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The Alien Deception

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posted on Jul, 28 2023 @ 01:04 AM
a reply to: beyondknowledge2

I have heard that, and it makes total sense (especially with our current knowledge and understanding). But that could be where AI comes into play? If we survive, and AI doesn't turn on us and becomes what many predict, who knows where we will be in 100 years, even 10 years.

I have floated the idea that the red orbs and foo fighters, are a form of time travel, but not full physical, they are more viewing portals if you like. So future, early advancements of time travel they/we could only send back these things that let them observe past events.

This may not make any more sense than my first waffle, but lets say the Philadelphia project was somewhat real, and left some kind of marker in space/time. Now sometime in our future, we gain the knowledge of time travel (with the help of AI or not) The early attempts may have been restricted to what they could send back, then more advanced craft were developed and allowed for physical travel. But they always had a lock on the exact point in space/time (maybe the atomic bomb left a signature?

This could account for various different craft that are seen. One could be 1000 years off another (maybe just gathering lost history of the planet), while others have beings/us and are here for another reason, or just for science. but they are still us at different stages of the future.

Yeah, not even sure that makes any sense. And it's nothing more than very wild thinking on my part.

posted on Jul, 28 2023 @ 01:42 AM
a reply to: The GUT
There are a number of ways that phenomena can wink in and out of our or a camera's vision without using any extra dimensions, but instead they can do it according to known physical laws. I can think of several examples, like the very interesting video of the Salida Co UFO which actually LOOKS sort of interdimensional on the video, but I think it has a natural explanation which doesn't involve other dimensions. I can see why people seeing and recording something like this would think it's sort of in our space-time, but not really there because it looks too "ghostly", hence some might think "interdimensional" or whatever term we want to invent to substitute for unusual physical phenomena not very common and not that well understood.

By the way there's a very strong clue at the 6 minute mark in that video that hints at what he's looking at, but I'm sure the person making the video never considered it based on the comments he made about the UFO during and after he made this video. Most people probably wouldn't recognize the clue but you might since you've hung out on ATS long enough to see things like the purple geometric shapes in this screenshot (those are not the UFO, merely a clue as to what the UAP might be). The UAP is the cigar-shaped white thing, which in this case "UAP" probably fits a lot better than "UFO".

I think Tim Edwards was so puzzled by the experience of seeing and filming that UFO that it was almost like a religious experience for him, and I can sort of understand that, it's a pretty amazing video.

But plenty of UFOs appear to be solid or at least as real as a balloon (I'm not sure if a balloon is "solid", depends on how you define terms), like some of the UAP videos and photos promoted by the US Navy appear to be balloons, no extra dimensions required. The release for for those videos even mentions "balloons" and the gofast video probably shows a balloon.

edit on 2023728 by Arbitrageur because: clarification

posted on Jul, 28 2023 @ 02:02 AM
a reply to: The GUT

I am of the opinion "dimensions" should not be disregarded entirely. Though one can safely ignore the strangled strings of half dead cats.

In practice one can stay within the Euclian space of six dimensions and the mathematics of topology; surfaces.

Length X height X width, plus inside and outside to give 5D space. Add motion (time) to give 6 dimensipnal space. Basically a soccer ball is a six dimensional object.

Things get very interesting in a practical fashion when we add topology to our 6D space.

A looking glass is a two dimensional object. Length X width with zero depth. So is the surface of a pond; a 2D object with the sutface existing between the air and water.

A sphere can also be a two dimensional object if it only has inside and outside with zero outside length, width and depth.

In practice there is no rule to say inside dimensions must equal outside dimensions.

One should keep in mind boundaries . The boundary between inside and outside for example. Therefore it can be said that topology is the study of boundaries.

Deceptively simple really . . .

edit on 28-7-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: neatnesd

posted on Jul, 28 2023 @ 02:16 AM
a reply to: CelestialAnomaly

That ability is just a bhramavihara called: Loving kindness; Such a thing can be developed it's not alien. It's just how life used to be and used to flow in it's natural unconditioned state and still does. The absolute reality aka Nirvana. The relative reality is the conditioned to bark out rocks, tree, chicken etc... As if life cant and doesn't flow in all directions without that conditioning.

posted on Jul, 28 2023 @ 02:20 AM
a reply to: CelestialAnomaly

That's pretty much it, OP!

The Bible has already told us there are other dimensions. It tell us that at times there are interactions between the dimensions. It clearly tells us that repeatedly. The whole point of the Bible is to explain the relationship between these dimensions.

When the Angel appeared to Daniel by the Euphrates in Babylon was He there so others could see what Daniel could see? Or was it only Daniel who was given access to the vision and manifestation? Was it only Elisha who could see the Army of Angels? Apparently the enemy ran away because they thought a huge army was descending upon them in the night so they shared in Elisha'a vision too.

When John of Revelation and Daniel met with the Angel they were given very complex instructions that would have taken a good while to impart. Was it a good while in real time or just the flash of a thunderbolt of inspiration containing all the words he was given to write? If an Angel appeared to us today would they speak in English or Hebrew? Does the Lord talk to us in modern English or Chaucer English? What is the Lord's Tongue? What is the Language spoken in the dimension of Heaven?

