago the people who promote and lush this ideology would have been arrested and kicked out of schools and other institutions and would have been made to go through a psychiatric evaluation.

posted on Sep, 2 2023 @ 06:50 AM
So the school advertises that it's a woke marxist mess. Anyone reading this from the website should know enough to RUN AWAY and not put their child into that kind of extremist woke atmosphere. No wonder the kid is so messed up.

New York Post

Here’s a quotation from the website of Musk’s daughter’s school: “Social justice is woven throughout every student’s experience at Crossroads, informing the lens through which they see the world. The K-12 curriculum provides students with a progressively nuanced exploration of historical and current-day inequities: locally, nationally and internationally.”

posted on Sep, 2 2023 @ 07:40 AM

originally posted by: FlyersFan
SOMETHING messed that poor kid up.
Wouldn't surprise me if it is the school.
A lot of them think they know how to parent better than the parents.

I think the school has contributed massively into shaping the perception of this kid. Now after all the indoctrination and brainwash from the school, other woke students, social media, the boy considers himself a girl... Has changed his name and 'gender identity' and wants to have no relationship with his father.

posted on Sep, 2 2023 @ 07:44 AM

originally posted by: AlienBorg

Elon Musk believes his “communist” transgender daughter severed ties with her billionaire father because she was brainwashed into “thinking that anyone rich is evil” at the ritzy California school he sent her to.

The CEO of X, formerly known as Twitter, washed his hands of any responsibility for the recent rift between himself and 19-year-old Vivian Jenna Wilson — instead blaming the Crossroads School for Arts & Sciences in Santa Monica for infecting her with the “woke mind virus"

The SpaceX founder told author Walter Isaacson that he was initially “generally sanguine” with his child’s decision until in April 2022 when Wilson “became a fervent Marxist and broke off all relations with him,” the excerpt reveals.

That year, Wilson was granted a petition to change her gender, as well as her name, which she hoped would demolish any connection between herself and her biological father.

Wilson’s transition was part of a domino effect that led to Musk buying the social media app as part of his mission to stomp out wokeness, according to an excerpt of the upcoming biography “Elon Musk” that was published in the Wall Street Journal Thursday.

I really feel for Musk and for any parent who makes the huge mistake to send their kids, in what turns out to be, a very woke school where they get indoctrinated and brainwashed to believe in Marxism, gender ideology, and everything else related to the woke culture and the trans nonsense.

For the record Elon Musk doesn't have a daughter but a son named Xavier Alexander Musk who has now changed his name to Vivian Jenna Wilson and doesn't want to associate himself anymore with Elon, as being rich is evil, capitalism is evil, parents are evil, and money is evil, despite the fact that if your kid is going to attend this school as a parent you need around $50,000 in tuition fees per year.

If you don't see the psyop here, I dunno what to tell you.

A.) Musk is evil.
B.) He had a son, who transitioned to daughter to appeal to the conservative base. He then buys twitter, releases SOME [selective] stuff to gain ground with the conservative base.

It's all "too conveinent." Now they are "investigating" him to make him seem like a "hero" as he's being "victimized" by the "Deep state." This is just theater to pit leftists vs rightist. It's a conflict that forces people to take sides.

Musk also warns the world of the dangers of A.I. and believes we should stop developing it... ALL THE WHILE HE'S DEVELOPING THE MOST ADVANCED A.I. ON THE PLANET.

The dude is a liar, the dude is a billionaire who inherited an emerald mine and was given his fortune which was no doubt built off of blood money.

Musk is such a good guy; show me him doing good things... I'll wait. He fires people willy nilly, he buys a platform because he wants to save "Free speech" then starts banning people who post things he doesn't like. He could do something noble like.... help fix ANYTHING in the country, but no... he thinks hiring a WEF controled CEO for twitter is helping America.

Use your eyes; Elon isn't a good dude. I'm a conservative, I'm not liberal, I didn't go to university, but you can't not see the evil he is with your own to eyes.

