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99% of 'Covid deaths' not actually caused by the virus, CDC data shows

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posted on Aug, 29 2023 @ 06:12 AM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

originally posted by: LordAhriman
Man, that sucks.

So what did cause the MASSIVE increase in death worldwide in 2020 and 2021?

There wasn't. All cause mortality didn't spike until they rolled the toxic modRNA gene therapy out. Yes, modRNA, because they lied about it being mRNA as well.

Well the 'super killer' virus certainly wiped out the unhealthy and old victims in 2020, and it shows in the UK overall death rates - slight peak in that year.
The whole thing was clearly a scam though, it was funny when everyone was bitching about Boris Johnson and his drunken parties during lockdowns in Downing Street.

...the real story should have been about the fact that everyone at the top KNEW FULL WELL that the virus was ONLY killing old people and already unhealthy people.
That's why they didn't give a # about having a party...the world doesn't stop spinning for every flu season ffs!🤣

And the only reason Boris Johnson ended up in hospital with covid, was because he was a fat unhealthy # himself...he partied because he KNEW he'd get treatment that ordinary plebs wouldn't expect to get off the NHS!
edit on 29-8-2023 by AdultMaleHuman73 because: See 'Edit'

posted on Aug, 29 2023 @ 07:22 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan

Let me tell you about the masks from first hand experience. I was wearing a R100 respirator and was refused entrance to my cardiologist's office. They explained to me that the respirator is unsafe (huh?) because it has a one way valve in it. They said the face diaper is safer because it prevents ME from making other people sick. So I said, you mean that I won't get them sick but they can make me sick if they aren't wearing it properly? How in the world is that safe? 90% of the other people have no idea how to wear a surgical mask properly.

That's when they called security.

posted on Aug, 29 2023 @ 10:04 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan

I just don't see how anyone can trust the CDC and the government at large, ever again. Masks? Actually hurt you. "Social" distancing? Didn't do anything. Vaccines? Don't get me started...

Everything that has been coming out of the governments mouth the past few years have all been lies. I'm sick of it.

posted on Aug, 29 2023 @ 11:06 AM

originally posted by: AdultMaleHuman73

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

originally posted by: LordAhriman
Man, that sucks.

So what did cause the MASSIVE increase in death worldwide in 2020 and 2021?

There wasn't. All cause mortality didn't spike until they rolled the toxic modRNA gene therapy out. Yes, modRNA, because they lied about it being mRNA as well.

Well the 'super killer' virus certainly wiped out the unhealthy and old victims in 2020, and it shows in the UK overall death rates - slight peak in that year.
The whole thing was clearly a scam though, it was funny when everyone was bitching about Boris Johnson and his drunken parties during lockdowns in Downing Street.

...the real story should have been about the fact that everyone at the top KNEW FULL WELL that the virus was ONLY killing old people and already unhealthy people.
That's why they didn't give a # about having a party...the world doesn't stop spinning for every flu season ffs!🤣

And the only reason Boris Johnson ended up in hospital with covid, was because he was a fat unhealthy # himself...he partied because he KNEW he'd get treatment that ordinary plebs wouldn't expect to get off the NHS!

Actually, it really didn't. Hospital protocols killed people, not covid. They could have used basic medication like high dose vitamin d along with hydration and rest and it would have been 100 times better than the euthanasia protocols they used. In the UK the number of deaths using the medazolam end of life protocol during the first covid wave is staggering. Just like how they used remdesivir and vents in the US. It was mass murder.

posted on Aug, 29 2023 @ 11:16 AM

originally posted by: LordAhriman
Man, that sucks.

So what did cause the MASSIVE increase in death worldwide in 2020 and 2021?

Well, labeling everything as a COVID Death comes to mind. A friend's Son swerved his motorcycle to avoid a deer in the road. That caused him to hit a tree, killing him. Cause of Death: Massive Head Trauma w/COVID.

My Nephew, who had Spina Bifida passed away in 2021. The hospital pressured his parents to let them call it a COVID death. They touted the $3,000 from the Federal Government for funeral expenses. The hospital that treated him since birth requested an autopsy, to see how their treatment could be improved. They found that he didn't have COVID. His shunt partially failed causing increased pressure on his brain, shoving the brain stem down into his spinal column, causing him to quit breathing. The shunt failure wasn't detected because the checkups that would have found it were cancelled because of COVID.

My Brother-in-law was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer in Feb. of 2020. They were just getting ready to start Chemo when the "fifteen day shutdown" happened. If he would have started Chemo, he could have continued, but since he hadn't started he couldn't. By the time they opened tings up, the Cancer had spread too far.

