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Twitter's rival Threads goes full on censorship

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posted on Jul, 16 2023 @ 03:36 AM

originally posted by: MrInquisitive
a reply to: AlienBorg

@AB, the censorship by Twitter isn't just about that old chestnut of yours, wokeness, but political content censordhip in other countries as well. And such censorship is up since Musk took over, as I pointed out above.

Honestly, the issue of transgender semantics is a much grayer issue to me than other forms of hate speech, i.e. racism, ethnic/religious bigotry, and misogyny and misandry. However the level of hate being spewed out against trans people is resulting in violence to them, their defenders, and even cis-gendered people whom transphobes misidentify as transexuals; for this reason alone I support the moderation of this form of hateful speech. The lives of people are more important than a person or group's right to express an opinion about people they don't like or whose lifestyle they disagree with.

Hate, trabsphobia, bigotry, and so many other buzz words are just made up terms used by gender ideologues or activists to shut down debate or censor and silence others online when they have no arguments.

On twitter there is no more a policy about 'misgendering' or 'deadnaming' or stating facts like there are only two sexes. Twitter made a choice to be a normal platform for once more after the takeover by Elon Musk.

I understand you support the censoring of views under 'hate speech' but that's you. Twitter and millions of people don't see it this way and don't agree with you.

posted on Jul, 16 2023 @ 03:36 AM
a reply to: AlienBorg

Why should they?

They're wealthy beyond most peoples dreams of avarice.

I may be one of very few people who has never posted on either platform...I have a twitter account but I'm hanged if I remember my handle, much less my password...

posted on Jul, 16 2023 @ 03:39 AM

originally posted by: seagull
a reply to: AlienBorg

Why should they?

They're wealthy beyond most peoples dreams of avarice.

I may be one of very few people who has never posted on either platform...I have a twitter account but I'm hanged if I remember my handle, much less my password...

I don't have a twitter account and I am not thinking of going creating account on Threads as it's s woke platform. But there is no comparison between these two. O.n twitter as long as you're civil you can state pretty much what you want.

posted on Jul, 16 2023 @ 03:40 AM

originally posted by: MrInquisitive

originally posted by: AlienBorg
a reply to: MrInquisitive

Btw you article says about gender identity and gender ideology and describes the latter as controversial...


Gender ideology is a precise term.

Gender identity is meaningless. You can't choose your gender. You can't change your gender. You can't transition between genders. People who claim these things can happen are ideologically driven and so the term gender ideology.

Actually, absolutely not. Gender identity does have a specific meaning, as in the gender a person identifies with. Whereas a simple google search will show you that each side of the culture divide on this issue considers the term be negative, representing the notion of gender by the opposing side. Just think about the two phrases. Which one is more specific? Clearly gender identity, its' clearly self explanatory. Gender ideology not so much. Which gender ideology? The one which thinks there are only biological males and females, or the one that thinks people might identify more with the gender they were not biologically born with, and that they may live a healthier life if they medically switch/transmute their genders.

Do you notice that I am not defending one form of gender ideology in the above paragraph, but only pointing out that the term is semantically ambiguous, whereas gender identity is a clear-cut concept, your preconceived biases notwithstanding.

Not at all.

Gender identity is a made up term. You cannot choose your gender, change your gender or transition between genders. It's just impossible. On the other hand gender ideology is a precise term describing the set of ideas/beliefs around this term gender identity.

Stating there are only two biological sexes is a fact and not part of any ideology.

Claiming people can change their gender or they're born in the wrong body has no scientific basis. It's just pseudo-science. That's part of the gender ideology alongside with many other claims and beliefs.

Fortunately you can call out all these false claims on twitter and criticise gender ideology without the risk of being banned for stating facts or pointing to the obvious.

I am afraid it is your preconceived biased that are not withstanding together with the gender ideology you seem to support.

posted on Jul, 16 2023 @ 03:40 AM
a reply to: Mahogany


I've no use for either their platforms, or them, for that matter.

posted on Jul, 16 2023 @ 03:44 AM

originally posted by: Mahogany

You're all giving your free data away to one of two monsters, who will use it train their own AI systems on your free data, so that they can manipulate you even better in the near future. But go ahead, choose the razor you believe to be shinier.

Very well stated sir. Normally I don't agree with you personally, but in this case you speak facts.

posted on Jul, 16 2023 @ 04:52 AM

originally posted by: AlienBorg

originally posted by: MrInquisitive
a reply to: AlienBorg

@AB, the censorship by Twitter isn't just about that old chestnut of yours, wokeness, but political content censordhip in other countries as well. And such censorship is up since Musk took over, as I pointed out above.