Meanwhile, he gets funding from the government for EV's and Space X, but the government is mad at him?


Elon is a smart dude; but he's not a good dude. Good and Smart are not mutually exclusive. In fact; Smart, rich, usually makes you a bad dude as good people have trouble enriching themselves to billions of dollars.

He's got billions; he could do something that's ultruistic; but everything he does is self serving. Here is the hint; you can't become a billionaire unless everything you do is self serving. It doesn't take brainwashing to realize that; it actually takes only observation and logic to realize that.

Billionaires aren't good people. There isn't a single one on the planet.

I remind everyone; that we've known this since the beginning of time. It's even written in the bible. A rich man has a harder time entering the kingdom of heaven than a camel passing through the eye of a needle.

To be a billionaire; you have to ignore sufferage. This by default makes you an evil person. When you could end suffering, and you turn a blind eye; the next logical step is causing the suffering; because inaction is in fact action.
edit on 2-9-2023 by SRPrime because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2023 @ 07:53 AM

originally posted by: SRPrime

originally posted by: AlienBorg

Elon Musk believes his “communist” transgender daughter severed ties with her billionaire father because she was brainwashed into “thinking that anyone rich is evil” at the ritzy California school he sent her to.

The CEO of X, formerly known as Twitter, washed his hands of any responsibility for the recent rift between himself and 19-year-old Vivian Jenna Wilson — instead blaming the Crossroads School for Arts & Sciences in Santa Monica for infecting her with the “woke mind virus"

The SpaceX founder told author Walter Isaacson that he was initially “generally sanguine” with his child’s decision until in April 2022 when Wilson “became a fervent Marxist and broke off all relations with him,” the excerpt reveals.

That year, Wilson was granted a petition to change her gender, as well as her name, which she hoped would demolish any connection between herself and her biological father.

Wilson’s transition was part of a domino effect that led to Musk buying the social media app as part of his mission to stomp out wokeness, according to an excerpt of the upcoming biography “Elon Musk” that was published in the Wall Street Journal Thursday.

I really feel for Musk and for any parent who makes the huge mistake to send their kids, in what turns out to be, a very woke school where they get indoctrinated and brainwashed to believe in Marxism, gender ideology, and everything else related to the woke culture and the trans nonsense.

For the record Elon Musk doesn't have a daughter but a son named Xavier Alexander Musk who has now changed his name to Vivian Jenna Wilson and doesn't want to associate himself anymore with Elon, as being rich is evil, capitalism is evil, parents are evil, and money is evil, despite the fact that if your kid is going to attend this school as a parent you need around $50,000 in tuition fees per year.

If you don't see the psyop here, I dunno what to tell you.

A.) Musk is evil.
B.) He had a son, who transitioned to daughter to appeal to the conservative base. He then buys twitter, releases SOME [selective] stuff to gain ground with the conservative base.

It's all "too conveinent." Now they are "investigating" him to make him seem like a "hero" as he's being "victimized" by the "Deep state." This is just theater to pit leftists vs rightist. It's a conflict that forces people to take sides.

Musk also warns the world of the dangers of A.I. and believes we should stop developing it... ALL THE WHILE HE'S DEVELOPING THE MOST ADVANCED A.I. ON THE PLANET.

The dude is a liar, the dude is a billionaire who inherited an emerald mine and was given his fortune which was no doubt built off of blood money.

Musk is such a good guy; show me him doing good things... I'll wait. He fires people willy nilly, he buys a platform because he wants to save "Free speech" then starts banning people who post things he doesn't like. He could do something noble like.... help fix ANYTHING in the country, but no... he thinks hiring a WEF controled CEO for twitter is helping America.

Use your eyes; Elon isn't a good dude. I'm a conservative, I'm not liberal, I didn't go to university, but you can't not see the evil he is with your own to eyes.

Meanwhile, he gets funding from the government for EV's and Space X, but the government is mad at him?


