posted on Jul, 17 2023 @ 03:40 AM
a reply to:
I agree with everything you wrote.
Unfortunately, I have a strong belief that this is all by design, with "social media" being the catalyst. I'm "Gen X" so I grew up without the
internet. Back then you had Prodigy and Compuserve, along with BBS's. And they were all about sharing information. AOL came along and then MySpace. I
don't recall any level of divide among people. I would even argue that it didn't exist on Facebook in the beginning.
The true downfall I believe started with Twitter, YouTube and Twitch. I could go on and on about "why" but it would take too long. So I'll try and
break it down.
Social media has created the anonymous keyboard warrior. These are people who will go after people without a care in the world.
It has also created the "influencers", though in my day we called them attention seekers. The ability to monetize content has deceived a lot of
people. And we now have a generation of kids who no longer seek to become doctors, lawyers or teachers. Instead they want to become "internet famous".
Just look at the toll it has taken on women. Every girl these days wants to have an OnlyFans page, or a Twitch stream. Twitch used to be video game
broadcasts until the e-thots came around. And they've moved to TikTok as well.
You want to see the toll it has taken? Just Google "TikTok NPCs". But don't blame me when you put your fist thru your screen.
I know I'm rambling and I'm sorry. It's only 430am here. I think the BEST thing that could happen to society would be the complete shutdown of social
media or the internet as a whole. I know it will never happen. But maybe it should.