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Dam UFOs!

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posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 12:12 PM

originally posted by: nerbot

A seperate thread would allow some connection (pun intended) to understand the sightings and events that point towards an interest in our infrastructures of energy production and use, like electricity, nuclear, hydro, wind, solar, batteries, ect.

I've been considering some special threads for my 17th anniversary and there is so much going on ... "up there" that I'm spoilt for choice with a little time to go until posting.

Good idea and I'll keep it stirring for a while.

Awesome mate and will look forward to that one, will also keep an eye out for additional reports although many of the older links have now been deleted (or are just defunct) - do remember a really bizarre one from a power station in Puerto Rico so will try to find it.

originally posted by: nerbot

Perhaps some of the sightings and reports over the years with things like vehicle engines shutting off and missiles being taken offline is a simple message via an action indicating the wish to educate us not to wastefully burn and blow up so much nasty and dangerous sh*t?

Who knows mate and have to admit I'd never thought of that one.

Some truly fascinating cases being described by Preston in that main video and rather interesting that locals surrounding Chile's largest hydroelectric dam 'Lago De Colbun' refer to UFOs as 'Ramones' (which mean 'thieves') because they 'steal electricity'.

Also numerous cases involving blackouts (including this airport one) and most of the info on this freaky police case has since been deleted but managed to find some.

"Suddenly I noticed two very bright lights over the car. The UFO came down over us, one hundred to one hundred and fifty meters. It was noiseless and each light was four to six meters across. They looked like an electric arc light.

I tried to get out of the car but I felt a kind of half-paralyzed sensation. I noticed that the car trembled and shook and started to rock a little, back and forth. I spoke to the soldiers and warned them that we were suffering a sort of surprise attack. We were terrified, I was scared because there was no defense against it. I felt helpless. We tried to run away but the engine wouldn't start and the radio system was completely out of order. We couldn't understand what was happening to us..

At this time the UFO moved away again and when we last saw the lights, they were very far away. We noticed that they blinked and at the same time the city's lights blinked. We noticed that the whole district was blacked out, and when the radio was working again we were informed that the power and light company had reported a power failure in the area and had no explanation for it."

Sergeant Dione Martins de Sousa, Brazil Military Police force, UFO also witnessed by Manoel Braga, Geraldo Correa and João Florentino - Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil, 0ctober 18th, 1978.

Thread / Photo

posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 12:43 PM
One of the things that often frustrates me is that some of the reports are very detailed...except when it comes to describing the object itself.

karl--or anyone here--I am always on the lookout for OBL reports where the object repeatedly dimmed to nothing before "pulsating" to full brilliance before dimming to nothing again. At full luminance it looked like molten metal swirling & sloshing inside. I've been wondering what I saw since I was 13.

Oddly enough, it was near Redstone Arsenal which has come up some in regards the recent disclosure flap.

So if anyone knows of anything similar I would be very appreciative.

posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 01:01 PM
UFO's or UAP's also seem to like thunder storms lightening etc, maybe it has something to do with the electricity generated by turbines ? Frequency etc ?

All very interesting indeed

posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 01:13 PM

originally posted by: TheMindOfMax

I'll be near a dam in the Midwest soon, and there's a campground less than a quarter mile away. I'll have to see if any old friends there want to camp out...

Nice one Max, let us know if you see anything in the sky.

Keep your eye on the water as well.

USO report three klicks up from the Oberon Dam - burnt vegetation both above and under the water.

June 1977 Oberon NSW 3M Night CE2 (33:42, 149:51)

Three men illegally fishing in a boat, one night, were three kilometres up river from the Oberon Dam near a peninsula called Crows Peak. A dark shape was initially seen on the shore. Five minutes later, something started to come around the bend of the river. It turned out to be an undefinable shape some three point six to four point six metres long by six metres wide, with a blue glow, three to six metres above the water surface.

The phenomenon was silent. It crossed onto the peninsula and went out of sight. Next day all the grass and low hanging branches across the peninsular area where the phenomenon had passed appeared to have been "burnt" or browned off. Even weed under the water to a depth of fifteen to twenty centimetres was also browned off.

Source: See UFO Newsletter No 52 (UFOR(NSW) - now UFOIC, Nov 1977

A catalogue of the more interesting Australian UFO reports.

edit on 6-8-2023 by karl 12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 01:20 PM
a reply to: Quadlink
I myself lean towards something like the "Critters" theory as explaining at least some of the phenomena and think there's at least something to the electric universe postulation. Which brings up the very fascinating subject of plasmas.

Speaking of plasma---you, like me, might be surprised when looking at all the research and applied science projects directed in that field. A bunch of it went dark a decade or so ago but I imagine those with research skills can wayback some stuff regarding the Navy and plasmas.

