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I came from the special military operation in Ukraine

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posted on Aug, 14 2023 @ 03:57 AM

originally posted by: face23785

originally posted by: turretless

I understand that the title of the topic is too promising and hints at a lot of different interesting information about this war. But my outlook was very limited all this time (most of the information comes from other soldiers and there is no way to independently verify this information) and I can only report the details of life in the units closest to me.

I found that this is a common public misconception about servicemembers. When I was in the Air Force, people thought I had all this inside information about anything they saw going on in the news. Dude, I didn't know #. For a battlefield soldier, I imagine it's even worse. The phrase "above my pay grade" is quite applicable.

I may tell that we don't have any additional classified information. We have an information board in the unit on which they hang a dozen sheets. But there are either briefings by the official speaker of the Ministry of Defense Konashenkov or information about new laws regarding military personnel or a brief description of the international situation or historical materials related to the dates of the Second or First World Wars.

As you may see, this is much less than what the most ordinary person can find out via the Internet.

posted on Aug, 14 2023 @ 04:08 AM

originally posted by: Nexttimemaybe
So are they equipping you well? I saw you have the new ak but what about other equipment?

Are they feeding you well?

Yes, we were given new AK-12 assault rifles, but the rest of what a soldier should have is not of very good quality (in our regiment).

In addition, just as the countries of Eastern Europe and Ukraine empty their warehouses of Soviet weapons to buy American weapons, so we take out weapons from the warehouses that have been there since the Soviet Union to fill them with the weapons that our military industry now produces.

In our regiment, the food supply is insufficient, and therefore the soldiers from the units go to the village to buy additional food for their platoon.

posted on Aug, 14 2023 @ 05:02 AM
a reply to: turretless

It's great to see you back safe and sound, Turretless... you have been missed.

I'm hoping that this senseless war ends and that you and everyone else can return to civilian life.

Enjoy your brief vacation... Toasting to your good health and praying for your safety.


posted on Aug, 14 2023 @ 10:29 AM

originally posted by: MindBodySpiritComplex
a reply to: turretless

Thank you for sharing your personal experience and perspective with the rest of us here on ATS. It is in invaluable in these times of constant MSM propaganda and social network censorship. I follow the headlines nonetheless - both western and Russian. I take as fact only where the reporting overlaps from both sides. My perception is that the Russian reporting is closer to the truth.

I also think that Russia's hand was forced by US/NATO meddling. Those that think Ukraine can win this conflict are completely deluded in my opinion. As to the much derided term SMO I see the logic of Russia using it. Let's hope it doesn't come to Russia changing it's terminology as this would signal a much larger conflict.

Those that disagree can laugh all they want but so far Russia has been showing remarkable restraint.

And no, I am not blind to the death, destruction and suffering on both sides. The West could end this any moment. But for that to happen we would need to take Russia's own security concerns serious and be willing to negotiate and build a new security architecture. Unfortunately that is not going to happen unless Europe frees itself of the shackles of US led policy.

Just a question,

How is it, Russia can handle all of Ukraine, and NATO backing them just fine and dandy for over 500 days, and we better hope they maintain their restraint.

While Russia had to invade and take over the eastern Oblasts because of security concerns, the need for a buffer, and fears of a Nazified Ukrainian invasion.

thirdly are we supposed to believe Russia still hasn't vanquished the Nazi threat in the eastern Oblasts in these 500-plus days?

Thus the war continues and it has split Russia from Ukraine forever. Now even with a Russian victory, you will have millions who once thought you were brothers now despise the hell out of you, leading to continued resistance in occupied Ukraine.

Make no mistake it will have to be occupied now, occupied in force, or the Russians installed in the eastern Oblasts will be in constant mortal danger.

ie the SMO was supposed to protect Russians in Ukraine and it made it worse a lot worse.

posted on Aug, 14 2023 @ 11:18 AM
Any War must be called a war. Not "operation".

posted on Aug, 14 2023 @ 02:45 PM
a reply to: putnam6

If Russia does ever succeed in conquering the whole, or even most, of Ukraine they will forcibly relocate millions of Ukrainians to the remotest parts of Russia whilst 'encouraging' mass Russian migration to Ukraine.

People already believe the myth - I'm being kind and not calling it a lie - that the people of Russian origin living throughout Luhansk and Donetsk are in the majority there and have lived in the region for centuries.

By far the vast majority are descended from Russians who were forcibly relocated their by Stalin during his Great Industrialisation programmes of the 50's.

posted on Aug, 14 2023 @ 07:08 PM

a reply to: turretless

posted on Aug, 16 2023 @ 10:43 AM

originally posted by: Freeborn
a reply to: putnam6

If Russia does ever succeed in conquering the whole, or even most, of Ukraine they will forcibly relocate millions of Ukrainians to the remotest parts of Russia whilst 'encouraging' mass Russian migration to Ukraine.