Honestly, the issue of transgender semantics is a much grayer issue to me than other forms of hate speech, i.e. racism, ethnic/religious bigotry, and misogyny and misandry. However the level of hate being spewed out against trans people is resulting in violence to them, their defenders, and even cis-gendered people whom transphobes misidentify as transexuals; for this reason alone I support the moderation of this form of hateful speech. The lives of people are more important than a person or group's right to express an opinion about people they don't like or whose lifestyle they disagree with.

Hate, trabsphobia, bigotry, and so many other buzz words are just made up terms used by gender ideologues or activists to shut down debate or censor and silence others online when they have no arguments.

On twitter there is no more a policy about 'misgendering' or 'deadnaming' or stating facts like there are only two sexes. Twitter made a choice to be a normal platform for once more after the takeover by Elon Musk.

I understand you support the censoring of views under 'hate speech' but that's you. Twitter and millions of people don't see it this way and don't agree with you.

@AB, talk about the pot calling the kettle black. You're the one who has to use the term "woke" or "wokeness" in just about every attempt to refute the ideas of people you disagree with. Transphobia and bigotry are buzz words? Puh-lease! People killing people on account of thinking the person is transexual, even if the person is not, and avowing that they would do it over again is most certainly transphobia. And I have no idea how you could claim that bigotry is just a buzz word made up by gender ideologues. How can you have your head that far up your heinie? Bigotry applies to a lot of other forms of hate. You really seem to have a hang up about gender issues, to the point that it twist every argument into being solely about that.

posted on Jul, 16 2023 @ 05:23 AM

originally posted by: MrInquisitive

originally posted by: AlienBorg

originally posted by: MrInquisitive
a reply to: AlienBorg

@AB, the censorship by Twitter isn't just about that old chestnut of yours, wokeness, but political content censordhip in other countries as well. And such censorship is up since Musk took over, as I pointed out above.

Honestly, the issue of transgender semantics is a much grayer issue to me than other forms of hate speech, i.e. racism, ethnic/religious bigotry, and misogyny and misandry. However the level of hate being spewed out against trans people is resulting in violence to them, their defenders, and even cis-gendered people whom transphobes misidentify as transexuals; for this reason alone I support the moderation of this form of hateful speech. The lives of people are more important than a person or group's right to express an opinion about people they don't like or whose lifestyle they disagree with.

Hate, trabsphobia, bigotry, and so many other buzz words are just made up terms used by gender ideologues or activists to shut down debate or censor and silence others online when they have no arguments.

On twitter there is no more a policy about 'misgendering' or 'deadnaming' or stating facts like there are only two sexes. Twitter made a choice to be a normal platform for once more after the takeover by Elon Musk.

I understand you support the censoring of views under 'hate speech' but that's you. Twitter and millions of people don't see it this way and don't agree with you.

@AB, talk about the pot calling the kettle black. You're the one who has to use the term "woke" or "wokeness" in just about every attempt to refute the ideas of people you disagree with. Transphobia and bigotry are buzz words? Puh-lease! People killing people on account of thinking the person is transexual, even if the person is not, and avowing that they would do it over again is most certainly transphobia. And I have no idea how you could claim that bigotry is just a buzz word made up by gender ideologues. How can you have your head that far up your heinie? Bigotry applies to a lot of other forms of hate. You really seem to have a hang up about gender issues, to the point that it twist every argument into being solely about that.

Yes they are buzz words.
Actually they're made up words that you couldn't find a few years ago. It depends on how old you are and if you can remember and go back 10-15 years back in time or even longer.

Twitter made a nice move to not allow gender ideology to go unchallenged on the platform. But it wasn't the only move. It allowed back many scientists-academics and physicians who were banned for calling out the wrongdoings in the pandemic. It's now allowing normal political debate and all views can be heard not just the woke nonsense.

I know it bothers you but we all know why it bothers you.

posted on Jul, 16 2023 @ 05:32 AM

originally posted by: AlienBorg

originally posted by: MrInquisitive

originally posted by: AlienBorg
a reply to: MrInquisitive

Btw you article says about gender identity and gender ideology and describes the latter as controversial...


Gender ideology is a precise term.

Gender identity is meaningless. You can't choose your gender. You can't change your gender. You can't transition between genders. People who claim these things can happen are ideologically driven and so the term gender ideology.