The "weird sciences" might explain the recent push for narrative control in that maybe we have started to understand why traditional physics breaks down at some point and quantum stuff starts kicking in. Like non-locality and gravitational waves.

posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 01:27 PM
a reply to: The GUT

Yo mate have you checked out Marley Woods?

Some good vids in that thread featuring the work of Ted Phillips and would also say Stan Gordon and Paul Sinclair are worth a look.

Sounds bonkers but some of these highly manoeuvrable, self luminous globes have also been witnessed in conjunction with the Bigman and sound very much like the ones described in Fae lore (water stealing is also a thing).

posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 01:48 PM
a reply to: karl 12

Really looking forward to revisiting that thread and digging into the vids when chores are done. Thanks.

posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 02:03 PM

originally posted by: The GUT
One of the things that often frustrates me is that some of the reports are very detailed...except when it comes to describing the object itself.

karl--or anyone here--I am always on the lookout for OBL reports where the object repeatedly dimmed to nothing before "pulsating" to full brilliance before dimming to nothing again. At full luminance it looked like molten metal swirling & sloshing inside. I've been wondering what I saw since I was 13.

Oddly enough, it was near Redstone Arsenal which has come up some in regards the recent disclosure flap.

So if anyone knows of anything similar I would be very appreciative.

I probably told you before some years back --- I saw one in 76 (double nighttime sighting in November)...but it wasn't pulsating when I saw it descend in a perpendicular direction to earth as it emerged from a low altitude cloud cover --- No fiery tail, swirling plasma currents, flames licking around a perfect spherical shape. It landed beyond a mountain range in front of us about 1 mile away. --- And I never went to look for the landing zone.

So, I figured that the plasma swirling currents is electrified and can be used as a weapon of mass destruction, or used a ways and means to sterilize the landing zone or clear brush or trees for a safe landing.

So, I figured that this alien starship (that is encased in a magnetically contained fusion plasma shield, needs deuterium from water for them (aliens) to create the fusion plasma shield.

A minute before I saw the fiery-balled foo-fighter...I saw a hi-power bluish-white light above the cloud cover, traversing east to west direction at a very high ludicrous speed --- Approximately 40 miles west of Washington D.C., but I never saw it go to the west horizon. Then I figured it stopped directly above us.

I was traveling in the back seat...from a job we did in West Virgina to Baltimore, Maryland in a full windowed Ford van...with my survey party chief riding shotgun and the instrument operator driving it. They saw both UAP's, as well as myself.

posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 02:10 PM

originally posted by: Quadlink

UFO's or UAP's also seem to like thunder storms lightening etc, maybe it has something to do with the electricity generated by turbines ? Frequency etc ?

All very interesting indeed

Some fair speculation there Quadlink as huge amounts of energy (and pressure) are obviously being generated - Professor Michael Swords briefly touches on the subject below in his seven part article about UFOs over the Wanaque dam - here's the first bit (rest can be found on the site).

WANAQUE 1966, part one: microcosm of UFOlogy

Having said that, and listened to many of the eyewitness reports in Preston's presentation it is truly mindboggling just how many different shapes are being reported - the seemingly intelligent motion of these objects is also a bit of a headscratcher.

Don't know if you ever saw Easynow's thread about Yakima but it may be a relevant one.

The Yakima UFO Sightings

posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 02:20 PM

originally posted by: The GUT
a reply to: Quadlink
I myself lean towards something like the "Critters" theory as explaining at least some of the phenomena .

Speaking of plasma---you, like me, might be surprised when looking at all the research and applied science projects directed in that field. A bunch of it went dark a decade or so ago but I imagine those with research skills can wayback some stuff regarding the Navy and plasmas.

The "weird sciences" might explain the recent push for narrative control in that maybe we have started to understand why traditional physics breaks down at some point and quantum stuff starts kicking in. Like non-locality and gravitational waves.



critters/ plasmas' ... i am just starting to refresh myself about uap/ufo being from MetaPhysical realm even Demonic transportation designed=created for underworld entities

see: the various forms of spiritual life forms in hades whose wings were clipped

posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 02:20 PM

originally posted by: The GUT
a reply to: Quadlink
I myself lean towards something like the "Critters" theory as explaining at least some of the phenomena .

Speaking of plasma---you, like me, might be surprised when looking at all the research and applied science projects directed in that field. A bunch of it went dark a decade or so ago but I imagine those with research skills can wayback some stuff regarding the Navy and plasmas.

