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HUGE - The U.S. Dept of Justice CONSPIRED WITH Hunter Biden to Keep Hunter Out of Prison.!

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posted on Jul, 27 2023 @ 07:11 PM
Thursday, July 27, 2023

Before the plea-agreement between Hunter Biden and the DOJfell about in a courtroom yesterday, it was "speculated" by conservative legal experts that President Joe Biden's Department of Justice (A.G. Merrick Garland) was protecting Joe's son Hunter, by just giving him a "slap on the wrist" for violating a Gun/Weapon law, and for not paying $1.5 million in Federal Income Taxes to the U.S. Treasury.

Once the plea-agreement fell apart in the courtroom, Judge Maryellen Noreika ordered the plea-agreement and other court-filed documents be made public. The "speculation" of COLLUSION was confirmed...and more:

It is now CONFIRMED that the Joe Biden's DOJ and Hunter Biden's lawyers CONSPIRED to PROTECT HUNTER BIDEN, by not levying the serious charges his crimes warrant.

The core issue centers around what appears to be clear coordination between the USAO, likely with the approvals of Main Justice (Monaco, Garland) and the Biden defense team, to structure the wording and placement of legal mechanisms inside the plea agreement to not only excuse the current criminal infractions, but also protect Hunter Biden from future criminal liability.

While the gun crime and the tax violations are the face of the legal immunity (the admission of guilt and plea), avoiding criminal liability for the underlying activity that created the income is the issue that appears to be structured by the plea as an ancillary, albeit purposeful, protection.
Just released documents and courtroom Transcript from yesterday:

Good Grief!... No wonder the DOJ and Hunter's Attorneys kept all the documents hidden from the public. The agreement was designed to keep Hunter off the hook for any additional IRS/Tax crimes, AND to also prevent him from being indicted for the ACTIVITIES that generated many millions of dollars for the "Biden Crime Family"!

This is the same Department of Justice who A.G. Merrick Garland assigned to find out why Joe Biden stole highly classified documents for years, and what he did with them. Joseph Robinette Biden will be CLEARED, as soon as Special Counsel Robert Hur can think up a lie that is legally sound.

This is the same Department of Justice the Three Evil Stooges (Biden-Garland-Smith) are using as a weapon, to try and keep Donald Trump from beating Joe Biden in the November 2024 Presidential election.


edit on 7/27/2023 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2023 @ 07:14 PM
We live in a very sick society these days.

posted on Jul, 27 2023 @ 07:25 PM

originally posted by: musicismagic

We live in a very sick society these days.

Hopefully, we will be a part of "fixing" it for our children/grandchildren/great grandchildren, etc..

posted on Jul, 27 2023 @ 07:26 PM
Annd, nothing will happen
Well, at least they will get Trump

posted on Jul, 27 2023 @ 07:30 PM

the Biden defense team, to structure the wording and placement of legal mechanisms inside the plea agreement to not only excuse the current criminal infractions, but also protect Hunter Biden from future criminal liability.

Key part Protect from Future Criminal Liability ..... Now that is Clever.

Charge him for the Crime that he is so obviously guilty but only charge him for part of it and in doing so It wipes the slate clean of Dirty money and correct me if I'm wrong' Double jeopardy' comes into play meaning they cant Charge him later for the same dirty money if more is found.

and of course keep Joe out of it .

posted on Jul, 27 2023 @ 07:41 PM
a reply to: carewemust

Well, color me surprised.

(Not really.)

Only a complete moron could have assumed otherwise, obviously. And there are plenty of them walking around, voting, reproducing. Scary, that...

posted on Jul, 27 2023 @ 08:36 PM
As I have said many times in the last few months, there is no justice at the Biden DOJ. What would put a Republic in prison for life would get a Democrat a slap on the wrist.

It’s time for another tea party, get it?

posted on Jul, 27 2023 @ 08:48 PM
all the immunities mean hunter really is involved in all the illegal activities he is accused of

somebody make a big mistake lol

posted on Jul, 27 2023 @ 09:08 PM

originally posted by: WingDingLuey
all the immunities mean hunter really is involved in all the illegal activities he is accused of

somebody make a big mistake lol


No need to sign an NDA if you know nothing to begin with .
edit on 27-7-2023 by asabuvsobelow because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2023 @ 10:00 PM
STRESS is taking its toll on "The Big Guy". Tonight's speech was one of his worst (in multiple ways), according to Biden observers.


posted on Jul, 27 2023 @ 10:29 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
STRESS is taking its toll on "The Big Guy". Tonight's speech was one of his worst (in multiple ways), according to Biden observers.