Actually, absolutely not. Gender identity does have a specific meaning, as in the gender a person identifies with. Whereas a simple google search will show you that each side of the culture divide on this issue considers the term be negative, representing the notion of gender by the opposing side. Just think about the two phrases. Which one is more specific? Clearly gender identity, its' clearly self explanatory. Gender ideology not so much. Which gender ideology? The one which thinks there are only biological males and females, or the one that thinks people might identify more with the gender they were not biologically born with, and that they may live a healthier life if they medically switch/transmute their genders.

Do you notice that I am not defending one form of gender ideology in the above paragraph, but only pointing out that the term is semantically ambiguous, whereas gender identity is a clear-cut concept, your preconceived biases notwithstanding.

Not at all.

Gender identity is a made up term. You cannot choose your gender, change your gender or transition between genders. It's just impossible. On the other hand gender ideology is a precise term describing the set of ideas/beliefs around this term gender identity.

Stating there are only two biological sexes is a fact and not part of any ideology.

Claiming people can change their gender or they're born in the wrong body has no scientific basis. It's just pseudo-science. That's part of the gender ideology alongside with many other claims and beliefs.

Fortunately you can call out all these false claims on twitter and criticise gender ideology without the risk of being banned for stating facts or pointing to the obvious.

I am afraid it is your preconceived biased that are not withstanding together with the gender ideology you seem to support.

You are so completely wrong here. Gender and sex are not the same thing. I agree, sex is a biological term, and the vast majority of humans and other mammals are born male or female. Gender, on the other hand, means :

the male sex or the female sex, especially when considered with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones, or one of a range of other identities that do not correspond to established ideas of male and female.


the behavioral, cultural, or emotional traits typically associated with one sex.

As I would hope you know, the English language has a lot of words, and it does so, in part to differentiate meanings. To this end, I would also hope that you could see that gender and (biological) sex do not have the exact same meaning, as per the dictionary definitions I provided above. If you can't see or acknowledge this, you most definitely have a hang-up on the matter. Ever study any foreign languages, particularly inflected languages such as German or Latin? The latter two languages have three genders in their grammar: masculine, feminine and neuter. Spanish has masculine and feminine nouns. Now the term masculine describes something that is mannish, not just a man per se, and feminine is its female counterpart.

So we have the word/term gender which deals with cultural constructs tied to each biological sex. As the definitions above state, these constructs can change with time. It used to be a cultural/societal gender construct that men were doctors and woman were nurses, and the twain never met. Not so much anymore.

The same applies to sexuality. Take for instance lesbian culture. Not trying in anyway be a spokesperson for the culture, but two of the archetypes of lesbians are femmes and butch. Are you going to disagree with me and claim that butch lesbians don't tend to dress more like men and exhibit more male-like behavior? I'd argue that they tend to have a masculine gender. Now whether such persons would want to take the next step and change their gender more radically through medical procedures is a whole other matter, which I would not hazard to opine on in any way.

In a society where this is an option, the terms gender and (biological) sex most certainly need to be differentiated for descriptive reasons at the very least. Hence the following definition of gender:

Gender refers to the characteristics of women, men, girls and boys that are socially constructed. This includes norms, behaviors and roles associated with being a woman, man, girl or boy, as well as relationships with each other. As a social construct, gender varies from society to society and can change over time.

Gender and health

And clearly you didn't bother to actually read and think about what I wrote regarding which terms mean something vis-à-vis gender identity and gender ideology, and you most certainly didn't google "gender ideology". Gender ideology means the opposite to the two sides of the cultural divide, as I already stated. Show me some evidence otherwise, rather than uttering your "woke this, wokeness that" mantra, if you are actually trying to make a point regarding the matter. Show me evidence contradicting what I stated on the matter.

Now the study of gender ideologies -- plural -- is a whole other matter. It is indeed a thing. Because what is an ideology? It is a belief in something. So a gender ideology is a belief in some system of genders. That belief can be that there are only male and female genders like there are only two biological sexes, or it can be that gender is a social construct that is a more transmutable notion that isn't limited by biology. Or are you seriously going to claim there is only one gender ideology, and if so, which one is it?
edit on 16-7-2023 by MrInquisitive because: fixed a couple of typos

posted on Jul, 16 2023 @ 05:44 AM

originally posted by: MrInquisitive

originally posted by: AlienBorg

originally posted by: MrInquisitive

originally posted by: AlienBorg
a reply to: MrInquisitive

Btw you article says about gender identity and gender ideology and describes the latter as controversial...


Gender ideology is a precise term.

