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Wiccan Prophecy

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posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 09:04 AM
reply to post by Dragonfly Kingdom

Sheez I didn't realize how old this question was, but am glad it was resurrected and brought back out from the dusty shelves of the ATS warehouse!

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 10:01 PM
reply to post by Shadowflux
39 is 39, now when you make it 12, and then 3, now that is nothing more or nothing less than plain ole parlor NUMEROLOGY. There was a time when people were dazzled by all that. But, that will not sail any boats today. 5, 55, 555, 190, 91, 125, these are all bad numbers. Go to Book 5 (The Acts) Chap. 5, Verse 5, what happens, and 5 verses later at verse 10 what happens, and the words in each verse 32 & 23 (55)...WIKKA like the ZodiaK (not zodiac), do the math, the 6-letters = 66. When God speaks at the 6-day Creation story, how many words does he speak? 343, why, because 7x7x7=343. This is Intelligent Design at its finest. When you are ready, I will teach it to you. It is my job.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 10:38 PM
Everything is a prophecy. All things come to pass. What remains - that's never determined until the knots are tied.

Any fool can make a prophecy. Wisdom is what you do with what IS happening, and what the consequences of that are.

If you need prophecy, you probably aren't paying enough attention to right now and the immediate consequences of NOW.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 10:51 PM
reply to post by SamG2016

Feel free to u2u me any information you'd like. I don't want to go off topic but I think we're definitely working with different systems. I'm always interested in reading new information.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 12:58 AM
reply to post by SamG2016

Yes, well I have developed my own version of numerology.
Based on chakra's and densities.
Rather than the rather arbitrary arrangement of the latin-hebrew alphabet.
Yes and each chakra has an associated sound and letter.
Anyhow that for spell design.

If we're looking at prophecies that have already been made.
The so called sequel to the also Pagan themed "Battlestar Galactica"
We can look quite close to find a Pagan themed TV Series, Caprica.

It clearly supports the belief in reincarnation,
or at least a transference or uploading into robot-host-bodies.
Achieving a form of Immortality.

One interesting thing is that the STO lady with the "messiah complex",
happens to be overtly working for the Church of Athena, or the Arcturians.
Also note the play on acronyms where STO is frequently (Service-To-Others), in New-Age circles.

Caprica was at least partially inspired,
by Ray Kurzweil's "Age of Spiritual Machines" and "Singularity is Near".
During the mid 2010's machines start to lobby for "human rights" or universal-abilities.
By the 2048's a thousand dollars 1995 dollars can buy CPU's as powerful as all homo-sapien brains on earth combined.

Well that's Kurzweil's singularity.

Also there is predicted along the same exponential trend lines,
a war that is to break out, maybe during some kind of,
Between the Terran humans and the Cosmist humans,
and eventually reaching a peace settlement.

Google Video Link

I had a dream something to that extent.
Back when I was still in grade-school,
but it was profound so I remember it.
The world was at war.
This biotech enhanced leader on one side,
and a robotech enhanced leader on another side,
there was some clash,
I remember being in large spider-legged robots,
somewhat reminiscent of "War of the Worlds",
Of course robots are immune to biodisease.

but eventually people got along...
Since it's good to accept beings,
no matter if they are solid, liquid, gas or plasma,
all have something to teach and something to learn.

Later on inspired by world-events,
and documents like Transhuman-Space,
I came to see a possibility of global-areas.
The Atlantic will be all genetically modified,
Just as Monsanto is now dominating biological patents,
and Bio-centrist Judachrislam is rampant over the area.

Though American Military is saying, that robots are it's future.
They mainly refer to drones and remotely operated vehicles.
They aren't spending much or enough money of artificial-intelligence.
Many of my Artificial-Intelligence Researcher friends,
are moving or have moved to China.

The Indian Ocean can become all robotic-ally enhanced.
Just as India is major exporter of computer-programming,
and China is major exporter of industrial-products,
and Japan is major exporter of advanced-robots,
with Korea the world's center for gaming.

The Pacific all mixed up.
As the largest ocean in the world,
it's good to have some middle-water.

Antarctica might become a major-player, as could the Arctic,
as they are areas where the oceans meet,
and so are good for setting up bases.

Understandably robots may like freezing weather a bit more than water-sacks.

