Most patriots are at work and can't afford to be fired or thrown in jail on some trumped up charges.
Also, protesting.. does that even work anymore? The powers that be have already demonstrated that they don't give a rats a$$ about what we the people
think... they are going to do their agenda and that's it.
Soo sad, the state of affairs of this, once great, nation. I guess it's always been bought and sold but this is just so "in your face" about it.
No one buys this # but the power people keep the scum in office because they do their bidding.
Also, sorry to all of you Trump loyalists out there, but he is way too "a loose cannnon" to "run" the country.
If he, by come freak chance, does get a re-elect, the powers that be will probably have him killed anyway. Can't upsat the staus quo now can we.
Trump will never get re-elected with these "mail in ballots".
Last election was rigged. There is no way in hell child sniffer won that election fair and square.
Most patriots are at work and can't afford to be fired or thrown in jail on some trumped up charges.
Also, protesting.. does that even work anymore? The powers that be have already demonstrated that they don't give a rats a$$ about what we the people
think... they are going to do their agenda and that's it.
Um, this isn't a spat over gay marriage, this is the POTUS & Co. recieving BRIBES AND COMMITTING TREASON!!
What job are you going to have while this administrations policies SINK the economy??? Their whole agenda is a criminal conspiracy upon the entire
But I guess THAT'S not enough to get people motivated. Nope.
I admire your passion and understand where you're coming from!
Have you asked this question to any common people in your neck of the woods? I have, and usually I cannot find anyone that really cares all that much.
If it doesn't interfere with their junk food consumption and watching the latest netflix episode or catching the new Barbie flick... they could care
Sure some rant and rave about it, and agree with your views, but getting many of them to actually do something about it with REAL end results..
cmon... were pissin in the wind here.
I understand all of that having been around enough to know the deal. What I'm saying is if this isn't ENOUGH, then nothing ever will be. Why be vested
in anything? Smh.
edit on 7/28/2023 by EternalShadow because: correction
Im gonna go out on a limb and say not even inventions, the tech is "cool" but there is nothing great about it. We've pretty much spent the past 50/60
years tweaking inventions that already existed
I can't, or more accurately,- won't, argue with your predisposition for disliking America, but I will reiterate that I'm merely saying the POSSIBILITY
of being great ended 01/2020 because it's been an utter clown convention since and it isn't getting any better but exponentially worse by the day.
Hence, the inability to be great essentially by force.
this sort of action requires torches and pitchforks on the whitehouse lawn
no 2nd line needed
That's not how to take our country back. First, massive protests. If it doesn't work after a few weeks, then you do what President Obama's Attorney
General urged, in January 2017.
Where are the normal Biden defenders? Have they not come up with a lie or diversion good enough yet to post?
Also, the USA will have a civil war if the DNC keeps playing this game. They are playing a very horrible power play and I do believe that once the
people with power and connections realize they cant litigate through these problems, they will start organizing a will to have physical fights.
Already Eric Swallwell (sp?) and McCarthy have nearly gotten in an actual physical fight.
I will give Obama some serious credit. It was he that was setting this up. It is why Biden and all DNC support all of these bizarre things (Obama knew
all of the Biden dirt and made sure that Biden does exactly as he told- as Biden was never really a true leftist up until he served as VP). It is why
all of our military leaders are more concerned about where people put their gonads and how they describe them over actually protecting us. It is why
so many Democrats want to get rid of local police forces (the goal is to rplace local police with federal police). They want to humiliate and confuse
the people that would naturally oppose them. To destroy the will to fight them. To think all hope is lost. Obama may well be the most evil and devious
man to come around since Vlad Lenin.
Remember that he was pushed into importance from nowhere by one of America's premier hippy rich kid marxist. Remember that his mother was in love with
a devout marxist who is probably Obama's actual father. Obama was born and groomed to destroy this nation which has ALWAYS been the main goal of all
marxist thinking people.
It is quite amazing that no one wants to see that this is all planned. The chaos they cause will happen and when it does they will show their hand and
claim that only they can lead the citizens out of the horrors and sadly many will believe them. And when these things happen there will be a fight. I
currently believe that the so called right would win, but give it a decade they will have brainwashed our youth so well, that it may be hopeless
because all the young and frustrated men that can fight will believe their marxist nonsense. Time is running out.
Video below is not directly related to what I am saying, but has many ideas that are interesting to consider.
A video that describes the hearing in excellent detail. Its amazing what the DOJ and Hunters legal team tried to get away with. Please watch this
video if you want to know everything that happened in regard to this.