Gender identity is meaningless. You can't choose your gender. You can't change your gender. You can't transition between genders. People who claim these things can happen are ideologically driven and so the term gender ideology.

Actually, absolutely not. Gender identity does have a specific meaning, as in the gender a person identifies with. Whereas a simple google search will show you that each side of the culture divide on this issue considers the term be negative, representing the notion of gender by the opposing side. Just think about the two phrases. Which one is more specific? Clearly gender identity, its' clearly self explanatory. Gender ideology not so much. Which gender ideology? The one which thinks there are only biological males and females, or the one that thinks people might identify more with the gender they were not biologically born with, and that they may live a healthier life if they medically switch/transmute their genders.

Do you notice that I am not defending one form of gender ideology in the above paragraph, but only pointing out that the term is semantically ambiguous, whereas gender identity is a clear-cut concept, your preconceived biases notwithstanding.

Not at all.

Gender identity is a made up term. You cannot choose your gender, change your gender or transition between genders. It's just impossible. On the other hand gender ideology is a precise term describing the set of ideas/beliefs around this term gender identity.

Stating there are only two biological sexes is a fact and not part of any ideology.

Claiming people can change their gender or they're born in the wrong body has no scientific basis. It's just pseudo-science. That's part of the gender ideology alongside with many other claims and beliefs.

Fortunately you can call out all these false claims on twitter and criticise gender ideology without the risk of being banned for stating facts or pointing to the obvious.

I am afraid it is your preconceived biased that are not withstanding together with the gender ideology you seem to support.

You are so completely wrong here. Gender and sex are not the same thing. I agree, sex is a biological term, and the vast majority of humans and other mammals are born male or female. Gender, on the other hand, means :

the male sex or the female sex, especially when considered with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones, or one of a range of other identities that do not correspond to established ideas of male and female.


the behavioral, cultural, or emotional traits typically associated with one sex.

As I would hope you know, the English language has a lot of words, and it does so, in part to differentiate meanings. To this end, I would also hope that you could see that gender and (biological) sex do not have the exact same meaning, as per the dictionary definitions I provided above. If you can't see or acknowledge this, you most definitely have a hang-up on the matter. Ever study any foreign languages, particularly inflected languages such as German or Latin? The latter two languages have three genders in their grammar: masculine, feminine and neuter. Spanish has masculine and feminine nouns. Now the term masculine describes something that is mannish, not just a man per se, and feminine is its female counterpart.

So we have the word/term gender which deals with cultural constructs tied to each biological sex. As the definitions above state, these constructs can change with time. It uses to be a cultural/societal gender construct that men were doctors and woman were nurse and the twain never met. Not so much anymore.

The same applies to sexuality. Take for instance lesbian culture. Not try to in anyway be a spokesperson for the culture, but two of the archetypes of lesbians are femmes and butch (don't know the noun form for the latter). Are you going to disagree with me and claim that butch lesbians don't tend to dress more like men and have more male-like behavior? I'd argue that they tend to have a masculine gender. Now whether such persons would want to take the next step and change their gender more radically through medical procedures is a whole other matter, and I would not hazard to opine on it in any way.

In a society where this is an option, the terms gender and (biological) sex most certainly need to be differentiated for descriptive reasons at the very least. Hence the following:

Gender refers to the characteristics of women, men, girls and boys that are socially constructed. This includes norms, behaviors and roles associated with being a woman, man, girl or boy, as well as relationships with each other. As a social construct, gender varies from society to society and can change over time.

Gender and health

And clearly you didn't bother to actually read and think about what I wrote regarding which terms mean something vis-à-vis gender identity and gender ideology, and you most certainly didn't google "gender ideology". Gender ideology means the opposite to the two sides of the cultural divide, as I already stated. Show me some evidence otherwise, rather than uttering your "woke this, wokeness that" mantra, if you are actually trying to make a point regarding the matter. Show me evidence contradicting what I stated on the matter.

Now the study of gender ideologies -- plural -- is a whole other matter. It is indeed a thing. Because what is an ideology? It is a belief in something. So a gender ideology is a belief in some system of genders. That belief can be that there are only male and female genders like there are only two biological sexes, or it can be that gender is a social construct and a more transmutable notion that isn't limited by biology. Or are you seriously going to claim there is only one gender ideology, and if so, what precisely is it?

Gender and sex are the same.
Some ideologues don't want them to be the same for reasons we all know. If you have been indoctrinated when you were young then it's likely you think they're different.