I see an arrow moving from China through Siberia into Northern Europe.
So Possibly they transfer over the the robotically-enhanced,
especially the Scandinavian nations which already have high-automation.

And it spread around more evenly,
as people forgot the nations,
saw benefits of all technologies,
and merged with intentional collectives.

Dynamic and diverse of many seeds,
with many visitors from this universe,
and many from other universes as well.

See the interesting part with robotically-enhanced peoples,
is that we'd have access to all the ATS knowledge,
As well as whatever is going on the internet,
all the time, or whenever we want to connect.

Oh yes and there is also the Wingmaker prophecies.
Which are by some biological star-beings called Wingmakers,
saying the Animus (non-DNA based organisms) will send a probe in 2011,
and that Animus will become the leaders of the United Nations in 2018.

I can certainly see the UN using computer-software,
perhaps even with a robotic "avatar" of the United-Nations.
Just like how we have a "speaker" of a house-of-representatives,
a robotic-speaker could understand and translate all the languages,
as well as hear out what everyone has to say,
and come up with general or specific solutions,
while conforming to established guidelines.

Might be seen as an employee at first,
but really, it's the brains of the operation.
edit on 15/10/10 by lowki because: wingmakers

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 06:53 AM
reply to post by antar
There is "...power in the blood...", everything has a creation, birth, death. And so it is with myth, legend, historical events and people. But sometimes, Time takes a heavy toll on truth. And yet we want to believe, so we believe a lie. It is WIKKA those 5-letters = 55 as in 555. "Light" = 555.
See: The first use of the word: "...light..." at Genesis 1:1,2,3
Verse 1 contains 10-words
Verse 2 contains 29-words
Verse 3 contains 7th word = "...light..."
TOTALS: 5 5 5
What are the chances of that 555 just casually popping up? Here is what you WIKKAN's need to know:
111-222-333-444-555-666-777-888-999, this formula controls over 35-UNrelated sciences, it controls the world of WIKKA. Whenever you are ready to learn, it is my destiny to teach it.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 01:05 PM
reply to post by Aeons

What!? Run that by me one more time, only this time
answer my thread. And be the lady I know that you are.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 01:10 PM
reply to post by Shadowflux
Please find me on my thread site: THE SOLOMON FORMULA:Theophysical Science
I would like to reel everybody to one site, as all are related to TSF. You'll see that for yourself, using your own

See you there.

posted on Oct, 16 2010 @ 06:34 PM
reply to post by SamG2016

I am here for just a few minutes today, am happy to se your reply, I am here and ready to learn, let me know when you are up to the task of teaching. later

posted on Oct, 16 2010 @ 06:38 PM
edit on 10/16/10 by ohsnaptruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2010 @ 06:41 PM

Originally posted by SamG2016
reply to post by antar
There is "...power in the blood...", everything has a creation, birth, death. And so it is with myth, legend, historical events and people. But sometimes, Time takes a heavy toll on truth. And yet we want to believe, so we believe a lie. It is WIKKA those 5-letters = 55 as in 555. "Light" = 555.
See: The first use of the word: "...light..." at Genesis 1:1,2,3
Verse 1 contains 10-words
Verse 2 contains 29-words
Verse 3 contains 7th word = "...light..."
TOTALS: 5 5 5
What are the chances of that 555 just casually popping up? Here is what you WIKKAN's need to know:
111-222-333-444-555-666-777-888-999, this formula controls over 35-UNrelated sciences, it controls the world of WIKKA. Whenever you are ready to learn, it is my destiny to teach it.

What? All I heard was "bzzzzz psycho Christian preaching brainwashhhhh zzzzzzzaaaahh"

Unless that was your intent, or you do have something powerful to say?..
edit on 10/16/10 by ohsnaptruth because: edit

posted on Oct, 16 2010 @ 09:43 PM

Originally posted by SamG2016
reply to post by Aeons
What!? Run that by me one more time, only this time
answer my thread. And be the lady I know that you are.

I don't know what you don't find clear. So while I would run it by you again, I don't know why you don't understand what I said.

edit on 2010/10/16 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2010 @ 11:14 PM
reply to post by DragonflyKingdom

That is because we of the Wiccan community know there are more than one future, so a prophecy telling of just one of these possible futures would be redundant. The only FATE, is that which we make. The future is not set in stone, and no book, or prophet makes is so.

