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Dam UFOs!

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posted on Aug, 5 2023 @ 05:59 AM
Loads (and loads) of reports of UFOs over bodies of water but thought Preston did a great job below of compiling some very interesting UFO incidents over dams.

Some pretty fascinating global eyewitness descriptions involving unknown objects emerging from the water; putting out light beams; emitting humming / buzzing noises etc. - also the usual patterns including EM effects, physiological effects, trace evidence, animal reaction, power outages, strange mists..

This video presents more than 30 cases of UFOs hovering over dams. And not only hovering, but landing too. Several cases also involve humanoids. The evidence for these cases is astounding. There are multiple witnesses, physiological effects, electromagnetic effects, landing traces, photos and more. In some cases, the UFOs appear to be siphoning water from the reservoirs, or electricity from the power stations. Some of the dams are visited over and over again. These cases reach back from the modern age of UFOs in 1947 to the present day, and are occurring all over the world: Australia, Canada, Europe, Canada, the United States, South America and more.

Why are UFOs visiting our dams?

There's also a pretty great interview below with Portuguese researcher Francisco Mourao Correa exploring UFO (OVNI) cases from the country and the attitude of the country's Military towards the subject.

He also relates a 'dam UFO' case where a 'disc with small windows' caused a pilot to scream at the ground radio operator, his instrument panel to go haywire and the aircraft nearly crash (power outage reported at same time and area).

Portuguese Military: Shocking Candor about UFOs.

Francisco Mourao Correa discusses incredible UFO encounters from Portugal's history, especially during the Cold War era, and describes the attitude toward UFOs by the highest echelon's of Portugal's military.

This includes the former Chief of Staff of the Portuguese Air Force, General Tomás Conceição e Silva. The conversation closes with a discussion on the need for evidence-based ufology and the preservation of our precious history in understanding this phenomenon.

posted on Aug, 5 2023 @ 07:26 AM
a reply to: karl 12

Excellent write Karl and its too bad that ATS has become somewhat silent on UFO's as in many seem to be amping up that USA is presenting a false flag on disclosure.

IMO many are so brainwashed with conspiracy and that based on how USA government works I don't blame them but as to what's ongoing with Congress I believe that we have one side trying to disclose while the other wants to keep it as is. Sooner or later the truth will pop and come out. I believe in UFO's and ET. I also believe that USA contractors have reverse engineered same and someone in this country owns a fleet of them.

Then we have ET.

Yes, The Truth is out There

posted on Aug, 5 2023 @ 08:26 AM
a reply to: karl 12

This would mean the UFOs are not capable of space flight. Demensional or gateway tech and not space capable. At least the ones that get the water from Earth's surface. Or they are only operating in our atmosphere for some reason. As in they have been on the surface for so long they need refueling without going into space.

It could possibly alternately indicate they are providing water to some other place through a gateway. Again not space capable.

There are millions of times more water out in our solar system than on Earth.

posted on Aug, 5 2023 @ 09:25 AM
a reply to: karl 12

I think the UAPs could be obtaining heavy water, which would accumulate at a dam, especially one that doesn't have hydro-electric capabilities.

posted on Aug, 5 2023 @ 10:32 AM
Thanks for the replies and some intriguing speculation about water there.

Actually forgot there was also this thread regarding an extremely strange object over Palmar dam in Uruguay.

The video has been taken down but the transcript interview with Colonel Ariel Sanchez makes for some very interesting reading.

Military Aircraft pursue UFO over Palmar Dam

posted on Aug, 5 2023 @ 10:35 AM
a reply to: NightFlight

The percentage of naturally occurring heavy water in natural water is very low, it would be easier for a more advanced (or even as advanced as us) civilization to create their own heavy water.

posted on Aug, 5 2023 @ 11:00 AM
a reply to: ArMaP

Good to see you ArMap and though that interview about Portuguese cases was a pretty fascinating one.

Didn't involve a dam but the pilot case described at 9:15 is a pretty crazy one.

• "We've got no conclusions, except after this, do not give us the old routine of Venus, weather balloons, aircraft and the like which has been given as a general panacea for almost every case of UFOs."