The rest of your reply it's attempting to explain why gender and sex are different but simply that's not true. This is gender ideology. In this instance a belief in gender identities and whatever else if pushed as part of the ideology.

It's good twitter has become normal again so you can discuss about gender ideology or let's say sex ideology and the baseless claims made on its behalf.

No need to write whole essays because you don't change the substance of your claims but mostly waste time.

I will say again, many changes have happened when Elon took over. It's reasonable the woke crowd doesn't feel right with it as there is no more safe space when antiscientific claims can go unchallenged.

Btw I don't have a twitter account.

edit on 16-7-2023 by AlienBorg because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2023 @ 06:24 AM
a reply to: AlienBorg

@AB, you're simply arguing your POV and providing no evidence to back it up. Not impressed.

And you didn't answer my question as to what gender ideology even means. How could I have made my question and points regarding it any clearer? You're implying in the last post of yours that there is only one gender ideology, and that is the one you espouse. Am I correct there at least?

The fact that you can't admit or acknowledge that there is a difference between the words sex and gender shows how much you are hung up on your dogmatic ideology. What don't you get about gender being defined as "the behavioral, cultural, or emotional traits typically associated with one sex (or the other)"?

Also am curious regarding dolls. Do you think most play dolls have a sex or just a gender? I would argue that most dolls have a gender, and only anatomically correct dolls have a sex. Are you going to argue that there is no distinction in terminology here either?

Gender and sex are not the same, and people who refuse to see or acknowledge this have a hangup. The fact that you think gender ideology means a specific thing, rather than there being at least two gender ideologies shows your refusal to even look at literature from both sides of the cultural divide. Thou doth protest too much, methinks.

Gender and sex are the same you claim. Ok, provide some evidence to support your view. I have yet to see you provide anything besides your own opinion on these matters. Needless to say that is very telling.

And I write long-winded replies to you because I am trying to make the matter clear for you, as well as reminding you of questions I have put to you previously, which you have refused to address directly. Whereas you, on the other hand, are essentially writing "nuh, uh" and "Twitter is better now because it conforms to my point of view". Never mind that Twitter has become a dumpster fire and will only self immolate more as time goes by.

posted on Jul, 16 2023 @ 06:30 AM

originally posted by: MrInquisitive
a reply to: AlienBorg

@AB, you're simply arguing your POV and providing no evidence to back it up. Not impressed.

And you didn't answer my question as to what gender ideology even means. How could I have made my question and points regarding it any clearer? You're implying in the last post of yours that there is only one gender ideology, and that is the one you espouse. Am I correct there at least?

The fact that you can't admit or acknowledge that there is a difference between the words sex and gender shows how much you are hung up on your dogmatic ideology. What don't you get about gender being defined as "the behavioral, cultural, or emotional traits typically associated with one sex (or the other)"?

Also am curious regarding dolls. Do you think most play dolls have a sex or just a gender? I would argue that most dolls have a gender, and only anatomically correct dolls have a sex. Are you going to argue that there is no distinction in terminology here either?

Gender and sex are not the same, and people who refuse to see or acknowledge this have a hangup. The fact that you think gender ideology means a specific thing, rather than there being at least two gender ideologies shows your refusal to even look at literature from both sides of the cultural divide. Thou doth protest too much, methinks.

Gender and sex are the same you claim. Ok, provide some evidence to support your view. I have yet to see you provide anything besides your own opinion on these matters. Needless to say that is very telling.

And I write long-winded replies to you because I am trying to make the matter clear for you, as well as reminding you of questions I have put to you previously, which you have refused to address directly. Whereas you, on the other hand, are essentially writing "nuh, uh" and "Twitter is better now because it conforms to my point of view". Never mind that Twitter has become a dumpster fire and will only self immolate more as time goes by.

You don't pay attention.
Gender ideology is a set of views and ideas around gender identity. But gender identity is a made up term. It didn't exist 10-15 years ago.

You can't choose your gender. You can't change your gender. You can't transition between genders.

Those who claim otherwise promote antiscientific online misinformation.

There are only two genders. Fact

Twitter made sure you can state facts without getting punished.

I am referring you back to my last reply.

Gender and sex are the same.
Some ideologues don't want them to be the same for reasons we all know. If you have been indoctrinated when you were young then it's likely you think they're different

You don't provide evidence when you stating facts btw.

The burden of proof is on the shoulder of the people who claim there are more than two genders, gender change is possible, or you could transition between genders.