People already believe the myth - I'm being kind and not calling it a lie - that the people of Russian origin living throughout Luhansk and Donetsk are in the majority there and have lived in the region for centuries.

By far the vast majority are descended from Russians who were forcibly relocated their by Stalin during his Great Industrialisation programmes of the 50's.

Im not sure how many true Ukrainians still live in the occupied territories, at the very least, if they were trying this it would be more obvious, not that it could be stopped. They definitely will move in Russian "settlers" though, the thing is that seems years away from happening.

posted on Aug, 16 2023 @ 11:41 AM
a reply to: putnam6

Ukrainian children in the occupied areas are already being separated from their families and relocated to remote areas of Russia.

posted on Aug, 16 2023 @ 06:41 PM
Find a way to not die for that ugly dogface Putin.
You don’t deserve to die for his ego.

posted on Aug, 16 2023 @ 07:21 PM

originally posted by: Freeborn
a reply to: putnam6

Ukrainian children in the occupied areas are already being separated from their families and relocated to remote areas of Russia.

That was during the first few weeks, was it not?

We are 500 plus days now, not to mention we are seeing all kinds of totals and even CNN says they are unverified. That's the problem, don't get me wrong I know Russia is capable of doing this, and have, we just don't know to what extent.

In March the BBC reports it was 16,000.

On top of we have almost 1.3 million refugees fled to Russia certainly not all of them were adults nor were all of them forcibly removed.

Just because I dont believe the Russians it doesn't mean Ukrainian numbers are accurate either.

Recently a summer camp hosted a group of Ukrainian children, the interviews were amazing and yes number one priority should be returning all Ukrainian children either home or somewhere safe. Can't let even one orphan left there to be indoctrinated, abused, or neglected.

I find it shameful there are prisoner exchanges, but no movement on this

The Human Rights Commissioner of the Verkhovna Rada reported this as he spoke on the air of the national telethon, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.

"As of today, I am awaiting an official response. We hope that such lists will be sent to us so we are waiting for them. I hope that the UN will at least try to do this (get these lists from the Russian side - ed.)," he said.

According to the official, previously the Russians repeatedly reported the number of more than 700,000 deported Ukrainian children. The ombudsman noted that in this situation, it is absolutely logical for the Ukrainian authorities to receive through an international institution, namely the UN, the lists of the children who have been taken away by the Russians.

Answering a question about how realistic the figure announced by the Russian Federation regarding more than 700,000 deported Ukrainian children could be, Lubinets opined that this figure could be realistic, but he still believes that the Russians are exaggerating it.

The Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights stated that the Ukrainian authorities have no access to the temporarily occupied territories and do not know exactly how many children currently live in the temporarily occupied territory and how many have left.

Answering the question of the need to involve third countries in the process of returning Ukrainian children, he said that the Ukrainian authorities always employ different platforms and scenarios in order to bring all citizens of Ukraine home.

The ombudsman noted that he currently does not see that any of the mediators seeking to help Ukraine have seen a signal from the Russians that they are ready to accept them.

"The problem with all of them is the same - (the question of whether there is - ed.) willingness on the part of the Russians to hand back Ukrainian children, citizens of Ukraine through various communication channels. If they don’t do it through the UN, we don’t currently see any great desire to transfer them through other channels," said Lubinets.

The Commissioner for Human Rights said he could not reveal the details, but the Ukrainian authorities are working to return both prisoners of war and children to Ukraine. "It's worse with civilians, but we're working on it," he assured.

As reported, on July 31, Lubinets said he turned to Gamba with a request to receive from the Russian side the lists of deported Ukrainian children and hand those lists to Ukraine.

During his daily address on Wednesday, Zelensky said more than 200,000 children have been deported so far.

Russia "forcibly removes both adults and children. This is one of Russia's most heinous war crimes. In total, more than 200,000 Ukrainian children have been deported so far. These are orphans from orphanages. And children with parents. And children divorced from their families,” Zelensky said.
“The Russian state disperses these people on its territory and settles our citizens, in particular, in remote regions. The purpose of this criminal policy is not just to steal people but to make deportees forget about Ukraine and not be able to return."
He also said that so far, at least 243 children have died during the war, 446 have been injured, and another 139 are missing.

CNN cannot independently verify the numbers of deportations or casualties.