Elon is a smart dude; but he's not a good dude. Good and Smart are not mutually exclusive. In fact; Smart, rich, usually makes you a bad dude as good people have trouble enriching themselves to billions of dollars.

He's got billions; he could do something that's ultruistic; but everything he does is self serving. Here is the hint; you can't become a billionaire unless everything you do is self serving.

Even if he is that doesn't change in the slightest the evils of the gender ideology pushed in schools together with all the trans nonsense and the woke culture.

The topic of this thread is the woke school, their tactics, the indoctrination and brainwash of kids, and the way they learn them to see life through political indoctrination which is unlawful in schools.

posted on Sep, 2 2023 @ 08:00 AM
Discipline toward your child begins with the eye that speaks of silence but means the world of difference to the child between you're not going to get punished are you going to get punished. man that is a very interesting thing. not to be immodest but I kinda used that strategy and didnt know it. I have never seen it put into words yet here they are and im glad you showed them to me. I didnt really have any ability to grasp what that was at all. I dont know how I picked up that thing that until now was succinctly explained. Thanks for this insight because it kinda made my day for you to come around and explain what really should be self evident but isnt at all. Truly something im glad you felt fit to say, and you were bang on. If nobody else buys you a beer, for a little class in human nature, I will. Sorry you werent here to take the beer so...I will drink it for you. lol You showed me something I didnt even know should be put into words and I hope, I know at least one family will be better for it. I can safely I had a tentative understanding of this and didnt even know. If this can be a compiment, you just put me as both a parent and a child of parents into focus, a new understanding and for some reason its so comforting. If we ever run into eachother again, you owe me a beer I bought the last one. lol
edit on 2-9-2023 by AnrkEE because: (no reason given)
Furthermore you helped heal my younger self and repair a relationship with the man I cant give the credit dad. when he wasnt doing this things sometimes almost everytghing else was pretty bad, but you gave him credit and credit is due even to the dead. When i see him next he will wink and we will both look down and give that nod in is to you and hopefully the living. you repaired his heart a bit i will make sure and tell him you sent me to deliver that msg
edit on 2-9-2023 by AnrkEE because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-9-2023 by AnrkEE because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2023 @ 08:03 AM

originally posted by: musicismagic

originally posted by: AlienBorg
Imagine the school you send your kids to learn math and science turns out is teaching them lessons in gender identity theory, transgender nonsense, and how to hate parents for being rich and irresponsible.

Homeschooling would have been a much better option for Musk who could easily afford it. An option many want but can never have due to the costs. Obviously you need to trust the teachers and have vetted them enough.

Discipline toward your child begins with the eye that speaks of silence but means the world of difference to the child between you're not going to get punished are you going to get punished.[/quoteDiscipline toward your child begins with the eye that speaks of silence but means the world of difference to the child between you're not going to get punished are you going to get punished. man that is a very interesting thing. not to be immodest but I kinda used that strategy and didnt know it. I have never seen it put into words yet here they are and im glad you showed them to me. I didnt really have any ability to grasp what that was at all. I dont know how I picked up that thing that until now was succinctly explained. Thanks for this insight because it kinda made my day for you to come around and explain what really should be self evident but isnt at all. Truly something im glad you felt fit to say, and you were bang on. If nobody else buys you a beer, for a little class in human nature, I will. Sorry you werent here to take the beer so...I will drink it for you. lol You showed me something I didnt even know should be put into words and I hope, I know at least one family will be better for it. I can safely I had a tentative understanding of this and didnt even know. If this can be a compiment, you just put me as both a parent and a child of parents into focus, a new understanding and for some reason its so comforting. If we ever run into eachother again, you owe me a beer I bought the last one. lol see what i said above. thanks

edit on 2-9-2023 by AnrkEE because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-9-2023 by AnrkEE because: MIM read my above msg!!!