Those are just the ones that I know about, how many others are there?

posted on Aug, 29 2023 @ 11:30 AM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0
Oh gosh that doesn't surprise me!
I woke from an induced coma February 2020, and discharged myself home, two days before the first lockdown in March.
Staff were making out like the disease was killing everyone, they were clearly scared and becoming authoritarian.
TV news made it out like '28days later' and I definitely definitely didn't wanna be trapped in hospital under emergency legislation!😱

So yep, I escaped the bull#, quickly realised it was similar to flu, I cared for friends who caught it, caught it myself...then completely dismissed the fear propaganda after that...and certainly not taking a vaccine for something I'd already beaten myself.
COVID was just a re-badged flu lol

posted on Aug, 29 2023 @ 11:31 AM
Insane. Our unvaccinated and healthy family members who died of covid don't fit your insane narrative. Neither does our best friends healthy, unvaccinated 19 year old kid. Haven't lost a single person in our family or circles due to vaccination.

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

originally posted by: LordAhriman
Man, that sucks.

So what did cause the MASSIVE increase in death worldwide in 2020 and 2021?

There wasn't. All cause mortality didn't spike until they rolled the toxic modRNA gene therapy out. Yes, modRNA, because they lied about it being mRNA as well.

posted on Aug, 29 2023 @ 11:54 AM

originally posted by: BlueBaby
Insane. Our unvaccinated and healthy family members who died of covid don't fit your insane narrative. Neither does our best friends healthy, unvaccinated 19 year old kid. Haven't lost a single person in our family or circles due to vaccination.

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

originally posted by: LordAhriman
Man, that sucks.

So what did cause the MASSIVE increase in death worldwide in 2020 and 2021?

There wasn't. All cause mortality didn't spike until they rolled the toxic modRNA gene therapy out. Yes, modRNA, because they lied about it being mRNA as well.

This has been covered on here extensively:
edit on 29-8-2023 by v1rtu0s0 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 29 2023 @ 02:27 PM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0
But BlueBaby has listed her unvaxxed family members, her best friend's son, and her mom's ex hairdresser so her truth beats your facts.

10 out of 10 libs agree

posted on Aug, 29 2023 @ 10:38 PM
I said this when the first data came out, they repurposed almost all deaths into covid boosting the numbers by 99%.

Look at the death rate for the last 20 plus years, do you see a huge massive spike during covid?
The numbers from covid were the same numbers that were always dying but now they were publishing it daily, a lot of people die every day from all kinds of issues.

So your telling us that during the height of a killer pandemic, there was a higher percentage of people died back in 2011 a decade ago. Come on this was pure propaganda designed to scare and control everybody.

posted on Aug, 30 2023 @ 04:37 AM
I feel compelled to chime in here, being a bedside ICU RT at a 500+ bed regional hospital.

1) COVID, the virus, was/is 100% real

2) Many, MANY, people died due to complications from the virus

3) Think of it like this, if you're in a MVC and suffer a traumatic brain injury which leads to respiratory failure requiring mechanical ventilation and you develop ARDS due to an underlying lung condition...and then die...technically you died from the ARDS. BUT, you wouldn't have developed ARDS had it not been for the original issue, which was the MVC and traumatic brain injury.

4) Substitute COVID for the MVC/TBI and you're left with what happened...COVID being the catalyst for multi-system organ failure and complications leading to death for many.

5) There was, and is, 100% a bunch of bureaucratic bull# that went down regarding misinformation about proper protocols, etc. This does not take away from the fact that the virus was real and devastating.

6) Regarding alternative treatments, in speaking with numerous pulmonary intensivists and working with them daily, they were figuring out the proper ways to treat these patients on the fly, being that they'd never dealt with this particular virus causing acute respiratory failure the way it did. It was similar to a bad influenza season but the usual treatment regimen for influenza wasn't effective. The usage of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin absolutely were considered and trialed early on but were not effective in these bad cases, in fact multiple patients developed acute cardiac issues after administration. So, again, everyone including the doctors and staff were petrified because of the unknown. Maybe some facilities in the country had some devious motives behind the scenes but we absolutely did not. The entire care team, from the intensivists to infectious disease to RN's to RT's to pharmacists (!) to dieticians were coming up with protocols and regimens to achieve the best outcomes.

7) COVID cases are rising again with many symptomatic people coming to the ED, difference this time is the treatment protocols in place are effective and when started fairly early, most are not requiring admission to the ICU.

8) We were lied to in many respects, from the CDC to the NIH, etc. I do believe in the vaccination and of course some people are going to have adverse side effects from it and some, unfortunately, will develop severe complications. This part sucks and should go without saying, as many people took the vaccine because of what we were being told by the "experts" and it didn't pan out well for them.