Threads uses the old twitter approach censoring facts and allow gender ideology.
edit on 16-7-2023 by AlienBorg because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2023 @ 06:37 AM
a reply to: MrInquisitive

Btw this is a thread about Threads and the kind of censorship employed to censor people who state facts and express political ideas not approved by the admin. Let's not go off topic, mods don't like it.

posted on Jul, 16 2023 @ 08:42 AM

originally posted by: AlienBorg
a reply to: MrInquisitive

Btw this is a thread about Threads and the kind of censorship employed to censor people who state facts and express political ideas not approved by the admin. Let's not go off topic, mods don't like it.

You're the person who keeps bringing up here and in your thread on Twitter weirdness that Twitter is so much better than Threads or any other similar platform because it allows discussion of gender ideology and other such bigoted good stuff. Never mind I pointed out that there are two notions of what gender ideology is about, and you have avoided addressing this, and you have clearly shown that you have stuck your head in the sand as far as the difference between sex and gender goes. You're literally refusing to acknowledge the dictionary definition of one of these terms. How much more in denial can you be?

But hey, back to the topic of the thread. So Threads does some censoring of hate speech and misinformation and disinformation. Ok, we've established that. No argument on my part. Whether that is a good thing or not is obviously a pointless discussion with one who is as dogmatic as you. But how about addressing the matter of increased political censorship by Twitter in foreign countries, which I brought up in this post?:

my prior post

For that matter, how about addressing the concern of LGBTQ activists, which I also addressed and linked to in the above linked post? There is an article about real people seeing a different and worse handling of LGBTQ concerns by Twitter. Maybe you're all in favor of such changes in policy by Twitter, but a significant portion of its user base isn't.

Yet your claim, in the title of this post is that Threads is going full censorship, but you refuse to acknowledge the current Twitter's own changes in censorship policy. Of course you have shown yourself to be such a dogmatic ideologue on the matter of gender ideology that you refuse to see or acknowledge any censorship of this topic or completely unrelated political censorship by your social media platform sacred cow.

I brought up twice here and at least once in the other related Twitter thread that you have refused to engage on the matter of political censorship by Twitter in other countries. Why is this? The only reason I can come up with is because it doesn't comport with your idealized view of Twitter as being without censorship whatsoever.

posted on Jul, 16 2023 @ 08:51 AM

originally posted by: MrInquisitive

originally posted by: AlienBorg
a reply to: MrInquisitive

Btw this is a thread about Threads and the kind of censorship employed to censor people who state facts and express political ideas not approved by the admin. Let's not go off topic, mods don't like it.

You're the person who keeps bringing up here and in your thread on Twitter weirdness that Twitter is so much better than Threads or any other similar platform because it allows discussion of gender ideology and other such bigoted good stuff. Never mind I pointed out that there are two notions of what gender ideology is about, and you have avoided addressing this, and you have clearly shown that you have stuck your head in the sand as far as the difference between sex and gender goes. You're literally refusing to acknowledge the dictionary definition of one of these terms. How much more in denial can you be?

But hey, back to the topic of the thread. So Threads does some censoring of hate speech and misinformation and disinformation. Ok, we've established that. No argument on my part. Whether that is a good thing or not is obviously a pointless discussion with one who is as dogmatic as you. But how about addressing the matter of increased political censorship by Twitter in foreign countries, which I brought up in this post?:

my prior post

For that matter, how about addressing the concern of LGBTQ activists, which I also addressed and linked to in the above linked post? There is an article about real people seeing a different and worse handling of LGBTQ concerns by Twitter. Maybe you're all in favor of such changes in policy by Twitter, but a significant portion of its user base isn't.

Yet your claim, in the title of this post is that Threads is going full censorship, but you refuse to acknowledge the current Twitter's own changes in censorship policy. Of course you have shown yourself to be such a dogmatic ideologue on the matter of gender ideology that you refuse to see or acknowledge any censorship of this topic or completely unrelated political censorship by your social media platform sacred cow.

I brought up twice here and at least once in the other related Twitter thread that you have refused to engage on the matter of political censorship by Twitter in other countries. Why is this? The only reason I can come up with is because it doesn't comport with your idealized view of Twitter as being without censorship whatsoever.

Threads is censoring facts and views which they call misinformation or disinformation or hate speech. We have established they ate censoring free speech and facts.

Referring you back to my last reply

You don't pay attention.
Gender ideology is a set of views and ideas around gender identity. But gender identity is a made up term. It didn't exist 10-15 years ago.

You can't choose your gender. You can't change your gender. You can't transition between genders.