Contrary to pagan/Egyptian beliefs neither Judaism nor Christianity have told us there is a hell. There is a Lake of Fire, there is Sheol and there is the Resurrection (though only some Jews believe as Christians regarding that). The Kingdom as a seed is not a place, obviously. It is a state of being and an assumed taught access based on a contract with the Farmer!

If you look closely Jesus came to us a a metaphorical farmer. Check His parables and check the Old Covenant for the metaphor of farmer sowing the seeds. When He came before it was to sow the seeds of His Kingdom. The Jews had already prepared the soil for planting. When He returns it will be to reap the harvest of what grew out of His crop. That understanding was given to me in a very special vision. I have had many.

Jesus groaned and wondered about the time when He returns. He questioned whether there would be anyone left at all on earth who had faith or remembered Him for who He really was, is and will be. However, that is not a lost battle because the Son of Man has done His work already. He has evolved us. It has been a two thousand years gruelling curse of REVELATION! Do you now understand what REVELATION means? It is the unrolling of the scroll of the Sword of Christ that has been put to work upon the earth: "I have not come to bring peace, but a sword". He came as the stumbling block in Zion. To this day He is still that until He comes to end the curse.

He has been REVEALED to us through two thousand years of the consequences of putting God's Son on a cross. If we had made Him King by now we would be as the Angels in terms of our evolution. We will yet be as the Angels.

Daniel told us that Messiah would be cut off and would seem to have accomplished nothing before coming back into play again later on down the line of time. If you examine the whole OT and NT you will see that it fits together beyond anything human writers could achieve, even if writing in the same room at the same time, let alone being thousands of years apart. My literary analysis skills make it clear to me the Bible is supernatural. It is impossible for humans to have written such a Work of works that tallies like a perfect accountant's balance sheet.

Yes, indeed God sent us the Spirit of Adversary into the world and our imagination has done the rest of the work for Him. Imagination is a very important part of the visionary experience. God and the Adersary both manifest in our imagination before thought and before action: IMAGE, made in His IMAGE. Everything we have made, everything we have done came from the factory of our imagination as the architetct of every plan. This is where the battle between good and evil takes place. It is most concerned with the babies of thought and action and whether they go out into the world to become corrupt criminals, unconscious never waking or living zombies, or inspired saints. Define the word inspire. It means to inbibe with spirit. It means to animate with spirit. Jesus told us God is Spirit.

The sci fi aliens are the ghosts of our modern age. They are very much a deception. Ghosts and mediums are also a deception. Saul was exiled from God's protection and made to fail because he went to a witch for advice and did not believe the High Priest's Urim and Thummim instruction from The Most High. It was ghosts and evil spirits then. That was the language and limitations of our perception before the same as aliens are the limitations of our perception now. We were given advice that such things are lies. An evil spirit is a negative inspiration in your imagination. Don't expect it to be an actual living creature because God does not condemn any of His Creation to hopeless damnation from the moment of inception. God cares for everything He has made. He throws spirits into the fire. He throws attitudes into the fire. He throws positions and authorities into the fire. He does not throw any creatures He has made into the fire. (I am meaning the metaphorical lake of fire here).

edit on 28-7-2023 by Merman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2023 @ 02:41 AM
a reply to: beyondknowledge2

You don't think people time travel through a dimension using memory into the land of the dead(past)? Memory only is good for present in a culmination of knowledge you have learned as skill on skills...

It's the so skilled not thinking about it part where the mindlessness takes place where ignorance hides the eyes from all the dimensional travel coming in and out of your life. Start applying mindfulness like you are a beginner at tying your shoes instead of an expert; Then you'll really have those glasses of ignorance blown off.

Be fore warned though; you might wish you never knew after knowing and jsyk many people stumble across it by accident and it gets labeled an illness r an abnormality instead of having pierced the veil.

posted on Jul, 28 2023 @ 03:06 AM
a reply to: Crowfoot

I present our very existence as proof noone can travel into the past and never will. If they could, they would have messed up something that would have changed history. The change of history would make them no longer exist therefore they could not have changed it to start with.

They covered it in the episode of Futurama where the time traveler went into his past to change an election by being elected president. When he did, he no longer had traveled into his past therefore he had not originally traveled back and been elected. Time travel is self repairing that way. If you travel in past time, you mess up something. This something makes you have never traveled in the first place.

posted on Jul, 28 2023 @ 03:32 AM
a reply to: beyondknowledge2

Feed my signature into some Ai

There is no such thing as past or future only the present as a feedback loop that only gets better or worse based on the decisions of change.

Moment and momentum are synonymous.