The "weird sciences" might explain the recent push for narrative control in that maybe we have started to understand why traditional physics breaks down at some point and quantum stuff starts kicking in. Like non-locality and gravitational waves.



critters/ plasmas' ... i am just starting to refresh myself about uap/ufo being from MetaPhysical realm even Demonic transportation designed=created for underworld entities

see: the various forms of spiritual life forms in hades whose wings were clipped

posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 02:20 PM

originally posted by: The GUT
a reply to: Quadlink
I myself lean towards something like the "Critters" theory as explaining at least some of the phenomena .

Speaking of plasma---you, like me, might be surprised when looking at all the research and applied science projects directed in that field. A bunch of it went dark a decade or so ago but I imagine those with research skills can wayback some stuff regarding the Navy and plasmas.

The "weird sciences" might explain the recent push for narrative control in that maybe we have started to understand why traditional physics breaks down at some point and quantum stuff starts kicking in. Like non-locality and gravitational waves.



critters/ plasmas' ... i am just starting to refresh myself about uap/ufo being from MetaPhysical realm even Demonic transportation designed=created for underworld entities

see: the various forms of spiritual life forms in hades whose wings were clipped

posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 02:23 PM
a reply to: The GUT

I agree, i have been following the Thunderbolts project for many years now.
In my opinion, the electric universe answers a lot of questions even though main stream science seem to dismiss it "mostly"

All the best

posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 02:33 PM

originally posted by: The GUT

Really looking forward to revisiting that thread and digging into the vids when chores are done. Thanks.

No worries mate, that Damien John Nott video is also well.worth a look.

Been looking through Preston's work and it seems that as well as 'dams' there's also a truly unprecedented number of UFO reports over 'mines'.

Some pretty compelling cases in this compilation.

posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 02:40 PM

originally posted by: The GUT

maybe we have started to understand why traditional physics breaks down at some point and quantum stuff starts kicking in.

Maybe the 'woo' and 'high strangeness' is just 'quantum science' - mighty fine post there Gut.

It's about the Bigman but Morehead makes some very relevant comments in this interview about some very strange aspects involved with encounters.

posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 03:43 PM
a reply to: karl 12

Thankyou Karl i look forward to reading these links.

All the best

posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 03:48 PM
a reply to: Quadlink

Cheers - here's another UFO over a dam putting out light beams and another blackout - this time in Costa Rica.

“'Tamal’-Type UFO Blamed for Blackout”

(The Tico Times, Costa Rica)

Sources: U.F.O. Newsclipping Service,

“An unidentified flying object (UFO) using what officials describe as a ‘tractor beam’ sapped electrical energy from the Arenal hydroelectric plant early Thursday morning [2 April 1992], causing a nationwide blackout that lasted half an hour, officials said.

‘It was the most incredible thing I ever saw,’ said Arenal plant manager Ingenuo Tomapelo. ‘The thing just hovered there for several minutes shining this tractor beam down onto the main generator.’

Tomapelo said he witnessed the event from the window of the plant’s control room where he watched helplessly as the gauges registered dropping energy output.

‘It looked like a tamal, just like the kind my grandmother used to make, except that it glowed,’ said Tomapelo. ‘They drained all our power in a matter of minutes.’

NATIONAL Emergency Commission President Jorge Trejos said the commission received reports of UFO sightings from the Guanacaste provincial capital of Liberia to the small town of La Fortuna at the foot of the Arenal volcano.

From these reports the Emergency Commission approximated the route of the UFO. It was first reported spotted over Liberia around 12:15 a.m., spotted over Canas at 12:16 and made its appearance at the Arenal plant only two minutes later.

After several minutes of hovering over the plant, it sent down its tractor beam at 12:21. Three minutes later, the lights went out all over the country and the UFO immediately abandoned the Arenal plant.


posted on Aug, 8 2023 @ 12:48 AM
Free E-book and relevant commentary from engineer James M. McCampbell:

Power Transmission

An association between UFOs and electrical power facilities has been recognized for many years. UFOs tend to hover near generating stations, switchyards, and substations, and to travel along the rights-of-way for high-voltage transmission lines. They are frequently seen at these locations at the time of, or just prior to, electrical blackouts over extended areas served by the facilities. Naturally, blame for the inconvenience is laid upon the UFOs, but satisfactory explanations have not been found. The deficiency is twofold: The affinity of UFOs for electrical facilities is not well understood and their method of causing power failure has not been satisfactorily identified.