Captain Jose Lemos Ferreira (later to become Joint Chief of Staff of Portuguese Armed Forces), UFO also witnessed by Sergeants Alberto Covas, Salvador Oliviera and Manuel Marcilino - flight out of Ota Air Base, Portugal, 1957

Pilot Statements

posted on Aug, 5 2023 @ 12:00 PM

originally posted by: ArMaP
a reply to: NightFlight

The percentage of naturally occurring heavy water in natural water is very low, it would be easier for a more advanced (or even as advanced as us) civilization to create their own heavy water.

True, sir, but I think that in this neighborhood of the galaxy, there isn't too much water to choose from. Our planet has plenty of it. Heavy water occurs naturally and can be processed through other means, also. Its probably the natural process that they are after; however, I don't know what they could be using it for other than some sort of fusion process. Maybe even a "room temperature" fusion that has to use heavy water to sustain the fusion process, I just don't know...
Back to you...

posted on Aug, 5 2023 @ 12:55 PM
a reply to: NightFlight

Interesting stuff mate, perhaps we could ask Klaus Schwab's father about it as he used to produce heavy water for Hitler.

Anyway it's covered in the main video but below are two quotes from police officers involved in the Wanaque Reservoir UFO incident - New Jersey, January 11th, 1966 (also Newcovenant's thread here).

• “I’ve never seen anything like it in my life.”

Police Officer George Dyckman.

• "It was a bright white light. As I said: just like on a locomotive. It was funnel-shaped. It seemed to come out of some object, like a funnel. In other words, it spread out as if it were focused through a telescope. It was narrow at one end in the sky and spread out into a very wide beam as it approached our upper gatehouse at the dam. The strangest part of it was that there was no noise attached to this object. None whatsoever. It was absolutely silent. A silent light."

Chief John Casazza of the Wanaque Reservoir Police.

Police Statements

posted on Aug, 5 2023 @ 02:24 PM
Luminous cigar shaped UFO over El Tunal hydroelectric dam, Argentina, November 26th, 2009 - power outage also reported.

..While they were fishing they suddenly noticed a whitish or yellow light all around them; as they looked up they noticed a huge object hovering over the turbines and emitting a rumbling “mmmmmm” sound. He estimated the UFO had a length of between 200 and 300 meters. He then described how the object threw beams over the turbines and beams could also be seen coming from the turbines to the UFO.

The whole operation was accompanied by a sound like that of “several machines working in tandem,” according to the witness. This process lasted a few minutes and then the UFO made a big flash and left the area at great speed. That’s when the power blackout occurred, which seemed to also affect their flashlights and cell phones. When they drove to El Tunal a few minutes later they noticed the whole town was in shock.

posted on Aug, 5 2023 @ 03:31 PM

originally posted by: karl 12
Thanks for the replies and some intriguing speculation about water there.

There's also quite a bit of electricity which may be sought out to recognise and study the source.

posted on Aug, 5 2023 @ 04:17 PM
a reply to: NightFlight

There is frozen water everywhere. The poles of Mars. The shady craters of the Moon. Commets, the Oort cloud, they all combined have much more water than Earth. And less gravity to get it back to space, assuming they are capable of traveling in normal space.

posted on Aug, 5 2023 @ 04:57 PM
Good stuff, karl. Since they seem to show up so often at facilities associated with power sources, I sometimes imagine them powering up the same way we would happily power-up in a bar.

posted on Aug, 5 2023 @ 07:14 PM
a reply to: Waterglass

I believe too in ufos, or that many are unidentifiable with any conventional human technology But...

I never understood how the US can get intact ufos. Is it an alien welfare program going on to give the backward human race ufos to back engineer

Or did the US steal an intact ufo while parked?

posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 01:39 AM

originally posted by: The GUT

Good stuff, karl. Since they seem to show up so often at facilities associated with power sources, I sometimes imagine them powering up the same way we would happily power-up in a bar.

Good to see you Gut and power sources do seem to pop up a lot don't they?

Also spotted this description from Loch Raven Dam which sounds rather similar to Wanaque Reservoir Dam.

They were approaching one of the bridges across the Loch Raven Reservoir when their vehicle came to a sudden stop of its own accord. A second later the radio went silent, quickly followed by the failing of the headlights..