Those who claim otherwise promote antiscientific online misinformation.

There are only two genders. Fact

Twitter made sure you can state facts without getting punished.

The LGBTQ activists make all sort of false and flawed claims and they can't be take seriously. What they think reality and science are clearly is far away from truth. It's mainly the trans activists who make the most flawed claims.

Dogmatic ideology and trans activism it's one and the same thing.

posted on Jul, 16 2023 @ 08:57 AM
a reply to: MrInquisitive

Gender ideology is something that can be criticised on twitter openly. On Threads things are different. But remember when you' re claiming there are more than two genders, gender is fluid, you can transition, then you're engaging in an ideology which has no scientific basis.

Out of curiosity

How many genders there are?
Can you change your gender? How can you define a woman?

From my OP

Outrage has spread on rival platform Twitter since the platform's inception earlier this week after claims it deleted content questioning gender ideologies and users were being actively discouraged from following Donald Trump Jr

Do you think content should be deleted and people are censored because they don't accept the million gender pseudo-science.

edit on 16-7-2023 by AlienBorg because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2023 @ 10:24 AM
a reply to: AlienBorg

the main protagonist counties in the west are trapped in the blighted 52/48 ratio, it is an unwinnable/paralysing ratio.. thus twitter treads become repositories of the ratio..

one is the high church that exists on virtue the other is the low church that exists in reality..

threads will be seen as one of the many mistakes the virtuous make instead of weakening its enemy it find ever new ways to strengthen resolve and peak ore..

the establishments issues then becomes the overlapping venn diagram of gender/climate/covid/open borders..

the usa is seen by some as Rome buts it not Rome the republic or empire its Rome the church..

posted on Jul, 16 2023 @ 11:51 AM

originally posted by: AlienBorg
a reply to: MrInquisitive

Gender ideology is something that can be criticised on twitter openly. On Threads things are different. But remember when you' re claiming there are more than two genders, gender is fluid, you can transition, then you're engaging in an ideology which has no scientific basis.

Out of curiosity

How many genders there are?
Can you change your gender? How can you define a woman?

From my OP

Outrage has spread on rival platform Twitter since the platform's inception earlier this week after claims it deleted content questioning gender ideologies and users were being actively discouraged from following Donald Trump Jr

Do you think content should be deleted and people are censored because they don't accept the million gender pseudo-science.

Uh, I think that for people who go through gender reassignment surgery and hormonal infusions, gender is none too fluid. For some cross dressers? Sure, probably, but I really can't speak for any such persons. But that also isn't about a permanent gender reassignment transformation.

FTR, I'm not really claiming there are more than two genders, unless you want to include people who claim to be asexual as being neuter or gender neutral. There is also the exception of persons with genetic abnormalities, such as hermaphrodites, if one really wants to delineate all the gender possibilities.

As for defining a woman -- or a man for that matter. I would identify a trans-gender person of feminine gender as a trans woman, and similarly describe the masculine counterpart as a trans man. I personally would never describe a trans gender woman as simply a woman or a trans gender man as simply a man. And I go with the biological definition of male and female, i.e. a male has an X and a Y chromosome while a female has two X chromosomes, and both sexes have their requisite sexual organs, barring genetic abnormalities or severe genital mutilation or removal.

As to your last question, I don't agree with your contention that gender dysphoria and its extreme form of treatment to be pseudoscience. Persons having gender dysphoria have a very high suicide rate (whether it is higher than dentists, I do not know); however, persons with untreated gender dysphoria have an even higher rate of suicide than persons who receive gender reassignment treatment, i.e. surgery and hormonal treatment. This fact suggests to me that gender dysphoria is a real condition, and that some people achieve a better sense of well being through gender reassignment treatment. As has been suggested in one thread somewhere on ATS, there is the hypothesis that environmental factors, including endocrine disruptors may be causing the apparent increase in the rate of gender dysphoria. I also don't doubt that some of this trend is due to cultural influences, and that people influenced in this way are most definitely confused about their gender identity and no medical professional should sign off on or conduct gender realignment for such a person.

The brain is a complicated organ, and there are a lot of ways it can get out of whack or be abnormal, i.e. outside the norm. The first medical diagnoses of ADHD and autism did not occur until the first decade of the 20th century. Asperger's syndrome was first diagnosed in 1944, and was not considered a valid medical diagnosis until 1994, and in 2013 was folded into the spectrum of autism. And I have a good friend who most assuredly has Asperger's syndrome. Homosexuality was considered a mental condition, even by the psychiatric community, up until the late 60's in modern western culture, although it was not thought to be so in various classical cultures, such as Rome and Greece. In the Middle Ages it was thought that leaching could heal certain conditions. My point is that attitudes change, and medical science and practice evolves -- not unlike the physical and biological sciences. Most people tend to accept reproducible scientific results, and so it goes with modern medicine. But even in modern medicine practices have drastically changed within the last 80 years, if not the last couple of decades.