makes people think about what he really thinks about "civil rights"

sick nut

posted on Jul, 27 2023 @ 10:52 PM
I am sure we will have the normal crowd come by at some point to tell us how its all a qanon conspiracy.

the only surprise is they put so much down on paper and didnt "accidentally" destroy it.

posted on Jul, 28 2023 @ 12:17 AM

originally posted by: Raggedyman
Annd, nothing will happen
Well, at least they will get Trump

Yah I heard there was a bill introduced recently about having two scoops of ice cream AND ketchup on steaks. Guarantee it passes.

posted on Jul, 28 2023 @ 01:21 AM

originally posted by: Irishhaf
I am sure we will have the normal crowd come by at some point to tell us how its all a qanon conspiracy.

the only surprise is they put so much down on paper and didnt "accidentally" destroy it.

They dont have to anymore, they own the agencies, who own the media, who own their sheep.

posted on Jul, 28 2023 @ 06:29 AM
a reply to: carewemust

Priorities of a "transparent" demoncrat regime...

posted on Jul, 28 2023 @ 07:34 AM
a reply to: carewemust

Has Joe Biden used his "double secret probation" card and already declared "martial Law" in the USA?

[1] Has he played the January 6, 2020 card as the Rebellion?
[2] His entire administration uses the rule of law selectively. Specifically against parents, religion and republicans so in so has he made all existing laws null and void?
[3] "but such a formal proclamation is not necessary" So has he actually declared Martial Law but just doesn't say it in public?

Think about it. What a great way to topple the USA and do a 4th Reich makeover. Create a false flag like January 6th.

Ray Epps 60 Minutes Interview


Martial law involves the temporary substitution of military authority for civilian rule and is usually invoked in time of war, rebellion, or natural disaster.

When martial law is in effect, the military commander of an area or country has unlimited authority to make and enforce laws. Martial law is justified when civilian authority has ceased to function, is completely absent, or has become ineffective. Further, martial law suspends all existing laws, as well as civil authority and the ordinary administration of justice. In the United States, martial law may be declared by proclamation of the President or a State governor, but such a formal proclamation is not necessary. Although the U.S. Constitution makes no specific provision for the imposition of martial law, nearly every State has a constitutional provision authorizing the government to impose martial law. The power of martial law, once held to be nearly absolute, has limitations; for example, civilians may not be tried by military tribunals as long as civilian courts are functional. Nonetheless, within the bounds of court decisions, a military commander's authority under martial law is virtually unlimited. Martial law has been declared nine times since World War II and, in five instances, was designed to counter resistance to Federal desegregation decrees in the South. Although a climate of mutual aid has always existed between the military and civilian law enforcement and should continue to exist, Department of Defense personnel are limited in what they can do to enforce civil law. Military personnel cannot be used in surveillance or undercover operations, and they may not be used as informants, investigators, or interrogators unless the investigation is a joint military-civilian operation in which the military has an interest in the case's outcome.

edit on 04 13 2023 by Waterglass because: typos

edit on 04 13 2023 by Waterglass because: add

edit on 04 13 2023 by Waterglass because: add

posted on Jul, 28 2023 @ 08:33 AM
What people are missing is that this is just the tip of the iceberg. More than the Bidens are involved here. Get some pressure on Hunter and let's see who he will throw to the wolves to save his own sorry a$$. When I was a kid, there was a movie that we were shown in Science Class about atomic reactions. In one scene they had hundreds of mousetraps in a room. Each mousetrap had a ball sitting on the part that snaps. When they threw one ball into the room it started a chain reaction throwing balls everywhere.
That's what's going to happen here. Hunter's going to throw a couple people under the buss and then they are going to do the same thing and so on and so on.

posted on Jul, 28 2023 @ 01:05 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
STRESS is taking its toll on "The Big Guy". Tonight's speech was one of his worst (in multiple ways), according to Biden observers.


Oh my gosh he is a complete loon.

Doesn't look like he is going to make it to 2024 LOL.

posted on Jul, 28 2023 @ 01:05 PM
Surprise surprise bidens are like the clintons im just waiting for the disappearances.

posted on Jul, 28 2023 @ 01:09 PM
a reply to: carewemust

Why are THOUSANDS of patriots and conservatives NOT marching on the capital?

Everyone can show up when ONE man decides to run his mouth, saying everything you want to hear, but this entire administration and it's cohorts are COMMITTING REAL HIGH CRIMES AND MISDEMEANORS and no one is even at least protesting???

“The President, Vice President and all Civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.”
— U.S. Constitution, Article II, section 4

Hunter Biden ADMITTED to accepting money with ties to the governments of China and Ukraine and dispersing said funds to his family members!!!

What the hell is the disconnect preventing people from fkn showing interest in their country being sold out from top to bottom???

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