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99% of 'Covid deaths' not actually caused by the virus, CDC data shows

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posted on Aug, 30 2023 @ 01:50 PM

originally posted by: Flyingclaydisk
Agreed, but look at the numbers! They dropped by orders of magnitude during covid times. That's the point.

No they did not.

These are just US numbers.

Heart disease deaths 2019: 874,613
Heart disease deaths 2020: 928,741

Cancer deaths 2019: 606,880
Cancer deaths 2020: 602,350

posted on Aug, 30 2023 @ 10:14 PM
Well its a thing, and if its a thing, in my opinion the gorvernment weaponize it against the people. Gotta remember we live in a different age of not, "government by the people, for the people" but more like "Government"

posted on Sep, 1 2023 @ 02:20 PM

edit on Fri Sep 1 2023 by DontTreadOnMe because: Terms And Conditions

posted on Sep, 1 2023 @ 02:20 PM

edit on Fri Sep 1 2023 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2023 @ 02:21 PM

edit on Fri Sep 1 2023 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2023 @ 10:14 PM
Here's an example of a "covid death:"

posted on Sep, 3 2023 @ 12:07 AM
Here's a comprehensive list of cases of people murdered by these protocols and medical interventions aka genetic therapies:

Yes, people are keeping record, and you are complicit if you go along with it, ignorance is not an excuse. Just like with the original Nuremberg trials.

posted on Sep, 5 2023 @ 10:00 AM

posted on Sep, 5 2023 @ 10:07 AM
I don't know anyone who died vaccinated. But we damn near lost our whole unvaccinated family to covid deaths. Yes they died miserably, horribly, gasping unto their deaths. Autopsies were done.

originally posted by: karl 12

posted on Sep, 5 2023 @ 10:11 AM

originally posted by: BlueBaby
I don't know anyone who died vaccinated. But we damn near lost our whole unvaccinated family to covid deaths. Yes they died miserably, horribly, gasping unto their deaths. Autopsies were done.

originally posted by: karl 12

You've said that before. Dude, nobody believes you. No one!

Edit to add: unless, all COVID deaths were just YOUR family and they were ALL obese.
edit on 5-9-2023 by SourGrapes because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2023 @ 11:39 AM
a reply to: drdark

You are right but Remdesivir did. They knew that it causes kidney failure within 10 days of treament cause fluid to back up into the lungs which required a ventilator. Long story short 18,000 dollars for the positive test and 40,000 for the death.

posted on Sep, 5 2023 @ 11:42 AM
a reply to: SourGrapes
I'd agree similarly.
I know of nobody healthy who died from the covid infection.
I haven't met a single person yet in real life, who knows anyone healthy who died of covid.
I had covid confirmed in 2020 (government mouth swab test) it was horrible like the flu, and I only kept the test result, so if they gave me the bull# about the vaccine, then I had 'their' evidence to confirm that my own immune system beat it.

From the very start it was obvious that covid only killed the same people flu does, the old, or unhealthy fat lockdown of healthy working age humans was EVER necessary, so I remain unvaccinated for flu and covid.
The whole thing was a scam from the start, yet people are still in denial that they fell for it 😥

posted on Sep, 7 2023 @ 12:15 PM
I am not a dude, I am a lady. And you who are so well named for your personality, are very wrong. Of the 17, only one would be considered obese or unhealthy. You have no clue. Really, it is weird, weird as hell, that you rather believe a bs conspiracy when it comes to the matter. We lost so many, we gained a lot of property, but would rather have our families back. That's real. quote]originally posted by: SourGrapes

originally posted by: BlueBaby
I don't know anyone who died vaccinated. But we damn near lost our whole unvaccinated family to covid deaths. Yes they died miserably, horribly, gasping unto their deaths. Autopsies were done.

originally posted by: karl 12

You've said that before. Dude, nobody believes you. No one!

Edit to add: unless, all COVID deaths were just YOUR family and they were ALL obese.

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