To out-of-hand dismiss the concept of gender dysphoria and its treatment is to ignore a great wealth of medical research, and the experience of hundreds of thousands -- if not millions -- of individuals. I'm not going to nay say this research or these people's experience on account of my own biases -- and yes, I have my own biases on the subject that don't toe the line of transgender activists.

Totally off-topic to the thread, but you the creator of this thread asked me these questions that have arisen over our differences in how we view Musk's policies of content moderation on Twitter. Long winded answers to your questions? Possibly, but I tried to address all your questions and do so in an honest and complete fashion. Which is more than I can say for how you and others have addressed Musk's handling of Twitter in terms of business decisions, and its current trajectory of performance, in which you people always harp back to your same old deflecting argument about wokeness being at the core of all criticism's of Musk's stewardship of Twitter, the facts of the matter notwithstanding.

And the criticism of Musks's policies at Twitter include his own forms of censorship of the platform, a charge you make against its newest and most serious competitor, Threads. Which is the topic of this thread. And you have yet to address Musk's toadying up to foreign oppressive regimes by kowtowing to their demands to censor political content more than the publicly owned Twitter did. And thus I have steered my post back to the topic of this thread.

edit on 16-7-2023 by MrInquisitive because: changed last paragraph

posted on Jul, 16 2023 @ 12:32 PM
a reply to: MrInquisitive

Part of your long message but let's see what you said one by one

FTR, I'm not really claiming there are more than two genders, unless you want to include people who claim to be asexual as being neuter or gender neutral. There is also the exception of persons with genetic abnormalities, such as hermaphrodites, if one really wants to delineate all the gender possibilities


There are only two genders which is precisely the number of biological sexes. Not really a coincidence but careful not to state there are only two genders on Threads because of content moderation... You may have your account suspended.

No human hermaphrodites exist or have ever existed. If you remember we had this conversation somewhere else. If human hermaphrodites existed then they should be able to get pregnant and impregnate other humans (women and other hermaphrodites)

Is a person who is intersex a hermaphrodite?
No. The mythological term “hermaphrodite” implies that a person is both fully male and fully female. This is a physiologic impossibility.

The genetic condition you're referring to and has nothing to do with gender or gender identity is known as intersex. This is a genetic disorder affecting both genetically male and female humans resulting in a discrepancy between external and internal genitalia. A very serious medical condition in other words.

Careful what you say in Threads. They're most likely to disapprove if you point out intersex is a genetic disorder.

Intersex is not a gender identity, and the implications for legislation

Numerous Australian reports have tended to presuppose that intersex people, like gay men, lesbians and transgender people, are included in legal frameworks to protect on the basis of “sexual orientation and gender identity”. This is not the case, and this article attempts to clarify why not.

It's clear to me you haven't searched these issues and don't know what intersex is. You throw terms like gender identity which is meaningless and has nothing to do with this medical condition.
edit on 16-7-2023 by AlienBorg because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2023 @ 12:36 PM
a reply to: MrInquisitive

As to your last question, I don't agree with your contention that gender dysphoria and its extreme form of treatment to be pseudoscience


Never said anything like it.

Transgenderism and transsexualism are pseudoscience. Threads may have a different view on this but who cares.

Having gender dysphoria has nothing to do with the ideas you're in the wrong body and you need to start the hormones and surgery later on to get better. Gender dysphoria is a mental health issue.

To out-of-hand dismiss the concept of gender dysphoria and its treatment is to ignore a great wealth of medical research, and the experience of hundreds of thousands -- if not millions -- of individuals. I'm not going to nay say this research or these people's experience on account of my own biases -- and yes, I have my own biases on the subject that don't toe the line of transgender activists.

Another strawman

I am not dismissing gender dysphoria as a medical condition. I am dismissing the baseless claims made on its name. You're in the wrong body and must change to find happiness.

There is very good treatment for gender dysphoria in the form of psychotherapy and counselling with psychologists. That's real science and not what we see in some cases like the hormones and butchering of body parts.

Threads may have a different idea but again who cares.

edit on 16-7-2023 by AlienBorg because: (no reason given)

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