The object had the appearance of two saucers facing each other with “an ultraviolet band” dividing them. The light from the object shining off the surface of the water below. They would estimate the object to be between 200 to 300 feet above the water.  

Underneath the object, was a strange “conical shape”, like a “column of fog or haze or mist”  which stretched down to the water. At the same time was a “mum-mum-mum” sound.

The “Forgotten” UFO Incidents Of The Loch Raven Dam

We've also got this freaky one from official Argentinian Military/Government communiques:

The Seven Official declarations made by the Argentinian Government

1978: On the evening of February 4 at the La Florida dam in San Luis, six persons report the presence of a UFO and the descent of an occupant from within, leaving ground marks. The Police Precinct of San Luis, through its chief, Lt.Col. Raul Benjamín López, issues a document which constitutes the fourth official acknowledgment.

Argentinean Military's Role in UFO Research

posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 01:48 AM

originally posted by: nerbot

There's also quite a bit of electricity which may be sought out to recognise and study the source.

Hi mate it may well be worth starting a separate thread on UFOs over electricity pylons, substations etc. as there are quite a number of freaky reports.

Apparently this guy claimed he saw UFOs actually 'syphoning' power from the pylons.

• "I looked up and this is when I seen the huge object above my house and over parts of the barn. I judged it to be at least 150 feet across, it was saucer shaped with a high dome, it was very shiny on the underneath, it was a porcelain type finish.. and I was getting a tremendous shock all over my body, my hair was standing up and I had an electrical static feeling on the hair on my arms and on my head. As it moved out over the field I could start seeing more portions of the top half which was domed shaped and concaves on the side of the dome - sort of like a lemon squeezer."

Bill Pecha - Colusa, California, September 9th, 1976.

Video: 17:20 / PDF

posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 03:04 AM

originally posted by: introufo

I believe too in ufos, or that many are unidentifiable with any conventional human technology..

God knows what they are mate but Preston certainly knows his way around the Bluebook, APRO, CUFOS, NICAP, MUFON, NUFORC files and thought his comment below was a pretty fair one.

• "As more and more of these cases occur over the years it becomes increasingly clear that UFOs are in fact attracted to dams - I mean it's undeniable."

Preston Dennett

As is usual with this subject the more you look the more you find and thought there was a pretty interesting newsclipping below describing how the Mecklenburg County Sheriff called for a 'federal investigation' into UFOs over John Kerr Dam (South Boston, Virginia, March 6th, 1969).

Sheriff Newman, armed with newspaper clippings of the sightings around John Kerr Dam, wrote Fifth District Congressman W. C. (Dan) Daniel asking for an investigation into the strange lights which have flown over the dam area..

The object is slightly larger than an automobile; it has lights which pulsate and sometimes change colors from bright red to white to blue; it makes no sound; it is capable of flying at speeds far faster than jet aircraft and yet hover; it is most frequently seen around the John Kerr dam; it appears in the early evening hours.”

Newsclipping: Probe Into UFO’s At Lake Is Asked

posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 06:11 AM
I'll be near a dam in the Midwest soon, and there's a campground less than a quarter mile away. I'll have to see if any old friends there want to camp out.... I will forgo mentioning the MIC taxpayer funded black ops projects I'll be trying to spot.
edit on 6-8-2023 by TheMindOfMax because: WantSpreadOnChi, had to rearrange furniture

posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 06:16 AM
a reply to: introufo

USA probably zapped them

posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 10:07 AM
a reply to: karl 12

Hi, you are absolutely right.

A seperate thread would allow some connection (pun intended) to understand the sightings and events that point towards an interest in our infrastructures of energy production and use, like electricity, nuclear, hydro, wind, solar, batteries, ect.

I've been considering some special threads for my 17th anniversary and there is so much going on ... "up there" that I'm spoilt for choice with a little time to go until posting.

Good idea and I'll keep it stirring for a while.


Perhaps some of the sightings and reports over the years with things like vehicle engines shutting off and missiles being taken offline is a simple message via an action indicating the wish to educate us not to wastefully burn and blow up so much nasty and dangerous sh*t?

Could be that the Tic-Tac sightings are because of all those mobile Nuclear power plants attached to Big Brother killing machines filling the world now.

EVERYTHING starts with a SPARK.

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