posted on Sep, 2 2023 @ 08:24 AM
one more thing music. i know you are older than me so chances are you can deliver that msg to him yourself. He owes you a beer. If by some miriacle i foollow I owe you both one. cheers. trust me if his son say he owes a beer he owes. knowing he will collect from me on the back end lol. there is still a good chance i see him first. a reply to: musicismagic

posted on Sep, 2 2023 @ 09:42 AM
a reply to: AlienBorg

Oh #, they got me again. I thought it was a real girl we were talking about. They want all of us confused about this. Shows right there the whole entire thing is demonic.

posted on Sep, 2 2023 @ 09:46 AM
a reply to: AlienBorg

Were I Elon, I would set the boy down and say, Son, I support your finding yourself. But it should be authentic. From now on, no expensive private schools, public schools are free. You should change your last name too, before you enroll tho', so you aren't targetted as who daddy is. Then I would cut all other money from him. I would provide clothing, food, shelter until 18. After that, this boy would be on his own.

Sometimes, its the only thing that works.

The left LOVES dividing parent against child. Look what happened to Kelly Ann and her daughter. I heard they healed their relationship and are close again. So no longer a news item.

posted on Sep, 2 2023 @ 09:54 AM

originally posted by: CoyoteAngels
From now on, no expensive private schools, public schools are free. .

They aren't safe from the TRANS fad that the woke marxists are pushing.
It's everywhere. Anti-family and demonic.

posted on Sep, 2 2023 @ 09:56 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan

Of course they aren't. But the little punk would be taught some gratitude for his father being who he is, right quick.

Surprised you missed my point.

posted on Sep, 2 2023 @ 10:10 AM
a reply to: AlienBorg

Cultural Marxism, no one is immune.

posted on Sep, 2 2023 @ 10:13 AM
I like Elon, but this really is his own fault. He never taught his daughter Christian values like right and wrong, good and evil etc.
And perhaps he never spent enough personal time with her growing up. To make sure she cared about real right and wrong.
(Not leftist right and wrong which is evil and vile and Satan inspired).

This situation is expected because of Elon's failure to have or uphold any of those values. The truth hurts, and people will remain defiant on their way into Gehenna.

posted on Sep, 2 2023 @ 10:20 AM

originally posted by: CoyoteAngels
a reply to: AlienBorg

Oh #, they got me again. I thought it was a real girl we were talking about. They want all of us confused about this. Shows right there the whole entire thing is demonic.

Of course not, it's not a real girl.
I made it clear in my OP.

For the record Elon Musk doesn't have a daughter but a son named Xavier Alexander Musk who has now changed his name to Vivian Jenna Wilson and doesn't want to associate himself anymore with Elon, as being rich is evil, capitalism is evil, parents are evil, and money is evil, despite the fact that if your kid is going to attend this school as a parent you need around $50,000 in tuition fees per year.

The way the media have been reporting this case will make you confuse and they have done it on purpose I believe. Elon Musk has had twin boys and one of them is the now transgender daughter. He is still a biological male and that cannot change.

No wonder why Elon is furious with this ideology, the trans activists, and the ex-twitter employees who wanted to control the platform making it the most woke platform online. Even after he took over and even after many departed or fired, there are still woke employees around. Fire them all!!!!!!!
edit on 2-9-2023 by AlienBorg because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2023 @ 10:31 AM

originally posted by: CoyoteAngels
a reply to: AlienBorg

Were I Elon, I would set the boy down and say, Son, I support your finding yourself. But it should be authentic. From now on, no expensive private schools, public schools are free. You should change your last name too, before you enroll tho', so you aren't targetted as who daddy is. Then I would cut all other money from him. I would provide clothing, food, shelter until 18. After that, this boy would be on his own.

Sometimes, its the only thing that works.

The left LOVES dividing parent against child. Look what happened to Kelly Ann and her daughter. I heard they healed their relationship and are close again. So no longer a news item.

I think Elon still lives his son but if I was him I would have gone a very different way and ask him to cut the bull**** and return back to reality being him, a biological male. And I would have sued the school and made them famous all over the world. He has the power and money to give them a good lesson.

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