Chapter 5 - UFOLOGY A Major Breakthrough in the Scientific Understanding of Unidentified Flying Objects By James M. McCampbell

posted on Aug, 8 2023 @ 04:02 PM
It makes sense that visiting craft might take some electricity, water, or other resources when they come here. Maybe in the upcoming disclosure we'll eventually get some real explanations. I know we'll get reasons to give up rights and accept a new more centralized world government and economic system, hope we get something good out of it too.

posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 03:18 AM

originally posted by: Kammlersgrdaughter77

It makes sense that visiting craft might take some electricity, water, or other resources when they come here.

Appreciate the thoughtful post Kammlersgrdaughter77 - personally don't reckon they're 'visiting' and have been here all along but definitely an uncharacteristically high number of UFO sightings from 'high energy sources' (power stations, hydro-electric dams, high tension power lines, radio communication towers etc.) - also looks like the US Gov discovered an 'ominous correlation' between UFOs and atomic energy installations even back in the early 1950's.

originally posted by: Kammlersgrdaughter77

Maybe in the upcoming disclosure we'll eventually get some real explanations.

Given their historic record on deception about the reality of this subject don't reckon the US Gov (or CIA/DIA) will be explaining anything but sincerely hope I'm wrong and they at least release all the material they've 'classified' over the years (internal UFO study results, incident document archives, satellite telemetry data, gun camera footage, control tower radar tapes, Naval log books, official UFO meeting minutes, physical trace evidence samples etc).

originally posted by: Kammlersgrdaughter77

I know we'll get reasons to give up rights and accept a new more centralized world government and economic system..

Yes could not agree more with you on that one and wouldn't be surprised if this is what it's all about.

originally posted by: Kammlersgrdaughter77

hope we get something good out of it too.

Well so do I (fingers crossed) - before I forget to post it below are some of the dam incidents discussed in the main vid.

Jul 10, 1947. Three glowing V-shaped objects circle over the Owyhee Dam in Parma, ID for more than 10 minutes.

Feb 10, 1953. Army security guard Jessie E. Kent observes two glowing discs hovering 150 feet above the dam and reservoir at the Richard Quartermaster Depot in Richmond, VA.

May 1953. Two men driving over the bridge of Loch Raven Dam in Baltimore, MD are confronted by a UFO which stalls their vehicle.

Five years later, on Oct 26, 1958, two men driving over the same bridge have the same experience. Over the next decades, many other encounters occur.

1950s. An employee of Davis Dam in AZ reports that UFOs would repeatedly hover over the dam, apparently drawing electric power from the hydroelectric station.

Jul 1962. Two men fishing at the Foote Dam reservoir in Oscoda, MI see a huge saucer-shaped craft covered with multi-colored lights right overhead. Moments later, fighter jets from nearby Wurtsmith AFB chase it away.

Oct 24, 1962. Railroad employee Lester Sandler reports seeing a UFO over the Horsetooth Reservoir and Dixon Dam area. Moments later another witness reports a UFO landing at the base of the dam.

Jun 20, 1964. Two witnesses see a UFO and humanoids hovering over the Gorge Dam in Newhalem, WA. U.S. fighter jets chase the object away and a govt investigation follows.

1964. AF Officer Frank Kinsey and his brother see a “USO” rise out of Lake Casitas. Through a porthole, they see a humanoid looking back at them. Kinsey quickly snaps of a photo.

Jan 11, 1966. Hundreds of people observe a UFO maneuver for several hours at low elevation over Wanaque Reservoir and Raymond Dam. Ten months later on Oct 10, the UFO returns and is witnessed by hundreds and even photographed.

Aug 30, 1970, security guard Almiro Martins de Freitas shoots at a UFO as it hovers directly over the Funil Dam. Almiro is struck by a beam of light which temporarily blinds him. The UFO leaves, but returns multiple times over the next week.

Jun 1971, a family has three encounters in a week by the Clearwater Dam in Piedmont, MO, including one “USO” in the reservoir itself. One year later, more sightings occur, generating national headlines.

1971. A man camping in Jamison Valley by the Warragamba Dam in New South Wales, Australia walks upon a landed UFO and several humanoids.

Feb 1973. Numerous witnesses (including police) observe a UFO dive into the waters of Wheeler Dam in Huntsville, AL.

Jun 5, 1973. Two fishermen at Rio Dam in Port Jervis, NY see a glowing UFO sucking water up from the lake. Looking through a porthole, they see a strange, brown-skinned humanoid.

These are just a few of the many other cases occurring all over the world:

Dillon Dam in CO, Castelo de Bode Dam in Portugal, Fort Phantom Lake Dam in TX, Blewett Falls Dam in NC, Palmar Dam in Uruguay, Muskrat Dam in Canada, Alfalfal Dam in Chile, Wivenhoe Dam in Australia, El Tunal Dam in Argentina, Scammonden Dam in England, and so many others.

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