9) Lastly, regarding cardiomyopathy and the vaccine, I need to say this point. Some people have developed cardiomyopathy directly related to the vaccine. More people developed cardiomyopathy due to the virus itself. Differentiating between the two has been difficult in some cases where patients have developed it, having been vaccinated AND having had the in this case (which is more than you think) how do you know what caused it?

10) I love this forum, even those who I disagree with because it boils down to's a GOOD thing having disparate opinions on things like this. I don't believe the majority of us have any sort of ill-will towards each other, we all want to live our lives and believe what we feel is right. REspect each other.

edit on 30-8-2023 by drdark because: context

posted on Aug, 30 2023 @ 05:09 AM

originally posted by: spacedoubt

No kidding.
Secondary infections.
Bleach injections.

No one was ever killed by a car accident either.
It was Newton. It’s always Newton.

Literally no one died from using bleach to treat covid.....ffs

posted on Aug, 30 2023 @ 05:12 AM
And let's not forget the murders from vents,remdesivere and other protocols as well as failure to use and indeed banning other effective treatment

I should know I was one threatened to sedate me and force me on a vent

No thanks

posted on Aug, 30 2023 @ 06:15 AM
The ventilators did not kill people

a reply to: ManBehindTheMask

posted on Aug, 30 2023 @ 07:15 AM

originally posted by: JIMC5499
Well, labeling everything as a COVID Death comes to mind. A friend's Son swerved his motorcycle to avoid a deer in the road. That caused him to hit a tree, killing him. Cause of Death: Massive Head Trauma w/COVID.


Even if everything WAS being labeled as covid, how did that cause more death?

There were 535,000 excess deaths in America in 2020 vs. 2019, the largest increase in about 100 years (Spanish flu).

posted on Aug, 30 2023 @ 08:39 AM
a reply to: LordAhriman

Even if everything WAS being labeled as covid, how did that cause more death?

For one channel that is documenting a lot of individual cases:


posted on Aug, 30 2023 @ 01:21 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

So, there's an interesting undercurrent here to all of this. ...

I think we all pretty much expected to see this conclusion sooner or later, but what's interesting is...and people need to be asking these questions...what happened to all the statistics which showed virtually zero other deaths other than covid??? In other words, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, etc. all just dropped off the map as causes of death during covid, so are they going to go back and change all those statistics now??? AND, how are they going to explain all that?

Are they just going to change the numbers in the middle of the night??? Do they assume no one ever saved any of those stats?? This is a HUGE revelation!! And what it exposes is the length goverment(s) went to in order to obfuscate the truth about covid, and to manipulate the narrative! All of this begs the question...just exactly who was controlling this narrative anyway?

There are some absolutely colossal questions demanding answers now!!

edit on 8/30/2023 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2023 @ 01:32 PM

originally posted by: Flyingclaydisk
what happened to all the statistics which showed virtually zero other deaths other than covid??? In other words, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, etc. all just dropped off the map as causes of death during covid, so are they going to go back and change all those statistics now??? AND, how are they going to explain all that?

Stop lying lol. Heart disease and cancer were still the top 2 causes of death 2020-present, with covid ranking in at #3.

posted on Aug, 30 2023 @ 01:36 PM
a reply to: drdark

No, typically ventilators, in and of themselves, do not kill people; this much is mostly accurate. However, ventilators are not without risks, and as an RT you know this, right? Putting persons on a ventilator who don't medically require a ventilator exposes those persons to risks they wouldn't otherwise be exposed but for the fact they're on the ventilator. In addition, 'weaning' people off of a ventilator, especially those who may be in poor respirator health to begin with, amplifies these risks even further. As a former EMT (not current), I'm not sure I could even count the number of persons I knew or was aware of who went on a ventilator only to spend the rest of their natural lives on a ventilator. Even just the simple act of intubation comes with some fairly serious risks, as I'm sure you well know.

So no, ventilators don't kill people, but sometimes they don't make the situation better either, and can potentially complicate medical matters down the treatment road.

Just trying to put some balance into your blanket statement.

posted on Aug, 30 2023 @ 01:38 PM
a reply to: LordAhriman

Agreed, but look at the numbers! They dropped by orders of magnitude during covid times. That's the point. And...there was absolutely no explanation for how millions of people suddenly stopped dying from these causes. Just look at the graphs, many of them are practically vertical during covid times.

ETA - then, as the main thrust of the covid ruse came to a close, those numbers suddenly jumped right back up again. How do you explain this?

edit on 8/30/2023 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

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