As a thought experiment: Consider shooting an arrow backwards and you'll hit only you; Despite dragging others with you as being present then... What is the intention if not to relieve tension in holding that arrow backwards and shooting it from the now? If such a thing is done skillfully then no self is hit if done unskillfully then as previously stated only you are hit... while an observer not self is bearing witness or giving you energy from the present unless their mind is fired back on itself in trying to hit the same mark as you in comprehension or agreement and neither one actually then present but think they stand on common ground when one can only listen so far until shooting while that's all the other has been doing... All that really occurs is the other person shoots you and moves to their moment while you were shooting you with them as a witness to it. Where as if staying empty in the ear consciousness listening then their consciousness will eventually return to the present and have a break through... in such a manner they'll see their own corpse without you firing any shot.

edit on 28-7-2023 by Crowfoot because: clarity/sp.

posted on Jul, 28 2023 @ 03:33 AM
a reply to: beyondknowledge2

Not arguing at all, and it makes sense, but just wrapping my monkey brain around it further. Would that apply to Ai from 1000 years ahead who have a billion times our iq? could there be a chance they have overcome this paradox?

could we have overcome this paradox by creating biological Ai programmed to not break this law? Maybe this Ai is so advanced it knows how to manipulate the past to benefit their current, instead of messing something up? and all we see is fuzzy lights, and strange cubes in orbs flying around, and a little bit of Mandella affect here and there.

posted on Jul, 28 2023 @ 03:46 AM
a reply to: Crowfoot

The past is what was and the future is what will be. The present is the only thing anyone can do anything about and that is very little. Yes time has momentum, see the American government for example. It goes in one direction for years.

If you shoot an arrow backwards, it still goes in the same direction. It just flips over and is less accurate. The fletching and the head weight accomplish this. I would not recommend trying this unless you want a new bow string.

posted on Jul, 28 2023 @ 03:48 AM
a reply to: kangawoo
That's the; Back to The Future description as a common trope that beyondknowledge2 gave.

A true paradox answers an unanswerable question and shuts down any further questioning of it.

For example the koan: Does a dog have Buddha-nature or not?

Since the question could be: To a dog from a dog, from a man to a dog, from a dog to a man, a man asking another man(assumed reality) a question about a dogs knowing or not knowing? The answer given was: No.

"No" is also the most common conditioning of both man and dog when they are young.

posted on Jul, 28 2023 @ 03:49 AM
a reply to: kangawoo

It might be possible for subtle changes. But in the end, nothing works completely the way the instructions say they do

posted on Jul, 28 2023 @ 04:03 AM

originally posted by: ancientlight
How anyone can think that we are totally alone among trillions of stars and trillions of other galaxies and universes is just beyond me. Ants think they are at the top and all alone , they can't imagine everything that we see and know their minds can't process it.

Bit of a reach there. For both the assumption "they" are out there and re the ants. In the Bigfoot forums they always chirp that "they" are so intelligent, often you read moreso than us. "They" are always way above us, be it aliens, bigfeet, ..... anything.

Its natural to feel there is something greater than us. It goes right back to God. But then, there's that 1st sin that so often gets in the way, camoflauged as it may be.

posted on Jul, 28 2023 @ 04:04 AM
a reply to: beyondknowledge2

In such a manner? Child-proofing is not having any, denying one self is one and if caught being one is only aging like alcohol and also being a bouncer at a door as an occupation.

The conceptual mind has to go through all such ramifications and remain coherent... So how is knowledge really power? When the mind can get paralyzed or appear to lack coherence by something not presented in a context actually present.

The relative mind is bound to fail clinging to concepts while the absolute mind can't due to direct experience that is beyond concepts.

posted on Jul, 28 2023 @ 04:10 AM
a reply to: BiffTannen

Benevolence towards all living beings, joy at the sight of the virtuous, compassion and sympathy for the afflicted, and tolerance towards the insolent and ill-behaved.

That's all you need to focus on and maintain to achieve heaven. Not maintaining them is the fall you call "sin"... However; Those four heavenly gates are infinite meaning if you're not in heaven already? Keep practicing those.

posted on Jul, 28 2023 @ 04:37 AM
Interesting watch on the time travel idea.

posted on Jul, 28 2023 @ 05:49 AM
With the surplus of predictive programming, i am not sonsure aliens are anything we could truly understand.

A movie called "Jules" is coming out soon, which comes off as prepping us to be sympathetic to aliens. Contrast that with Independence Day or even movies like "Significant Other" with so many mixed messages about how we should live with the notion, one wonders what the agenda is.

All I know is that when I see imagery of short little black eyed creatures my blood runs cold. It is a visceral and very primal response for which I have no explanation.

a reply to: CelestialAnomaly

posted on Jul, 28 2023 @ 06:47 AM
a reply to: CelestialAnomaly

It’s not exactly a novel theory, it’s been postulated many times in many ways before. The problem is, all it does is shift one misunderstanding into the same misunderstanding using different words. In order to understand what these entities are and where they come from, you need to “Know thy Self”. They’re IN you, not OUT there

posted on Jul, 28 2023 @ 06:51 AM
a reply to: Crowfoot

Easy to preach, impossible to practice. That’s the church’s whole game

posted on Jul, 28 2023 @ 06:58 AM
a reply to: beyondknowledge2

You travel back in time every time you recall a memory. So yes it’s definitely possible, it’s just a matter of scaling and technological adaptation.

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