This article here says approximately 48 Ukrainian children have been forced into the cadet corps

It said during the first year of the war, 78 Ukrainian children entered educational institutions, including the cadet corps and academies affiliated with the Investigative Committee, which Newsweek has contacted for comment.

Verstka also said that Bastrykin ordered the cadet corps in Moscow, St. Petersburg, and Volgograd to prepare to receive Ukrainian children from the occupied Donbas region as early as February 25, 2022, a day after Russia launched its full-scale invasion.

Children told the outlet that they felt compelled to join the cadet corps and by September 2022, more than 40 from the Donbas, including those who were orphans, were wearing cadet uniforms.

posted on Aug, 17 2023 @ 01:58 AM
My 2 cents, but this is a special thread on turretless behalf.

And turretless has been very cool, and reserved. and it should be respected.

Any banter or opinions here between other parties, or vent, should head to the Russia Ukraine thread.

Get off your soap box.

edit on 17-8-2023 by Imhere because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 18 2023 @ 04:32 AM
Welcome back brother! Much love and support to you


posted on Aug, 18 2023 @ 04:41 AM

originally posted by: FinalyBird
Any War must be called a war. Not "operation".

Might want to tell that to the USA then they use the word "operation" on all their wars".

"Operation Iraq Freedom" , "Operation Enduring Freedom" etc etc

posted on Aug, 18 2023 @ 11:05 AM
Good to hear you are safe and I don't pick sides with war, war is never a good thing but I believe both sides are heroes in there actions. Good job fighting for your country.

posted on Aug, 18 2023 @ 12:02 PM

originally posted by: asabuvsobelow

I can only say that this is a very strange war in which almost all units are constantly hiding from enemy drones.

Interesting . Sounds like a Preview of Modern War on the horizon.

Stay Safe out there .

Thank you.

I continue my story.

In early May, we were told that we were leaving for two weeks to military positions that were closer to the front. Indeed, at the beginning of May we moved to other military positions located much closer to the front. From these positions, the positions of the Ukrainian army are visible in the distance (of course, neither people nor any military equipment can be seen from there). But we have been there for more than four months instead of two weeks. Being in these positions, we constantly hear how our and enemy artillery and mortars are firing.

posted on Aug, 18 2023 @ 12:06 PM

originally posted by: greendust
Sir, I do not personally care if Russia or Ukraine wins this. I think Russia will just because they have more forces and better logistics. My only thing to give you hope possibly is that I do not want to spend a single more cent on this war via my government and there are many like me and our numbers are growing.

Also, I find that this guys youtube page allows me to see the reality of the day to day battlefield lines and news without propaganda from either side:

Not sure if you can view it, but I have been watching for months now and it seems this is a real meatgrinder and I feel sorry for all of you in that place suffering through this - on both sides. Hopefully soon this war will end and you can go home and live a better life.

Your link to YouTube is not fully visible and therefore does not open for me.

What's the difference how many people you do not want to pay for Ukraine?

Does your government listen to your opinion?

posted on Aug, 18 2023 @ 12:16 PM

originally posted by: MindBodySpiritComplex
Just noticed RT today has an article that reads like a companion piece to this thread by turretless.

'At the front, you start looking at things differently': An interview with a Russian conscript fighting Ukraine

In my part of the extremely "free West" access to this news source is blocked. Also Rumble is blocked. When trying to access without a VPN we get this notification:


Because of French government demands to remove creators from our platform, Rumble is currently unavailable in France. We are challenging these government demands and hope to restore access soon.

Been like this for about a year now!

Vive la France! I thank my government every day for protecting me from being exposed to wrongthink! Merci, merci mille fois !!!

I have read this article but I do not want to comment on it.

Perhaps there is no lie here, but there is no whole truth here.

posted on Aug, 18 2023 @ 12:27 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: turretless

I will pray for you. You are a good guy at heart.

May your God, go with you.

I am very grateful to you!

I continue my story.

There were no more containers in the new positions, only pits from under the removed tents (dug out by previous Russian military units) or dugouts. Because due to the constant control of the enemy, no special construction equipment could appear here.

posted on Aug, 18 2023 @ 12:29 PM

originally posted by: yuppa
a reply to: turretless

Then I apologize for being so cold then.
Just dont do anything you personally know to be wrong then. I know soldiers are just following orders to stay alive not because they actually believe in what a corrupt leadership says. Personally I cannot see why you fight for a man who even perverts the Catholic faith to canonize russia as holy when it started the fight,but i digress.

Think for yourself and if you get surrounded,just give up and surrender. Theres no shame in Living another day.

When you write "a man who even perverts the Catholic faith to canonize russia as holy" I don't understand who you mean.

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