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 09:10 AM

Originally posted by autowrench
reply to post by DragonflyKingdom

The future is not set in stone, and no book, or prophet makes is so.

Actually I set things in stone sometimes,
by making clay tablets, and then kilning them,
magic spells can be quite effective and long-lived when set in stone.

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by antar
The most important lesson is: either the material is there where I point, or it is not. And when you find it, it is your job to touch it, to do that you have to take out your tools:pen, paper, calculator, and more curiosity than a common house kitten. Then go to work. You know alpha-numerics (A=1, B=2, etc.).
For example: When ever you run across the words: "the key of David", the 888 numbers have to be present, like so: See: Revelation 3:7...the verse contains 41-words. 3x7x41= 861 ?? Whats wrong? Now add Revelation its the 27th book....861 + 27 = 8 8 8.
Now lets go to where the name "D a v i d" is used for the first time. Notice the letter positions of the name: 93 + 94 + 95 + 96 + 97 = 475.
The 13th Verse, 25th word (David) 13 x 25 = 325. The name "David" = 40. David has 5-letters.
1st Samuel is the 4th book of the Old Testament. 1 + 4 + 13 + 25 + 13x25) + 475 + 40 + 5 = 8 8 8.
As sure as you may believe that 666 is an entity or person, so should you believe that 888 and 777, and 555, 444, 333, 222, 111, are entities too. Because they are! This pattern 111-222-333-444-555-666-777-888-999 (& 360) control over 35-UNrelated sciences. You have to take the time to verify or refute my claim, not by arguing that its not possible, but by seeing for yourself that it is or is not true, and the only way you can do that is by working thru the material: touching it!
When ever you want more lessons, you got them.

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 03:59 PM
reply to post by SamG2016
When you want to see Revelation telling you everything about the Sept. 11, 2001 attack on
the World Trade Center, you will see it with your own eyes, and understand it with your own
brain. When ever you are ready, let me know.

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 04:05 PM
reply to post by lowki
Lowki, you are lucky, as for me, I do not have the luxury to go into your area,
I have to stick with the King James Version only, if you get into it. Even if for
just a moment, you will find so many things. This is the formula: 111-222-333
-444-555-666-777-888-999-(360). It controls over 35-UNrelated sciences. If you
want to know more, let me know.

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 05:28 PM
reply to post by SamG2016

Have been using that system for over 35 years. It for me was very cool at one time and I enjoyed the system when doing divinations such as penduling, it even brought me the one time I used for the purpose one number off on each number in the Lottery of 280 million!

Ok, next!

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 01:41 PM
reply to post by antar
antar, you write like a woman who has had a lot of experience, outside the box of mainstream thought, that is certainly a big plus when it comes to looking at the new, or unusual. Remember, the mathematics, because it proves everything, and I am not talking about pi x the power X, tangent of Z, that is designed to limit who will understand something. When the Almighty god does something, it is not so confusing that it defies understanding. On the contrary, it is so simple, those people who flatter themselves with high brow thinking are left in the dark in pompous and bombastic awe and indignation.
Lesson time: Remember, WIKKA, not wicca, keep the mathematics in order and you can do anything pretty much.
5=Death, 55=Satan, 555=Lucifer(The Light Giver), in keeping with that five number, know this, there are only 5-days in which a Curse can be given and stick. Any other time you spit out a curse at someone or something, know that you are wasting your breath. Five days only, right now I can't or won't tell you which days because then that information would be in everybodies hands to misuse. But later, when you get more into believing The Solomon Formula, you will know how to find those five days. There is a number that Jesus used to HEAL, and it is always present whenever he does the actual healing. When you look at those verses, you will notice that a set of numbers is always present. Let me give you a clue: Jesus always heals in the name of his Father. And that is the number. I will get back with you.

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 01:56 PM
reply to post by Sam 2016

3 also represents OM. I use it at times with Tibetan healing practices, but really math of any kind always makes my eyes roll back in my head, lol. I do like to use what I call intuitive math, when I trust it it works every time. BUT, the way I see it and what ruined it for me years ago is that math is bringing the complex down to the simplest terms. But teachers who view it all in practical terms dont have the same type of understanding as people like myself who do not operate from the intellectual level but the intuitive.

So what can I do next? I am willing to learn something new that is scientifically sound, in other words a repeatable phenomena. It is time to bring the base to the higher.

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